Family Pride / Royal Trinity / Love and Eugenics (Small Group Interest Check)

Started by adifferenceinsize, March 16, 2012, 02:48:20 AM

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Thanks for reading. The first two ideas are predominantly meant to serve as M/F/F groupings at their core, but there is room for more characters if there's sufficient pull for the ideas. Love and Eugenics is better suited to 4+ player groups.

Family Pride

Concept: My character would be a lone son with a single mother. The basic premise is that he has developed to be a quite strapping young man, taking after his father (for the sake of the story, I presume he's either dead, missing, or left her without much of a trace years ago). Without his dad around to teach him about the birds, bees, and the maintenance & handling of the deadly weapon sheathed between his thighs, she is piqued. The mom character's player determines much of the tone for this story based on the temperment and personality she brings to the table. The default assumption is a woman with a mixture of several feelings: pride in how well her son has turned out as he becomes an adult, concern over how he will fare with lovers (knowing the trouble his father had first-hand), and perhaps a dash of taboo lust for how he reminds her so much of what she once had.

There are two general directions to go for the third character: either the mother intervenes in her son's relationship with a peer, or she decides to set him up with someone she knows. For the peer, the girl would be in her late teens or early twenties (right about the same age as my guy). The interaction between the mother and girlfriend could come from a few angles. Perhaps the mom is concerned this girl isn't worthy of her son's affections, or perhaps she's more concerned he might be hurting her and wants to make sure they can handle each other. Conversely, with the mom's friend character, I can see a few different options. If the mom is a more dominant personality, then perhaps he becomes her 'surrogate cock' to fuck her friend/lover. A more caring mother character might instead want to find him a partner she trusts is up to the task of taming her wild brood.

An interesting take that leads into the Love and Eugenics idea for either M/F/F/F or M/M/F/F is the notion of the parents of both sides of the youthful lovers intervening. Perhaps the mothers are making something of a contest over which of their children has turned out more sexually capable, or it's something more of an audition, where the children are both being judged by the alternate parents to determine worthiness.

Setting: The idea defaults to a modern setting, but it would be frankly easy to put it in a historical or fantasy context. Nobility of an earlier age would seem fairly well fitting for the concept.

Royal Trinity

Concept: As the threat of a great, debilitating war looms over a region, the lords of the realms in the squabble struggle to find a way to bring some measure of peace to their lands. Where there was once an arrangement between the prince of one lord to take the bride of a partner, the needs of the peace force the couple to be made into a triad as a third lord's daughter is brought into the fold. With the three families merged, the combined might of their people will be enough to hold together against their shared threat.

The princess characters are generally very open conceptually. For the sake of intrigue, perhaps one or both women are looking to control the prince to their own ends. Especially if the peoples of the princesses are not on good terms, they have something of a rivalry to sway him. If, instead, the prince is either not expected to take power in the near term, or their people do not necessarily presume power goes to the man, there is even more wrangling of a personal nature. I have a couple of images in particular that inspired this idea, which will appear below. With them, I was thinking the prince might have had an arrangement to marry a sweet, beatific princess, but the third party supplied their more hedonistic daughter, who can serve as the wild card for the relationship.

Artwork (Some Nudity)

Sweetheart Princess
Lusty Princess

Credit goes to Sano Toshihide for the art... and here are a few other interesting pieces by him that may work:
Blonde Princess
Five Princesses
Two In Close
Female Warrior (Princess?)

Setting: This concept would have to be pre-modern, and seems to require either a non-historical setting, or at least something outside of Christian-era Europe.

Love and Eugenics

Finally, this idea is the culmination of a few RP concepts I've had for some time.

Concept: Shortly after the Civil War, there was a stirring in the world of thought as Darwin's notions began to pick up steam. A man of impeccable attributes began a organization to see if he and his wife could find others that shared their superior traits in an attempt to breed a better strain of man. Over time, this organization grew and became a secret society since it had several radical views. For example, unlike many real-life proponents of eugenics around the turn of the century, this organization did not support notions of racial purity, and instead was quite content to admit anyone who was deemed to be of 'notably superior' stock. Over time, they began to find specific traits that were deeper markers of genetic superiority: male endowment appeared to be linked with a specific uncommon pool of traits, while for women the signs were more diverse.

The goal of the society is to ensure optimal distribution of ideal genes, while keeping a sufficiently large pool that inbreeding does not end up marring their curated groupings. In the world of the society, one's nature carries a great value, and parents are often loathe to let their children squander it with inferior partners. Ideally, there should be a few parent/child pairs for prospective links. One particular idea I've had for this is a young woman who has an incredibly proud heritage: a curvaceous African-America beauty, her father was one of the most prized studs the society has known, and her mother's family has a direct blood connection to the single most imposing man the society had ever found. As such, her mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother all held a place of high esteem in the society, and she has been reared intently to be the ideal partner for only the very best man (or men) the society can provide.

With parents involved, the story would seem to be best suited for the parents to be looking the younger generation over, trying to find worthy matches. There could be some matter of politics involved. If there's not much interest in people playing the parent roles, instead the society may have a lengthy 'get-together' session where the newly minted members are given a space to mingle and connect. Over the course of a few days / weeks / months, they are expected to get partnerships going. With a limited presence of elders, there could be subtle or overt pushes to either try and ensure a particularly good pair is made or two lovebirds deemed unlikely to provide good children are kept apart.

Setting: With the notions of genetics and breeding involved, there is definitely a presumed modern vibe here. However, this could work in other contexts. A bred harem is one possibility, as is a community of nobles where these practices have some level of a social and/or religious overture to them.

On one hand, I tried to leave the concepts loose to make sure you can feel there's room to bring your own ideas in. On the other, I do have some deeper definitions for all these ideas if anyone's interested; I'll be glad to expand upon anything here. Thanks again for reading. Let's get something going.