Winging it like Pros 1 on 1 RP (Hunter Phoenix & Lady Temptress)

Started by Hunter Phoenix, July 04, 2013, 04:59:05 AM

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Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan was surprised to say the least, it isn't every day you find yourself with a friend that just happens to be royalty after all. He stayed silent for a number of minutes, toiling things over in his mind. He could just as easily turn her over, claim the reward and have some money to give to his family, on the other hand, he could help the Princess, run through the streets and stay hidden for a while, with guards after him for probably as long as it took them to find and kill him for taking the Princess away from them. He thought about it and grappled with his conscience a little longer, then he looked to Ariel/Arin and smiled

"Come on your highness, let's get the hell out of here"

He started to lead her through several back alleys

"So who is this creep that your father is trying to marry you off too then?"
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

" I would hug you, but it would look odd for two boy's hugging. Thank you!" She says excitedly and worried for him all the while, along with his family. " I guess it'd be too dangerous for us to return to your farm. You will never regret this, I promise you that! When we get out of my mess that I have gotten us in, I will make sure that you and your family are never in need of anything again. You have my promise. Thank you for not turning me in and for being the only true friend that I have ever had." She nods her head and Ariel / Arin starts running like a bat out of hell with Jarvan to find a safe haven for the two of them. If she could marry Jarvan one day, that would be her dream come true!
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan had to chuckle despite the situation they were now in, he looked ahead, taking left and right turns, keeping on eye and ear open in case a guard arrived

"You don't need to thank me just yet, we have to get out of here first"

Taking another left turn he stopped, two guards were out in the open, looking around, among the crowd for the two of them. He stopped Ariel

"Turn around and go back the way we just came, I don't think they have seen us yet"

With that he backed up as quickly as he could without alerting the guards to any movement in the alley, then he turned back around the corner and breathed a sigh of relief. He had to think fast now, the guards had spread quicker than he thought they would, but then it occurred to him that there would obviously be more than one patrol out looking for the Princess in the sprawling Citadel

"I think we better take a minute to map our next move"

He sat down against the wall, obscured by the shadows that were cast by the building he leaned against, his mind sinking into thought. He knew the streets like the back of his hand, and yet he didn't know where the guards were, so he would have to be careful all the same and plan the best route they could take.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

She sits down beside Jarvan and Arin / Ariel comes up with a new plan of action. " I have an idea, Jarvan. It's risky, but, it will sort of keep us out of harms way for awhile. I have a secret hide out at the Castle at my home and I am the only one there who knows of its existance. We can hide out there for awhile and without worry of eating and sleeping. They would never look for us to be right under their noses and at the Castle. What do you think? I can keep my boy desiguise and its a large room, big enough for the both of us."
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan thought for a moment and nodded his head at the sound of the good idea

"That is all good and well, but the Castle is ages away and guards will be roaming all over the place, we'll need help either way if we are to pull this off, I think we'll have to make a call in at a friends to see if they can cause a distraction for us so that we can sneak around in the knowledge that most of the guards will be tied up with a public disturbance"

He thought for a moment and then looked down to Ariel

"Badger isn't far from here, we can head on over to his hideout, he owes me a couple of favours and I reckon I can get him to do what we need to have done in order for us to get to this hidden room of yours, let's go, and remember to stay close to me at all times, otherwise we could both land in hot water, literally"

With that he stood and helped Ariel up, leading her down through the alley ways into an even darker part of the Citadel, a place where only the damned and the wanted hung out. A place were Jarvan thought he would never end up, even with the way he had been in trouble over the past few years.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

" Alright and please, don't call me Your Heighness, or Princess. That might give me away. Just call me Arin, please." She heaves a sigh at hating for him to be in trouble because of her and yet, it's too late to turn back now. Besides, he is the only one she can fully trust and he is her only true friend in the entire world! Ariel / Arin follows right next to Jarvan as they trek through the dangerous citadel allies and street. The girl keeps very quiet until they finally reach their destination and she lets Jarvan do all the talking.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan nodded, he had to focus now, they had just reached a door, outside of which two burly and surly looking bouncers stood guard. They had finally reached Badgers hideaway, Jarvan stopped in front of the two guys and smiled casually

"Hey guys, is Badger in?"

The two bouncers looked at one another, then back at Jarvan and Arin, they didn't look happy

"Hello Jarvan, you know that Badger won't be happy to see you, not after what happened last time"

Jarvan wasn't happy to hear that, in fact he felt a shot of fear bolt through him, he had heard about Badgers temper and his tendency to make people disappear when they felt out of favour with him

"Now come on guys, surely he'll make time to see me right?"

The bouncers looked at one another again, the look suggesting that they were going to get annoyed quickly

"I'll go in and check with him"

One of the bouncers went inside, closing the door behind him, the other standing in front of the closed door to show that no one could enter. Jarvan and Arin are waiting for a good while when all of a sudden, the bouncer from before reappears through the door; he doesn't look happy

"Badger wants to see you Jarvan... Alone, your little friend will have to wait with us. Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't come to any harm out here"

The bouncers stand aside and open the door, Jarvan looks at Arin and nods, then steps through the door into darkness. The door closes behind him, shutting him in a realm of pitch blackness.

"Hello Jarvan, it's been a long time, what brings you to my humble abode?"

Jarvan knows the voice instantly, Badger was in the room with him.

"Hey there Badger, oh you know, thought I would come and check in with my old buddy, see if you needed any work doing, that sort of thing, how have you been keeping?"

Jarvan is really nervous, his hands are sweating and a bead of swear trickles down the side of his face, but he dare not move. All of a sudden, a burst of light as a torch is lit, blinding Jarvan for a moment. Once his eyes adjust to the dim light, he sees Badger sat at a table, with an empty chair in front of him, almost like he is in an office.

"Please, take a seat Jarvan, we have much to discuss"

Jarvan walks over slowly, noting that there are several people hiding in the dim shadows around them, keeping guard over their boss while providing the bonus of intimidating Jarvan and making him even more nervous.

Once he is in the seat, Badger sighs, leans forward and the two begin to talk.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Nervousness and fear are rubmbling around in Arin's stomach. She nods to Jarvan as he states for her to remain here while he goes to speak to this groups. She is uneasy at the way the bouncers are eyeing her and she sits down on a small box thats a make shift chair. She hears them muttering and Arin heaves a heavy sigh. Arin is thankful for the thick vest covering - hiding her large breasts, that way no one can see them rise and fall when she sighs heavilly. The bouncers keep looking at her oddly and she hopes that Jarvan is alright . She hopes his so called friend doesn't hurt Jarvan. She will protect him anyway she can and Arin was taught how to fight, at least.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan emerges from the room half an hour later. He is relieved that he has been able to work out a deal with Badger, who is going to work out arrangements to have him and Arin hidden from the guards until things settle down. But he is also emerging a little worse for wear, being battered by his friends goons for the last spot of bother they got into over a job. Jarvan saw it coming and was able to take it relatively well, but he does ache in places he didn't even know could ache. He walks between the two bouncers, nodding at them, and heading over to Arin

"Hey there little buddy, come on, we're sorted out here"

He leads Arin through the door, limping a little as he moves along, the beating was hopefully the worst thing that would happen to him. The door shut behind them again and Badger was stood in front of them, a Cheshire cat smile on his face

"So this is the little one you were talking about then, the one that needs to be hidden away?" He directs the question at Jarvan, who simply nods

"Ok then, we'll move you...." He points to Arin " one of our safe houses soon, you'll be well looked after and no one will find you without relative difficulty, in the mean time, you Jarvan, I have a job for you"

Jarvan sighs and then nods, he looks down to Arin

"This is where we split paths for a little while, in order to hide you away, I'm working for Badger for a while, they'll keep you safe and give you anything you need, I'll keep in touch"

He leans down and hugs the young one and then he is led off by one of Badgers men to find out what his first job as a criminal is going to be.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Arin sees Jarvan limping and she doesn't like this at all. She should have never told him the truth! Now he is hurt because of her and doing things he shouldn'tt to help her! A knot seems to have formed in her stomach when he said they'll seperate for awhiile. She has to stay with these people she doesn't know or trust yet?! Although, it's that face impeciable doom with daddy and more trouble than this for Jarvan. She can't let that happen and she sighs, nodding her head. Her body trembling into the hug. " Alright and don't be away too long." Arin has no idea what to now when Jarvan leaves, now she is in the hands of his friends. When will she see him again? She wanted to run far away with him.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Several Days Later

Jarvan was beyond tired. Since he and Arin had parted ways in the dingy dungeon like room of Badgers headquarters, he had been run ragged, doing jobs that ranged from collecting debts that people needed to cough up, to helping interrogate low life snitches for information about shipments of supplies and weapons. He barely managed to get enough sleep, the past few days just seemed to be a blur of job after job after job.

In return he was given regular updates about Arin and how she was doing, they kept moving her from safe house to safe house, making sure to alternate their routine in case the guards, that were still very much wanting to find her, didn't track down her location or notice any patterns of activity going on among the gang members. He missed hanging around with her and having a laugh and a joke with her, but he needed to keep her safe, so for now he had to keep doing the jobs.

He was about to embark on quite a high level job with a couple of lackeys when all of a sudden a messenger appeared in the building that he was using as a base. He was handed a letter by the silent boy, who then scurried off to wherever it was he needed to go. Jarvan opened the letter and was surprised to find that his job had been assigned to someone else and he was to be taken to the safe house that Arin was currently situated in. He had to keep a low profile while travelling to it, because it was situated across the Citadel from where he was and the streets were teaming with guard patrols, searching high and low for the missing Princess. It seemed the Kings determination was not diminished.

Taking as many back alleys and underground passageways as he could, and even moving along the rooftops where he could, he made his way over to the safe house, knocking on the door, uttering the password and being told to wait while the preparations were made for the meet. It would only be for a couple of hours, then he would have to wait again.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Arin had finally become at ease with the people who were risking everything to help her and Jarvan. She misses him badly and it seems like forever since she last saw him.  She hears a knock at the door and Arin jumps whenever that happens, but then when its one of ~ the boys ~ or ~ the gals~, she relaxes again. Arin - Ariel is sitting on a couch and she is listening to one of the older woman speak of the King. " The King has disowned the Princess, unless she fesses up and returns home. Says he won't make her marry." Ariel gasps and she doesn't believe it. Her father wouldn't give up that easily! " Hah! It's a trick. The King liese!" Jarvan would be able to hear her as he enters.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan knocks on the door and enters the room where Arin is situated. He smiles and stands by the door silently, waiting for the girl to turn around and see him. When she doesn't move in the slightest, he coughs loudly

"I see you are getting used to this life"
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Arin turns to a voice that she hasn't heard in along time and her eyes grow wide. " Jarvan!" She jumps up and runs to hug him, then quickly she lets go of him in the embrace. " I am glad your back. Are you alright? Come sit with me and chat. Did you hear what Alice said? Yeah, these folks here are alright in my book and they took great care of me. I'll reward them when I get the chance. You hungry?" She is so happy to see him that Arin didn't let Jarvan get one word in at all and she smirks some. She leads Jarvan over to the couch and Arin sits down, waiting for him to join her.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan hugs her back and then has to smile as he is bombarded with questions, which he cannot answer because as soon as he opens his mouth, she asks something else. He goes over to the couch and sits down besides her

"I heard some rumours about the King giving up his search for you and that he just wants you to return home, what do you think you will do?"

Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

" I'm sorry Jarvan , I am just glad your back and I want to hearall about your time away." She shrugs her shoulders and Ariel sighs a bit. " I guess we go back, but, if he is lying, I will run again! I refuse to marry the enemy who is also near 60 years old! Hell no! " A shiver ran up and down her spine at the very though of that , it also makes her stomach churn in total disgust! " I will Knight you and I have the power to do that. I can reward all of your friends that helped us." She whispers that to him and she gulps. " When should we go back? I frefuse to go alone." she did not want to go without Jarvan.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan sighed, the situation was very complicated

"The problem is, the debt I owe Badger for hiding you is quite substantial, normally in situations like this he would have turned you over straight away for the reward, I work for him until he recovers the same amount from his business transactions instead of the reward. The only way I could get out of this now is if I was carted off in a coffin or found in a gutter with a knife in my chest, or worse"

He shuddered at the thought of that

"I also heard that they carted my parents away and locked them up when they were questioned about our whereabouts and they couldn't give any information, so the guards took them away under the assumption that they were helping to hide us, you going back now would free them, but I would be unable to go anywhere, even if you did Knight the lot of us, of which I would be extremely grateful for, I would still have to work for Badger till our arrangement comes to an end. That's the way it has always been around here, a man has to honour the debts he owes"

He was silent for a while

"Do you want to go back?"
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Ariel heaves a heavy sigh and she shakes her head. " This is all my fault. But please, let me speak to Badger. I can get whatever he wants so you can be free from debt from him. If you don't go with me, I'll still go and free your parents, bring them back here to be with you. Then I can reward everyone who helped us, then I will face my father. I'd rather you be with me and so please, let me speak to our friend Badger.  I don't want us to hide anymore. I don't want you and your friends in anymore trouble either. " She looks into his eyes with a pleading gaze and a faint smile at her lips.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

"You can probably ask to speak to Badger if it is urgent for you, but I wouldn't promise him anything, especially if you want to be handing out Knighthoods, it would be one small step like that, that could tip him to wanting to take over the Citadel"

Jarvan wished he was joking, he knew from working for him that Badger was one of the big fish in the underground network in the Citadel, if he was given a privileged position within higher society, he would poison half of them and take over within the week. Not a comforting thought. He sighed

"I don't have much time left unfortunately, they only took me off a job so that I could see you for this short time, they need to keep you moving and I have to keep on working. Be careful what you say to Badger, he is a wily character and will make sure you stick to everything you say, trust me, I know"

With that, the door opened to the room once more and a heavy set guard stepped in

"Oi boy, you're wanted, something about a job for you, better get a move on too, can't keep da big man waiting"

The guard didn't sound all that bright, but with his size, brains didn't really need to take precedence so long as he followed orders. Jarvan sighed again and stood

"Well, no rest for the wicked I guess, I must be off, but we shall hopefully see each other once again soon enough"

With that he leaned down and hugged Arin briefly, before spiriting out of the room ahead of the guard, who took one last look at the small boy sat on the bed before stepping out and closing the door behind him, no doubt to go and deal with some ruffian somewhere else.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Arin heaves a heavy sigh and a sad look crosses her gaze as she stares up at Jarvan. " I hope you come back soon. Be safe." She will try to get Jarvan out of this mess with Badger and when Jarvan leaves, Arin wanders to the man's office and she looks at his guards at the door. " Please ask Badger if I can speak to him for a few moments, please." She continues to keep her voice in sounding like a boy's tone and she does pretty good at it. She stands there waiting with her hands in her pockets as she is a bit nervous. But, the Princess has a plan. Oh boy. She hopes that her plan will work and yet, if Jarvan hears of it, well, he won't like it at all! But she has to do something to help her only friend and after all he has done for her! This idea has to work! Then Jarvan won't have to work for Badger anymore, or anyone for that matter!
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

He hears Arin ask if he will arrange an audience with Badger before he leaves, he shakes his head as he heads for the door

"I can't do that, you'll have to talk to one of the men taking you around to do that"

With that he is then gone

Jarvan heads back down the stairs and into the street. He looks left and right, making sure no guards are nearby, then he heads off to the right down the street, towards his new destination. There had been a messenger downstairs with his new assignment, he had to go alone to talk to some guys about a late payment that was meant to reach Badger weeks ago. Jarvan normally had a couple of guys for backup with him for jobs like these, in case it got awkward, but recently Badger had been expanding, as had his reputation, so they obviously felt safe in the knowledge that Badgers name would carry enough weight alone for the guys to cough up the money for Jarvan.

He struck up a steady pace, weaving in and out of the crowd, keeping an eye out for guards in case any were roaming around still, you could never be too careful in this day and age. He had a while to go yet as the location was a ways away from where he currently was, so he had to make good time. While he wandered, he wondered what plan the Princess had, and whether it was a good one, and if it would even work at all.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

A frown plays at her lips when Jarvan leaves and she looks at Daniel, a 17 year old , one of the guys that are protecting her. " Will you please ask Badger if I could have a few minutes of his time to speak to him? It's very important and it won't take long. " Arin stands there nervously and she notices that within the weeks that her and Jarvan have been off in hiding, her hair has grown longer. She'll have to find some scisscors to cut it again and Arin will ask Badger for a pair while she is in talking with him, if he will allow for her to do so. Arin stuffs her hands back in her pockets again and she waits nervously.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix

Jarvan reaches his destination, on the front it looks like a simple business that sells fabrics, but in the back, hidden around the place, it's a smuggling ring with many hidden items around, all owned by Badger and his gang of course. Jarvan has been sent because a payment has been missed by the owners and it is time to collect. Over the past few days of working for Badger, Jarvan has picked up many useful tips and tricks on making people pay up when they are reluctant to do so. He has also gained a little bit more muscle, making him a little bit more intimidating. He is still nervous however, because he is used to having two heavyset guys with him for backup.

Walking into the front area of the shop, he steps up to the make shift counter that has many different fabrics draped over it for samples, he looks to the man stood looking back at him

"I'm here to collect a payment for Mister Badger"

With the mention of Badger, the man bolted through the open doorway to the back of the shop. Jarvan cursed and jumped over the counter, chasing after the fleeing man. He had expected something different to a chase, but he was fine with this all the same, he was quick on his feet and could easily run for a long time. He was used to it after all. The guy fled out of the back door and to the left and Jarvan followed, however, when he cleared the doorway, a fist came out of nowhere and he found himself on the floor, dazed and confused.

"So, you think you can come here alone and collect for that insufferable jackass do you?"

Looking over to the source of the voice, he saw the man standing over him, he cursed in his head for not been more careful

"Ok then, so it wasn't the smartest thing in the world, I'm sure we can work something out"

The man and his companion, who was absolutely huge in comparison to Jarvan, smirked wickedly, sending chills down Jarvans spine

"Oh, I'm sure we can work something out without you, so we're just going to have a little fun with you my friend, well, fun for us, painful for you"

With that, another fist landed on the side of Jarvans head and he fell into blackness as the lights went out.
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.

Lady Temptress

Arin hugs Jarvan as he leaves her again to go off and to do Badger's cruel biddings. " Be careful." She says as he heads out the door and Arin awaits a meeting with the wickedly demented Badger. She sits back down at the couch and Arin waits nervously and yet, patiently to see if she'll get to speak with Badger. A sigh escapes her and she hears her belly grumbling, but she is too nervous, too worried over Jarvan for the time being. Food will have to wait until later.
Lady Dreamer

Hunter Phoenix


Badger is not the most patient of men. He has worked hard to get to where he is today, scrimping, scraping and bullying his way to the top. Within the past couple of years, he has worked his way from being a nobody on the street to being one of the most respected and feared underground bosses in the business. Many men and women have flocked to him and he has managed to put all of them to use in one capacity or another. Now however he is feeling a little worried, this recent business with his old friend Jarvan and the little boy known as Arin have caused problems. Many of his establishments have been raided by guards, his men are getting beaten down alleyways by rival gang members and now he has learned that Jarvan himself has gone missing while on a routine job of collecting some money owed to Badger.

Tempers are short right now, and he wants to know what the hell the little upstart Arin wants to talk to him about. It better be worth his time otherwise he will just throw the kid back out onto the street and leave him to the fates.

Walking back and forth in his office, a smoke in his hand and his trademark hat on his head, he is waiting for the knock on the door to signal the arrival of the boy that Jarvan seems to want hidden. He wonders why, but then it isn't his business, so long as Jarvan holds up his end of the bargain.

Waiting for several minutes, the knock finally comes. Badger sits at his desk, making sure he looks the part of the gang boss that he is. When he is in the zone and feeling ready, he looks to the door

Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.