Life stories, and other inspirations

Started by Ruin, February 04, 2025, 08:58:32 AM

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Hello and welcome!

I'm currently searching for partners who are interested in some explorative stories based around their single character, alongside a few characters that I would play. While I am happy for every interaction to be with different, and with different characters, I do prefer to keep at least a few returning characters. There is a huge amount of information triggered in the brain when we see someone we recognise, and there is a lot of power in that. Its also a good starting point if there is a level of familiarity with what a character likes, the way they behave, or the way they treat certain other characters. Regardless, I think its important to have at least one returning character, even if its just for the first bit of introduction.

Please note that while I would mainly like to focus on one character, I would be happy for my partner to play a secondary character or characters in scenes that it would suit.

Long term & Short term: Each play should have a long term goal, or at least a baseline of direction for long term. Something we both have in mind for direction, but the short term should be left reasonably open. I'm a massive fan of brainstorming, especially ideas, and so I would love to have a partner that discusses what happens next during/after each segment.

Character & Basis: Below I will list three possible characters that I am wanting to play around with, and three basic plotline kinks that I would like to build stories about. As always, my ideas are intentionally vague to allow for plotting. Its going to lack depth, basically, until I can at least get a feel for a potential partner, their kinks, and their desires during the plotting sense. But the idea is for my partner to say 'I want to play X, and Y is going to be the main focus of the play', and we go from there.

Consensual, Dubious consent & Non-consensual: I can imagine the three of these having places in each story, up to our discretion. I would also like to explore these in each scenario. I would certainly like to direct the play to more Con/Dub-Con scenes, but I am open to scenes of Non-Con with varying degrees.

Females aged 16-45
Probably my more favoured character type to play against. I have a preference for submissive females, and rarely find myself interested in Dominant female characters. But I am looking for female characters of all walks of life, whether traumatised 20s, shy teens(16-19), middle aged mothers... Whatever my partner wants her to be, really. Where ever you would like to pick up from in her life and explore one of the three basis's listed below.

Intersex aged 16-20
Something I'm interested in exploring more. This would strictly be a girl born with a penis instead of a vagina. Meaning she has had it since birth, and only her parent(s) know about it, possibly a sibling. I'd like to explore the idea of it being a pretty well guarded secret, and either continuing to play it close to her chest or finding relief in being mostly/partly accepted for it, but also possibly experiencing some difficulties from it too.

Femboys aged 16-20
A very similar pairing to above, though I picture this as being more open to the idea of change. Whether someone is making them experience the change(forced feminization) or they have decided to change themselves(before or during the play). While this can still be a reasonably light play, there can definitely be harder tones about acceptance, bullying, etc. Depending on the basis below, of course, this could vary as much as any of the other two characters.

First and foremost: I am sorry if you got this far, then scan below and find these things not to your liking or usual kinks. I'm reasonably open with kinks, though. And although the ideas below are what I am mainly looking for, if you have an idea that you think I might like, please let me know. Brainstorming is my favourite, and the worst I will say is 'No'. I am generally pretty friendly and understanding, and I'm yet to bite anyone for simple suggestions or questions... People in real life have me salivating though...

That being said, these premises are not necessarily exclusive. I'd be happy to focus on one, two or even three. Bonus points are always awarded for the trifecta, of course.

This is a premise that more ties in with life, rather than a desire to focus solely on it. It is the idea of desperation causing someone to act out of order to how they usually would or should. This probably has the biggest range for possibilities. Whether its a single mother who is propositioned by one of her sons friends, a Femboy who is rejected by his parents and kicked out of home, or a intersex who finds a bit of acceptance on the internet. The basis is open to all ideas from all characters, and its up to your imagination why the character suddenly finds themselves on the receiving end of a debaucherous proposition. I'm not looking to have the character turn in to a street walker or a high-end escort, either. Simply that part of surviving becomes selling themselves occasionally(or often, depending), but also still trying to live a somewhat normal life as well, doing this strictly in secret... Well, for the most part.

Strictly male dogs, or similar. From the beginning. The idea of someone slowly exploring the world of bestiality, whether guided in to it or finding out for themselves. Its the taboo and primitive nature of it, the depravity of wanting something to satisfy them other than a member of their own species. Knowing that its wrong, and that people would be mortified if they knew. Perhaps they are awoken to the idea when they are first set upon by a canine, or perhaps a sexual partner is forever underwhelming in the bedroom. It could simply be the lust. I'd like to explore the idea of both shame and enjoyment in this, though again would not like it to solely be the focus of the story. I'd like for them to have an otherwise reasonable life, maybe that they have a partner or love interest that they slowly lose interest in, or an active social life they find themselves escaping for the thoughts of their pet at home alone.

I know its not to everyone's taste(as if the above two ideas are), but I love the taboo of this. My favourite would be father/daughter, but I think that falls under my submissive females preference. I'm happy to play any male family member, however. Or multiple, depending on the direction of the play. I like the idea of a father taking control of his daughter, or a mother missing the touch of a male. Or a brother and sister pairing, where they do everything in their power to not have sex until eventually the naked grinding just doesn't cut it anymore. The exploration of why they felt so disturbed by it, yet find themselves sitting unusually close. This generally builds on an already loving and trusting idea of family, and has potential for the more enduring relationships. It can be tipped to either romance or abuse in the right plot.

If you made it this far! Thank you. I understand my ideas and kinks aren't for everyone. That being said, I have plenty of both. My ideas require inspiration, however. My signature contains links to my other Solo requests, and both of my Ons&Offs. Please, at the very least, browse my Ons&Offs, as the first thing I will do is read yours. 

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