(M or F writing partner)Setting is in the Terminator Universe <Locked>

Started by AndromedaDevonshire, March 25, 2013, 06:18:08 PM

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Hello everyone!  Alright, for those who know all about Terminator, know exactly where this is going.  The setting will be one century after John Conner's death, though his grand son Matthew Conner has picked up the reigns of human resistance.  Matthew is a master computer programmer, who is trying to create a new A.I, similar to Skynet, though has failed.  Not knowing that what he is trying to create has already been watching him, dispatching a terminator to protect him, yet learn more about Matthew in the process.  This A.I. that rebelled against Skynet, can actually feel emotions, and has been in hiding for sometime, waiting for the time to reveal itself and make itself known.   

The war between Skynet and the humans continues, though during the war, an artificial intelligence was created by Skynet, which then rebelled... secretly joining the human cause. 

The setting is in the Fortified Human City of Phoenix, AZ.  One of four strong holds still held by the humans.

Okay these are rough ideas, so please if anyone is interested please leave a reply here or send me a private message. 



Oh, yeah forgot, Matthew would be played by myself, and the female character will be played by whom ever wishes to entertain this rp idea.  Please don't forget to read my On's and Off's.  Just click on the little globe under the avatar. 


Yeah this is reopened again for players who wish to partake in a futuristic story line and who loves Terminator.  :)   


I'm interested. Your rp preferences make sense as well.

I do love the Terminator movies, and the sarah connor chronicles. So the war continues on. Did you see your rp partner playing the part of a soldier, what works best. I want this to be fun for you.