The Picture...(M/F/Other, Feel free to apply)

Started by Micevin, July 14, 2010, 10:30:29 PM

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Before I  list the Role-Play idea, I'll say this. I don't care who or what you are, so feel free to apply. But know this, romance may become involved and it may not. It is up in the air off the bat.

Here's the Deal...

Ok, who's heard of The Picture Of Dorian Grey? Anyone? Anyone at all? Well we'll have to start from scratch then. It's the story of a man, Dorian Grey who had a portrait done of him. This portrait then aged while he did not. Essentially making him immortal.

Now this is not that story, because Dorian Grey relished this. Where as in the role-play the Dorian-Esque person would despise this and be searching for a way to end it. More or less taking him on numerous adventures around the world. Now if that makes sense to anyone who is interested, go ahead and message me.

May update this later with more ideas as they come.