Tales from the Black Stallion Tavern Reboot

Started by Kay Tana, October 13, 2011, 10:44:24 AM

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Kay Tana

Ok so here it is out straight. This is the third incarnation of Tales that I'm trying to run. It should work better here where people are actually mature. While I shall keep the plot secret for now I will say this. This is going to take time. Oh don't get me wrong there will be plenty of action, but I'm big on plot development and PC to PC interaction.

For those who've played D&D 3.5 you'll fit right in, but minus a lot of the dice (not all).
This has apparently caused some confusion. I will not be restricting play to 3.5 rules or any for that matter. I simply meant that anyone who has played it will recognize things like monsters, items, and some NPCs. Also I'm taking some of their pantheon because I just don't have time to come up with every last detail for every last god and goddess. Once in play I'll make a list of any and all that I use.

I need a party of four for a 'High Fantasy'/ save the world. Standard races and classes apply, but I'm open to negotiating. Everyone will start at a 'low level' and we'll progress from there. That means low level equipment and abilities. Of course anyone genre savvy knows loot will be better than standard stuff anyway.
Once I see any kind of interest I'll slap up a character sheet.

Okay maybe if I put up my character?
Name: Arminas Numenesse (last name not used often)
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: N/A (The party can try all they want they don't stand a chance of anything happening.)
Race: Half Silver Dragon/ Half Human
Appearance: At 6'9" (counting his horns) Arminas makes a very good go at looking like the grim reaper when the hood of his cloak is up. Always seen wearing it, his dark cloak appears to have many pockets on the inside that you never know what he'll pull out from next. It also hides his wings folded tightly against his back. His scales have dulled with age and lost most of their lustrous silver color. His eyes have become a milky silver without any apparent iris. Can almost always be seen with his deadly scythe in hand and always at the ready.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Unknown (As DM i reserve the right to be able to do anything to pull your asses out of the fire)
Equipment: Dark hooded cloak and Scythe made from the back bone of a Half Red Dragon.

While I prefer characters to have bios if I did one for him it would ruin half the plot.

This will take part in the Light Exotic Small Groups area.


I am interested in a high fantasy game especially a save the world scenario - have one or two questions but will pm them to you if you don't mind ;)

Kay Tana

Thanks Kendra for the quick reply. Now we only need a few more interested people and we can fine tune this kitty till she purrs.


I'm restless for Fantasy group roleplays as of late and am definitely interested.  Should have a sample profile up soon.
Always Victorious
The Consort's Plots

Availability: June 2016, resuming activity.  Open for Roleplays

Kay Tana

Thanks. Its nice to see people get on this so quickly. I can't wait to role Arminas again. He was always one of my favorites because no matter what he says how many people argue with an ancient silver half dragon?


... Yes

I am showing more interest than the usual show of interest!

Er... I would truly like to join in the making of this RP ^^


Name: Calfiria Birelon
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Race: Half-elf (Woodland/Human)
Appearance: Calfiria has collar length hair that is a delicate mixture of light browns and deep gold. Straight hair frames her face but wavy, thick ringlets appear toward the base of her head signifying that she would have heavily wavy hair if she continue to grow it.  She keeps part of her hair pulled back but braids it if she must concentrate on a psychical task. Her balanced features and delicate eyebrows accent the sharp gaze she typically carries in her dark grey-green eyes. She stands slightly above average height with a lean but soft, sun-kissed figure.  Her ears are softly pointed. 

Her current attire consists of light cloth tunic and snug fitting pants, under a tailored fur-hide armor with tanned leather shoulder straps. 
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Druid
Hide Armor

Druidic Companion
Species: Wolf
Name: Val'nt
Apperance: Val'nt is a large, long-legged male wolf with a creme undercoat and a ochre and brown topcoat.  The wolf is visibly seasoned with scars and aging white fur starting to appear against his dark tail.

Will Druids have the ability to use d&d shifting spells like Wild Shape and A Thousand Faces, given they are appropriate and reasonable in literary context?

I'll place in the description after I finish debating which ones I want to use.
Always Victorious
The Consort's Plots

Availability: June 2016, resuming activity.  Open for Roleplays

Kay Tana

Sure, there has to be a way to tell them from rangers after all.
Just a few bits more and you'll be all set.

Malixe - Thanks, just take your time and work out a char.


Quote from: Kay Tana on October 13, 2011, 01:03:38 PM
Sure, there has to be a way to tell them from rangers after all.

Yup, we'll keep such abilities gimped for now and then work them up in the plot.    (Example: Wild Shape can only be used for an hour, at a time, in game.) What I do enjoy is that everyone is starting at some sort of basic level and then we'll see character progression as we go.
Always Victorious
The Consort's Plots

Availability: June 2016, resuming activity.  Open for Roleplays


Name: Magneol Bartel (ToneWild)
Age: Twenty-Three
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Race: Pure-Blooded Human
Appearance: Magneol pulls a wicked figure. Bound in a long coat, he has a thinness bordering on the unhealthy. His skin is slightly pale, and auburn hair untidily cut strangely contrasted by a pair of clear blue eyes. His sickles hang loosely in their bindings on either hip.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter/Bard
Equipment: Two Sickles, Long Coat, three vials of Alchemists Fire.


Well, theres a base of stuff ^^. If we're at level 1 low-level, I'll chip away the bard part. Hmmm...


Could we get a description of the world's current state/ or our starting area?  The town, area, surrounding landmarks/nature aspects?  Eventually I'd enjoy seeing these before we start. 

If your roleplay includes any political conflict, a political map or description would be good as well.  Same goes for religious conflict. 
Always Victorious
The Consort's Plots

Availability: June 2016, resuming activity.  Open for Roleplays


I was going to say '^^. I just sent you a bio, but I don't know if it's workable. Depends on if the world has a theatre or not XD.


wow this picked up speed - delighted you got other interested parties.
Unfortunately with the new workload I've just taken on and the amount of games I do, I'll have to pull my own interest but that won't stop me from lurking the thread for a good read when it does start up.

Best of luck with the game Kay Tana - have fun ;)

Kay Tana

Sorry to see you go Kendra, but I know how that goes. I'll make sure to put on a show.

I will be working late tonight and early tomorrow so a big update tomorrow evening. For now know we will start at a tavern on the edge of a large forest a goodly distance from any city.

James Moriarty

Hello good people,

I would like to join you on your adventure.  I will throw a character profile together tomorrow evening.  Thank you for letting me know about this, Kay!



Always Victorious
The Consort's Plots

Availability: June 2016, resuming activity.  Open for Roleplays

James Moriarty


This is a first character draft -- I have to play a little bit of catch up on what's legal or not, so helpful suggestions/prods in the right direction are very much appreciated.

Name: Zeraer Solbinder
Age: 40
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Class: Sorcerer

Appearance:  Zeraer is wizened beyond his years -- silver hair, long silver beard, long thick pointy fingernails -- but is smooth skinned and sure-footed.  He is taller, thinner and paler than the average person, and is somewhat nearsighted from many many years indoors studying arcana.  He has dark blue eyes and a hawkish face.  He is not overly strong, and cannot physically endure more than the average person.

Attire:  Zeraer prefers to remain unnoticed, is in fact almost obsessed with this, and almost exclusively wears non-descript, flowing black cloaks and the simplest complementary attire he can find.  He normally also wears a black rimmed hat.

Zeraer knew that he had an innate ability for magic even as a young boy.  Growing up in a relatively isolated town, his childhood was an exercise in frustration, for no one seemed to understand his abilities, and nor could he find any way to study their meaning further.

So as soon as he was able, he left home and found his way to a large city and spent almost every waking moment in the city's archive (a small but meaningful collection of books that represented a good bit of the wisdom of the day, including quite a few tomes regarding the nature of magic) to the exclusion of almost all else.  Forced by need, he found a job -- as an archivist and book-finder -- and made a small home for himself at the outskirts of town.

He considers himself almost strictly an illusionist, and tends to focus on abilities that will beguile, trick and throw fear into his weaker-minded foes.  However, he also has a natural talent for evocation, and if cornered or out of options, will use it.

Journeying pack

Species: Hawk
Name: Sunscry
Apperance: Sunscry is a very large female common blackhawk who is jealously protective of Zeraer

Kay Tana

That looks fine, but a warning to you. Familiars are nice and all, but if one dies on you you take massive penalties. So its really best if the hawk doesn't get too battle oriented.

Next post will be a world update.

Kay Tana

Quote from: Malixe on October 13, 2011, 01:24:43 PM
Well, theres a base of stuff ^^. If we're at level 1 low-level, I'll chip away the bard part. Hmmm...
I always hated lvl 1 so we'll say were 'lvl 2', but there won't be xp parse. At particular intervals I'll tell you when you 'gain a lvl' basically a general time to gain a new ability or power. If that seems kinda odd trust me when I say you will have the chance to train in things if you want.

Quote from: VNConsort on October 13, 2011, 01:40:34 PM
Could we get a description of the world's current state/ or our starting area?  The town, area, surrounding landmarks/nature aspects?  Eventually I'd enjoy seeing these before we start. 

If your roleplay includes any political conflict, a political map or description would be good as well.  Same goes for religious conflict. 

Not to get too far into anything that might ruin the plot I'll keep this simple. The world, pangea-ish large continent with some small islands, is for the most part at relative peace. Of course there will always be the occasional monster attack or minor skirmish over who owns what piece of dirt, but no large scale wars or real civil unrest. The starting area will be The Black Stallion Tavern that acts sort of like a last stop for travelers and adventurers. The nearest city, Ludd, is about 10 wheels (always loved that term, we'll treat them like miles) away in one direction and not much of anything but forest and wilderness in the other.  If you were to keep going, about 80 wheels beyond that you'd come across a village so small as to not have a name outsiders recognize.
The forest itself is large and ancient with trees well over 200 feet tall with a moderate population density that keeps the undergrowth to a minimum.
As for religion there are so many deities its crazy, but for now I'll list the big ones.
Greater deities

    Akadi: goddess of Movement, Speed, and Air Elementals. Her alignment is primarily Neutral.
    Asmodeus: God of sin, King of the Nine Hells. Lawful evil.
    Bane: God of hatred, fear, and tyranny.
    Chauntea: Goddess of agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer. Neutral Good.
    Cyric: God of murder, lies, intrigue, strife, deception, illusion. Chaotic Evil.
    Grumbar: God of elemental earth, solidity, changelessness, oaths. True Neutral.
    Istishia: God of elemental water, purification, wetness. True Neutral.
    Kelemvor: God of death, the dead. Lawful Neutral.
    Kossuth: God of elemental fire, purification through fire. True Neutral.
    Lathander: God of spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, athletics. Neutral Good.
    Mystra: Goddess of magic, spells, the Weave. Neutral Good.
    Oghma: God of knowledge, invention, inspiration, bards. True Neutral.
    Selûne: Goddess of the moon, stars, navigation, prophecy, questers, good and neutral lycanthropes
    Shar: Goddess of dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, unrevealed secrets, caverns, dungeons, the Underdark. Neutral Evil.
    Silvanus: God of wild nature, druids. True Neutral.
    Sune: Goddess of beauty, love, passion
    Talos: God of storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagrations, earthquakes, vortices. Chaotic Evil.
    Tempus: God of war, battle, warriors. Chaotic Neutral.
    Torm: God of duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins
    Tyr: God of justice. Lawful Good.

Intermediate deities

    Bahamut: God of good dragons, wind, wisdom, justice
    Beshaba: Goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, accidents
    Gond: God of artifice, craft, construction, smithwork
    Helm: God of guardians, protectors, protection.
    Ilmater: God of endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance
    Loviatar: Goddess of pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, torture
    Mask: God of thieves, thievery, shadows.
    Mielikki: Goddess of forests, forest creatures, rangers, dryads, autumn
    Tiamat: Goddess of evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed, Chessenta
    Tymora: Goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers
    Umberlee: Goddess of oceans, currents, waves, sea winds

Lesser deities

    Azuth: God of wizards, mages, spellcasters in general. (now a dead power)
    Deneir: God of literature, art, knowledge, glyphs, images, and cartography.
    Eldath: Goddess of quiet places, springs, pools, peace, waterfalls
    Lliira: Goddess of joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty
    Lurue: Goddess of intelligent beasts,talking beasts
    Malar: God of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, bestial savagery, and bloodlust
    Milil: God of poetry, song, eloquence
    Shaundakul: God of wind, portals, travel, exploration, caravans
    Talona: Goddess of disease, poison

Kay Tana

Quote from: Malixe on October 13, 2011, 02:02:43 PM
I was going to say '^^. I just sent you a bio, but I don't know if it's workable. Depends on if the world has a theatre or not XD.
Sorry, meant to reply to this too, but all the deities made me forget. Any world I create will always have a stage. It doesn't matter what the setting theater is always welcome. However that doesn't mean that there will be time for such or that we'll ever come across one in the first place.


Psh, that's fine ^^. As long as there was one in his past, all should be well! Thank you very much, I am now very well prepared!


Kay Tana

Cool, there is no rush to decide. I doubt I'll get a horde of applicants anytime soon.

Also, while there are only four spots there will be a fifth person, but their role will be as a npc and won't be part of the party. That will all be revealed later on.

PS This person was already predetermined. Please don't try to ask for their spot.


It looks quite interesting, I have always been a fan of the fantasy based ideas. There is just something about it that really broadens your horizon and let your creative juices flow.