"What this country really needs, right now, is a doctor.''

Started by Lilac, June 16, 2007, 08:56:26 PM

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But.........without his transport, will they get one?
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building

Cherri Tart

there's an old police box behind our apartments if that would help.
you were never able to keep me breathing as the water rises up again

O/O, Cherri Flavored

Bishrook aka Fate sisters

Quote from: Cherri Tart on June 18, 2007, 02:19:17 PM
there's an old police box behind our apartments if that would help.
Blue? Bigger inside then out?
WHO would own such a police box I wonder.
Weaver of threads
 Clotho who spins,Lachesis who weaves Atopos who cuts
We are the fate sisters, the Moerae, who apportion your destiny.
ons and offs


Well....One thing I can say with my hand on my heart....Saxon is deffinately the one to vote for.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building

Cherri Tart

now i really have no idea what you strange people are talking about :)
you were never able to keep me breathing as the water rises up again

O/O, Cherri Flavored

National Acrobat

Quote from: Elvi on June 19, 2007, 05:25:41 PM
Well....One thing I can say with my hand on my heart....Saxon is deffinately the one to vote for.....

Saxon, as in Biff Byford and the boys? Awesome band, Highly underrated.


It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Wow, the TV really does add years.  Seems a bit much though >_>


You should have seen Beastgirls face....How dare they do that to her favourite 'pretty boy'!
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


I wonder what sort of awesome powers you get when you take control of the Cruciform.

What it is would be nice to know too.


-drums fingers- I didn't get the quote, at first. Then I realised. ^^
I have decided to through a shoe at Saxon. What with the thieving the of 'Police Box' and the defacing of it. -growls-


Can't you at least give him credit for knowing the proper meaning of decimate?


Nope.......He's the Master.....the Master can NEVER be forgiven....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"The skies are made of diamonds."

Not unexpected, but still.


It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building






Sooner Russell T Davis stops 'writing' (and I use this in the loosest sense possible of the word) for Dr Who the better.

*realises he's probably derailed the thread a little, but it was as good a place as any for a rant over what they've done to a show that has so much potential, even if given to a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters...*

Now if only the BBC could afford nine hundred and ninety nine more monkeys...
Tony's Turn Ons - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=7198.0

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


Oh I enjoyed the last three.....
What I bloody well hated was the first three with the Daleks.
I couldn't even get past the dire accents and the really bad 'piggy masks' to look at the plot....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Well each to their own and all that - whom am I to deride your utter lack of taste? ;)

There have been a few good episodes - unsurprisingly all written by the same guy (Steven Moffat - same guy who wrote for Jekyll on BBC, which is also rather good as an aside) but the rest of it I find rather cringe worthy at best, and utterly insulting at worst.

Don't even get me started on the Daleks - seems they want to destroy each and every good villain the Dr Who universe has. I'm just waiting for the Sea Devils to turn up on Brighton beach making sand castles (or, more likely, in an estate in Wales as the budget won't stretch far enough to take them all to Brighton for the day...)
Tony's Turn Ons - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=7198.0

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


Oh yeah of little faith.....

What they really need to do is to get back to the one story line for one season, with the odd 'one off' chucked in now and then.
The problem with the Master plot line is that it was rushed and it ended up with the classic 11 year old's 'and they all got better again'. If they had used that plot for the whole series, we wouldn't have had to fill in so many gaps with our imaginations.

I managed, but obviously you didn't so feel 'let down'...... 

And what's wrong with just filming in one area?
I tell you it's a damned site better than 'just Elstrea film studios' as it used to be....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


That would be ideal – its not a surprise to me that the episodes I’ve found more enjoyable are those that are two-parters (The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances from Christopher Ecclestones short reign, The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit from last series, and Human Nature and Family of Blood from this series). That said, a good writer can properly pace a single episode (The Girl in the Fireplace from last series, and Blink from this series) well regardless.

The whole ‘everything was a dream’ cop out has been used way too many times over the course of the ‘new’ series – every series to date has ended with the same ‘something huge comes and ruins everything, but it all gets undone in the end so everyone is happy’ routine. And while we are on the subject of lazy writing and awful plot devices, the best thing they could do to the series would be to destroy the Dr’s wand – sorry, I mean his sonic screwdriver – so that the writers have to think up some intelligent way for him to get out of situation, rather than a simple wave of his ACME Fix Anything At All device…

Still, I think my underlying problem with the Master storyline (apart from the bad writing, stupid pop culture references, and whole sale rip offs of other films/series – see Captain Scarlets Cloudbase and the scene at the end right out of Star Wars) was that they had a Master that was NOTHING like any of those that had come before him. I get the need to take something of a mythos and make it yours, but so far all they have done is turn the Daleks from Space Nazis into Emo gene splicing wimps, turned the Cybermen into camp creatures from another dimension created by Trigger (I’m sorry, whoever thought casting Roger Lloyd Pack as a bad guy was a good idea needs to be shot, brought back to life and then shot again), and turned the Master from an evil crazed mastermind into a pantomime twat.


If I want to see Earth, I’ll watch Eastenders (after cutting my wrists) – Dr Who is supposed to be about travelling through time and space, not visiting the same parts of Wales every other week.

Even the old reused quarries serving as alien planets from the ‘old days’ would be an improvement…
Tony's Turn Ons - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=7198.0

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep

Cherri Tart

i just have one thing to say - the new doctor is HOT.  :) 

ok, more then one thing... i never ever watched doctor who until they started this new series thing on sci fi over here and i sort of got hooked, so i have nothing to compare it too (oh, and the third season starts over here this friday, how excted am i?  although i AM going to miss Rose big bunches)... but, where was i going with this?  oh, yeah.  well, i like it - it's fun and exciting and did i mention that the doctor is HOT? =) 

argue with THAT, Mr Woods. *grin*
you were never able to keep me breathing as the water rises up again

O/O, Cherri Flavored


Well there is something more for me to complain about (it just keeps coming, doesn't it!) - you girls (and guys that are that way inclined) get your eye candy, but where the hell is mine?!

Neither of the Doctors companions in the last three series have done anything for me (although Sally Sparrow in 'Blink' was a hotty - here is my vote that they bring her back as an assistant, especially seeing as she could actually act...)

That said, if any of the Doctors were likely to 'turn' me, he'd be in with the best chance - he is a charmer, and one hell of an actor!
Tony's Turn Ons - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=7198.0

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


I did like Simms, though I would agree a more sinister and less manic Master would have been a better choice.

Regarding Russell's writing...  I'm still not sure why he still has his job, to be honest >_>


Don't get me wrong, I think Simms is a great actor - but there is only so much a man can do in the face of an abysmal script. I think he just inadvertently suffered from being one of the BBC’s ‘actors of the moment’ after how well he did in Life on Mars, and was just totally miscast for the role.

I’m still holding on in vein hope that the various reports circulated earlier in the year about Mr Davis wanting to quit Dr Who are true – sooner he is gone, the better!
Tony's Turn Ons - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=7198.0

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep