A time travelling assault team operation (M or F)

Started by playfullchick76, February 29, 2012, 09:25:25 AM

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I was playing one on this with someone, but, they've been quiet for a while, and i cant see them coming back, so, here goes.

I would lead a team of between 5 and 8 former spec ops, travelling back to a certain year in the past, to alter the outcome of a battle. It could be to alter the outcome of Operation Market Garden, appearing in  Arhnem with enough munitions to help the airborne troops hold long enough for 30th corps to arrive, or to work with the band of brothers in the series by the same name. Or, I could aid the French resistance in France the same way.

We could arrive in France, Poland, harass the enemy with local resistance fighters, with my spec ops helping the fighters, training them and using their expertise.

If this appeals to anyone, please let me know. And, know what year, country and event works best. It would be better if you were from the time period, a resistance leader perhaps, or military officer if we are to help at a place like Arhnem.

This wouldnt be a group one, they just dont last. I can play as the members of my team well enough. i hope to hear from someone soon.


I played the leader pretty well, and can play out the parts of the men with me well enough. As long as theres enough action, realism, and character development, there can be some sex in it, if that helps.


This one is still open, if anyone finds it appealing enough.