YUGIOH! Duel of Fate! (Interest Check. EX ((CLOSED!))

Started by Vergil1989, November 02, 2010, 05:27:07 PM

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Tempting. I am really rusty with yugioh, and I wonder if playing a card game over a forum would take waaaay too long...


Well, I've finished three games so far personally *winks*. It doesn't take too long if you post quickly. And I can assure you that it's rather fun. Also - we have some players who have never picked up a deck before this RP, so you'll be fine. The rules are made to even things out so casual players stand a chance, as well as creating fun deckbuilding challenges for those with a bit more experience.

Why don't you read a little of what we've written so far and go from there? Of course, you can ask us any questions you feel like too. I recommend reading the Duel of Fate thread's duel - it's both the first one we went into and it's absolutely epic.

And no, you don't need to post what your cards in hand and facedown are. They just did it because they wanted to. Personally, I keep mine hidden. I relish the suspense!


I'd trust other players too, since this is for fun. Let me find my ancient deck and see.


Cool! Just two rules you might want to bear in mind.

1) You can use only 1 copy of a card in a deck. This is to promote more exciting duels (and it's worked wonders so far) as well as to encourage more casual and expansive deck construction, so the casual players don't get eaten alive by top-tournament lists.

2) Even forbidden cards can be used, provided that only one copy is in use by all players at a time. This means that since Vergil has Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning - no one else can have one. This rule might be tweaked if things get unfair, but we wanted to allow people to play with forbidden cards while simultaneously making sure that they're not the only things players play with.




Hey Thorn, it's an honor to meet you.  As my Co GM has explained already, we'd be happy to have you so long as you are active and you follow our rules of course.  Hope to see you soon.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
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https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
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Laughing Hyena


Laughing Hyena

Good. I haven't played in ages so the dueling rust is there but I hopefully should still be very good.


Okay, I'm totally new to this Yugioh thing.  *nods to Stairc*  He's gonna help me figure it out, so excuse me if I start out bumbling.  Here's a character and sample post.

Character Sheet:

Name: Rhyssa Conner

Gender: Female

Age: 19


Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Red

Deck Theme/Name: Bastion of Shadows (light and dark)

Favorite Card out of your Deck

Able to see Duel Spirits?   No

# of Duel Spirits you have in your Deck:

Name of Duel Spirit(s):

Spirit's Personality:

Personality:  Rhyssa is a determined duelist, and very, very focused.  She is absolutely convinced that she can become a better duelist than all four of her brothers combined.  While she does like to have fun, for her, dueling and designing the best deck she can is far, far more important.  If you want to hang out with her, you’ll have to wait until she’s done with whatever it is that she’s working on.

However, being so focused on one thing has left her pretty much scatterbrained with regard to everything else.  She’s likely to be convinced that she’s locked herself out of her own dorm room while the key is hanging from a chain around her neck.  And, once she’s done her work, she’s happy to let her hair down.

This girl cares far less about winning than learning from her errors, and that means she duels, a lot. 

Duel Spirit's History:

Growing up the youngest of five children in a farming community, the only girl of the bunch, Rhyssa found herself always being compared to her brothers.  It always seemed that they did this or that before her.  Not that she’d ever resent them. They’re very protective of their baby sister, but sometimes, that goes too far. 

When she got the opportunity to come to the academy, she jumped at it.  Finally, she’d have a chance to find her own footing and show them that she wasn’t a little girl anymore and could take care of herself.  Her deck began with cards from her brothers, hand me downs that simply grew from there.

Since she’s come to the academy, she’s fumbled a bit.  It’s not easy going from a hick town to the academy.  Still, she puts her best foot forward (even if it lands in her mouth from time-to-time) and gives it all she has.  She has managed to make a small group of friends that have become used to her ways and are more than happy to point out that her sunglasses are resting on top of her head.

Where she goes from here is anybody’s guess.

Sample Post:
Rhyssa couldn’t have been more relieved.  It was over, finally.  She’d won, but just barely, by the skin of her teeth.  But, what a contest!  Still, it had become clear to her that it was time to let go of Red Eyes Black Dragon and his kin for something more…practical.

She kissed the brothers goodbye, trading them out for something with more punch.  Thanks to her brothers, she’d managed to get her hands on some pretty nasty cards.  But, she’d never put them into play before, determined that she really didn’t need their help.

Still, for once, just this once, she might give it a go.  She fingered the cards, Caius the Shadow Monarch, Light and Darkness Dragon, and Heaven help her, Gilford the Lightning, “Okay, boys.”  She smiled, “This is your chance.  Don’t let me down.”  Carefully, she tucked them into her deck and started to shuffle.


Very cool Yasarra, but it's also Stairc's call as well as my own though lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
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https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
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IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page



Thankees. *grins* It's nice to know a total newb is welcome.  *starts hugging everybody*  Now, I have some reading to do so that I know what's going on, so...  *rushes away to the threads*  See you on the boards!


Ffffff--I'm about to lose my mind with all the beautiful ladies that are here~!  :o



Lol, don't give our boy a heart attack now Yasarra.  Besides, he might have won but one more card and it would have been my game lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page



Cuddle?  *she laughs and pounces Genso and tries to pull him back together again*  I always love a good cuddle.  Just ask Stairc!


*gets out of his trance and pulls Yasarra into a lovey like cuddle* ~<3

Mmm....I just might get used to you if you like the cuddles...~


"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


I think we can squeeze in one more person, so yes, you are more than welcome to try your luck among us.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page