World of Warcraft freeform......No WOW exp Needed

Started by Akioth, January 05, 2006, 01:57:27 PM

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The Chronicles of Sir Azeil Le Myrilsa.

Legend of Old, Myth of Age. These were things that were commonly found in this world. In places of warmth and free flowing ale such stories are often traded. Such as one favorite of those beings of light. The Chronicles of Sir Azeil Le Myrilsa. The Light of Stromwind, the Pride of the Paladins. A human of such power and might that those of the Horde quelled before his bright fury. But Alas such a story always has a ending. and his bode not well. Entranced by a priestess when seeking a place of sleep the Paladin was helpless against her magic, and the will of the Horde through her. However, the priestess realized her mistake as the life ebbed away from the powerful mortal. And his magic slipped through her fingers, to the blessing of the alliance..if not for the sadness of his passing. At least his power would not be defiled..... However, this is where the storied ended for most. But all was not told.

The priestess went on in life, and gave birth too many daughters. And to each of them she trained and taught in her dark ways, Their father her slave to her magic. The one mission she gave was to find the wayword son of Sir Azeil Le Myrilsa, to seek him out and entrance him. Just as she his father. However, she also instructed them of the powerful magics of his mind. And taught them how to gain his power they would have to bind him to themselves. They would forever be bound to him, More importantly, he to them. So those daughters went outword forsaking their kind to seek out ironically the only male that even mattered to them. So strong to them the quest of their mother. And one found him. Now a Paladin of his own right Isilther Le Myrilsa had happend upon one of them in his travels...and fallen under her spell. Now Immune to age under her dark magic his body and mind were defiled and transformed by her. Now known as Knight of Destrious he is too obey her will only...too far gone to ever hope for light again...all the while the once powerful light magic in him now hers in the twisted form of darkness....for her pleasure and will....and him.....Her all....

Okay, While I do say Slave I want to make it clear that I do not want anything to twisted to happen to him, I am not a Sub by nature and therefore I want to keep this as a relationship between the two. The moral of this stroyline is the fact that the night elf ingrained finding Isilther too much. SO in a way the daughter is just as entranced by the knight as the knight is by her. And her mother didnt really explain what she wanted her to do with the power the dark knight would give her. Since the woman is barely out of her teens she is naive and unexperianced. If anyone is interested in this rp please do speak up.
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