When do you generally spend time at Elliquiy?

Started by Spookie Monster, August 19, 2008, 05:17:46 PM

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Spookie Monster

I'm curious: When do you generally spend time at Elliquiy?  My best chance to browse is early in the evening here (9:00 p.m. to midnight GMT), for example, although sometimes I am able to post in the morning here (9:00 a.m. to noon GMT).  I am trying to arrange it so that I can spend a bit more time here, but you probably know how that goes.  What about you, though?  When are you usually able to hang out here?

As a note, I have arranged the poll so that multiple answers are possible.  In addition, you can change your vote if your situation changes.

Thanks in advance for your votes!  Please don't hesitate to comment on your particular situation here in the thread. :)

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I'm not sure what GMT is compared to West Coast United States time, but it's usually early morning for me, and early evening after I get my daily stuff done. Of course if I don't have anything to do I'm on all or most of the day!
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).



Okay so...if I'm eight hours behind, then at 4:30 PM GMT, it's 8:30 AM here, right? I think...I really suck at math. 8:30 is when the computer room opens at the business center at my apartment complex, and I usually come back at 3:30 PM or 4:00 PM so that's...way freakin' late in GMT. I want to move to a new time zone!
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


9-noon also noon-4 and sometimes later on at night.  But it will be getting more sporadic since school started.
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Ons and Offs


I am on off and on all through the day. Mostly just checking if i got posts and look in the game pitch threads.


I chose 6pm to 6am GMT. That's 1pm to 1am central time. I get on and off occasionally.
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It's completely random for me. Usually I just do random check-ups at random times.

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