Flassche: The vaccine (Open)

Started by DarkEnigma, May 14, 2017, 02:22:25 AM

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Title:The vaccine

It has been 200 hundred years since the vaccine had been tested on the public. Initial results showed perfect cellular Mitosis without risk of genetic instability or damage to the telomeres, yet sadly only with people with a positive blood type. Months later the vaccinated negative blood types started to mutate, turning the humans into lesser feral versions of themselves with a hyper aggressive and pack mentality. Humanity was consumed by world war, nations turning on one another and their populace. Now, centuries later, humans live in sheltered safe-zones or outposts, with the occasional trader and raider roaming the world. There are only a handful of vaccinated positives out there, yet they have survived the wars, the ferals and even aging itself.

We would follow the tale of a single vaccinated positive, as he offers shelter to those he deems worthy, or those of his blood. He would have turned bitter throughout his long life and his morals have changed drastically, for better or for worse.

-Human/Feral (Discuss beforehand)
-Survitude play (possible incest)

Post appocalypse/semi-Realistic

My Character(s):
My main character would be a male survivor, born before the great war and immune due to his blood type and the vaccine. His physical appearance is around 25 years, yet in reality his is around 250 years, give or take.
Beyond him I would also be playing several side characters such as traders, raiders, the ferals and other elements.

Your Character(s):
Males, females and others are welcome to this rp. The main element to this game would be a messed up servitude/incestuous element, for all genders. My character would function as a guardian of sorts, offering sanctuary for his ´children´, as long as they follow his rules. Your characters could be ordinary humans who are found/saved by him at a young age and have been indoctrinated, or be his actual offspring and are immune just as him, yet raised to think of him as an all-father.
I would also be open to you playing a feral from time to time, that he captures and experiments on.

Inspiration for the scene:
The last of us



The man woke up like he usually did, covered in sweat, digits digging in the mattress and his eyes opened up to the point where someone might question his sanity. His breathing was irregular and fast, forcing him to first collect himself for a few moments before he was able to do anything else.
He slowly swung his feet out of the bed and onto the floor, letting his toes wiggle on the wooden floor as he collected himself, hands running through his sweat wetted hair before he got himself up, dressing himself afterwards.
He left his room and walked through the hallway, skipping floorboards he knew would make noise or were somewhat lose. He moved upwards with a clear purpose; to survey the city and to get a bite to eat.

It took a minute to adjust to the morning light and the sounds the city were making. It no longer was the city that he had known as a youth, but it was still his city in a way. Where once there were sounds of cars driving or honking, people selling wares or someone getting mugged, now it was just howling and screaming with the occasional sound of a gun going off.

The world had gone to shit so fast it was hard to really understand what had even happened in the first place. He could still remember the interviews on the television, promising a new breakthrough in medicine. They spoke of cellular improvements, fighting off decay or in some cases even regeneration. A golden era, they had called it. The man wasn’t really sure anymore as to what was really being promised, seeing as he was quite young at the time. The only thing he knew for certain was the fact that it had gone all wrong, so fast.

The treatment had worked wonders for the first group of human volunteers, removing congenital defects and overall improving their health. Protocol demanded a second, third and fourth test group would also need to be tested, yet the pressure from the populace to get their hands on this new vaccine, coupled with good PR and bad morals, forced the drug to go public before it was really tested.
It was a golden era for some, yet surprisingly uneventful for others. It turned out the drug was only producing positive results with people with a positive blood type, doing nothing for the other two thirds, or so the people thought.

A few months later the reports of migraines and aggression started to be published, with half a year later entire cities being evacuated or quarantined. In a year time everything humanity had built up over the stretch of thousands of years was nearly wiped out. The people that had changed violent from the new vaccine, turning violent and feral, spreading the ´vaccine´ to anyone that they could find. Biting appeared the most hazardous way of transmitting it, due to the build-up in their saliva and blood. Anyone lucky enough to survive an attack from a feral human would be join them within a few weeks, or days, depending on the severity of the infection and the blood type.

Those that turned where called negs; humans with a negative blood type and with the vaccine running rampant in their system. They would lose much of what made a person a human; Social skill and temperance in terms of aggression, high intelligence and the ability to create and break patterns.
The longer negs where infected the more basic they became, almost similar to wolves in terms of pack mentality and aggression. They did not attack one another beyond territorial disputes, yet where highly aggressive to uninfected humans.

The only ones immune to the mutation where those that had already previously been inoculated with the vaccine and had seen positive results. They, or their offspring, could fight off the neg-mutation, yet sadly most of them died due to the attacks themselves. Now, the world has grown dark and still. Humanity was no longer the dominant species out there, having been almost removed from the equation. Only a few hundred thousand non-feral humans are still out there, living in great walled cities, makeshift havens or roaming the lands as traders or raiders.
The original ´vaccinated’ positive blood type individuals have died off mostly due to the infighting, raids or other harsh elements. They can still be found occasionally, yet there numbers have dwindled to just a few dozen.

The man ran his fingers through the dirt, feeling the wetness and nodding to himself. It would be a good harvest…. Or it needed to be a good harvest. Supplies were always low and savaging runs were turning up less and less. He had more than one mouth to feed here, and possibly needed some extra food to trade with others, or to bribe raiders away. He glanced at his little rooftop garden and was proud of what he had accomplished. He had a whole network of gardens build on nearby apartment rooftops and had removable bridges in place to get access to them. The building he was staying in currently was an old police station that had reinforced bars on the windows on the lower floors. There were also dozens of improvements he himself had made over the years.

He still remembered the time before he had decided to make this place his own, of how he drifted from one place to another, watching safe havens be overrun or fall into anarchy. It had made his childhood bitter and harsh, yet also made him harder and more experienced.
The vaccination within him had done good things, keeping his health up and fighting off most common infections. He figured he was one of the last few that really knew what the world was before it had gone to shit. He had seen plenty of other humans after the collapse and with each passing year he grew more worried about the fate of humanity as a whole. Most traders he ran into could barely read and write. Most people did not know the original names of the cities they were living in or understand what former technology could or should do.

Still, as long as someone would remember the candle of civilisation would still burn. He had selectively, opened his doors for others over the years, yet only to those that he accepted. Some of them even survived over the years, thriving under his protection and tutelage.
For them he was their protectorate, their teacher and mentor, their father. He knew the ways of the old and could give them glimpses of what it had been before. The only thing they needed to do for his protection and tutelage was to serve the family, protect each other and learn from their father. But still, even the best intentions can also be corrupted, as the family will find out over the years.

He brought a fresh tomato to his mouth and took a large chunk out of it, savouring the sweet taste and drinking eagerly as well as chewing. He was about to walk back inside when he heard the soft sound of an explosion to the east, followed by a large plume of dark smoke. From here it was only a soft sound and a barely noticeable puff of smoke, yet he knew how loud it must have been up close and how badly that explosion was for him to be able to see the smoke with his bare eyes.

He knew of a handful of small settlements in that direction, yet most where too far away for him to see, which would leave a larger and walled safe-haven there. “Greenhills” He muttered under his breath, trying to remember how many hundreds of souls where in that place since he last traded with them. Had it been 10 or twenty years since he had last been there? He was starting to forget minor things like that. Was it the downside of living as long as he had? He felt old at that point, starring at his reflection in a small basin of collected rainwater, yet seeing a surprising youthful frame of a man in his mid-twenties. Even he was starting to have difficulties with remembering just how old he was. He had been born 12 years before the vaccine had been distributed, yet that must have been 200 or so years ago.

He shook the thought from his mind, finished eating the tomato and made his way inside, trying to come up with a plan for today.


Change log

22-12-2018 – Added the plot.
11-1-2021 - Bumped the plot.