M seeks F for seaQuest-based game

Started by Canuckian, September 30, 2011, 12:12:46 AM

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Showing some years here, but I used to love this show.  My favourite part was the love-hate relationship between Ben Kreig and Katie Hitchcock, his ex-wife  :-). Having exhusted the tiny amount of good fanfic for them, I thought I'd ask here.

As for the game I'd prefer this being a light-fbased story, as these two exes can't quite keep their hands off of each other. The wrinkles getting in their way are a bit tricky, thought: theyre in the military (with it's rules about officers sleeping together), they live and work on a submarine where rumours abound like in high school, and their own hangups about being exes.

I'm looking for more of a UST flavour, I guess is the best way to put it.

Any takers?