In the dark

Started by Kwiehtyp3, August 31, 2014, 12:22:58 PM

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In the hot summer nights as I lay alone peering Into the fathomless darkness, I was disturbed by an paranormal presence. It Invaded my space like a magenta fog, uncertain of shape or size. Almost Immediately I was overwhelmed by a profound sense of fear and dread. Slowly this uninvited thing approached the love seat I lay upon seeming to constantly change, and yet, remain the same..

The fear paralyzed me and took my ability to speak away. Finally managing to gain some semblance of control, I stammered out my dogs name. The presence was seemingly strengthened by my expression of fear and quickened It's pace. Suddenly, the paralyzing fear was dulled by my own defiance. I would not cowar to this revnant.

I spoke my dog's name again, this time clearly. She still did not come and the presence drew closer. I knew It must not reach me, so once again I called for my dog with a commanding tone. This time, she came with haste. Confidence grew Inside me. I screamed In my head, ”I do not fear you!” I had my doubts, but the thing slowed dramaticly.

Once more I cried out mentally, ”I do not fear you!” I believed myself and It began to retreat. Then, I heard a sound. This sound was that of the fall wind In my left ear. This sound carried a voice. The voice spoke In a tongue more ancient and powerful than the race of man. I could not understand what It said, but as It finished speaking, I felt Intense pain.

It was as If a claw had materialized Inside my left ear and begun to rip It's way out. I squeezed shut my eyes and grimaced. I wanted to cry out, but somehow, I knew to do so would mean certain death. So, I sat In agonizing silence for what seemed like hours, though It was but a few seconds. The claw ripped It's wau down and spared me no pain.

Finally, I mentally shouted once more, ”I do not fear you!” Suddenly, all returned to normal, save one reminder of the Incident. That reminder, my very sore, and bleeding left ear.