No More Heroes (update: Need 2-3 more characters to start)

Started by BlackestKnight, August 01, 2013, 09:48:48 PM

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OOC Thread -

Character Thread -

In Character -


Thus is the motto that the world subscribes since High Fuhrer Azazel the Great came into power, effectively dissolving the Justice Guild with help from his elite taskforce of supervillain co-operatives, the OVER LORDS.  Upon conquesting the world, each member of the OVER LORDS was given territory of their choosing to govern the way they saw fit, becoming literal Overlords. To be a hero in this age is a crime punishable by death. So most people don't even bother.

Not to be mistaken for the popular nintendo game. This game follows the premise of what-if. What if the earth's previous defenders met a most untimely end and villains assumed control, splitting up the world the way they saw fit.

A world completely devoid of heroes, just villains and their victims. All bad, some even worse. You get to be a hero 99% of the time , this time is different.

The New 10 Commandments.


            1. Thou shall not worship any gods besides Azazel.
            2. Thou Shall make false Idols

            3. Thou Shall not curse Azazel's name

            4.Thou Shall Steal

            5. Thou Shall Kill Indiscriminately...

            6. Thou Shall Rape thy Neighbors Wife.

            7. Thou shall Lie to further oneself

            8.  Honour No One
            9.  Always Covet

            10. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing

Unholy Crime Empire

              High Fuhrer Azazel:

              Overlord Leader : Black Stingray
              Overlord 1:
              Overlord 2:
              Overlord 3:
              Overlord 4:
S.T.R.I.K.E(Secret Co-Intel Group)
H.B.I.C -  Lea Ward

                       Elite Villains:(Dictators, Crime Bosses, Arms dealers, Super villains etc) Dante Gavino, Spencer Hutcherson, Shiro Mahoutsukai "White Wizard"
                       Major Villains:(bank robbers, gang bangers, professional crooks, b-villains) 
                       Minor Villains:(petty crooks, bully's, low-level offenders )

Character Skeleton.

Villain Identity:
Height: (optional)
Weight: (optional)
Day job:
Skills set:
Alignment: (How would you describe your immorality?  Anti-Villain(Red Hood), Punch clock(Team Rocket), Lawful villain(Luthor), Neutral Villain(Norman Osbourne), Chaotic Villain(Joker) )
Notable Crimes:
Rank: What is your rank among criminals? (if you're interested in a position as an overlord, you can state so)
Home: Where do you reside? If you own a territory, state so.

  • Adding a bunch of cliche superpowers to your character won't make your character "good". Even with a roleplay such as this. I won't accept an outright "bad" character, if I think your character is overpowered or uninteresting. then it's back to the drawing board. If anything I'd prefer if superpowers be kept to a logical minimum unless you have a very good reason for doing otherwise. Aside from a very select few, most villains are  somewhere between lex luthor and deathstroke in the range of power. A bunch of Darkseid's would throw off the balance that Azazel represents as a singular god-like being.

  • I'm a fan of anime but let's face it, people use the same anime custom images over and over and it's one of my bigger pet peeves. If I see a 10-year old girl with pink hair with oversized eyes holding a teddy bear or A 15 year master swordsman then I know you're not taking this roleplay seriously enough. I wouldn't mind a Azuma Genkaku type character, but the tone of this roleplay is mature, dark and edgy. This is meant to be more like a Watch-men style roleplay. Leave that shounen-shoujo sh*t somewhere else preferably.

  • This is a world of villains so logically there are other villains besides the Overlords and high fuhrer Azazel. The overlords and High fuhrer Azazel are just the most prominently known villains, sort of like the evil version of the justice league founders. You can be just about anything, common petty thief, serial rapist,  megalomaniac dictator, contract killer, whatever.


I would be interested in this some! I do love being evil.


'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


I know this isn't going to earn me a bunch of fans but screw it, I made this game as a big fuck you to all the formulaic trendy super hero team roleplays I see people make again and again and the over-the-top dickriding I see from fans of the usual 10 as I like to call them. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred as it should be. Dark & Edgy is here to stay.  Well you respect the Batman, well I respect Ra's Al Ghul.


I'd be interested in an overlord position if the character I have in mind qualifies. I'll post him either tomorrow or this weekend.  :-) It'd be interesting to try something different than the usual games
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


This looks very interesting.
Will you be doing this freeform or using a RPG system? If a RPG system, which system and what range of points?
Will we be working together for some reason and, if so, what might that reason be?


Meh. Nvm. I am no longer interested. I have enough games.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I might join. I think I have character in mind, though I'll have to think about it. It probably will a "fallen hero" type character who is currently somewhat of an anti-villain.


Quote from: Cthonig on August 02, 2013, 12:04:18 AM
This looks very interesting.
Will you be doing this freeform or using a RPG system? If a RPG system, which system and what range of points?
Will we be working together for some reason and, if so, what might that reason be?

Entirely freeform. As far as I know overthrowing the justice guild  was the unifying cause,  but now that the villains have assumed control of the world , I imagine the greater evil cause may have changed somewhat to become something more self-inclined. Say if you were a catwoman type villain, you probably wouldn't observe the murder aspect but thievery might be something that interests you and so forth. Your cause would be unique to whatever you stand for as a villain.


Villain Identity: Shiro Mahoutsukai (Basically "White Wizard")
Name: Miyoko Magus
Age: 22
Sex: Female
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Shiro Mahoutsukai
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Day job: Owner and manager of a bookshop
Personality: In her civilian guise she appears more calm and generous to her customers, thought that is ruse. Through her experiences, she has become quite cynical, though she prefers "realist". The only reason she is an anti-villain by now is even though she is corrupted, that moral fiber from her old days still digs in, causing her to just a general "gremlin in the works" of several evil plans. While she doesn't go out of her way anymore, she still sees times where she must act. Though on particularly cynical days of her's, she isn't too discriminate of the plan she chooses to screw up.
Skills set: She has a computer science degree, making her decently killed in computers. Miyoko's magical abilities stem from her wizard rings and her White Wizard Driver by swiping rings across her belt. By using her change ring, her armor forms around her. She may then use her spell rings to create various magical effects. Miyoko also has a weapon in the form of the "Hamel Cane", a sword-like weapon which doubles as a flute. By playing melodies on her flute, she may create a magical melody to disrupt an attack, though it only particularly works on ranged attacks.
White Wizard Driver: Miyoko's belt which allows her to access her spells
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Change Ring: Forms the Shiro Mahoutsukai armor over Miyoko
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Driver On Ring: Change's Miyoko's red belt buckle into the White Wizard Driver
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Barrier Ring: Creates a temporary magical barrier
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Connect Ring: Creates a small portal to pull out her Hamel Cane
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Explosion Ring: Causes a purple explosive orb to fire from Maria's free hand that that dissipates after 15-20 feet
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Teleport Ring: Allows her to teleport, thought the mana used for the spell is proportionate to the distance traveled
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Chain Ring: Binds the target's torso in white, magical chains
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Hamel Cane
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Alignment: Anti-Villain
Notable Crimes: Mass thievery, savotage, murder
Rank: Elite
Home: Osaka, Japan

(Would it be alright if I added a "bio/background" section to the app? It seems to lack a decent explanation of her fall to corruption without it.)


Ooo! A villain game! And I try not to be the normal dickery. :P

Villain Identity: Savage
Name: Tenius
Age: Unknown, claims to have been born in Ancient Greece
Sex: Male
Appearance: Now that someone can actually get a good look at him, it's easy to see that he's not human. He can cover it up pretty well with long pants and a hood or large hat as long as nobody looks too close but he stands out when he doesn't take those precautions. After all, Tenius is about 5'8" unless you count the horns.

Tenius is a Satyr, as in like from Greek Mythology. The basic form resembles a male of Mediterranean decent- but with some rather obvious differences. His legs look more like those of a goat complete with hooves, horns that start from his brow and curl around like a male goat, and a roughly foot long tail starting at the base of his spine- not to mention that something about his facial structure seems more primal then a normal human's should be though how exactly is hard to place.

Tenius's taste in clothing is exclusively toward natural fibers, claims to be seriously allergic to artificial fabrics in fact. Usually basic greens and browns on top of that- most write him off as a nature nut. When he needs to hide his inhuman aspects he goes for larger and baggier versions of his outfit.

Height: 5'8" if you don't count his horns, 6'4" if you do.

Day Job: Herbalist/Drug Dealer/Ecoterrorist - Tenius prefers to hide from civilization with his plants then actually hold an official job. Being a mythological creature this seems to fit.

Personality: The legends say that Satyr's a wild and lecherous beasts, fixated too the point of obsession with wine, women, and song- and not necessarily in that order. Well, there's a lot of truth to that in full honesty. It's not completely true but if Tenius is any indication Satyrs are of simple tastes and pleasures- somewhere between the sage of the forest and a hedonist. He prefers to think of it as being an expert in living in the moment.

Not a fan of modern life, claims to be allergic to many modern materials and fibers in fact. He likes being around big groups of people but pollution and plastics and all that- kind of puts him off. In the end though, he does hope mortals find some balance with nature- he's as much against what he views as Evil as any human if he looks at it from a different angle.

Though it should be noted that his sense of morality is based more on Ancient Greek sensibilities then modern ones. This leads to conflict. He thinks rape is just fine when its divine-on-mortal for example.

Skills set: Plants, Wilderness Survival, Magic
Equipment: His plants, a mortar and pestle, a bow and arrow.
Alignment: Savage/Barbarism
Notable Crimes: The creation of "Perfect Ten" - a supernaturaly potent strain of marijuana. The magical assassination of anti-environmental Senator Evens. The rape and eventual corruption of the then christain superheroine Starlight, along with several other women.

Rank: Major, finds Elite too open for his tastes and is willing to give up a level of power for a level of anonymity.

Home: Nomadic, mostly seen in Europe and mostly Greece.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Quote from: Yugishogun on August 02, 2013, 09:20:56 AM
Villain Identity: Shiro Mahoutsukai (Basically "White Wizard")
Name: Miyoko Magus
Age: 22
Sex: Female
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Shiro Mahoutsukai
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Day job: Owner and manager of a bookshop
Personality: In her civilian guise she appears more calm and generous to her customers, thought that is ruse. Through her experiences, she has become quite cynical, though she prefers "realist". The only reason she is an anti-villain by now is even though she is corrupted, that moral fiber from her old days still digs in, causing her to just a general "gremlin in the works" of several evil plans. While she doesn't go out of her way anymore, she still sees times where she must act. Though on particularly cynical days of her's, she isn't too discriminate of the plan she chooses to screw up.
Skills set: She has a computer science degree, making her decently killed in computers. Miyoko's magical abilities stem from her wizard rings and her White Wizard Driver by swiping rings across her belt. By using her change ring, her armor forms around her. Regardless if her armor is active or not, she may then use her spell rings to create various magical effects. Miyoko also has a weapon in the form of the "Hamel Cane", a sword-like weapon which doubles as a flute. By playing melodies on her flute, she may create a magical melody to disrupt an attack.
White Wizard Driver: Miyoko's belt which allows her to access her spells
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Change Ring: Forms the Shiro Mahoutsukai armor over Miyoko
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Driver On Ring: Change's Miyoko's red belt buckle into the White Wizard Driver
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Barrier Ring: Creates a temporary magical barrier
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Connect Ring: Creates a small portal to pull out her Hamel Cane
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Explosion Ring: Causes a purple explosive orb to fire from Maria's free hand
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Teleport Ring: Allows her to teleport
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Chain Ring: Binds the target's torso in white, magical chains
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Hamel Cane
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Alignment: Anti-Villain
Notable Crimes: Mass thievery, savotage, murder
Rank: Elite
Home: Osaka, Japan

(Would it be alright if I added a "bio/background" section to the app? It seems to lack a decent explanation of her fall to corruption without it.)

I'll allow her but some of her powers need to be scaled back, in particular the bolded. The ring stuff I don't mind, but there needs to be defined limitations and at least one weakness.

Quote Regardless if her armor is active or not, she may then use her spell rings to create various magical effects. Miyoko also has a weapon in the form of the "Hamel Cane", a sword-like weapon which doubles as a flute. By playing melodies on her flute, she may create a magical melody to disrupt an attack.


I will work on that. One of her moan weak points is actually taking times to swap the rings on her fingers and the couple second lag for the spell to take effect after the ring is swiped. I will work on the bolded parts now.

Edit: Made a couple edits


My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


I think I might be interested in this.



Villain Identity: Black Stingray
Name: Malcolm Murdoch
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Appearance: Malcolm Murdoch has a closely shaven bald cropped head, dark brown skin and deep onyx colored eyes, high cheek bones, and army tattoos which span the length of his arms and upper back.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs
Day job: CEO of Murdoch Tech, the world's largest Arms Dealer. Presiding Over lord of the United States of Africa.

Personality: In progress
Skills set:

  • Keen Intellect
  • Charismatic Leader
  • Expert Tactician
  • Vast Resources
  • Peak Athleticism
  • Multi-lingual
  • Navy Seal Training
  • Proficient Marksmen
  • Advanced hand-to-hand

Equipment: Superpowered armor suit, heavy artillery, explosives, melee blades, other devices.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Notable Crimes: Domestic Terrorism, Aiding of Subversive Groups, Illegal Arms Trading,  Anti-American Activities, High Treason, Assassination of prominent figures, Attempted overthrow of the U.S. government. International Pirating, Killing of Superheroes.
Rank: Leader of the Overlords
Home: The City province formerly known as Johannesburg.

Evil Tim

Ehhh...why not?  I'll jump in on a villain game.

Name: Dante Gavino

Age: 34

Sex: Male


Height: 6'4"

Weight: 220 lbs

Day job: Technically unemployed.  Head of the Gavino Crime Family.

Personality: Despite being a reluctant entrant into The Business, Dante proved himself to be a natural Businessman.  During a stint in prison, he learned from the legendary Businessman, Donnie Brasco, and was armed with all the knowledge he needed to make it big in The Business.  He overthrew his original Boss and assumed the position himself.  He handsomely rewards loyalty, punishes mistakes based on the severity, and reserves the harshest punishment for actions that brings harm to his Family and threatens The Business.

Skills set: Learned to fight with his fists and knives while in prison, proficient with most guns, and knows almost everything about The Business due to the teaching of Donnie Brasco.

Equipment: His favorite gun, a pump-action shotgun he has named Mama.  He also wears body armor at all times.

Alignment: Neutral villain, his only real loyalty is to his Family.

Notable Crimes: Drug trafficking; ordering the assassination of judges, police officers, District Attorneys, and even the mayor; serial rapist; arson; grand theft auto; and terroristic threats

Rank: Elite Villain, head of one of the largest crime families in the city.

Home: Chicago, Illinois


Villain Identity: (none yet)
Name:  Spencer Hutcherson
Age:  29
Sex:  Male
Height:  5' 10"   (This is 2.5" taller than the actor Jesse Eisenberg whose image I am using.)
Weight:  average build
Day job:  CEO and CPD (chief product designer) for Wehrmacht Security
   Producers of Shieldwall, Glassteel, and Fearkills.
   Shieldwall – An application (usually as a liquid like paint) which can be applied to any surface. The material bonds on the atomic level with the surface rendering it roughly five to ten times stronger (depending upon the material). This will make flexible surfaces rigid and porous surfaces nonporous. Like normal paint, one can unintentionally 'paint' a window or door closed – unable to ever be opened. Completely covering a house can potentially prevent air flow causing the death of the inhabitants. Never apply to a person or animal.
   Glassteel – A clear material roughly eight times stronger than Plexiglas. While useful for preventing break-ins, it also prevents breaking out in case of fire or other emergency.
   Fearkills – A weapon for home use that can rarely be used by an intruder. It plugs into a standard wall socket and fires an electrical arc at the source of fear with a strength proportionate to the amount of fear. If the wielder is not afraid the weapon will not fire. (Which means most criminals won't be able to take it away from the home owner and use it.) There have been cases of extreme toasting where only a few small chunks of very burnt body parts have been left of an intruder. Weapon owners are warned not to let their children anywhere near this weapon as some tragic incidents have been reported. This weapon has also cut down on domestic violence.
   The Fearkills device somewhat resembles the hand-held portion of a Ghostbuster's proton pack. A perception only strengthened by the electrical arc which fries the person/object of fear. While not initially intentional, this similarity was only built upon by Spencer as a way to make owners more comfortable with using the device.
   Wehrmacht Security also offers a discreet body disposal service for a small fee – available to owners of the Fearkills weapon. The disposal people also offer info on psychological counseling services available to the weapon owner.
   The psychological counseling services offered by Wehrmacht Security are in part to assess people, especially the children, to see who can be recruited and educated to be part of a (future) army security force.
   Wehrmacht Security has been the leader in pushing for legislation (in the puppet governments still left) which absolves manufacturers of responsibility for any 'misuse' of a product; EULA for everyday products. While such legal precautions are probably unnecessary, if Azazel falls and 'order' is restored, he'd like to have his legal butt covered as well as possible.

Personality:  Brilliant, devious, cautious, only slightly charming, and occasionally disconcerting.
Skills set:  Inventor, very observant, takes precautions,
Equipment:  Whatever he needs when in his corporate development facilities.
   On him, only a personal gun and customized body armor (using Shieldwall making it very thin, light and extremely difficult to spot). The personal gun is a modified 9 mm Beretta with Wehrmacht's Palmreader 2.1 – a biometric palm print reader. Spencer has also painted small separate radial lines of Shieldwall on the bullets (only – not on the shell) but not on the tip which results in a "Black Talon" type bullet.
Alignment:  Perverse – superficially lawful but subtly delivering little packages of chaos and death.
Notable Crimes:  None that he talks about – yet. He does keep a private tally based on deaths caused by his products which is currently in the thousands counting petty criminals, home-owners, family members and neighbors. Pets not counted of course.
Rank:  Elite but currently unknown villain. (Unknown to most.)
Home:  western Chicago suburb  -  outside of nuclear blast radius.
History:  Bright but psychologically scarred, Spencer wanted superhuman abilities to better defend himself even before Azazel purged all the heroes. During the purge of superheroes, a stray shot went through the building he was in. When Spencer awoke, he was surprised as he thought he had been fried by the super powered beam. (He had but fortunately for him it was mystically based and it altered him instead of just killing him.) Afterwards most things about him were heightened: intelligence, perversity, homicidal intentions, and physical resilience (not that he knows about this one yet).
   After that Spencer quickly rose through the ranks at Wehrmacht Security as Azazel finished up the purge and consolidated his control. He enjoys producing products that make the lives of petty criminals difficult while simultaneously endangering the home-owners. Plus, a company selling home security products gives the average person hope that things could still get better – a delicious cruelty.

Said to someone in authority:
   "What? I'm not allowed to make a profit from my abilities? Besides, I thought you'd be pleased. Now the two-bit lame 'villains' who don't deserve even a second of your attention can be killed by a home-owner. Everyone who matters wins. The home-owner matters more than the lame nobody because the home owner is part of the masses that grease the wheels of society – sometimes with their sweat, sometimes with their blood."

   Wehrmacht Security does offer corporate discounts - whether to official corporations or unofficial family-based 'corporations' (which tended to be charged under the RICO Act).


I am kind of interested in this one, just not sure which of my two ideas I want to expand on more lol


Ah, I still have some interest in this. Which roles do you need most filled, besides more female members. I can do any sort of villain, but I'm wondering if I should be a second in command for someone, or the right-hand henchman. I don't need to be the overlord, but I don't want to be a thug.


I suppose I can think of something to play. Some mid-level generic supervillain type. :p
My Request Thread
Ons & Offs/Role-Plays Current and Past
FemDex: Index of Fictional Women
F-List Profiles: Constance Carrington, Damashi, SCP6969
Prepare For The Next Eight Years
Find me on Discord at: mnblend6567
Credit for Avatar goes to "LoveandSqualor" on Deviant Art. (and Hayley Williams)


Quote from: Vaulera on August 03, 2013, 06:18:16 PM
Ah, I still have some interest in this. Which roles do you need most filled, besides more female members. I can do any sort of villain, but I'm wondering if I should be a second in command for someone, or the right-hand henchman. I don't need to be the overlord, but I don't want to be a thug.

Make the character and under rank specify your desired position and I'll be sure to make some sort of distinction in the opening post.


I've been wondering. Is it proper to rank my character as an elite villain despite her anti-villain status?


Quote from: Neysha on August 03, 2013, 07:30:17 PM
I suppose I can think of something to play. Some mid-level generic supervillain type. :p
Great, all types are encouraged. I imagine a lot of former relatively unknown heroes probably switched sides the moment Azazel came into power, sort of like re-inventing themselves, just something to think about.


Quote from: Yugishogun on August 03, 2013, 07:39:26 PM
I've been wondering. Is it proper to rank my character as an elite villain despite her anti-villain status?

This is a very good question, I think you would be better off as Major , it really depends on your perceived level of threat. Your character has obviously killed so before, so that puts her in the Major category by default. If you want to stretch it you can be elite due to your potential or some other unique qualifier.


Thank you for clarifying. I'd probably keep her as elite due to her well known anti-villain activities.


Ah, see, I was wondering If any player character wanted a right hand woman, as it were. I like player affiliations quite a bit. My plan was to just go one rank lower than whoever the boss was.


Quote from: Vaulera on August 03, 2013, 08:07:03 PM
Ah, see, I was wondering If any player character wanted a right hand woman, as it were. I like player affiliations quite a bit. My plan was to just go one rank lower than whoever the boss was.

Would you be willing to be a right-hand apprentice to my anti-villainess?


Hmmm. I think I want a male boss. TheVillain has already made a proposal, and I think i'll be taking his offer, no offence to you, of course. I'm not terribly good at female interaction in roleplays yet, seeing as I do very little of it, and have done very little of it. I'll make some attempts at improvement however, and hopefully interact with yours in the roleplay itself.


This is my first attempt since joining Elliquiy, so I hope it's alright. The idea I had was that it's sort of this worlds CIA, Gestapo, FBI, etc etc.  Perhaps with a head answerable to each Overlord, or answerable only to the High Fuhrer himself.

Name: Lea Ward.
Age: 31
Sex: F

Day job: Head of STRIKE
Personality: When at work, she is very serious and focused on what she is doing. However, she knows how to play the game and relieve the tension of the drones under her command with a little levity now and again, lest she be thought of as the "ice princess" and disrespected in secret. When not at work, she can party as hard as anyone to keep up with any of her male counterparts in this world, but always has her guard up against those under her command who may want to take her position.
Skills set: Well versed in the use of firearms, computers, as well as the collaspable baton she uses for hand to hand combat. During her rise up the ladder, she was a field agent herself since the age of 18 and was trained in the art of assasination, infiltration, and hand to hand combat.
Equipment: Standard field equipment is a sidearm, kevlar vest, collapsable baton, and radio. Additional equipment can be drawn from any number of field/sector houses of STRIKE.
Alignment: Neutral/Lawful Villain.
Notable Crimes: All crimes she has committed were officially sanctioned by the state, she has killed several political rivals and heads of subversive groups. Destroyed the lives/ruined the reputations of whoever she was ordered to, though she has done that to keep her postion handy.
Rank: Elite - Major (Depending on where the organization would fit)
Home: She has no permanent home, as her position requires her to travel extenssivly. She lives, more or less, out of her suitcase.

STRIKE - Because Someone Has to Keep the Masses in Line


Quote from: BarbaraGordon on August 03, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
This is my first attempt since joining Elliquiy, so I hope it's alright. The idea I had was that it's sort of this worlds CIA, Gestapo, FBI, etc etc.  Perhaps with a head answerable to each Overlord, or answerable only to the High Fuhrer himself.

Name: Lea Ward.
Age: 31
Sex: F

Day job: Head of STRIKE

Personality: When at work, she is very serious and focused on what she is doing. However, she knows how to play the game and relieve the tension of the drones under her command with a little levity now and again, lest she be thought of as the "ice princess" and disrespected in secret. When not at work, she can party as hard as anyone to keep up with any of her male counterparts in this world, but always has her guard up against those under her command who may want to take her position.
Skills set: Well versed in the use of firearms, computers, as well as the collaspable baton she uses for hand to hand combat. During her rise up the ladder, she was a field agent herself since the age of 18 and was trained in the art of assasination, infiltration, and hand to hand combat.
Equipment: Standard field equipment is a sidearm, kevlar vest, collapsable baton, and radio. Additional equipment can be drawn from any number of field/sector houses of STRIKE.
Alignment: Neutral/Lawful Villain.
Notable Crimes: All crimes she has committed were officially sanctioned by the state, she has killed several political rivals and heads of subversive groups. Destroyed the lives/ruined the reputations of whoever she was ordered to, though she has done that to keep her postion handy.
Rank: Elite - Major (Depending on where the organization would fit)
Home: She has no permanent home, as her position requires her to travel extenssivly. She lives, more or less, out of her suitcase.

STRIKE - Because Someone Has to Keep the Masses in Line

Welcome to the site and I'm glad to have you for our game. I like the idea of a sort of secret intel group for the baddies, I'll allow it and introduce you as a sort of secretive branch of the unholy crime empire. 



How are you with some what myth type villains, I have almost a crow type character forming in my mind. Only with a Japanese twist. Was writing an assassin but I wanted to give her a little something something and suddenly that came into mind.

The second was a low level thief (mainly known for her amazing hacking skills) that thought she was going into a place to nab some plans for some tech. When really she was caught locked up and used as a guinea pig for a new Nano tech. The nanobots enhance her body (only to peak human capabilities), give her some healing factor(only over time as it takes time for the little buggers to fix her)  and give her a fun and unique link to technology around her? Granted it is all new and she is still learning...but come on who wants to be a good guy when you just got the free pass to fun town? :P


Quote from: CurvyKitten on August 03, 2013, 10:35:00 PM
How are you with some what myth type villains, I have almost a crow type character forming in my mind. Only with a Japanese twist. Was writing an assassin but I wanted to give her a little something something and suddenly that came into mind.

The second was a low level thief (mainly known for her amazing hacking skills) that thought she was going into a place to nab some plans for some tech. When really she was caught locked up and used as a guinea pig for a new Nano tech. The nanobots enhance her body (only to peak human capabilities), give her some healing factor(only over time as it takes time for the little buggers to fix her)  and give her a fun and unique link to technology around her? Granted it is all new and she is still learning...but come on who wants to be a good guy when you just got the free pass to fun town? :P

If you can make it work then I have no complaints.



Is everyone still on aboard?



Evil Tim


Hey there, I'd be interested in coming on board... though this would be my first group roleplay that didn't involve a tabletop and dice.  If you're comfortable with that, then I'll put something together and get it posted here tonight.

I'm thinking of a petty criminal, just because no one has taken one.  Every group of villains needs one.
My current roleplays...

Just trying to eek out a living...

Mother Always Gets Her Way...


Oh I didn't realize this was still going on, it seemed to die just after I showed interest. If it is still on I will finish up those sheets and get them up to join.



I'm interested.

I'll see about creating a B (or even C-level) villain to engage in lowly levels of common supervillainous crime and other goon level activity.
My Request Thread
Ons & Offs/Role-Plays Current and Past
FemDex: Index of Fictional Women
F-List Profiles: Constance Carrington, Damashi, SCP6969
Prepare For The Next Eight Years
Find me on Discord at: mnblend6567
Credit for Avatar goes to "LoveandSqualor" on Deviant Art. (and Hayley Williams)


Villain Identity: Physeek
Name: Erin Chris
Age: ???
Sex: Female
Height: 6'6
Weight: Don't ask little one.
Day job: Mostly Temp For Hire Work

Personality: Delightfully murderous. Extremely dogmatic and loyal to the new Ten Commandments.
Skills set:
    Heavy Weapons Handling
    Medium Weapons Handling
    Light Weapons Handling
    Melee Weapons Handling
    Explosive Weapons Handling
    Hand to Hand Combat
    Culinary Grilling
    Cold War History
    Herbal Gardening
    Weapons Maintenence
    Crotcheting & Knitting


Climate Controlled Armor Helmet with Advanced Optics
Kevlar Lined Solid Color Combat Fatigues
14.5mm Six Barrelled Rotary Operated Automatic Heavy Machine Gun with Improbably Large Ammo and Power Pack
Numerous Hand Grenades
Double Barrelled Shotgun
Two Machine Pistols
Single Shot Break Action 40mm Grenade Launcher
Bolo Knife
Ice Pick
Rape Whistle
Boxing Tape
Late Model Honda CRV

Alignment: Chaotically Evil
Notable Crimes: Mostly Illegal Weapons Charges and Murder and variations thereof.
Rank: Major Villain
Home: East Coast of the United States, typically New York City.[/list][/list]
My Request Thread
Ons & Offs/Role-Plays Current and Past
FemDex: Index of Fictional Women
F-List Profiles: Constance Carrington, Damashi, SCP6969
Prepare For The Next Eight Years
Find me on Discord at: mnblend6567
Credit for Avatar goes to "LoveandSqualor" on Deviant Art. (and Hayley Williams)


    Villain Identity: Dragoness
    Name:Mayumi Takahashi
    Age:27 March 7 Pisces
    Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)
    Weight:127 lbs.
    Distinguishing Features : A scar along her right ribcage and a scar that runs along the left side of her neck, it seems someone tried to cut her throat once. Raises the did she survive?
    Appearance: :
    Picture 2
    Picture 3
    Picture 4
    Picture 5
    Picture 6
    Picture 7
    picture 8

    Likes :

    • Ice cream: Her not so secret love of ice cream, about the only food she still bothers eating now a days. 
    • Cars and motorcycles: Yumi loves her cars and her bikes, it it has a motor and wheels then she can drive it. And the faster the better.
    • History: Yumi is a firm believe that you can not figure out your path, if you don't know where it began.
    • Old movies: She has a secret love for the old movies, even black and white ones. She has a large collection of them at her place.
    Dislikes :

    • Pretenders: Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk, its really just that simple .
    • Being told she can't: Yumi is a woman that rises to the occasion no matter what comes her way. She hates being told she can't for some reason, specially if it is because of some thought shortcoming. In which she proves them wrong shortly afterward.
    • Newbies: It isn't so much she hates them, Yumi pushes and and makes them earn their ranks just as she did. In the end she knows they will be stronger for it.
    • Traitors: She hates traitors more so because of the things and people they sacrifice to achieve their goals. Her father did what he did and didn't even care what would happen to her. Why would one sacrifice their family to achieve their goals. In the end that leaves them with nothing...and then you fought for nothing.

    Skills set: :

    • Fighting styles: Due to her long years in training she as trained in nearly countless styles. So her own has evolved to a point that her movements and strikes can not be predict. And she has the ability to adapt to nearly any opponents attack style. 
    • Driving: Give her something with wheels and a motor and she will in fact drive the hell out of it.
    • Abilities granted by her rebirth:Because she is already dead, she does not need to eat or sleep and are incapable of feeling pain (save for the tortured memories of their own untimely demise), and can instantly recover from any form of bodily harm, no matter how great the damage. Her supernatural senses also make them exceptionally skilled at hunting down and eliminating a target, and superhumanly agile with cat-like reflexes, thus the reborn can fight with great skill and shoot with great accuracy even if he or she had never possessed such skills during his or her life. In addition she shares eyes with the Raven, thus being able to observe the place with the help of the bird.
        Familar Raven:Although Yumi is brought back to life by Emma-hoo he sealed their bound and linked her to her gift with an Oni that has taken on the form of a Raven. Because the magical Raven is the source of her connection between life and death, if it were to be harmed or killed, this would leave the reborn vulnerable to attack.   

    Day job: Doesn't need one she is paid as the top assassin to live as she wishes too.
    Cool, calm, collected, passionate, sexy, Yumi doesn't seem to be shaken by much anything. And when on the job she doesn't seem to show much emotion. After all how can a person take lives and still be alright with what they did if they didn't cut off the emotions that came with it. She is strong will and determined and driven, Yumi pushed herself through her studies. She is cunning, intelligent, her mind like that of a chess player always thinking ten moves ahead. Though when off the job Yumi is passionate and strong willed woman. One that gets what she wants, and enjoys the lifestyle her job has given to her. The side that is wilder and feminine, the musician and artist. Though she never cries in front of anyone, never shows weakness. Because in her line of work that weakness can and will get you killed.
    Equipment:Anything she damn well wants.
    Alignment: Lawful Evil she has her own code of honor that she runs by.
    Notable Crimes:Though no one can really prove whom she has killed as he has never been convicted. But the rumors of her conquests on countless, and beyond approach as well. And no one has ever gotten to the nerve to really confront and ask her who she has killed in her time. Though it is known that one day she entered the Head of the Yakuza's base of operations. Not many know what happened that day, and the very few that remained alive won't speak of it. But after that day she was now the new head of organization.
    Rank: Overlord of Japan
    Home: Holding the Territory of Japan Leader of the new Yakuza
    Her place, car and bike

    her condo

    Guest room and second bathroom.

    The most of the place seeming to having a set theme she only changed the rest of the apartment once you reached her private bedroom and bathroom. Her own personal hideaway. It seems she let the decorator have the rest of the condo to do with as they pleased not really seeming to have her touch. No personal touches around, her bed room, music room and bathroom seemed a bit more personal.
    Her bed room.

    . Nothing in the middle of the room a large round rug, and the windows that over look the city. Her bedroom is just past through the door to the left of the room
    the bathroom

    There is a large room to back of the condo, one may think it is a dance studio. But they would be wrong, as it is her practice area. A portion of the wall parts to a series of weapons.

    And a home gym.

    Villain Identity: Enigma
    Name: Elena Maxwell Conners
    Height: 5'4''
    Weight: 125 Lbs.
    Distinguishing Features : Three preircings on her lower lip and several tattoo's and a scar on the lower part of her spin(looks surgical)
    Appearance: :
    Picture 2
    Picture 3
    Picture 4
    Picture 5
    Picture 6
    Picture 7
    picture 8

    Likes :

    • Music: This wild child loves to sway her hips to the beat of her own drum...or one that has a good beat at least.
    • Junk food: Even before she was changed Elena love her sweets and random junk food. And could be most always been seen with at least a lolli pop between her lips.   
    • Luxury: Elena gained a a love for the finer things in life early on, even if she had to take what she wanted...she always got what she wanted
    • The rain:  El loves the rain, she can be found standing or dancing in it on her private patio when she can find moments to do so. El says she loves the way it washing things clean, and makes things feel possible once again. 
      • Trying new things. El loves trying new things, and is now not afraid to try almost anything at least once.
      Dislikes :

      • Moochers: She hates being used her or mooched from, after all she found a way to get what she wanted. Why can't they?
      • Jail: Lets face it there is one thing every thief hates cops and being locked away in jail.
      • Newbies: It isn't so much she hates them, Yumi pushes and and makes them earn their ranks just as she did. In the end she knows they will be stronger for it.
      • Doctors: After being held in the hospital and being poked and prodded for months on end she hates hospitals and doctors. 

      Skills set: :

      • Hacking/technology control: She was an mid level hacker before the doctors got a hold of her, but with her new Nano-Active Blood she has gained an odd ability to communicate and somewhat control technology around her. Granted she is still learning how to control this ability
      • Enhanced Condition/Regenerative Healing Factor Do to the Nano-Active blood she her body has been enhanced to incredible new limits. And the small little bots work at keeping her body pulled together no matter what. Though the worse the damage the longer it takes for the bots to put her back together. (though given enough damage she will still die)
      • Parkor/gymnastics: Elena has always loved being active, running around the city and throwing it through the motions.
      • Thief: Elena was a sub-par thief before her enhanced well lets just say she is rising up the ranks of thieving greatness.
      Day job: She has never been able to hold a real job for more then a few days.
      Personality:Elena is a bit of a wild child, she grew up on the streets stealing what she wanted. Mostly being a petty thief and slowly rising up the ranks. But it was not a surprise that she was so easily take from the streets to be used for a larger companies experiments. Escaping from her captors Elena is a bit more cracked then she was, and seems to throw herself into life. She takes what she wants, and does what she wants. All Elena needs the world. What more could a girl ask for right?
      Equipment: Mostly her body, and what ever she can get her hands on.
      Alignment:  Chaotic Villain (Harlequin with a new age twist
      Notable Crimes: Mostly petty crimes, but it seems someone named Enigma has recently shown up on the seen and started stealing some rather note worthy items.
      Rank: Just starting to be known
      Home: no permanent home, but where ever she stays it is always comfy.


    Looks like Shiro Mahoutsukai has some competition. :)


    Status: Stepping away for a while.


    How can I not approve such good profiles, both of you are in. Post your character in the character thread whenever you feel.


    Just throwing out there that I'm finding this idea interesting. Sent off my character idea to BlackestKnight there to see what he thinks of it before exposing it to everyone. Hope to see you all on the dark side. ^.^


    Quote from: BlackestKnight on August 07, 2013, 11:06:46 PM
    How can I not approve such good profiles, both of you are in. Post your character in the character thread whenever you feel.

    Woot ok!  ~moves her sheets over to the approved area.~