Star Wars - Alternate Galaxy (M for F)

Started by Koibito, March 04, 2014, 12:51:27 PM

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Hi all~

I'm really craving some Star Wars again and I would like to see if I can't get a nice plot going. Particularly I'm in the mood for it all, sex, adventure, over the top action, either or all rolled into one. I have a setting fleshed out and would like if someone would be interested in playing any characters in it in a plot we create together. Also, as the title may hint, I'm looking for an AU story.

I'm on rather often and I'm looking for someone who can post more than once a day. I have enough roleplays that barely move and I would like a more frequent one for this. I also only roleplay with female partners, sorry, it's just a preference.

My ons and offs can be found in my signature and my other requests can be found here if Star Wars isn't your thing:


The Galaxy has found itself a warped peace as of late. For a long time now it has been ruled over by a Council of Supreme Chancelors who govern the Galaxy as far as it can reach. Unbeknownst to the public, or anyone for that matter save themselves, the Council is consisted completely of Sith who oversee the Galaxy while in secret they also oversee an existing Sith Academy. While the Jedi do exist, they do so underground, away from the light, in secret as the pay for the head of anyone seen carrying a lightsaber and or said lightsaber is a minimum of 50,000 Credits. Jedi recruit their Padawan in secret, teach them basics, and deliver missions to them from afar rather than taking them with them anymore and while some do still meet their Masters occasionally, it's rarer now for a Padawan to come in contact with them. Sith are not above this law either and are also, like Jedi, killed on sight or suspicion of being Force Sensitive or wielding a Lightsaber, but the Sith believe that if one was dumb enough to be caught, they deserve their head on a platter.


As for who the plot will center around, I'm open to ideas. Padawan X Master (Though I'd rather play the Padawan in that instance), Jedi X Sith, two Padawans, anything really. Races I'm willing to play are pretty much any more humanoid ones; Human, Twi'lek, Togruta, Miraluka, anything of that sort and I would prefer my partner do the same, though that still leaves plenty to choose from.

Specific craving recently is that of a Sith Lord and his or her Apprentice (depending on which part you wish to play). Exploring just the average training of a Sith Apprentice, sexy bits strewn in of course, lots of action and fun to be had here.

Any further details to be planned out with an interested partner. Hope to hear from you soon!

Been sick the past couple days, will get to posts when I can~



Been sick the past couple days, will get to posts when I can~



Been sick the past couple days, will get to posts when I can~