Drake Nightwing - Musings of the Dragon King

Started by Drake Nightwing, August 16, 2010, 05:12:56 PM

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Drake Nightwing

It was over. Finally, after seven long and painful years, it was finally and truly over. The war was won. It had taken several hard decisions, and many lives were lost as a result of the massive conflict…and Drakengarde, now known and recognized world-round as the “Dragon King”, had wondered if it was worth it all.

He had only meant to liberate his nation. The Dragon Islands, repressed and crushed under the proverbial heel of the Republic of Vamall, were suffocating under the oppressive regime of the Chancellor and his council. Drake had only meant to give rise to hope, to ignite the fighting spirits of those yearning for liberation, screaming for independence, to throw off the chains of the tyrannical government that so claimed they best represented the interests of the common folk.

It had all been far too simple, really, at first. A simple assassination plan. Sneak in, locate the Chancellor, and end him. The resulting chaos in the Republic Ministry would render them too disorganized to mount a defense when the armies of the newly self-claimed Dragon Lord came thundering down upon them. The plan had worked…to an extent, but the resistance from those on the mainland had proven to be more of a fight than had initially expected.

It was nothing, Drake had dismissed. A few weeks, give or take a couple of days, and they would fall.

Little did he know those few short weeks would expand into seven long years. Now, twenty-five years old having been crowned by his people after having established his Empire upon the islands in the Arnav-Kai Ocean and consolidated his centralized power over the Vamalians…the young man now focused his thoughts and energies to two main goals. One, reparations and rebuilding of those destroyed during the war. Secondly, secure his line of succession to the throne.

Finding someone wouldn’t be hard, he figured. He was, after all, the Dragon King. Power, fame, riches, a life of luxury…and marriage to a strong, powerful wizard and a very handsome looking man. …Even if he
was a half-dragon. Who could resist?

…a lot of people, Drake thought. But he simply wasn’t going to push himself on any eligible bachelorettes, if they truly did not desire it. Still, he wondered…his first thought, his first possible choice…would she be interested, he wondered? After all, they had remained together, after all this time…and she DID seem…interested before. Even though they did argue on a few occasions, especially over the implications of the war, Drake had always found it rather surprising she had supported him--even fought alongside him--through thick and thin over the overthrowing of the Ministry.

Still, with her disgust over the violence and the blood that had been shed…he was almost convinced she would want nothing more to do with him, let alone agree to become his Queen. Yet…she was so smart, so beautiful, so…absolutely wonderful, even now…as she had always been. Though, surely, there HAD to have been SOMETHING there--some reason to her to pick up a sword and fight alongside him despite her hatred of war. Was it all because of him, or was it because she simply no longer believed mere words would have not resolved anything at that point?

Was it all but an illusion? Was it all some…awkward, twisted, sick dream of his? Was he mad? …The monarch did not know, but, he surmised, there was only one way to find out. That night, Dragon King Drakengarde Nightwing decided, he would ask her why she gone against her beliefs. He would question why, of all things, she not remain true to herself.

But overall, he would ask...and if she would be willing...to be his bride.