Star Wars: The Old Republic based plot/interest check

Started by apygoos, June 19, 2013, 08:42:50 PM

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I have taken The Oath of Drake.


Is there a point where nobody cares


I'd be interested too!

Kind of a weird character question but are droids allowed? Could like be the training droid (with an attitude) for the group who pretty much comes along because the group would be the masters. (think of the ship droid 2V-R8, just more combat-y?) Could be a fun contrast to all the Sith around.

Otherwise I'd probably play a female or male alien or maybe an Imperial Officer or Guard who helps them? Hmm...


I guess I should note that I'd also be cool with playing a female if necessary to balance out the numbers etc. :-)


Quote from: GreyAsylum on June 22, 2013, 07:27:09 PM
I'd be interested too!

Kind of a weird character question but are droids allowed? Could like be the training droid (with an attitude) for the group who pretty much comes along because the group would be the masters. (think of the ship droid 2V-R8, just more combat-y?) Could be a fun contrast to all the Sith around.

Otherwise I'd probably play a female or male alien or maybe an Imperial Officer or Guard who helps them? Hmm...
my only issue with you wanting to be a droid, is that you wouldn't come until a bit later in the plot that's floating around my head. An Imp officer is possible though, or what may come even easier, a pilot


If it helfs any, I'd be playing a straight female. Probably one who's totally in to bi guys.


Is there a point where nobody cares


Quote from: Strifesblaze7 on June 22, 2013, 10:08:03 PM
I'd be open to pairing up with a woman.

I think the issue is balance Strife... not pairings lol
I have taken The Oath of Drake.


Is there a point where nobody cares


Umm, well fine then, but I'd never sleep with a Sith... too dangerous. You'd have no time to dodge the lightning... or the choke... or the saber. Have you been to Thailand? Women put strings of razorblades in the... RAZOR BLADES!!!
I have taken The Oath of Drake.


Lmao. You make a good point. I may need to reconsider....
Is there a point where nobody cares


I have taken The Oath of Drake.


Is there a point where nobody cares


No no.. go to Thailand... The women are well... charming, the drinks are cheap, and the shows are completely mind blowing.
I have taken The Oath of Drake.


Is there a point where nobody cares


If this gets off the ground, I'll be submitting a female character.


That sounds really cool! Knights of the Old Republic I and II are some of my favorite games of all time. I don't think the MMO lived up to the hype (I blame EA) but I still had fun with the fully voice acted conversations. Plus, I've been reading the first Bane book, so roleplaying as a sith apprentice feels very natural to me right now.

I see a lot of males here, so I could happily submit a female. Is it typical for people to create characters of their opposite gender in RP like this? I'm new here, sorry if this offends anybody  :-X


Doesn't bug me but I'm not the guy running the show, lol.
Is there a point where nobody cares


so life happened, ill get some kind of character sheet up tonight or tomorrow, and launch an ooc


I have taken The Oath of Drake.



Quote from: Cerevan on June 23, 2013, 10:53:15 PM
This seems to be in conflict with itself...

It is.. I am.. I'm impatient but I'll tolerate the wait... YES
I have taken The Oath of Drake.



Home World:
Occupation prior to enslavement:
Skill in the Force you foresee your character excelling in though development[I.E. Healing, reflexes, etc]:
Weapon of choice:
Initial Moral Affinity:

ONs and Offs can go beyond sex.
please post your character sheet in the character sheet thread i am about to put up, i will review it and make sure all is well.