THE AGE OF ULTRON: Marvel RPG. (Closed)

Started by VoluptuousVixen, April 28, 2014, 04:15:29 PM

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Garuss Vakarian

That is a good idea dirty. If villians are allowed. I would call playing Kraven as a second character! So, look out X-23 and Black Cat. The hunter is on the prowl, and he likes a fight. ;)

None the less. For, me, I will probably have to call Dead Pool as well!


REAL NAME: Bruce Banner
AGE:   30?
HEIGHT: 5’9” -> 7’+ (transformed)
WEIGHT: 128 lbs -> 1000+ lbs (transformed)
AFFILIATION: Formerly Avengers, Defenders, (formerly) Four Horsemen



As a child Bruce Banner was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with the pain and rage of his abusive father. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physical abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took notice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doctorate in nuclear physics and started a career with them.
Supervising the trial of an experimental gamma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably toward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy.
At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner's memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society.
Since Banner's initial transformation into the Hulk, military forces commanded by the implacable General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross – Bruce's one-time benefactor – have hunted him continually. Hulk continued to make more enemies within the military such as Major Glenn Talbot as he and Bruce constantly competed for the affections of Ross' daughter, Betty.
Gamma-powered psychiatrist Leonard "Doc" Samson captured the Hulk and successfully separated Banner and his alter ego. Without Banner's psyche to restrain him, the Hulk became a greater danger than ever before. Realizing there was only one way to reign in the Hulk, Banner agreed to merge with the monster. But the stress of the re-integration fractured Banner's subconscious. Soon after, the swirling mess of persona and mentalities took their toll on the ever-flustered mind of Dr. Banner, and a battle for supremacy and control took place in Banner's subconscious. With assistance by the Ringmaster and his hypnotic abilities, Doc Samson tapped into the subconscious of Banner and reached his separate incarnations. Through this hypnosis, Banner, the green Hulk, and the grey Fixit all aligned to face their true inner demons-- Banner's unresolved issues with his abusive father and the murderer of his mother. With this realization, Banner was able to fuse these mentalities together, finding peace of mind. However, a green but intelligent version of the Hulk emerged. He had the mentality of Dr. Banner but the body and abilities of the Hulk – later nicknamed the Professor. Although Banner had his dominant personalities merged together, there were a number of other personas running through his mind including that of a "Devil-Hulk."

Bruce Banner does not have powers so much as he is a brilliant scientist on the level with Doctor Doom and Tony Stark.
The Hulk’s ability is all in proportion to how angry he is. The angrier he is the larger, stronger, faster, more durable, quicker healing, as well as some adaptive abilities to breathe underwater.

Becoming so angry he loses control of himself. If Hulk loses his anger, he will revert back to Banner. Sleep gas and magic can calm him down or make him sleep, but when it goes away he becomes angrier. Having his radiation absorbed.

As Bruce Banner, his personality is sarcastic and self assured. He does, however, realize how dangerous he is and is always wary of releasing the Hulk at the wrong time making him fear anger. He has also had multiple personalities due to the hulk alter ego and psychiatrists trying to separate him from it.
As the Hulk, his personality is simple and easy to anger. Hulk loses a large amount of Banner’s intelligence, but has enough to speak and think.

EQUIPMENT: His grubby mitts.
KNOWN ENEMIES: Abomination, Red Hulk, M.O.D.O.K., Zeus
True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.


Garuss Vakarian

Dead Pool
"Somebody say.... Chimichanges?"
"Hi, im Deadpool. And I aprove this message, of chimichanges."

Real name: Wade "Not Slade" Wilson .... "No seriously. Any one calls me slade, they get a hot poker through the eye. Slades a different comic book character. We are drawn quite the same though!"

Age: ?

Weight: 211 IBS "I guess! How the hell do I know! Fuck scales!"

Affiliations: "I first appeared in the New xmen. I Occasionally help the avengers, Worked alongside cable for a number of occasions, leader of team pool (Otherwise affiliated as: Team dead pool, deadpool familly, The deadpool core, or otherwise the Dead pool corps.... Get it, corps.... Corpse! Ha ha ha... Ha.. Eh... One of us is a floating zombie head...)"

"Hey, dude. Dont forget to mention Taco's." "Of coarse random voice in my head! I aprove of this message. For tacos."

History: Wade Wilson's early life is mostly unknown. His mother died of cancer while he was young and his father (who was in the military) was physically abusive. Wade was a delinquent in his teenage years, possibly to spite his father. Following a brief stint of military service, Wade began his mercenary career while still in his late teens. Accepting assassination jobs only against those whom he felt deserved death, he made a habit of using plastic surgery and technology to take on a new identity whenever he failed an assignment.

He lead a good career for a time. But soon began to succumb to a tragic illness. ... Cancer. A cruel twist of fate... The same thing that killed his mother. Fighting said fate, he joined a sub set of the Weapon x program. That was seeking to give humans mutant powers. for the promise it would cure him of his deathly desease. He was put into severe scientific procedures, This particular case, was to give the subject wolverine's healing factor. But an undesirable result occurred. His cancer accelerated. Leaving his body scarred, and deformed. And the severe pain, and agony of the procedure. On top of his discovery of being severely deformed. resulted in his mind shattering. Leaving him insane, and mentally unstable. Given these exact word's. "None of this is actually happening!...There is a man... At a typewriter...This is all his twisted imagination!" Hence the beginning of his tendency to break the forth wall. "Youd think these comic book writers will lend me some super strength. Ah well, hopefully when I get my own game they remedy that! Wait I have one.... They diddnt! THOSE BASTARDS! Ah well. I can always try for super speed."

With His now deformed body, on top of his new found mental state. Gave the doctors no choice but to dub him a failure and was there by placed in a hospice to die along side fellow failed experiments. While there, he made a few friends, and enemies. And, was placed in a small betting pool around the hospice referred to as a Dead pool.  A pool as to how long each subject would live. He is sentenced to death, after killing one of his friends, Worm. He did so only out of mercy, after Worm was lobotomized. He soon escaped, and ever since. Adorned his now iconic costume. Taking the name 'Deadpool.' As an ironic joke to the pool made to discern how quickly he would die. "And as good old forest gump said!... Uhum... *Prepares simple voice.* That's the end of that."

"Hey, I am having a load of fun here! Who knew making a character sheet of yourself is this much fun!"

Power's: "Wolvering's healing factor. A teleportation device on my belt. And a holographic thingy ma...gigur.... Uh... It helps me look like other people. ^^ . Lastly I am immortal! Uh... Long story. But simply, I had a thing with lady death. Back at the hospice, I had hallucinations... Seeing her. A lady, with a skull for a face! Oh... But dont worry, she has a 100% super model bod! I digress. She tried getting me to die, time and time again. Each time failing. She eventually got board and stopped visiting me. But Many times I was in near death, every time. Seeing her once more... Talking to her... Lady death. The gal of my dreams! She actually liked me. Found me charming. And most of all didnt find me disgusting! Dam was she a hotty! But, sadly. The day I died... The day I could finally find peace and be with her. That dam Thanus cursed me. You see, he has this... Uh ... Crazy stalker obsession with her. Like... The kind that gets you to kill whole galaxy's just to get her to turn your way. So He brought me back to life out of jealousy, and cursed me to immortality. In his mind only he can have her.... Guy is such a dick!"

Abilities: Trained soldier. Extremely athletic. Insane.

Weakness: Easy to distract, highly unreliable, insane.

Outside of costume: "Are you nut's! My body and face is eaten away by cancer! You and I both dont wanna see that. Here, how about a photo of a kitty playing in a field instead!"

"Pssst... *Whisper's* My cock looks normal though ladies. ;) awink! " "Not to mention you can make your self appear as any one you wish." "Oh yeah! Wow. Thanks morgan freeman me!"

Equipment: "Normally I keep with me my two kitanna's, two Tec-9 submachine pistol's. Two desert eagles. two sawn off tacted out Well'sfargo coach guns.  And a pump action grenade launcher! and... Well... Anything else I have on me. I dont know. I just find the weirdest thin- Oh my god a bounce house!"

Known enemies: "Simply put. Everyone....."

"Ok, now time for me to send this to the internet's!"

"Oh! And one more thing. I am the greatest!"


Well guys, with Deadpool on the case, we have no problems. This guy not only killed all of us, but killed all of our creators (Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe).
True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.

Garuss Vakarian

Ha ha, good reference. Yep, beware Deadpool!


Punisher killed everybody at one point too. So both of them = Ultron loses.

Well, it was a good run while it lasted, but we can all go home lol.


                                                                              GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!


We need more Marvel women, these are all free.

AVENGERS: Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Tigra, Spider-Woman, Spectrum, Sersi, Mantis MockingBird, White Tiger, Kate Bishop and Miss America.

FANTASTIC FOUR: Invisible Woman, Crystal, Medusa, She Hulk and Lyra.

X-MEN: Storm, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Dazzler, Polaris, Rachel Grey, Blink, Jubilee, Magik, Tempest, Moonstar, Magma, Pixie, Husk and M.

X-FORCE: Domino, Boomer, Siryn, Wolfsbane, and Spiral.

NEW WARRIORS: Firestar and Namorita.

THUNDERBOLTS: Elektra, Songbird, Moonstone and Jolt.

DEFENDERS: Valkyrie, Hellcat, Moondragon and Red She Hulk.

VILLIANS: Mystique, Lady Deathstrike, Viper, The Black Queen, Enchantress and Titanina.



I am going to make a character sheet for Jubilee! I took a few days for me to decide what character I wanted, and its Jubilee. So, maybe that'll be up on the board today. who knows! but soon indeed, so add one more girl to that list.


Let me edit that list for you...

She Hulk, Thundra, Red She Hulk, Caiera, Lyra, Lady Deadpool, Valkyrie, Titania, and anyone else who is tall or heals fast *grins*
True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.


Garuss, your profile for Deadpool was Awesome!!! That made my day!

Garuss Vakarian

Quote from: Dirtythesnapper on May 15, 2014, 02:03:39 PM
Let me edit that list for you...

She Hulk, Thundra, Red She Hulk, Caiera, Lyra, Lady Deadpool, Valkyrie, Titania, and anyone else who is tall or heals fast *grins*

"I am dead pool. And I whole Hardedly Har...Hard... heartedly approve this message! Whats better then She Hulk! I got a thing for the green. ;)  Oh! But I would love for some one to play Lady Pool! Incest is hot!" "Wait.... But isnt she technically you with a vagina and boob's?" "Yeah so?... Still related." "It's not incest if you do'er, it is only you fucking your self." "............... Shut up. Why do I have a logical voice in my head? Someone in that noggin throw that guy out!"

By the way though. She hulk was already in the list. Just filed under Fantastic 4 . Which she was in at one point.

Mac84: Glad to make your day!

Green Goo Theory

Normally I'm angry when deadpool is taken and I don't get to play him.  I can't feel angry after seeing that character sheet.  I just can't. 
Coming soon...

Garuss Vakarian

"No worries Nonberryshuffle. Even if your not playing me. You are me. Were all commander Shep- I mean. Were all deadpool deep in our hearts.... Nah, who am I kidding. No one can be me. Im just too cool. ^^ " "Wow man... Touching fan moment ruined. Thats bogus."

None the less, I am happy you liked it. Though, I do apologies for disappointing you. If I knew some one else was gonna takem. I wouldn't have just jumped at making him.

Green Goo Theory

Coming soon...


Jubilee! Yay! "Does a mall baby eat chili fries?" hahahah XD


Garuss Vakarian

Yep! How about Domino? She Hulk? Or even Lady Pool! More fem hero's! ^^

By the way. What does every one think of Deadpool's motivation? "In the name of television!" "AND BAYWATCH! :D "


of course when you speak of Domino you mean something like this !!!

Or maybe?!


Pumpkin Seeds

Garuss Vakarian

Very agreeable Pumpkin seeds. So awesome...

Yes, I do mean something like that Phaia! IE: Domino ready to shoot him in the head. lol. Domino is one of the coolest female mutants. And, Her history with Deadpool is  rather funny and interesting.


Do Not Mess with Domino

Deapsnot learns the hard way!



Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on May 16, 2014, 10:46:17 AM
Well Gentlemen, do feel free to come help out a pair of damsels in distress. :: rests the sniper rifle on a cocked hip::

"You be strong, you survive... You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you."

True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.


So, been keeping my eye on the game somewhat and was pondering joining. So many characters out there, was hoping for some feedback. I had thought about Drew, but see that someone is doubling upa s her, so my main choices right now are Sif, Sin, Joystick, and Satanna. Thoughts? I always do enjoy feedback like that.