Elopement from the Winter Court (M for F char; D/s fantasy romance)

Started by Alec Lifestar, April 03, 2016, 02:30:02 PM

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Alec Lifestar

So, after a long time of not posting a new idea and, indeed, reduced play, while still taking baby steps, I am once again posting an idea born of recent dreams to try and gauge interest in Alec’s musings :)
With this idea, I am yet again looking to try my hand at a variation of my princess plots, albeit with a few twists so far not tied into it.
Firstly, I would consider the type of this one to be plot-driven, but with a plot that ties in sexual elements constituently, as in, there should be progress to the story on the level of sexual elements. I hope this becomes clearer in a moment.
Now, as for the plot. The princess in this idea would be your protagonist character. The initial plot would be for her, the daughter of a rather small and insignificant high or medieval fantasy kingdom, to have achieved one of the greatest honours achievable across the Realm: having been accepted to join the Fae Winter Court. Being the centre of power of that extremely influential and otherworldly beings, a stay there promises experiences and knowledge exceeding anything possible in any other place, meeting sentient creatures of any conceivable and inconceivable aspect from anywhere, as well as the fame, admiration and prestige of those only knowing the Fae from legend once returned.
However, not all is gold that glitters, and with the Winter Court being even in legends known as sometimes harsh and not without its jagged edges, the princess soon finds that her actual stay there is less pleasant than common lore had her believe. With her kingdom’s significance at the bottom compared to the Court’s other protégés, in addition to being on the lower rung than those retainers that at least originate from the otherworld, life at court for her resembles far more that of a domestic than the noblewoman she used to be, even though back home she was not at all pampered but rather working nobility in tune with the smallish nature of her native kingdom.
It is not so much, then, that she’d mind on a principle level that the Winter Court’s rules and traditions incorporate many a more carnal and darkly lustful approach featuring nudity and sexual submission, which, though they would be unacceptable in her realm, are just the norm there and which she finds, albeit strange, also secretly exciting and grows tentatively tolerant of – however, the picking on and bullying by her classmates and superiors is grinding on the young princess’s mind and heart and plunging her into a crisis of morale and happiness.

Her only shimmer of light, then, would be a young guardsman at court. Being one of those occasionally being employed to provide the manpower as well in the disciplining of the Court’s attendees, he is a low-ranking nominal noble without chance of advance, without, however, that fact darkening his overall outlook on life. Unlike many of his comrades, and almost all of the higher nobles, he finds no pleasure in picking on those placed under his temporary care, and with that first contact being positive, somehow the princess and the Fae guardsman tentatively befriend each other only for them to tumble into a quickly deepening crush as they find in each other a connection they both sought for.

It would be not long, then, that a particularly bad mishap of sorts make the situation expectant to become even more unbearable for the princess, and in her desperation, the couple elopes from the rigorous formalities of the Court and embarks on an otherworldly road-trip the limit of which are only their dreams.

So that would be the plot, and if pressed to do so, I would describe it as a ‘supernatural boarding school’ type of story. While the plight of the princess would be extremely real and pressing, I would still want it to be on a less than existence-threatening level, akin to puberty, school and growing-up troubles rather than sadistic depravity.
As mentioned, there should be elements of open expressions of sexuality in the Fae Court, as might be disciplining a student of the Court by means of enforced nudity, chastity or edge play, or entertainment of the higher nobility by displays of sexual performance. I would want those to be not so much upsetting to the princess because of their nature, though they sure could and should still hold the novelty and going against her prior experiences’ notions of what is proper, but the real impact would rather come from the discriminating targeting of this as well as other, more menial punishment and picking on her.
With the relationship to the guardsman as the male protagonist, then, I am looking for both a romance as well as D/s elements, and basically see that as the playground for exploring the pleasure the princess might actually find in the proper employ of those rules, rituals and courtly manners with a caring and mindful dominant.

As for the play’s pacing, I was looking to start at the beginning of their getting to know each other and explore for some time their developing a relationship/affair at Court, with a cataclysmic event some time into the story then providing the trigger for their elopement, which, again, should then resemble more of a mild hide-and-seek with modestly interested Fae authorities as they are on the run than full-blown bloodhound hunts.

So far for a first teaser, then, I hope I could peak your interest, and if I did, please feel free to shoot me a PN with any questions, suggestions, ideas and comments you might have. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
My O/Os * Requests and Ideas
Activity level: Busy at work - slow posting * A/As * My RP method

My stories:
A Dwarven Slave * Rise and Fall * Princess Guard

My Discord handle: AlecLifestar#5916