A Saga of Stars (Vikings In Space interest check)

Started by Nowherewoman, May 18, 2024, 07:45:58 PM

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The Vah'la were warriors, first, foremost, and always. Designed, bred and trained to be the ultimate defense against the alien hordes of the Logge, they found themselves, like so many before them, discarded when their service was done. Cast off, exiled; given a few harsh planets, suitable to their personalities and behaviors, far from the 'civilized' worlds, to be theirs until they died out.

Betrayal is not forgiven so easily among true warriors. Taking a few decades to rebuild their strength, the Vah'la returned to wreak their vengeance on their creators, the parents who had forsaken them. System after system fell to their savage might until, in a planet-smashing battle in the Rokka system-

-their rebellion ended, crushed by superior numbers and frantic scientific innovation. Though their enemies would take centuries to recover from the mauling they endured, and would tell tales for generations about the half-giants from space, the might of the Vah'la was broken forever.

Some few survived the ruin, fleeing at the last moment to preserve their bloodlines. While their brethren might have called them cowards, it is the living, after all, who write the songs of memory. Forming themselves into new clans on the fly, keeping to their old ways and their old Gods, handfuls of the powerful reavers have survived in the outer Dark. They live as outlaws: raiders, pirates, and occasional mercenaries among systems far enough from the center of things to either not heed the old songs, or not care what they are doing business with.

Now, one small, dwindling clan has heard a rumor: that one of the great battleships of the Vah'la, the Bridge To Glory, still exists. If they can find that ship, make her battle-worthy once more...their song will be sung until the End of All...

WHO:  NowhereWoman (GM), with possibly one co-GM

WHAT: Small-group (8 players or thereabouts) SF guided sandbox.

THEME: 1 part Poetic Edda (via Jacqueline Carrey and others), 1 part WH40K, 3 parts Vikings In Spaaaaaace!

SYSTEM/NON?: I am strongly considering using the Star Scoundrels ruleset, a narrative tags/edges/advantage/disadvantage system to guide character generation and provide a simple task resolution process. If I do, I'll provide a full hack.

SECTION: Probably Extreme, due to violence and pillage.

SEX: Unavoidable :D But not the main focus.

POSTING RATE: Undefined. Everyone has their own speed, and most folks know by now that I can slow to a crawl at times. I do usually like to implement a 'no post spamming' rule, to allow folks to catch up, but at the same time, I recognize that if you've got an intense scene going, you don't necessarily want to let it go stale. Moderation and consideration are key.

CHARACTER DEATH: Possible, if people want it- and can make it epic!

I always like to tell people up front that my rare groups are not 1st come/1st accepted. I have a few people in mind already whom I'd love to have join, and I'll be looking for a good blend of styles and character concepts.

Always assuming anyone wants in!  Have at it! You know what to do...

My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Plants flag of interest.

Wait . . . Do Vikings have flags? Hmmmmm.

Plants skull of interest.


Ooooh.  This definitely looks intriguing.  :D

*offers, erm, raven of interest*

My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)



Any chance the vikings might be Lost?


I literally popped in to the advert to make that joke, but honestly, it sounds pretty cool. And I think I might have to

Watch this space ><



I'm stretched kinda thin right now but will def keep my eye on this!
