Short stories!

Started by fireandblood, August 22, 2012, 09:06:38 PM

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I'll add when I come up with new ones!

I knew something was wrong the moment I stepped into the building. It wasn't my fault that I was late; my alarm clock didn't go off, and it took Mother ages to finally realize I hadn't gone to school. But now that I was here... I immediately wanted to leave. Something was off. There was no noise, not even the lone shuffle of a shoe in the hallway. Nothing.

My entire being was screaming at me to just turn and run. Don't you know this is how all the stupid girls in the horror movies die? I thought, even as my feet pulled me forward, Doing stupid stuff like going into abandoned buildings? My hand was on the doorknob. Stop right now and go home! The door was opening. Don't! I stepped inside.

And screamed. The scream ripped through my body, feeling as though it would rip my lungs right out of my chest. Dead. They were all dead. Blood was everywhere; my friends' body parts were strewn across the floor. And still I kept walking. Wading through blood, hair, clothing... My foot landed on something that crunched, and I looked down. Mr. Martin's glasses, I thought, completely numb.

Every hallway was the same. Dead kids, dead teachers, blood smeared even on the ceiling. Silent tears were spilling down my cheeks; I couldn't even comprehend how horrifying this scene was. The classrooms were the same as the hallways. Then, I rounded a corner, and yet another scream tore from me.

Jane. My best friend, secret crush... There she was, hanging flayed from the ceiling. Her skin was hanging in ribbons from her ravaged torso; her mouth was cut into a permanent slash of a smile. I sobbed harder than I'd ever sobbed before, and that was when I noticed the wall behind Jane.

HELLO ABBY, it said, sharp letters painted in blood. Two words that made my blood run cold. That was when I did the smartest thing I'd done all day. I ran for my life. I ran screaming down the street, toward home, toward anywhere that wasn't here. I could feel something following me, the something that had written HELLO ABBY on the wall behind my dead friend. He was gaining on me, and I tripped and fell...

And woke up. Panting and sweating, I picked my head up, realizing that I must have fallen asleep while studying last night, since my head had been firmly planted on my desk. "A dream, only a dream," I whispered, fresh tears coursing down my cheeks.

Then, from behind me, a voice. "Hello, Abby."