Dizzi's Ideas! M for All

Started by Dizzi, December 26, 2009, 11:06:18 AM

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Currently searching for:
more games
things you should know:
One: These are skeletons of ideas.  I want to talk over them in PM's and flesh them out. They are the seeds for a plot to grow from.
Two: please read my O/O's
Three: when you PM me: PLEASE offer up some other ideas of your own. Simply replying with "I'm interested in X" insinuates that you aren't willing to collaborate.
Four: All of these are availble for MxF, MxM, or MxTransM
I REPEAT: When you PM me offer up some ideas of your own to add to the ones below

Each box is designed to help organize things. If something is coloured red it means that I am craving it more so than the other games in that category.

Picture ideas

Fleshed ideas

Cravings. These are the games I really want to play

The Crash that Changed My Life
Bon:H or NC:H - M/F or M/M
Sam is a rough and tough kind of guy but one day, he finds himself in a motorcycle crash. He is surprisingly okay, but his bike is trashed, leaving him in the middle of nowhere. John happens upon Sam and hels him out, giving him a place to shower, call a tow etc. What Sam is surprised to find out is that John is big into the kink scene, leaving Sam way out of their element... but intrigued. Could be a long term, relationship-based game.
*Names are temporary. This could be male or female dominant. Right now I am completely open to playing either character.]

In Debt
Bon:H or NC:H - M/F or M/M
Tyler is a coke addict. Or was, at least. He is a good six months clean! the only problem, is that he still owes his old dealer money and he is flat broke. what will happen when the dealer's muscle catches him?
This is a game that could go many ways. From sex-driven (Becoming the dealer's bitch) to plot driven (All about Tyler becoming a new delivery boy) to almost romance (Tyler and the drug dealer slowly growing feelings for eachother)
*Names are temporary. Either character can be either gender.

The Hunter
PLOT A – Hunted Becomes Hunter
The best hunter/huntress in the land and has been hired to take out the beast that has been terrorizing a large city. They track the beast deep into the woods, only to come upon a lost and broken man.
The hunter decides to help the man, helping him return home and delaying their quest to find the werewolf. Little do they know, they are far closer to the beast than previously thought.

this game would be following the hunter who is captured by the werewolf, who had turned back into his human form to lure the them close.

PLOT B – Hunted becomes Prey
The best hunter/huntress in the land has been hired to take out the beast that has been terrorizing a large city. They track the beast deep into the woods, only to come upon a lost and broken man.
The hunter is too smart for a simple trick like this and, instead of leading the man back to the city, they use his weaker form as an advantage, and captures the beast. The question is, now that he's captured; what will they do with him now?

This story is kind of the antithesis to Plot A. In this she captures the werewolf and, I think at least, she turns him into her pet; using him in her future hunts.

BOTH of these games will need more plot development as time goes on; but this is kind of an idea for the setup. We should collaborate on the meatier part of the story :)

Master of the Labyrinth is the Slave of its Captive
NC: Exotic
200 years ago, a labyrinth appeared. No one knows where it came from, or its purpose, but a small village was wiped out overnight as the structure seemed to appear from nowhere.  Inside the labyrinth was a plethora of creatures and traps, designed to try and kill any that tried to conquer the maze.  Many hero's, and heroine's, have tried to enter, but none have succeeded.

This story will follow a warrior as he reaches the centre of the labyrinth. The idea is that the beast in the middle of the maze is defeated but convinces the warrior to spare them life, keep them as a slave. However, this arrangement does not last long and, soon, the tables are turned, the hero becoming the captive as he is forced to help them conquer the realm. All while keeping up the charade that the warrior is the one in charge[/color]

Off Course
Can be; NC, Bon, Light, most likely exotic.  Sam can be a male or a female.
The year is 2190, and the world is ending.  a handful of people from across the globe are getting an opportunity to escape.  But something went wrong during the freezing process.  Sam has woken up and find himself/herself, not on the planet that they are targeting.  But somewhere.  Unable to move, frozen but conscious.  S/he is trapped, something that makes him/her panic when he/she sees a creature walking down the aisles of frozen bodies.

Beauty and the Brawn
NC: H (
Inspired from this
(Names are just placeholders, roles can be reversed)
Tyler was a powerful person.  Royalty.  at least, that was their plan. They had the brains to carry out they plan.  But not the Brawn.  That is where Troy came in.  One day, while perusing near the jail, they saw him.  A big brute of a man.  Probably not too intelligent.  Being sold by the prison as a slave, wearing a special collar that would help... control him.
(Looking for a someone to play 'Tyler' who would buy Troy, train him.  break him.  Make him belong to them as they slowly work thier way up to making her queen/king.)

After The End
Can be: Light, Bon, NC, or EX: Human or Exotic.  Must be willing to collaborate to make a fun, long term, plot driven, game

Ten years after Brian Epitaph accidentally released a bacteria that killed off most of the human race, people have started to change. They went mad at first, those that lost their minds either killed themselves off or went to go live in their own colonies. Some people got sick and never got better, they are on the edge of death and have been for years. there are the lucky few that have survived and are just trying to live their life in the new world filled with gangs and crime. Outside of all that, shunned by almost everyone, are the rare few who have mutated. There are plenty of mutations but the ones that are the most hated are the powers. A small percentage of those that survived the 'event' gained powers, from strength, to mind reading to telekinesis. It is a rare gift that no one understands. Those with powers are feared and hated, shunned from any sort of community, forced to live on their own. (This is just a base world idea. Would really like to play this one with someone for the long haul.)

Games. These are games I'm open to playing.

Beast in the tower
NC: E (This can be changed to the beast overpowering her if preferred.)
There is a story, that a long time ago there was a prince a greedy man who abused his servants and treated the common man as though they were burdens. He walked as though everyone around him should be thankful to be near him. This was, of course, until one day when he awoke cursed. His outer beauty was gone and he was turned into the ugly beast he really was. The servants and knights fled the castle, causing him to live alone in the large stone building

This game would follow your character, as they decide to trek out to the castle, to explore. When there, they soon find themselves trapped by the beast inside. However, not all is what it seems and s/he soon overpowers the beast. What will they do now, the beast of legend captured and at their will? Kill it? Keep it here as a slave? Or maybe use it to gain prestige in the city as the one who defeated the beast.

The Hidden Village
A researcher, separated from the group and lost in the woods, is amazed when they stumble into a small, undiscovered village, filled with lizard-like men. Do they keep their distance? Or attempt to befriend them and study them?

Freeing the Prisoner
NC: E - Male dom
Polik was once the greatest demon in the land.  But, millennia ago, he was defeated and bound.  Hidden away from the world until he has been forgotten.  almost.  A group of outcasts have banded together under their leader to try and control the demon.  But Polik has other plans.

Games I'm not that into right now. If you can come up with a great plot for these: I could be swayed

Scary Things in the Graveyard
NC: Human/Exotic
a grave keeper (Or robber), hired to keep out graverobbers and the like, stumbles into the tomb of a vampire after (Shooing away some grave robbers/attempting to rob a grave).  the Vampire (Or Vampiress)  keeps him/her as a slave

BON? NC-H, maybe NC: E
Brandon is a crack addict, but has recently curbed his addiction.  But he has not curbed his debt to his old dealer.  How will she react when she finds out that he can't pay his debt?

A Private Gig

Zach is out at the club, looking for new toys for his master.  Seeing the DJ, he decides that they would be perfect, and hires them for a private party.

Essentially, in this game it would be your character is invited to a private party where s/he is seduced.  This is more Seduction than non-con

The Writer
A writer is astounded when they learn that a character they wrote comes to life, allowing them to do whatever they want to the creation just by writing it on the page. I see the writer as someone who has many kinks that they take advantage advantage of, being able to change the creation's form and personality with just a few strokes of the keys. I think that there could be a nice, meaty, plot built around this :)

Skeletons: Rough ideas that are designed to be built upon

NC: E or BON: E - Female dom
A supernatural creature being dominated/owned by non non-supernatural being.  (Demon owned/dominated by human or werewolf owned/dominated by elf or what have you)

NC: H (Or NC: E) - Male Dom
Cop abusing his power on a woman he's pulled over. (Or vice-versa)

NC:H (Or E) - Female dom
Succubus game.

Please PM me if you are interested. Please don't reply to this thread


Hey, what's your idea with the orc problem? If this thread is outdated, I'd like to do a game with you anyways, last time was pretty fun.



No problem man, just poke me if you ever get more time.



Hey Diz, I'd be interested in playing a female in one of your ideas, the first, third, fourth, and sixth all sound interesting to me.


Updated!  Bolded new plots, added a plot (#10), and slashed some plots, and coloured some plots.



Updated!  moved around my game prefrences and added an 'other' category to the top.



Updated with a new idea.  and a lot of old ones gone (Accidentally)



Updated with a group game!


Updated!  new idea, removed group game.


Updated.  two new ideas.


Updated  Games have been opened: Added another RP


One game has been closed, added another RP



Updated what games I am interested in playing, as well as tweaked some of the wording in the new game to make it clearer


Edited what games are open. Currently actively seeking new games!


 hanged title and added a small disclaimer at the top



Updated which games I am open to and completely overhauled the layout! (Also cleaned up the thread a bit to keep it one page)



Updated what games I'm crave/am open to/am not interested in