Kind, Caring Dom LF Female Sub (Closed)

Started by Ares Atreides, July 30, 2013, 11:05:10 AM

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Ares Atreides

Thank you for taking the time to read my thread! You can find my O/Os in my signature and the following are just ideas to get started. They are by no means set in stone or musts. We can work out the details over gmail, YIM, or PMs.  Please take a look over my preferences to see if you think we are a good match and I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Reckless Abandonment
Cats are cute when they are kittens, but sometimes owners don’t think of the future. Your former owner got married to a woman who saw your character as a threat to her husband. She began to make your life a living hell and your owner did very little to fix it because he was blinded by his new found love for his wife. Eventually you realized things were bad when you were going for a car ride into the forest and turn around to hear the car driving off. You were left to fend for yourself and begin to wander for a new home, however many people don’t enjoy full grow cats. Lost, hungry, and cold, you find a cabin in the woods and exhaustively crashes on the front porch.

Slave in a Foreign Land
Two nations have warring for decades and borderlands are frequently raided for supplies and slaves. Your character happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time getting caught and captured by a warring band. The next few days feel like a blur. You were loaded into a wagon and brought deep inland to be sold at market. Now you find yourself on the doorsteps of a mansion, the doors close behind you, the bolt locking as you feel your past life getting locked away and you look forward wondering what your new life will be. Escape is almost impossible as your natural appearance gives you away as the foreigner, likely to be caught before you can make it back to your country.

I left many plot points bare that we will discuss if this interests you. Your income status (farm-girl or noble), my status, (rich noble man or businessman) or whether or not you wish to be strong willed or meek. Also the nationality differences allow for anthromorphic RP if desired.

Lonely Master
Thomas is the son of a very influential household who grew up with everything. Everything accept friends and love. People flocked to him to gain favor with his parents and to use him. Unfortunately they realized that Thomas wasn’t in good favor with his father or mother and they left him, only adding to Thomas’ sadness that he couldn’t find someone who would be his friend without only wanting what he could do for them. He was mostly left with the aging servants around the house to take care of him and while Thomas was cordial and nice to all the servants around him, he just felt that they couldn’t relate to him or connect with him.

One day while being out in the local town, Thomas runs across your character, (she can be either slave, homeless, orphan, but she is lonely) and he extends a kind gesture to her. It is there that something between them connects. She sees him not as others do, but for him.

RPs I'd love to do
Master/Pet (Neko RP)
Fantasy Setting RP

However I am open to other RP ideas at well, so perhaps you have an idea you really like that we both could do. Thanks for reading!
Dominance is best done by gaining respect through love, not fear.

Ares' Ons and Off's

Ares Atreides

Thank you so much for all your replies. I'll be closing this thread for now. But hopefully if one of the topics open up, I'll reopen it for more if  things don't work out. <3 to all of you.
Dominance is best done by gaining respect through love, not fear.

Ares' Ons and Off's