Tails of Monkey - Hey Adventure is still waiting

Started by Catherine, June 16, 2020, 08:25:28 AM

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Zoom! Up I go up and away from the lava and accidentally into a plume of acrid rotten egg smelling smoke. Quickly zipping out because *cough cough * yeah not stinking, I mean sticking around in that.


Out I go gasping for a breath of fresh air, "I wish I could breath and not taste rotten eggs...." An updraft hits me and up, up and Way I go. No big 'S' on my chest or red cape fluttering in the wind behind me. Of course I don't fight it since it is taking me away from the screaming when receiving third degree burns that no aloe Vera could touch.


Stupid low flying small birds, I tell myself as I spit feathers out. You are combustible and shouldn't be flying near volcanoes. Also I was pulling a Disney and singing at the wrong moment and everyone knows ghost there is a rule saying do not fly, jump, crawl, leap, slither, teleport, blink and whatever else that could be done into the singer's mouth. It messes up the beat.

"You were singing pretty good  until towards the end where you started to spit."

"Yeah.... I blame it on the robin?"

"What the sidekick? What did he do to make you lose the beat and spit? Did he give you a campy saying or something?"

"No. Small bird and it flew into my open mouth."

"Okay....I think I will step over there. You stay here because it sounds like the beginning of a horror movie."

Up and up I went whooshing into the sky above the volcano. Lazily making a circle or it I spy Redbeard and the dragon off to one side, somewhere in the clouds above me I hear a harp playing and I get an idea.

*idea boink*


I float down from above with a harp in my hand and a white dress over my clothes, little wings attached with safety pins to the back of the dress and my tail holding up a glow necklace above me head.

"Hello......." I sing out as I run my fingers across the harp's strings. Ting Ting ting. Don't laugh, how would you write what a harp sounds like? Haaaarrrrrrppppp? The tings sound angelic, so angelic that angels are taking notes on how it sounded. Some are even whispering....

"Did you hear that? It was beautiful."

"I know I think I cried or a rain drop hit me in the face when I heard it."

"Yeah. I got jealous of the sound. How does she do it?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask for lessons. She is like the beethoven of angel harps."

"What? Is she deaf?"

"I don't think so or she would haven't made that beautiful sound. It was amazing."

"So should we go ask?"

"No...no...no.... we are angels and we need to keep up the illusion of being perfect."

"Yeah I know but we both know the truth, only pixies are practically perfect."

"Shhh.... don't let anyone hear that. It will ruin the whole angel illusion. Then we will have to explain how we float and I really don't want to start into that."

"Me either. Let's just air harp from now on."

"Sounds good....."

[insert the sweet silent sound of air harping. ]

"Hello the two of you. I have returned with a ring around the head and wings on my back, which my tail likes playing with. It looks like you two have successfully escaped the foam. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."

*the last uhhhhh was me singing uhhhhhh......  I thought it made everything sound more heavenly. It wasn't me trying to figure out what to say."

I land on my toes like a ballerina and run my fingers over the harp's strings again. Oh and do a little single laugh, "ha ha ha" as I ballerina dance over to Redbeard and the red dragon. One of my wings flying off when I do a little spin, "um don't mind that. That happens to angels sometimes. I saw it happen to a friend once while she was flying and it wasn't pretty. Pop went the wing and down she screamed. Spinning all of the way down since she was still trying to flap the other wing. She wasn't the same after that but after corkscrewing into the ground about ten or so feet I can see why. It happens when we angels lose our first wings, think of angels like sharks with all of the teeth but replace the teeth with wings and you are close. If you hear me screaming later it means my new wing is coming in or I slammed a door on my finger."

With a smile I play the harp again, ting ting ting and then curtsy. I am not sure why though, I am not sure if angels do that or not. This monkey girl is with this white dress on, a little too far over bend and well I would be flashing tail and my tail is shy. Also it opens me for darts to the rear and yeah no, so I curtsy.

As I go down I sweep up my wing with a hand, clip it back to my back and stand, strumming the harp again. Ting ting ting.

"Its a miracle!" I say pointing to my wing, "uhhhh.............. " spinning in place again and hoping that neither wing goes flying off.

"I have come down from up above to get this race started again. Whatever god that is cannon here is running out of popcorn and wants us to get moving. Uhhh............."

I do this dance thing on my toes, "Oh and was nearly blinded by the lack of items under your kilt and you are to blame for platypi  uhhhh......"

Quickly I climb up on Wiener, do a little spin and catch myself before falling.

"Let's get going before lightening bolts are thrown uhhhh......"


"That sounded close so let's get going......"


"That sounded closer so yeah let's get racing."

Redbeard shrugged and the red dragon shrugged back as Redbeard walked over and mounted Forticurtu.

"Uhh..... get ready and GO!"


We both take off and with a quick look over my shoulders I see tears welling up in the dragon's eyes and I feel a tear welling up in mine. Poor um.... thing, it was having fun playing with Redbeard I think. Then it dawns on me, that is why dragons horde things, so they won't be alone. Hordes of things, especially expensive things made of gold and sparkly things that just draw adventurers in. Adventurers come in and the dragon's have company. Friendship on the way of the flame and charcoal briquettes is done and there are screams of happiness. Yay!!!

I wave back, "Don't worry Redbeard will be back when he loses and you two can hang out together. He can tell you stories, roast marshmallows and you know things."

It wasn't hard to miss the feeling of being starred at and I slowly turned to look at Redbeard. How did I know who was starring at me you might ask? If I wasn't in the middle of a race I would sit down and tell you the story of the boulders and coal. I think you are old enough to hear that story. You see when two boulders.... woooooo!

Gently I pull on Wiener's ears as I start to get drug off of him, all thanks to drag from the angel stuff. I don't see how they can be aerodynamic unless they go shooting straight up saying "Zip!" Side to side or front to back and well..... they are shaped like Christmas trees with harps, not too aerodynamic friendly. When placed in wind tunnels people just shrug and yell "hold onto something" or "focus" when they turn on the machine and the little angels go flying backwards into the vented back wall screaming. Also clawing at the air, which scientists are trying to figure out why.

"Don't look," I yell out as Redbeard pulls away quickly and I throw the harp off to somewhere and if you hear harp music in the woods late at night just don't go to it. Just telling you, some crazed killer with a  hockey mask probably found the harp and is playing it to lure people or as they call them 'victims' or 'axe in the back holders' in. You may laugh now but when you see a crazed killer with a machete in one hand and a harp in the other you won't. More like a nervous ha ha as you step away hoping  machete doesn't come onto your personal space over and over and all over.

I wiggle the dress off and like a parachute it blows open as it flies behind me. Then the last thing goes, the glow necklace. Some lucky forest animal will be the hit at raves now.

As the last item left I hit warp factor something or another and SONIC BOOM!


Where is the parachute, I kept saying as Weiner and myself,shot forwards and off the side of the volcano into the sky. I guess when you go from not aerodynamic to wow you know you are really aerodynamic things like this could happen. For a moment I,thought I saw strange looking ships flying by, one with a big disc and a dish in front of it. Which I guess they use to get a lot of tv channels.

There were others shaped like "xl" too, flying along with a ship with what looked to be a basketball player wearing a carpet going "Arahaaaaah".

Of course I gave them all a wave before throwing out the parachute I had in my bag. Not sure where i got it but I wasn't complaining at all after strapping it to Weiner, throwing it out behind us and holding on for dear life. That is what you have to do when you go from wow to wooooooo.

There was a BOOF when the parachutes opened followed by a squeal. Which wasn't Weiner's brakes it was actually Weiner squealing as we came to a complete stop and slowly floated down to the ground. The disc headed ship and the guy dressed in a carpet streaked away with some really science fictiony special effects, things going all streaky and smeary that my grandpa said that flower children would like whatever that means.

I could see Redbeard racing down the volcano and I got an idea, not sure if it would be a good one but YOINK I pull the safety pin from the parachutes and down Weiner and myself went.

"Here we go!"


Weiner and myself landed and immediately his legs went flying. Depending on how you look at it that could be a good or bad thing. You see we sort of landed on top of Redbeard, it wasn't my doing at all. It isn't like I sort of steered us to land on top of Redbeard. I mean that would be funny, I mean mean not funny, mean.

The whole “why is everything getting dark?' thing. Is there an eclipse? I know it isn't safe to look up during an eclipse but... holy cow there is a giant Vietnamese potbelly pig with an adorable monkey girl on its back falling towards me. I don't want to be pig squished!!!!

It isn't like he did anything to deserve anything like that, no stinking up the place or killing of fish because of never bathing or picking me up by the head. Redbeard didn't do any of... wait a moment he did. In fact I still have the finger impressions on my forehead to prove that.  Here, here and here.

Anyways I didn't do it on purpose *tail crossed*. It was the wind's fault, it blew me of course which was..... I spin around and randomly pick a place other than on top of Redbeard, "I was suppose to land there." Fingers crossed that it sounded believable.

Anyways four point landing with a side of squeal and off we went. Kicking dirt and Redbeard into air.

Thump thump thump and thump. Kick Wiener into gear and a hill humph later Wiener and myself were back in the race. In the lead too, "See you at the finish line," I said, giving Redbeard the hand in a friendly wave.