Pollydactle's Ideas (F for M)

Started by Pollydactle, May 13, 2015, 05:45:45 PM

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I have found myself with a lot of free time and an itch for a good story. More plot, more character development, less smut. I am open to setting, plot, and most things in general. I have a few ideas/general directions, but if you have any of your own ideas swimming around I will be happy to hear you out and maybe we can flesh it out into something fun and exciting.

A little about myself, I have been off and on with roleplaying on this site and others for a long while now. It's something I do for fun, so I don't take it too seriously. I can vary from posting every day, multiple times a day, to posting once a week. I will try and let you know when I have to slow down. You don't have to write extremely long posts to make me happy, but please write more than a few sentences; enough to keep things moving along. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot me a PM!

Settings I am interested in:
- Futuristic
- Historical (vague, I know. Let me know what you are interested in and I can tell you if it is something I am willing to play out)
- Fantasy
- LoTR
- Normal, modern stuff

- Amnesia: My character (or yours) has somehow forgotten who they are completely. This could be due to an injury, or perhaps someone took their memories away from them. I can see this being incorporated into a plot in numerous ways, and I have played around with it before and I have found it fun. The characters could be former/current lovers, strangers, anything.
- Something with elves and humans. I like the idea of there being a conflict of some kind, with our characters being of either race. Lots to flesh out.
- Master x Slave: Not looking for your typical master x slave, but rather one where there is a development and the master ends up forming a different kind of relationship with his slave. Perhaps at first he treats her like he believes he is supposed to, but his feelings change.

I know these 'ideas' are not very fleshed out as of right now, but I am really looking to build something with a partner and figure it out together with both of our ideas.

Though I said I am looking for something with more plot than smut, I can also do the opposite and I do enjoy that as well.
General pairings:
Father x Daughter
Teacher x Student
Master x Slave

Message me if you are interested in cooking something up. (:
