A Classic Adventure (with a bit of sex!)

Started by Jester, March 22, 2012, 03:12:58 AM

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The attack came quickly and swift. The men were cut down with arrows or swords before any form of resistance could be mustered. Your village is in the middle of nowhere and there are few visitors this far north. No one expected an attack and no one was ready for the violence.

The women and children are taken and you are the only survivor. Beaten and bruised and left for dead it is up to you to protect those you love and rescue them before they are killed. Or at least get revenge for the dead.......

But you will not be alone. One man is still alive to help you. A visitor to the village who had been visiting the outlying farms during the attack has returned to find you. He offers his help and tells you that he has the skills to help you.....

I am wanting this to turn into quite the adventure:

1. Who is this man really and why does he help?
2. Why did your village get attacked? Who were they and what did they want?
3. Will the other villagers rally around and help you overthrow the invaders?
4. Will the King and Queen send help?
5. Can you call open help from the nearby wizard's tower?
6. Are rumours of the nearby forests true?

Anyway please get in touch if you are interested.