Ongoing Search for RP (updated Nov 1)

Started by newcuriousguy, November 01, 2008, 03:35:43 AM

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This is my first foray into posting for rp here at E, so I figure that I will keep editing and adding onto this post until I build up something that I'm proud of.  I figured that I should at least get started though, so here I go.

I figured I'd start out with just some general settings that I think would be fun to play:

Medieval Middle-East (ie Crusade times)
Reality based 'near term' scifi (ie, mission to Mars, colonists, asteroid explorers)
More distant scifi (ie massive empires, possibly war, possibly nonhuman species)
Steampunk (maybe an inventor's story or just a classic adventure storyline)
Cyberpunk (ie Blade Runner, Johnny Mneumonic, etc)
Alternative history (ie Britain still rules America)
Age of Exploration/Piracy (ie high seas and beyond)
Post-apocalyptic world (ie the world of the Fallout games)
Fantasy-post-apocalyptic world (ie a Conan barbarian-like world)
Mafia, fantasy, movie/game fiction,
And many, many others...

Hopefully later I'll break these down with some specific ideas for each setting, but until then, feel free to make some suggestions if I jog any ideas.  I'm looking for this to involve primarily a guy and girl with supporting characters.  I play anything from nice romantic seduction to very dark scenes, so free feel to shout out or pm any ideas or interest.


I have become thriled with steampunk of late...Space1889...Deadlands... both have been fun to research
The idea of steampower machines with long thick silver probes ...bands of electricy acrhing up the length and mad sciencist politely discussing his work as the female is strapped me is erotic!!

I have several character ideas for a steampunk female.

Also Sci fi near future could be fun...deep space exporation a single person stumbilng over something with lots of kiknky sex with big probes!!

ever try any cyberpunk or shadowrun!!



Would you be interested in Alien/Abductee?


Phaia - I like the way you think, I'd love to talk to you some more about your steampunk character ideas.  As for cyberpunk and shadowrun, I love both, though I've never actually known much about Shadowrun.  I had to look it up again, but I really like that setting.  As for your deep exploration idea, there's alot we could do with that.  Shoot me a message and we can pick a setting and work through some specifics for a story.

FlaminGlory - Alien/Abductee could be very interesting.  Did you have something special in mind, or just looking for that general setting?


I was thinking that the aliens would be going across the universe, taking different specimens back to their own planet, in order to study them.


That could be interesting...sort of interstellar zookeepers looking for new specimens.  I think I like that.  Who do you picture yourself playing?  How many samples do you think they would gather.  Would they have breeding programs in order to ensure the survival of their zoo?


I see myself as playing a human. I think that the would get alot of specimens for their zoo, but we can discuss the number later. They would have breeding programs to make sure they get more of a certin kind of speciman, and perhaps try and mix breeds together.


I would be interested in playing something cyberpunk themed, or mafia perhaps. I put a future earth idea in this particular thread section, that may interest you i think, no one else seemed to like it.