Idea starters

Started by Eternal Damnation, February 20, 2010, 08:39:16 PM

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Eternal Damnation

I have a few idea starters to get me started back with this site since things have considerably calmed down and I can focus on writing again. I've missed it! *squeals*

1. 1500s. Castle life. Male takes female without consent.

2. A king and  a mistress.

3. Vampires. However, I'd rather do it in historical contexts rather than modern.

4. New Frontier type of RP. Where perhaps where it's a young woman whose widowed fighting to live and an older man takes advantage of that.

Men can play women, women can play men, women can play women, men can play men.

If you have an idea for a story that could be very different from these then let me know. We could plot something out!


I'd like to do a story, though none of those really interest me. Check my O/O and let me know if there's anything there that might interest you.