Milanthe's Ideas (F looking for partners)

Started by Milanthe, March 15, 2010, 03:48:05 PM

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Milanthe's Idea/1x1 Thread
otherwise known as
Tendrils of Thought

Table of Contents
Beginnings of a Thought
Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?



Hello all~!  This is my idea thread.  I hope you like~!  I'm in the process of revamping it, so I'll leave a couple ideas after the "Beginnings of a Thought" to get anyone who just wants to jump me before I finish started. 
Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?



Revamping the Thread!  Please wait for new/refreshed ideas~!
Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?


The Beginnings of a Thought

((Clicky to get to the location of the idea))

Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?


Touch is Expensive

This idea is brought on by a webcomic called Love Not Found and then a series of Gifs I saw in Adult Gif Wars by Curvy Kitten.  Awesome Thread btw.  The layout is that touch between actual humans seems to be just taboo and outdated - why have a relationship with a real man or woman when you can have a Butler/Maid 3000 to do the housework and to then give you ultimate physical pleasure?  But what if there are some freaks out there who still want a real man or a real woman to get into bed with?  That's where the expensive and rather secret Body Service comes in for those who are willing to pay the price.  In order to preserve it's employees 'sanity' for those who don't share their clientele's fetish, memory wipes are available and free after every service.

Lila herself can't imagine allowing someone to touch her - it's freaky.  What's the point?  But...  The new planetary move isn't going well - and she's lost her job, and still needs to make enough to go to school.  A friend recomends the Body Service, working there herself, she is known for having quite a few credits to throw around.  So, not knowing what she's getting into, Lila gets herself into more than she thought she could chew...  Or rather, touch.
Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?



The King sat in his chair.  Patient and abiding as he always was in this new age.  His years starting to show, his fingers gently caressed the sheathed blade he held in his fingers.  Amisynth, the sword that won him a kingdom of peace and prosperity.  He was not enjoying the thought of letting it go.  But for his people, he knew he had to.  He reached up and rubbed his hand down his graying beard, leaning back on his throne.  "He will care for you, I am sure," he murmured alone in the room. 

Later in the day, he sat in the same chair.  Dressed in the fineries that were demanded of the court.  The young man (well, young compared to the King) was lead by other Knights to him among the court.  "Young Knight.  We are here today to recognize your service to this Court, our King and Country, Amtheria," the announcer spoke as he stood at the foot of the stairs leading to the King.  "Please, approach his majesty and accept your reward for your impeccable deeds for our Country in his name." 

"It is customary...  To ask the new Lord to swear his fealty to his King and Country," the King started, "But I believe,you have sworn that in a way most of this court would never be able to stomach.  In a way I understand all too well..."  The old king touched his eye, a lasting memento of the day he won his throne.  "I hereby grant you all the freedoms my land has to offer, as a Lord of the Land, you will be granted no less than a hundred miles of your choosing in the land to the east.  Eastern Amtheria is yet untamed, but it will be vital in the days to come.  If he were of age, I would send my son to conquer this land, but alas, his age is still too young.  And so I ask you, accept your reward and it's duties and it's pleasures.  And to aid you, new Lord Eastland, I will give you..."  The king started to stand, slowly rising with his age starting to take the best of him.  "One...  Of my most prized possessions."  He held out his hand, and a young
woman - a mere but pretty servant girl - brought him an ornate sword placed on a large pillow.  "I trust you know the name of this sword," the King said with a sad smile.  Anyone who knew his history knew that giving away this sword was like giving away a piece of his soul.
Back from the deadish...  I hope...  Is deadish a word?