
Sarkat And Rian: Happily Ever After? [EX]
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Wrath of the Dragonkin

Started by Lady Jenn, July 10, 2017, 06:18:08 AM

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Lady Jenn

Vennar was a tall, raven-haired, middle-aged blacksmith who stood over an anvil, beating his newest sword into shape, occasionally looking over his shoulder towards the doorway to his forge. His friends had yet to arrive, and after what had happened to his brother he feared for them being out alone in the city.

He picked up the sword, giving it a few practice swings and smiling as he saw that it was perfect as usual. This one was intended for a special use however, one he had long expected to come but had still dreaded. He walked over to where a small painting of a beautiful young woman hung, kneeling down in front of it and closing his eyes for a moment, before looking up at the image.

"I am sorry Ainur," he said quietly. "I have failed you. I promised I would protect our daughter from the wars that scarred this world, but now I fear I have no choice in the matter. I don't wish to put her in danger but I see no other option anymore."


A little ways from the forge stood a ramshackle house, it was here that Vennar had brought up his only daughter Ebony. Her father's odd behavior lately had her worried. The young woman knew she could always talk to him, but of late he had been shutting himself in his forge day and night.

Ebony paced back and forth in front of the fireplace muttering to herself  its no good then out loud " I'm going to have to say something!" The decision made Ebony quickly marched from the house along the well trodden path to the forge.

As she approached she heard her father's voice, but was unable to make out what he was saying. She slowed her step, boots crunching lightly on the path as she approached the open doorway. Silence greeted her "Father?" She asked as she stepped into the doorway
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Lady Jenn

He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound, feeling relief that he turned around to discover his daughter stood there. He walked over to the where the hammer was hung, hanging his apron over the hook next to it before walking over and hugging her.

"Ebony, you shouldn't have come," he said, giving her a sad smile. "You know the streets aren't safe at night. I worry about you, esp-" his words were cut short by the sound of someone knocking at the door at the rear of the forge. "Wait here," he said, ignoring the cooling sword and taking down his hammer. As he opened the door he was prepared to use it, but lowered the weapon as he glimpsed the aged woman waiting beyond. "Ye gods Carolina, I could've taken your head off if you weren't careful."

"Not a nice way to welcome an old friend Vennar," Caroline said, chuckling as he stepped aside to allow her into the forge. "Ah Ebony," the white-haired woman said as she noticed Ebony. "You likely don't remember me, I haven't seen you since you were a small child. I am Carolina, the city historian." She turned to Vennar. "Tell me you've informed her what the plan is."

"I haven't even begun to ask her Carolina," Vennar said, sighing. "I cannot ask her to do this, this is no mere errand we're asking her to run."


Ebony frowned  as a hazy memory of the stranger went through her mind, she dismissed it concentrating on what her father had just said "Father? What's going on?" Ebony looked from one adult to another and crossed her arms, she didn't like that her father was keeping things from her

Vennar had always consulted with his daughter, he had encouraged her inquisitive mind from an early age. Whenever he was troubled, Ebony had helped find a solution. It was with this knowledge in her mind that she said hopefully " Whatever it is, you can trust me, perhaps we should go back to the house? I'll make some tea " what could her her father have to talk about that involved the city historian she thought.

She turned away from the pair at the rear of the forge, as she went to walk back towards the house,she ran her hand over he plait in a nervous gesture.
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Lady Jenn

"Vennar, I am too old for this," Carolina said with a sigh. "And the days where you could charge north on an adventure are long gone. Even if she says no, at least give her the option choose for herself."

"Damnit," Vennar said under his breath. "Ebony, wait. I hadn't told you but...your uncle, your mother's younger brother...Myraz's men arrested him last night. We were planning on sending him with you but...well, now he clearly can't. Ebony, what do you know about the area north of the Forest of Shadows that borders this city?"


Ebony turned in surprise, she knew very little about either of these subjects "Uncle?!" She spluttered "Wait... Did you say younger brother?" Ebony had so many questions she didn't know where to begin.

She stood quietly gazing at her father while she tried to organise her chaotic thoughts.If I answer his question first, father might answer some of mine she thought.

" The Forest of Shadows? I think I saw it on a map once" she replied. Ebony had heard a few rumors when she had been out and about in town, but only things along the lines of it was somewhere you did not want to go, and sometime people had disappeared within its boundaries.
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Lady Jenn

"There is more north of here than you can begin to imagine," Carolina replied. "The other side of the forest are a few smaller human settlements, then the Orc-riddled Badlands, Troll County, creatures no human has seen in centuries...but when you go far enough north you come to a fortress-like mountain range, within which is Dragonblight, the home of the dragons. It is Dragonblight you need to travel to, but that is no easy task."

"Shouldn't we at least tell her WHY she needs to travel there?" Vennar asked, raising an eyebrow. "Myraz has a dark secret, his long reign is no accident. He possesses a dragon relic which has extended his life unnaturally. If it could be taken from him he might be defeated, but its magic makes him almost impossible to harm. If we could persuade the lord of the dragons to aid us it may be possible to stop him, but that means going to Dragonblight to beg his aid."


"Dragons?!" Scoffed Ebony. "Really Carolina, I am no child...." She trailed off as she took in her father's stern face. Only then did Ebony really think about what she was being told.

She could follow her father's logic, if Myraz truly had this so called dragon relic then only a dragon could destroy it. Howeverone thought sped across her mind. "Me? Go to Dragonbligh?" She asked the two adults
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Lady Jenn

"Your uncle was one of the few remaining in this city capable of the journey who we could trust," Carolina replied. "I would not even attempt to cross the forest at my advancing age and your father is past the point where traversing Orcs and Trolls, nevermind what awaits once you reach the foothills, would be a safe option."

"I would not ask if I believed there was another option," Vennar said, picking up the sword from the anvil "I even forged this blade especially. Carolina can at least get you past the guards and as far as the edge of the forest."


Ebony nodded her understanding, she gulped then said resolutely "I will go". She stepped forwards and took the sword from her father's hands.

It was surprisingly light and the design on the hilt gave it a slightly feminine feel. She studied it closely, laying the blade on her palm, Ebony knew it was one of the best pieces Vennar had made.

However... " Father, I don't know how to use a sword!" She exclaimed.
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Lady Jenn

"It is easier to use than you think," Carolina replied as Vennar walked to the door. "Hopefully it will not be required anyway."

"You had better leave now," Vennar said as he walked back to them. "There are more guards in the street, they may find their way here eventually." He hugged Ebony, kissing the top of her head. "Good luck, I would come with you if it was an option."

"My cart is sat outside the back door," Carolina said to Ebony. "Get under the rug in the back, I will join you shortly, but your father and I must speak in private before we leave."


Ebony squeezed her father tightly. It could be sometime before I see him again she thought. "Love you" she whispered before quickly stepping back. The young woman quickly brushed past Vennar, as she did so she ducked her head so he would not see her tears.

She headed out of the back door and brushed away the stay tear drops with one hand. Beside the back door was the cart Carolina had mentioned. Ebony climbed in and pulled the rug over her, it was dark and itchy under there but she lay as still as possible clutching the sword to her chest. Her ears straining to hear Carolina's approach.
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Lady Jenn

After a few moments Carolina clambered onto the front of the cart, encouraging the horses to move without turning to look at her passenger. "That rug has an invisibility charm over it," Carolina said quietly. "Stay under it and don't make a noise and you should remain undetected." Their progress was uninterrupted until they reached the gate, where two spear armed men obstructed their way.

"Who goes there?" the older man called out as he stepped towards the cart.

"Has it been so long Mirek?" Carolina asked with a smirk. "I was your favourite teacher as a child."

"M'lady, my apologies," Mirek said, blushing slightly. "The king's orders, we have to check everything entering and leaving the city. If you don't mind?"

"Of course," Carolina replied warmly. "I have nothing to hide." She held her breath as the younger man walked around the cart, pausing for a moment before returning to Mirek and shaking his head.

"Apologies Carolina," Mirek said as they moved aside. "We wouldn't want to make the local farmers wait longer than they have to. Safe travels."

"I'll try my best," Carolina said as she passed through the gate, travelling until were beyond the view of the walls and on the borders of the large, ominous forest, before coming to a stop. "We've arrived," she said to Ebony. "You can get out, I have to gifts and some advice to give to you before we part ways."


Through out the short ride Ebony thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest. Never had she done something so... So... Exciting!

As soon as Carolina told her it was safe she threw back the rug and jumped out of the cart. A massive grin across her face. She stretched her arms carefully above her head, and the turned to face Carolina

"Gifts?" Ebony asked, her curiosity peeked as she looked at the older lady "Any advice, will be greatly received". As she waited for Carolina to speak a cold, eirie wind blew across her skin and Ebony shivered.
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Lady Jenn

"Here," Carolina said, reaching into the back of the cart and taking out a red gem on a necklace. "A Dragonblood Gem, these are so rare there are said to only be six in the world and no-one has a clue where most of them are. It serves two purposes: it glows when a dragon is nearby, and it enables both you to understand Dragon speech and them to understand you." She placed the gem around Ebony's neck before reaching into the cart again, pulling out an elaborately decorated scabbard. "This is something truly special," she said, pulling out the sword. It seemed to glow as if the moon was shining on it, in spite of the cloudy sky above. "The Dawnhammer Blade, forged by some of the greatest Elven smiths to have ever lived. Not only is this a remarkable fighting blade, it can help you in other ways. This used to represent a great alliance, I cannot promise you it will bring you allies, but they may be more willing to listen when they see it." She handed the sword over, letting out a sigh. "As for the advice: I would strongly advise you to stay on the path while you are in there, it says something that the wolves of the forest are the least dangerous thing you might find. Secondly, if you are lucky you may find your paths cross with that of the Elven Rangers sworn to protect this place. If you do, tell them Carolina sent you, one of them is an...old friend." She briefly embraced Ebony. "I'm going to have to leave you here, and I fear we may never see each other again. Good luck, we are all counting on you." With that she climbed back onto the cart, giving her a last smile before heading in the direction of the low buildings visible in the near distance.


Ebony stared after the cart in disbelief "is that it" she shouted after the retreating figure. What now? Ebony thought. She turned to look at the forest, dark and intimidating she could understand how it got its name, The Forest of Shadows.

Strapping the swords around her waist she resolutely walked into the first few trees. Almost immediately a darkness surrounded her, it was not think enough that Ebony could not see her way but the young woman could not see more then a few metres in any direction.

The advice from Carolina ringing in her mind, Ebony set of looking for the mentioned path. After a few moments of wandering she happened across something that resembled a path. The grass was trodden down as if many feet had passed along it, and branches had been cleared back. Was this the path she was supposed to find?
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Lady Jenn

The figure watched her from behind one of the trees, wrapped in a long green cloak, its hood covering the figure's face. It was carrying a bow, a quiver full of green feathered arrows over its shoulder. Ebony's appearance in the forest made the watcher both curious and suspicious, but as she took an arrow from the quiver it was not the woman who had caught its attention. In the treeline beyond her the shadowy form of one of the Night Wolves who infested the forest was visible, preparing to pounce. Even as it jumped towards Ebony it let out a gurgle, hitting the floor with one of the arrows stuck in its neck, another arrow already knocked to the bow, this time aimed at Ebony.

"Who intrudes on the sacred forest of Erisel?" it called out. "Be careful how you answer, however fast you are my skill with this bow is quicker."


Ebony stumbled back from the body screaming. She spun in the general direction of the voice throwing her arms in the air.

"My name is Ebony" she stuttered " My father Vennar and his friend Carolina have sent me on a..." Ebony smacked her hand over her mouth. I shouldn't say any more she thought. Her other hand moved towards the hilt of the sword that Carolina had given her.
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Lady Jenn

"Carolina?" the figure whispered, a smile crossing its face as it put the arrow back in its quiver and stepped out from the behind the tree and onto the path. "You should have said sooner, she and I are old friends," the figure said, pulling back its hood to reveal it as an extremely tall, nimble, and extraordinarily beautiful female elf, with ice blue eyes and silver hair that flowed down her back. Under her cloak was a plain brown tunic. "My name is Ariadne, I am one of the Elven rangers sworn to protect this place." She took Ebony's hand, kissing it lightly. "What is your name?"


A blush stole across Ebony's face. So lovely! she thought. It seemed to good to be true that within minutes of her entering the forest she had found an Elven Ranger, "Your the ranger, Carolina mentioned?" She asked slightly disbelievingly.

"My name is Ebony" she reiterated.
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Lady Jenn

"A beautiful name for a beautiful-" her words were cut short by a loud howl which seemed to come from all around them. "If one wolf finds you, it is almost certain more will follow." She looked around, thinking for a moment, before kneeling in front of the dead wolf, saying a short prayer, and then retrieving the arrow. "It's not safe out here, but there is my camp not far from here." Another howl sounded from even closer. "Apologies for this Ebony," she said, sweeping Ebony into her arms before jumping off the path, moving nimbly through the trees as if Ebony was as light as a feather, only stopping when she reached a clearing which showed signs of being lived in, from a small fire surrounded by food to a hammock hanging between two trees, she let Ebony back onto her feet, before walking to the edge of the camp and beginning to cast a protective spell around them. "You are fortunate I found you," she said as she worked her way around the edge of the camp. "Night Wolves are faster creatures than most realise."


Ebony wobbled slightly after being put down, and watched Ariadne as she walked around the camp "Night wolves?" She asked wrapping her arms around herself as she heard the now far of howls. " Is that what that creature was back on the path? It was huge!"

Ebony moved closer to the fire, she was suddenly cold to the bone, the young woman stretched her arms out toward the flames, her eyes closed as she soaked in the heat "Are there"  Ebony gulped "Are there more creatures like that here?"
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Lady Jenn

"It's said this forest is full of magic," Ariadne said once she finished the spell and came back to the fire. "Not all of which anyone is sure of the origins of, the impact it seems to have on the animals is partly why we Rangers were given the task of guarding this place."

Seeing Ebony was cold she dropped the quiver to the floor, sliding her cloak off her shoulders to reveal a pair of short knives at her belt and a large sword sheathed over her back. She came over to Ebony, draping the cloak over her shoulders, trying to hide that she now felt cold herself, her hand briefly lingering on Ebony's shoulder.

"What brings you to this place?" Ariadne asked as she sat opposite Ebony. "Carolina is no fool, she knows how dangerous it can be, she would not send such a pr..." she paused briefly, turning slightly red with embarrassment. "I mean, a fine young lady like you through here unless she had a good reason."


"Thank you" Ebony muttered pulling the cloak around her. Ebony sat facing the elf, studding her across the fire, her blue eyes locked on to Ariadne's ice blue eyes for a few moments then she ducked her head in embarrassment.

" I don't know about Carolina" Ebony began " However, my father Vennar has asked me to seek out the lord of dragons at Dragonblight" The young woman looked up from the ground that she had been diligently studying as she said this. The elf's hair caught her attention so similar to mine she thought.

Ebony pulled her own hair over her shoulder, and undid the plait, to comb her fingers through its locks, she glanced through her eyelashes at Ariadne. Unaware of the effect she had caused she asked " Can you show me the way? ".
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Lady Jenn

"Dragonblight?" Ariadne asked, letting out a slight chuckle. "It is not easy task she asks of you, certainly not one I would've sent you on alone." She sat quietly for a moment, trying to avoid eye contact that would give away how shy she suddenly felt. "If you're going to make it out of this forest you will need a guide, and there is no guarantee you will meet another ranger before you leave this forest. I can do better than show you the way, I will take you there myself." She thought for a moment. "We can't travel at night, not if there is a wolf pack patrolling, we will travel in the morning. I know a woodsman north of here who has horses we could borrow to aid us."

She got up, about to head to the hammock before remembering she would need sleep too.

"You are not used to sleeping in a forest," she said to Ebony. "You can have the hammock I am all too used to sleeping on the ground." She walked over to one of the nearby trees, trying to hide the fact she was shivering even with the fire alight.