Snippets for Stories - F looking for M char

Started by ObsidianRae, April 15, 2019, 04:13:46 PM

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Hello there, I'm Rae.

I enjoy interesting character development and world building, the story is more important as a whole than just an outlet for the sexual. That doesn't mean I prefer a certain ratio, just that the sex makes sense for the story and setting. Some may have a lot, some may have almost none, etc.

I try to give a good sense for what my character is feeling and doing as well as the setting, so I try to keep my posts detailed. I will adapt a great deal to what someone gives me to work with, and if the story and chemistry of the characters are there, then it's more a "quality over quantity" thing. Pretty sure a lot of us have this rule, nothing new here. Just keep in mind, you get what you give! I love to find long detailed posts that I can sink my teeth into, but sometimes that becomes difficult in dialogue heavy parts, I do understand!

I do want to note that I am very interested in having partners that challenge my writing skills. And this I don't mean as "must post 1,000 words or more per post" I mean someone who piques my curiosity and creativity, pushes me to explore my characters as well as descriptive writing. Most of my ideas are kept relatively low on details here, because I enjoy making a story that both myself and my partner can enjoy and be invested in.

Also just to clarify, I generally prefer to play female characters opposite male characters, but writer gender isn't important. I can be convinced to play a male character on occasion, but I feel it isn't my strong point so it's very rare. (The exception is side characters, which I am fine playing to help build the story or move things along.)

Almost every story prompt idea I have can be adjusted to varying levels of...anything, really. If darker isn't your thing, but you find a character compelling, I am happy to discuss something lighter, more romantic.

I have recently found I really enjoy writing in Discord as well. It makes it easier for me to know when someone has posted, to brainstorm ideas, etc. Just PM me and ask for my username if you're interested in that as either a way to connect OOC to discuss things, or possibly setting up a channel to play in. I'm open to both.

Writing sample

The rustle of silk proceeds her, soft slippers making almost no sound as she seems to float into the room. She was all limbs and hair, an exceedingly long black braid draped over one slender shoulder. Pearl-white hands fluttered, touched a defined  collar bone, the hem of a flared sleeve, a pouch at her hip, constant movement. But all so quiet. She was nearly six feet tall, slender and willowy would be kind words. Thin and gaunt could potentially be thrown as insults. Her shoulders and hips narrow, her chest small. Only the tiny waist gave her a womanly cast.

Around her hips were heavy leather belts, hung with pouches and bags laden with unknown substances. Layers of moss and sage green shot through with slate gray made up her silk robes, an attached hood often pulled up over her thick hair. Sharp features, a long aquiline nose and high cheekbones, made her striking but not beautiful. Left eye of deep honey gold and right of violet blue were one of her best features. Various silver jewelry, chains and pendants and rings, graced her form. Some had small, brightly colored semi precious stones, their richness a sharp contrast against white skin. Her lips were a faint peach hue, neither thick nor thin, the upper lip a smooth line and lacking any distinctive philtrum. Often they would part just barely as she mumbled soundless words to herself, lost in her own thoughts.

Some would say the elf was not quite all there, but likely they just didn't listen properly. Her words weren't those of insanity, but of constant, relentless thought. There was no stillness to her mind, just as her hands never seemed to fully still. Perhaps that was why her attention seemed to flit from one thing to another so quickly. Not out of dim-witted nature, but of curiosity. In fact, a great need to know. Anything and everything she could.

The Necromancer
The Necromancer
The scent of death and blood were strong in her nostrils as she walked across the battlefield. All the living creatures there now were her, and the crows. Hundreds of the birds circled and dipped down to feast on the dead, the softer parts of the soldiers the first to go. She used her magic to keep herself above the gore, appearing to walk across thin air a foot above the corpses as her deep violet eyes searched carefully. So far she had been searching for an hour, and had not found the item she sought.

The armies, both sides, had left to recoup. With the sun low in the sky, she had perhaps a few hours, maybe the night itself, before they clashed again. It might be enough. But she couldn't rush, the bodies were layered, strewn across and over one another on the field, the massive ramparts of the fortress at her back already starting to shadow the flat plain they had fought on. The loss of life didn't concern her, though unfortunate, it was not something she had a hand in. That was one thing she was very clear on when king Morkoth retained her services. She didn't use her magic to kill, despite what her title suggested.

Necromancer, witch, bitch. She had been called all of these by the kingsguard, whenever she was visiting him to go over things she had learned by speaking with the dead. None of them were completely accurate, but none were completely false, either. Surely there was a sense of coldness about her, but she wasn't heartless. Yes, she spoke with the dead, but she didn't reanimate them. She could – she just chose not to. And she could cast hexes and curses, but often had no need to. The dark haired woman was used to people misunderstanding what she did, and more so, why.

Now she was searching for an artifact that could stop the war in it's tracks, something someone carelessly had carried onto the field and then had the nerve to let himself be killed. Stooping, she gently tilted a head of a fallen soldier, wearing the king's colors, only to have it snap off and roll away. A soft muttered curse came from her lips, feeling as if maybe she disrespected the dead in that moment, though unintentionally. Beneath the body, there was another man. Young, perhaps no more than twenty. Ash blonde hair and staring eyes that were already becoming milky.

“You weren't cautious enough, dear boy.” Her words were soft, and she reached to close his eyes before she fished into the collar of his armor, fingers searching. He fit the description, but was it there? ..Ah! There was a chain. Pulling it carefully from around his neck, she looked at the amulet hanging there. It didn't look impressive. The links of the chain were steel, not silver or gold, and the amulet itself was a dull grey metal that might be iron.

“And you didn't even realize what you had.” She murmured as she slipped it over her head, letting it fall against her breastbone as she turned to look at the fortress. There was no helping any of the fallen soldiers, hopefully the armies would reach these, in the center of the battlefield, before morning. To carry them back to respective camps and offer them burial. Or a pyre. But she wasn't confident in this as she headed back to the imposing stone structure.

The king would be pleased, the artifact might help stop the war. The senseless death over land. The mage would never understand that mindset, to fight over the land they all had as much right to as anyone else. But if she could stop part of the bloodshed, the spirits would be fewer. They would let her rest.


Something wasn't quite right. The woman heaved a sigh and ran a hand through dark hair, mussing it with a lack of care that came from her single mindedness. Her entire focus was on the diagram and spellbook laid out in front of her. "I'm so close. I can feel it." Whispered words, but the cat perched on the shelf behind her opened an eye, gleaming green, to survey her as she disturbed him. Soon enough the eye closed, content she wasn't actually going to make further noise.

Her fingers spread over the spell, hand written in a spidery script in the old leather bound book. It had been passed down to someone other than her, but she had found it, hidden under a loose floorboard in her previous home. It had sparked questions and curiosity that she hadn't really given in to, previously. Now she was practically obsessed. The past few months she'd locked herself away in her small basement apartment any time she wasn't working, her job as a waitress boring at best and terrible on other days.

Twisting a hand in her hair, she re-read the words aloud, changing inflection here, emphasis there. There had to be some small thing she was doing incorrectly. The carefully drawn chalk diagram on the plain table in front of her was just that, made of chalk and unresponsive. Heaving a sigh, she leaned back violently in the chair, which creaked with protest despite her small frame. "Why won't it work? I've tried everything!"

Or had she? Pausing, she opened pale eyes and looked down at the book. It mentioned blood. She thought it was completely symbolic, speaking of effort and will. But what if it was completely literal? Slowly, she gathered the small knife she had used to trip herbs, and looked from it to her hand. "I might be worth a try..." Worst case, she'd feel silly. Only the cat would be there to witness he failure, anyway.

With a deep breath, she started the spell again, this time bringing the knife to her thumb and pressing it against the pad, wincing as it bit into soft flesh and drew a drop of crimson. As she continued to speak the words, she set the knife aside and squeezed either side of her thumb, coaxing a bit more blood flow, and held it above the center of the chalked symbols. The moment the drop fell and splattered against the lines was the moment her life altered irrevocably.

The Contract
The Contract

The weather was relentless this time of year, rain pelting down atop her hood and puddling around her boots as she waited. It had soaked through her cloak already and the chill of the coming winter was starting to turn her fingers numb. With an internal grumbling, she pulled the hood more fully over her face, though it barely helped. Every time the wind gusted, it still managed to spray rain at her face. Gloved hands tucked back under the cloak and in turn, under either arm, to try and warm them as she looked out at the dark street. The lamps were struggling with the gloom, and the uneven cobbles caused massive puddles that reflected back the meager light.

It had been almost an hour, and the contact hadn't shown up. It was about the time that she had decided a new contract wasn't worth the cold that would come after standing out in the rain like an idiot, when the carriage came to a stop in front of her. It forced her to jump back a step, to avoid the surge of water, and with a muttered curse, she looked up at the door of the dark wood with pale, annoyed eyes. They were almost the color of silver, though not quite so exotic a label could be attached. Still, they were interesting, and curious as the door opened and a man's gloved hand beckoned her inside.

Most women, upon having an unknown carriage stopped before them at half past midnight, would turn the other way and very quickly retreat. But she had been expecting something of this nature, and she hauled herself up into it. Despite how  heavy her cloak felt, as if it intended to drag her back down. Dropping with a faint squish into the seat opposite the figure, the door swung closed again and they were left in almost complete darkness.

She couldn't see his features, and likely he couldn't see hers with her hood, but his voice was rich and elegant, the sort of thing she'd expect of someone with money. Good, she didn't work cheaply. "Good evening, miss. I believe you may be able to help me solve a...problem."

At first she nodded, and then due to the dark confines of the carriage she replied "Yes, I might be. Most problems can be solved. Especially with a bit of time and money."

The Fix
The Fix

“Aw hell, Clank!” The woman was leaned back in her chair, one hand cradling the phone, her heavy boots up on the desk. The crackling on the line momentarily grew quieter before the man started to defend himself.

“How was I supposed t'know that he was important? He didn't look like it!” The woman's disgust with the situation could be read in her voice as easily as it was in her face. A series of jagged scars tore across the left side of her forehead and high cheek bone, and one across the bridge of her nose. They were old, white now instead of pink and new.

“Well I dunno Clank, maybe you just shouldn't beat up random people? Maybe that's generally frowned upon even if they aren't involved with the gangs?” Finally she dropped her feet to the floor, her chair snapping upright as she leaned an elbow on the desk, as if leaning toward the man who wasn't there physically. “Maybe you deserve to get a few new holes and then if you make it, you won't be so reckless!”

There was an offended sound from the man on the phone, who had a hint of southern drawl, though it's edges had been smoothed over with time in the city. “Aw, come on, don't be like that! Y'know I didn't mean to cause so much trouble, Fix.”

Fix rolled her eyes, a pale grey almost silver in hue, and took a calming breath. “Fine. Alright. I will help, but you owe me for it. The Raiders are not exactly the nicest of groups to try and talk sense with.”  Not that she would be doing a lot of talking, but still. They were unreasonable.

“Oh yeah, I'll owe ya big time, Fix. Promise!” There was a sound of relief, even though he was offering a favor that was yet to be specified. She'd hang onto it awhile for sure. Make it a big one to get her money's worth, so to speak.

“Right. Stay inside, doors locked. I know it's hard...but Clank...don't do anything stupid.” She disconnected the call even as she could hear the sounds of his trying to protest his intelligence. Time to work, but yet again it wasn't for cash.

Below are a few ideas, mostly snippets of the starts of plots instead of something fully fleshed out. I enjoy the back and forth brainstorming with people to create a story that will interest both parties, so feel free to PM if you have an interest in any of these or have other ideas to offer. (My writing samples could also be expanded on, though they were done without much of a story in mind)

I also have some general settings that I am pretty much always up for, in one form or another. The only type I can say is a pass 100% of the time is straight slice-of-life.

- Victorian/steampunk
- Victorian supernatural, think penny dreadful's
- General high fantasy
- Ancient cultures and mythology,  Norse or Celtic in particular. Also Egyptian, First Peoples, etc.
- D&D settings
- Modern supernatural
- Futuristic/fantasy mixes
- Post-Apocalyptic

~~~~ Currently craving ~~~~

  • Sudden, burning romance
  • Monsters!
  • Power struggles
  • Witcher setting - Original characters only

~~~~ Completed Stories ~~~~


A Bookish Affair - With ZephyrInk


Out of the darkness came light - With HazySky


Cold Front - With Bevatoria



The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


Fantasy Settings

Impish Intentions *NEW*
Demon deals, dark themes, comedy?

Zril is an unusual demon, more imp than devil, more mischievous than evil. She is on a quest to become the most powerful sorceress of her kind! She will squash anyone who gets in her way! Perhaps not physically, true. But don't you dare comment on her height, or she'll have no problems climbing a chair to smack you in the face.

Zril has an inflated ego to go with her natural magic talent and the sheer stubborn dedication she puts into her mission to become powerful and make a name for herself that will go down in history. Perhaps she's never going to be that strong, but she is clever and resourceful. The concept for the story is that Your Character comes into some position of power over Zril, either by accidentally summoning her instead of a big scary demon - or by coming to own the old castle that she has taken up residence of while she is researching in its library. Either way, she will be petulant, unhelpful, and possibly annoying, unless you know how to sway her opinion of you.

Auction of the Veils
Ownership, romance?

The city held an auction of women once a year. The catch? Every woman was heavily veiled. The buyers may ask questions about their skills, can see their general figure, but are not allowed to see their face until their purchase is complete, and indeed all their skin was covered, their wrists bound before them.

The bidding all started with different amounts. These amounts were indicated by the colors of the veils the women wore. Grey was average, they were healthy but usually nothing was rare about their appearance or skills. Blue was someone who knew some sort of trade. Black veils? These were deemed desirable but difficult to control for some reason. Magic powers, skills with weapons, or perhaps other things. They were rare at the auctions, and usually bought by powerful men who wished to use them as some sort of guard.

The most rare was red. A red veil meant the auctioneers weren't sure what other color to use, someone so unique that they might not even be able to get a bid on them if their nature was revealed.

There was never a guarantee as to what one would get if they made a bid, but you could ask questions...but would you ask the right ones? Gem or monster, it was really a risk to pick a red veil.

The woman under the veil will likely be some sort of mythical creature, or any other odd or unique character you might think of. A stranded mermaid, a shapeshifter, a dragon trapped in human form, a fae etc.

The Inquisitor
Dark, intrique

The Inquisitor was supposed to bring justice. Her power to tell if someone was being truthful when put on trial allowing for interrogations to either clear someone's name, or prove their guilt for punishment. No one is to see her face, and the dark clothing and robes she wears are all designed to try and remove her identity. She is a tool to be used for justice and nothing more.

Except when you call for her services, you have other things in mind. To gain leverage in the court, in your kingdom and perhaps further in the courts of other kingdoms. However first you have to figure out how to convince or black mail her into doing so.

At the End of the Quest
Power struggle, slow burn

Often the adventurers didn't plan what happened after the princess was saved or the army turned away from the noble kingdom. So to, she hadn't planned out what happened after her revenge. A part of her expected to die in her attempts to kill the man who had destroyed her family. Afterward, if she survived, she expected she'd end up imprisoned. After all, she had planned the way in, not the way out. The mage had been weakened from a prior battle, energy low. It was the only time she'd have a chance against him, and she took it without looking back or pausing to consider what happened if she didn't die trying. Now she was bloodied and mortally wounded, but not dead. Not just yet.

I picture a man who might have been considered this woman's enemy, until the mage who employed him was killed. It might be an apprentice, or a body guard, or something completely different such as a creature bound to serve the mage. Whoever it is, he sees some opportunity in the woman, and spares or saves her life. What are his ideas for her?

Left For Dead
Romance, adventure, control

Left as a sacrifice by a misguided cult, your character comes across a woman chained up. Whether you play the "monster" she was being offered up to or a random stranger who chanced across her would effect how the story plays out. I could see the monster reaching her first, being evil or good. An anti-hero sort reaching her first and releasing her, or perhaps someone stumbles across her who has very few good intentions whatsoever.

Whether it is more romantic or more dub-con, I still see her being difficult to warm up to whoever releases her, suspicious of his intentions.

Rival For His Attention
Chase, clash of wills

Like many men of power, he's supposed to marry in a way that benefits his clan, kingdom, etc. A cliche notion. But he has difficulty focusing on the vapid, meek ladies he is supposed to chose from. For the next two weeks, however, he and a few of his most trusted men - the closest he could count as friends - were traveling on a hunting trip. Away from the pressure of his kingdom and the politics that consistently gave him headaches. His father was old and his health was ailing. The pressure was on for him to marry sooner rather than later, to be well established and potentially even have an heir on the way before he took full control.

The first week was spent riding, drinking, and occasionally finding game. But mostly it was simply getting as far into the forest as possible, away from his responsibility. By the 8th day, they were hunting in earnest, the deep untamed forest allowing for excellent opportunity for deer and more. They had spread out some, a few of his men stayed at the camp they had set up in a low clearing. A few were with him but out of sight, within earshot should anything go wrong. However they all knew to be as quiet as possible as the crept through the trees. When the massive stag stepped into his sight, the man held his breath in awe. It was the biggest he'd ever seen, it's horns branching again and again. He lifted his bow, starting to pull the string taught toward his ear as he sighted.

Before he could fully line up his shot, an arrow fell at his feet, just in front of his toes, with a rustle of air and a thunk as it sunk into the earth. The fletching was silver, not the blue and gold of his men. And it came from the direction of the stag, not to either side of him. The stag lifted it's head, as if listening, and then dashed off into the brush. The man cursed and sought the source of the arrow. What he saw was unexpected, a small female figure cloaked and hooded, bow stretched taught as she held an arrow ready. She was perched on a branch as easily as if she was a bird. His first reaction was to lift his own bow, to fire, an instinctive desire to protect himself.

The woman loosed her arrow and it landed directly in front of his other foot, as if warning him to stay where he was, or turn back. Another was drawn swiftly and knocked. "You will not harm him." Her voice was sweet even if the words held a threat. When he paused, confused, she glanced briefly to where the stag had vanished, and then back at him. The moment he looked down at the arrows in the ground, she was off the tree and fleeing. While he chased briefly, she clearly knew these woods well, and he lost her quickly in the brush. All his crashing brought his men toward him, as well, worried about his safety less he had met a wild boar.

Does he become angry or intrigued? Does he attempt to hunt her down or coax her from hiding? Could go a variety of ways, but main concept is the chase and effort to both find her and keep her still long enough to speak with. I picture her as not being human, but as far as what exactly she is it's up in the air.

The Sidhe
Temptation, ownership, romance

The realm of the fae is not like what most people imagine, true it is beautiful beyond compare in some areas. Others are places of darkness and dangerous, hungry beasts that haunt a human's nightmares. Shadowy and perilous, there are still some rules that the courts follow. A favor is always returned, a fae's word is always kept. If broken, it would mean to diminish their power. And that is something none of them can afford to have happen when it takes so much wit and skill to survive the machinations of court.

But outside of the winter and summer courts, there are outliers, those that while allied to one of them in name, keep themselves apart from the endless parties and political maneuvering. This story is about one of these, who encounters a human quite helpless in their new surroundings.

I am open to playing either the fae or the human in this story, as both would be interesting. If playing the fae, she'd be surprised by the cleverness of the human and slip up at some point, ending up owing him a debt which she had to fulfill. If playing the human, she would be open to the possibly manipulation of the male fae, and probably end up in his debt for him saving her life as she found herself stuck in the faewilds.

Fallen Warrior
Corruption, dark themes, potential romance

Una was one of many of the warriors from the north that had risen up to try and defend her lands from the invasion of the Imperial elven nation. Their numbers were simply not sufficient, nor did they have a proper fortress to defend their village. Instead they were slowly but surely beaten back, to the river and then most of them slaughtered, as they refused to surrender even in the face of certain defeat. No, better to die fighting than be under the Imperial rule. Una was not killed, but the injuries she sustained caused her to fall unconscious due to blood loss. Laying on the field for hours, until the Imperial troops searched for and found any living, she was mostly dead from blood loss by the time their healers started to work on her.

She had no idea how long she had been unconscious for, but she was in a strange room with strange people when she finally awoke. Later on she'd find she was in the Imperial capital, but in that instant, she was confused and afraid enough to lash out. Despite her weakness, she still grabbed a healer woman and held her hostage, until she could be subdued. Unfortunately no one in the room at the time spoke the "barbarian" tongue, and while she spoke a bit of the elven tongue, in her confused state she hadn't even tried. The next time she awoke she'd have been tied down to the bed to keep her from potentially harming someone.

Una will have been taken as a prisoner, but the exact nature of that imprisonment is up for discussion. She will find the culture completely different, and she will be a challenge for whoever is assigned to keep an eye on her. I am open to some non-con, or dub-con, with her being essentially at the mercy of your character. Perhaps she was taken to be turned into a sort of gladiator? A body guard? Maybe a noble simply wanted one of the barbarians for a trophy to sit at his dinner parties?

The Wildling
Dark, adventure, violent

The Wilds were untamed, various jungles and mountains, ranging across a large swathe of land that no one had yet managed to tame. The terrain was too difficult, the jungle too dangerous, filled with dangerous animals, poisonous plants and vipers, interspersed with swamps that would eat a man alive given the chance.

Yet there were reasons to enter it, rare herbs that could only be found there, potential ore in the rugged mountains. If only someone would take the time and spend the energy to make the place more hospitable. But there are those that don't want civilization to make any attempts to tame the Wilds. A few creatures that are more dangerous than others due to their intelligence.

Your character finds themselves in the Wilds for some reason, and encounters someone that doesn't want him there. Where it goes from there is up for discussion, do they fight? Is she captured? Does she see some quality in him worth helping him through the jungle? She is clearly not human, but what race she is exactly is open for discussion but I imagine some sort of dryad or forest spirit.

Welcome To The Circus
Twisted, dark, comedy, romance

Disa worked as a performer, she would always say. People responded better to that, with less disdain, than if she tried to explain it was in a circus. Old prejudices died hard, it seemed. She was an acrobat, a gymnast, a dancer. She was skilled at what she did and enjoyed the thrill of it, but more importantly, the circus she worked in was a haven for...people that didn't quite fit in elsewhere. The strong man was a bit too strong. The mermaid was not wearing a suit, in that tank of hers. The bear and lion had a close relationship with their trainer. The fortune teller was a seer.

None of these things were easily believable to most people, the general populace brushed off their acts as skill and tricks. A few knew better, but kept their mouths shut as the performers weren't the type to cause trouble. Once in awhile, a Hunter would show up, as if to warn them not to. But they made an okay living, and kept away from political issues or rowdy bar fights.

At least, until people started dying, both in and around the circus. And whoever was killing people, was following them from place to place.

I imagine a darker story here, but could easily go lighthearted. Your character could be the new performer, of whatever supernatural or fantasy creature you decide. A mage, a were, whatever could bring in people to the tent. Or perhaps you play a hunter who is there to try and figure out who is doing the killing? Plenty of suspects for a monster hunter when almost everyone associated with the circus could be dangerous.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


Supernatural settings

What Lies Beneath? *craving*
Demons, portals, violence, religious overtones, vampires?

The castle of Hrad Houska was built in the second half of the 13th century in Czech Republic. It is the only one of it's kind in the world, where the defensive walls were not built on the outside, but pointing inward toward a courtyard. Later, a chapel was built over this courtyard, supposedly over the portal that the defensive ramparts were designed to protect the country side from. A hole in the earth, a portal that allowed odd creatures with leathery wings to roam at night. So single minded was the castle's purpose, there wasn't even a kitchen built. It was designed solely to try and keep the monsters at bay. Eventually, it drew them closer, in the form of SS Nazi soldiers researching the area and legends during the second World War.

What if they found truth to the rumors?

This could be set in modern times, or in a period setting, either medieval or something during the Nazi involvement, depending on the desired story flavor. I find all three sound interesting, personally. My character would be similar in personality for all of these, which is to say, curious and perhaps a bit reckless. One likely to get in over her head, but not stupid either. The portal itself could open up beneath the chapel suddenly, if the story is set after it's built, perhaps something powerful deciding to make his way out. Or it could be something more subtle, with your character infiltrating dreams and drawing the curious explorer in to find the hole itself and enter it. As far as the male lead, it could be a demon of any sort, religious or not.

Dinner For One *craving*
Suspense, obsession, reluctant allies

The premise is that in whatever setting, it could be high fantasy or supernatural, or even horror, a clan of vampires keeps a larder beneath their mansion. Every so often humans are collected, those who shouldn't be missed, and kept alive as sources of food. It's all very clinical normally, the human is kept in a small cell, and they have only so much blood drained every so many days to keep them alive for awhile. Blood is then delivered upstairs as dinner. 

But this particular meal has a special something, her blood tastes different, something your character can't put his finger on. He heads downstairs to find out what she is, though she isn't very forthcoming as he questions her. He has a choice, if she tastes so sweet to him, she will to others. How does he go about keeping her? He quickly finds he can't enthrall her as he can most humans. I imagine a story of near obsession, and her eventual surrender to him as she sees it as her only way to stay away from other vampires. Almost a Stockholm syndrome story.

Note: I do not want a typical romanticized vampire character. He wants her because he is selfish and doesn't want others to have her, not because he has feelings for her per say. Likewise, she isn't smitten with him, but submits to what he wants because he's the lesser of two evils. Eventually they'd maybe start to have a sort of twisted symbiotic relationship, where they each help the other, but I still don't see them necessarily being in love.

Death's Assistant
Comedy, romance

 When she died, she hadn't had any time to consider what might happen afterward. Young life was stolen away long before one started to question their mortality. When the reaper came for her, the lack of concern about her predicament was disconcerting. Something about her oddly colored eyes, or the cant of them, caught him off guard. When he said she had to leave her body behind, her questions were common, but one was glaring in the fact it was missing. Not once did she ask to stay, to see family or friends one last time. It wasn't that she had wanted to die, but she seemed...unimpressed by it. By him, even. And then she asked to stay with him instead, and against his better judgement it gave him pause.

Looking for someone to play death, or a reaper of death, some sort of personification of it, in any case. Bonus points for anything non-standard. He doesn't have to carry a scythe or look skeletal. I'm open to various reasons why he might decide to keep her around. Boredom, curiosity, something else? He could be as dark or lighthearted as you like!

Dark, supernatural creatures, possession, corruption

The series of events that led him to her didn't particularly matter. Whether she had mistakenly read the wrong book or messed up a spell or ritual - he didn't care the reason how he found her, simply that somehow she came into his sharp focus at the same time she opened the way for him to reach her.

An unfortunate accident ends up putting a young woman in the sights of a demon, someone who yearns to corrupt and possess her. Demon here is used simply as a word to describe the non-human entity, it could be spun that they are simply from another plane and often the worst ones come visiting. Meaning that many religions have dubbed them demons. This one does want to win this woman over to his side, but he also has an odd sense of morals as he clearly isn't human. Manipulation or holding her captive doesn't even strike him as something wrong.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


Cyberpunk or Scifi

The Specimen
Possible romance, non-con, dark, or violent

Notes of Dr. Abrams

Monday, 14:00
Specimen arrived today, given a room which was promptly destroyed. Restraints are necessary until communication is established.

Tuesday, 08:00
Specimen broke arm of orderly when restraints were removed. Sedatives had to be administered in order to restrain properly again. Looking for alternatives to keeping it restrained permanently. Prison door so meals can be passed through?

Wednesday, 17:30
No attempts at communication have been successful, yet subject seems to be highly intelligent. Just prone to rages.

This could feature a male or female subject, depending on what side of the coin you look at. Alien, genetic experiment, cryptid? Many options for what the "specimen" could be. Also the doctor or scientist that is played opposite could either fall for the creature romantically after figuring out how to communicate, or could be kidnapped and held hostage for it's escape, depending on if a lighter or darker story is desired.

Romance, slow burn, corruption, possible blackmail, non-con

That's what she went by online, anyway, Edit. No one knew her age or gender when she used the persona. Instead they knew that she was one of the best hackers that you could hire. Did you have a police record that needed to vanish? Did you need your name changed? An entirely new identity?

Edit was the one to go to, and for a price, Edit would make it happen. But then she encountered someone who managed to slip past her usually perfect walls of logic and pique her curiosity. He found out that she was a young woman, and things...spiraled.

Not sure if this should be started as someone finding her info and using it to gain some sort of hold on her, or if this is someone she meets in person and who stumbles across who she is. Open to either one. She might corrupt a government agent who was trying to stop her, or maybe someone corrupts her further from her usually non-violent acts to something more?

Out of Gas
Adventure, suspense

“This is a distress call. Engines are down. Life support will run out in....83 hours. Anyone within distance of the following coordinates, please assist.” The voice was female, and in the common tongue that was used for trading. But that was all that could be told from the spotty transmission, before a repeated string of numbers indicating the craft's location came in.

The call was just at the edge of where you'd be able to reach them by the time that 83 hours expired. When approached, it was clear it was a small individual transport, and there was likely only one person aboard. Potentially someone with money, from the newness of the craft. The problem with it was obvious. Some sort of space debris had impacted with the side of the ship, tearing a hole through the engine as well as the life support equipment. Whoever was inside was likely working off whatever oxygen was in their suit, and once that was out, they'd have mere moments of life left.

Looking for a sort of anti-hero here, someone who couldn't let her suffocate but also isn't the nicest person. Whether she is human or a humanoid alien is open to discussion, same as for him. Kind of thinking a Farscape inspired sort of story, but likely darker.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


~~~~ In Progress ~~~~

Stories currently in progress, even if I may be slow in posting at the moment due to life being a pain.







The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun



The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


A few characters who currently have some meat to their backgrounds, but no story line concepts, with more detail to come as I have some time:

Shard doesn't give her real name out often, she thinks the elven flow of it sounds too soft for a thief. And it isn't just her skills that gets her work, it's the way people view her, if they think she is capable or not upon first and second glance. Sarcastic and playful in nature, even when working, she is still good at her job. She's stolen gems, amulets, artwork, valuable weapons. Walking into a party of nobility and charming other guests, only to sweep out of the place with something valuable tucked away. She is a chameleon, and very few people can dig down to the core of her and find out who she really is.

I'd be curious to see what sort of character someone would pit against her. And how they might break her stubborn streak, or turn her ego against her.

True fortune tellers and oracles, those that can peer into the future or into someone's past, are few and far between. Sheltered in a temple dedicated to the goddess' of fate, Amarill has quietly practiced her arts since she was a mere child. Blind, she was brought to the head priestess when she was just four years old, her family frightened of her powers but also worried about them being misused. She has foretold the outcomes of important battles, protecting the temple for years by knowing exactly who in power they had to swear fealty to in order to survive. The head priestess has kept her a secret even from other priestess', to protect her as she grew to adulthood as well as for more selfish reasons. The sect grew rich from her predictions, and became a powerful ally to whatever king was in power at the time. Now someone has leaked this secret to someone outside the temple walls.

She has been sheltered most her life but has a great desire to experience more, she yearns to not be just a caged tool. It wouldn't be that difficult for someone to promise her a life and win over her talents to their cause. But that isn't to say she is stupid, lacking in real life experience, naivety has been tempered by the visions she sees. She is a mixture of vulnerable and powerful, but her skills can't be forced to work for someone either. She could be in almost any time or culture setting, high fantasy or more modern. For instance she could draw her power from the Norns or the Moirai.

Mouse has gone by said nickname for so long she doesn't really answer to her given name anymore. A sharpshooter by trade, she works not as an assassin as much as a guardian. Her job is to cover those who go beyond the safety of the encampment for supplies. And to keep watch for those that might try to enter in less than forthright manners. Snarky when she does speak up, she is used to spending long stretches of time in look out posts alone. As such her general diplomacy is not what it could be. When she finds herself assigned to an old forest warden's tower several miles from the encampment, things could get odd fast. Set to watch over a broad swath of wilderness at the outer edge of what remains of civilization, she would be on her own for any problems that happened to crop up.

Mouse is sort of inspired by the various ghost and horror stories you hear about national parks, etc. Someone with a bit of humor, dry or not, would be really fun to pit against her. And I am curious to throw in something of Native American legend, such as a skinwalker or wendigo.

Eira Kvethe
Eira is a powerful witch, and has spent many years specializing in poisons and their antidotes, specifically. More broadly speaking, she is skilled in potion making, wards, and curses. Generally she uses a charm to glamour herself into looking her actual age, instead of the young body she has. It is for simplicity, as many clients believe that as a witch, she must either be old, ugly, or both. A loner, she stays far away from people in the wilderness. She's long ago made enough money to keep her comfortable, and now generally only accepts work that she finds interesting, or from someone who can trade skilled labor or knowledge for the work. At first meeting she is haughty, perhaps even too prideful, and prickly. But she is not an evil or even necessarily mean person. Simply blunt and unapologetic about who and what she is, with no patience for stupidity.

Raised in the thieves guild, her initial skill set was strictly illegal. Her small size and quick feet allowed her to start with pick-pocketing. Soon she was taught lock picking, and moved onward to working as a fence for the guild leader. The time spent in the guild-backed jewelry store allowed her to learn from the old jeweler that worked there as well, Anton. He became, if not a role model, a bit of a guide in the development of her unique talents. The transmutation of metals, the mixing of reagents, came almost naturally to her, boosted by the books that Anton provided. Soon her experiments included the beautiful jewelry she was learning to create.

And soon that started to cause rumors to spread among the upper class, the rich and the royalty. There was a jeweler that could imbue gems with various properties. Did you want to appear younger? She could help. Did you want to be charming to the opposite sex? For a price, she could do this, too. But this wasn't the kind of attention a shop run by the thieves guild wanted.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


~ Pictures I'd love a partner to use as inspiration. ~







The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


If you see anything that catches your eye, let's brainstorm.


The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun



The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


~~~~ Paused or Incomplete ~~~~

Stories that may be dropped because of real life issues, or because things didn't work out, or simply on pause to work on other projects. But that I still enjoy!








Breakthrough - With Del





The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


Bump, posting schedule is somewhat erratic at the moment but I am always looking for good stories and needed to do some housekeeping here.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun


Updated a few stories and a bunch of images.

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun