[Scion: Hero] Recruitment Closed

Started by ererruz, February 11, 2016, 10:12:55 AM

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Scion: Destiny’s Desire


Since the dawn of man, the Gods have involved themselves in the affairs of humankind—and in affairs with humankind. Slaking their all-too-human desires with the flesh of mortal paramours, the Gods often sire half-breed offspring. These children, Scions, are invariably left for their mortal parents to care for. Though far weaker than their divine parents, Scions possess abilities far beyond those of any mere mortal. These abilities are often augmented even further by Boons and Birthrights provided by the Scions’ godly parents. As a result, Scions tend to rise to positions of power and influence.

However, the life of a Scion is far from easy. Though bound by ancient pacts, filial loyalty and fear of Fatebinding from harming one another directly, the Gods are perfectly willing to strike at their rivals by killing or maiming a favoured mortal son or daughter. The tales of Heracles, Onamuji and Sigurd are ample proof of that. The danger a Scion faces has only multiplied with the escape of the Titans, the progenitors and ancient foes of the gods. Like the agents of the Gods, titanspawn often go out of their way to slay Scions before they can grow into their full power.

In ancient times, the Gods interfered in human lives more directly, letting rampaging beasts, natural disasters, plague and famine speak of their displeasure with man. In addition, the spawn of the Titans often lurked just outside civilization, ready to devour hapless mortals who stopped at the wrong spring to drink or took the wrong paths through the deep woods. It was to Scions that mortals looked for protection from supernatural predation, and it was Scions who often interceded with the Gods on mortals behalf, flattering them or moving them to feel pity, or offering the Gods service if they would spare the weaker mortals.

In due time, the Gods retreated from the World. With the titanspawn threat wiped out by the efforts of early Scions, the corresponding rapid growth of human civilization and the conflict between nations threatened through the chains of Fate to draw the pantheons of Gods into war. To avoid this eventuality, the heads of the various pantheons met and agreed that the Gods should leave mankind to its own devices before the massive Fatebinding effects either threw them into conflict or changed them beyond all recognition. In response, most Gods retreated to the Overworld, only visiting the World occasionally in mortal guises.

Despite their overall withdrawal from worldly affairs, the Gods are compulsive meddlers. Though seldom taking direct action against one another or overtly guiding the course of humanity, the Gods still possessed a means of interfering in human history, their Scions. Over the millennia since the Gods’ retreat, a myriad of Scions have lived and died, most ignorant of their fantastic origins. However, in every generation, a few Scions worldwide, seldom more than a handful, receive a Visitation from their divine parents, unlocking the power of the ichor flowing through their veins. One or two in a century might even be gifted with Birthrights. Prior to the present day, the last conflicts involving a large number of Birthright-armed Scions were the two World Wars (both of which are now regarded as fiascos by the Gods).

All that changed with a single event, the escape of the Titans. Somehow sundering their Underworld prison (and in the process, damaging the realms of the dead), the Titans have reentered the Overworld after eons of imprisonment, hungering to regain their former rule and revenge themselves on their wayward offspring, the Gods. While a war between Gods and Titans rages in the heavens, the Titans have begun seeding the World again with their spawn. In response, the Gods have begun visiting their Scions in greater number and arming them with mighty Birthrights that they may stop the titanspawn from establishing a beachhead in the World of men.

Though humanity has long since tamed all but the most remote or dangerous areas of the mortal World, the return of the Titans and the unleashing of their monstrous titanspawn represents a threat beyond the ken of modern man. Only the Scions are equipped to deal with such threats, and are again filling their ancient role of guardians of man and human civilization.

Spawn of the Gods, nemeses of the Titans and protectors of humanity, Scions are all this and more.


What is what?

Birthrights: Birthrights are gifts showered on the Scions by their God parents. These can include weapons, armour and equipment featured in myth—the armour of Achilles, the swords Gram and Kusanagi, the coco macaque, The Book of the Dead, or the shield Xiuhichimalli—or magical beasts—the inged horse Pegasus, the boar Gullinbursti, a nekomata, an ahuizotl, or even a dragon. It might even mean command over a supernatural retinue of Spartoi, Einherjar, tengu, jaguar knights, mummies or zombies, or access to the advice of a knowing guide, either a wise mortal or a benign supernatural being. Though many ancient Birthrights exist, new ones are being created all the time for today’s Scions.

Boon: A Boon is a supernatural power inherited from a Scion’s divine parent. The types of Boons available at character creation are limited by the patron God’s Purviews. Heroic Scions are unable to directly wield these powers. They require Birthright weapons, armour or equipment to use Boons, and such relics may be stolen, depriving the hero of his Boons or even making them available to the thief, or destroyed.

Calling: Each Scion feels an almost inexorable pull to follow in the footsteps of her divine parent in some manner. By that, it’s not meant that a son of Ares will, for instance, claim he’s a war god and that all should worship him. Rather, such a Scion would likely be drawn to a career in the armed forces or as a mercenary or a weapons designer, and even as a child, he may have been a schoolyard bully or the head of a gang of toughs. The siren song of battle rings in the Scion’s ear, even if his half-divine nature is never revealed to him.

Epic Attribute: This is a direct bonus to a mundane Attribute that arises from the power of the divine ichor that flows through a Scion’s veins.

Fate: Fate is a powerful, unseen force that acts as a counterweight to the deeds (and misdeeds) of Scions and their patrons. In the game, Fate is a powerful force that fulfils two unique functions:
Fatebinding. The power of a Scion’s Legend allows him to perform wild feats by essentially bending the laws of probability in his favor. If a Scion uses this ability too much, however, individuals caught up in the Scion’s actions can become inextricably bound to him forever afterward. This phenomenon, known as Fatebinding, ties the lives of the affected individuals together and shapes the course of everyday events in strange and unpredictable ways—their paths cross one another again and again, and their goals become intertwined despite their best efforts. Fatebinding can create boon companions that follow a Scion through thick and thin, or it can spawn nemeses who dog his every step. The presence of Fatebound individuals (be they friend or foe) can affect a Scion’s abilities and modify the way he can draw upon his Legend. The greater a Scion’s Legend, the more easily this phenomenon occurs. Fear of Fatebinding is one of the main reasons modern Scions work to avoid the fame one might expect them to covet.
Fateful Aura. As a Scion’s Legend grows he warps probability to such an extent that he becomes a literal magnet for calamity. Natural and man-made disasters (or miraculous events) occur wherever he goes. If there is a robbery that’s going to happen, or a Titanspawn attack, or an attempted coup, the appearance of the Scion is guaranteed to make it happen. In a sense, the character’s Legend becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy—where he goes, momentous things happen whether he likes it or not. By dealing with them, he increases his Legend further, spawning an ever-increasing cycle of fateful events. A number of divinities, from the Asgardian Norns to the Olympian Moirae, have become so tied to Fate as to have been reduced to little more than mouthpieces for the inscrutable force. In addition, mortals and even Scions are sometimes possessed and used as the pawns of Fate in its efforts to forward its unfathomable agendas. As their Legend grows, Scions enjoy the tender ministrations of Fate more and more.

God: Born of the Titans but tied to the World, the Gods once blatantly interfered in the development of human civilization and, in turn, were shaped by the beliefs of man into the deities we recognize from Classical mythology. The Gods long ago retreated from the mortal world to avoid the dangers of being drawn into conflict via Fatebinding to their mortal followers. When one of the Gods visits the World now, it is almost always done incognito and for the purpose of reacquainting himself with humanity. In the course of “reacquainting themselves with humanity,” many Gods manage to sire Scions.

ichor: The divine blood that flows through the veins of Scions, giving them their power.

Knack: A Knack is a minor supernatural benefit tied to an Epic Attribute.

Legend: A measure of a Scion’s power and renown, Legend has a variety of powerful effects on characters over the course of the game. A character's total Legend score determines the strength of his Fateful Aura, the likelihood of Fatebinding individuals, the progression of his powers and the general outcome of any dice rolls. Additionally, Legend points can be spent to affect the outcome of actions during play, to power certain of their Boons and Knacks, and to power magic spells.

magic: Magic in Scion is the use of Fate (sometimes in conjunction with innate Boons) to either curse or bless a target in some way. Magic may also be used to tie an object’s or person’s fate to an outside object, effectively binding those things together. Finally, Scions (and Gods) may use magic to project their own powers onto a target by tying their two fates together momentarily and then projecting their power onto the target.

Overworld: The Overworld is a realm of limitless potential where both the Titans and the Gods were born and where the various pantheons now make their homes.

pantheon: A pantheon is a grouping of Gods, typically with an attitude and customs derived from a specific human culture. This book details six major pantheons: the Aesir, the Amatsukami, the Atzlánti, the Dodekatheon, the Loa, and the Pesedjet.

Scion: A Scion is the half-divine offspring of God and man. Though they lack the raw power of their parent deities, Scions still possess abilities far beyond those of the mortals who surround them.

Titan: A Titan is an archetypal being of incarnate chaos. Though not necessarily evil per se, such beings are driven only to follow their primal, typically destructive, urges and to revenge themselves on their rebellious offspring, the Gods.

titanspawn: These are the monstrous offspring of the various Titans. The most powerful titanspawn are equal in power to the Gods themselves. Currently only the weakest of the titanspawn are capable of forcing their way into the World, but these tirelessly strive to pave the way for their mightier brethren.

Underworld: The various underworlds of the individual pantheons were once connected to one another via the prison of the Titans, creating in fact one Underworld separated into distinct demesnes ruled by each pantheon’s death god. It is to these realms that the shades of the dead who believe in the Gods of the various pantheons are drawn after death. With the escape of the Titans, the nucleus that anchored the pantheons realms together is shattered, the Underworld is fragmented, and many of the souls of the dead have been released to haunt the world of the living.

Virtues: A Scion’s behaviour is influenced by a set of four Virtues dictated by the pantheon to which he belongs. By their nature, the Gods of a specific pantheon espouse the Virtues that were important to the culture from which they once drew worship. In turn, these are the Virtues by which the worth of a pantheon’s Scions are judged.

Visitation: The Visitation is a pivotal event in the life of a Scion. It is the moment when her true nature and divine lineage is revealed to her, typically by her divine parent, though occasionally through a divine herald such as Hermes, Legba, Hugin/Munin, etc. This is also the occasion where the Scion is gifted with her Birthrights.

World: The World of Scion is quite similar to our own. The main divergence from our own world that this one has experienced is that all of its ancient myths reflect real-world events. Now that both the Titans and the Gods have again become involved in the affairs of man, many of the World’s ancient sites of power have again become supernaturally active. In addition, a large number of these ancient sites have been stripped of their contents, which now reside in museums and private collections around the globe. In the ancient sites and in the places where relics from those sites are held, links to the Overworld exist that the Titans, the Gods and the minions of both may use to more easily access the World.


Welcome! I’m looking for 4-6 players for a game set in the Scion universe using the Scion system (slightly modified with house rules to make it more player- and DM-friendly). What is Scion? In the Scion setting all myths and legends about gods, demons and other mortal and immortal creatures are, to some extent, true and live in a modern world of today. Think Neil Gaiman’s American Gods or Anansi’s Boys; or Percy Jackson’s Olympians (...but grown-up and darker).

Characters are all Scions, half-mortal, half-divine children of gods from various pantheons. Each player will represent a god or goddess from a different pantheon. Almost any pantheon printed in official sources is allowed: the Norse (Aesir), the Japanese (Amatsukami), the Voodoo (Loa), the Greek (Dodekatheon), the Egyptian (Pesedjet), the Aztec (Atzlanti), the Irish (Tuatha De Dannan), the Hindu (the Devas), the Chinese (the Shen), the Persian (Yazata). The Atlanteans or WW2 pantheons from Scion: Companion are prohibited. Any gods allowed, even ones which have not yet been statted (as long as they’re greater gods... and not Titans). If you are interested in playing a Scion of a deity not yet statted in the books, no problem. We will think of something.

Scions and their divine parents constantly battle the Titanspawn and the Titans they serve. The Titanspawn are all kinds of creatures born of or tainted by the Titans – the creatures older than gods, often gods’ ancestors, who represent the most basic parts of the world, such as Light, Darkness, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, etc.

It is 2015 and the world is pretty much identical to the one we know apart from the fact that all myths are real. Over the last few decades gods were often seen engaging in affairs with mortals on Earth – many of which led to births of demi-divine Scions. The Titans-Gods war happening in the Overworld has not yet spilled over to the mortal world even though titanspawn work tirelessly to find a way for their evil masters to enter the Earth. 

The players will assume the role of newly-Visited Scions who are only now beginning their adventures as divine children. Oddly enough, they all found themselves in grave danger and had it not been for timely Visitations by their divine parents or their emissaries, they would have surely died. Thanks to their Visitations, the divine ichor in their veins awakened – all of them at the very same time. This sudden influx of divinity led to an unusual Fate occurrence due to which they all became linked to one another in the omnipresent web of Fate. Their destinies were, from now, forever intertwined. As a consequence, the characters will soon find themselves in the middle of a conflict initiated by malevolent deities who desire one of them. They will have to confront agents of Fate itself, and either embrace their destiny, or deny it and try to prevent an ancient prophecy.

The game will be plot-oriented, with a certain storyline in mind, but with enough freedom for the characters to approach problems any way they want. We will probably follow a pattern of: adventure/downtime/side-storylines/... in separate threads (one for the adventures, one for downtime activities, etc.) so players will be free to roleplay without worrying about spamming the adventure thread. I would like to keep this game going rather fast, so I’d expect 2 posts a week.

I am most interested in your concepts. I would like the characters to have rich backgrounds, pasts, friends, relatives, hobbies, interests. I want them to be something more than just a “scion of XYZ”. Feel free to create their relatives, family members, friends, lovers, rivals – I will definitely make good use of them in game.

All characters start at Legend 2 and cannot increase it at character creation (nor with experience points gained in-game). Legend can only be increased in-game at appropriate points.

Character sheet

Calling: Your character in a nutshell; one title that describes your concept
Nature: Your character’s true nature
Sexual orientation:
Date of birth:

Motivation: What leads you to do what you do? The Fate? Your divine parent’s will? Adrenaline? Wealth? Thirst for power? Desire to protect others? Etc.
Deific goal: What kind of god do you envision yourself as? A goddess of unrequited love? A god of blissful ignorance? What Purviews and Attributes would you want to master in the long run?

Hair colour:
Eye colour:
Distinguishing features: Any tattoos, scars, piercings?
Face claim:


Family: Is your mortal parent alive? Do you have any mortal (half-)siblings? What is your relationship with your divine parent like?
Friends and allies: Do you have any friends or are you a loner? Any close friends or lovers that you would go to hell and back for them?
Rivals and enemies: Have you earned someone’s ire or enmity?
Background: The character’s past before their Visitation.
Visitation: What kind of danger were you in that your divine parent decided to manifest (or send someone else for him or her) and awaken the divine ichor in your blood?

Fears and phobias:
ONs and OFFs:

Code (Character application) Select

[b]Sexual orientation:[/b]
[b]Date of birth:[/b]

[b]Deific goal: [/b]

[b]Hair colour:[/b]
[b]Eye colour:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing features:[/b]
[b]Face claim:[/b]


[b]Friends and allies:[/b]
[b]Rivals and enemies:[/b]

[b]Fears and phobias:[/b]
[b]ONs and OFFs:[/b]


Legend points:

Experience (spent):
Experience (unspent):
Experience (total):



Strength  #
Dexterity  #
Stamina  #

Charisma  #
Manipulation  #
Appearance  #

Perception  #
Intelligence  #
Wits  #


Academics  #
Animal Ken  #
Art  #
Athletics  #
Awareness  #
Brawl  #
Command  #
Control  #

Craft  #
Empathy  #
Fortitude  #
Integrity  #
Investigation  #
Larceny  #
Marksmanship  #
Medicine  #

Melee  #
Occult  #
Politics  #
Presence  #
Science  #
Stealth  #
Survival  #
Thrown  #

Epic Attribute:  #
  • Knack Name - Description

Purview:  #
  • Boon Name - Description


  • Relic Name - Purview
  • Relic Name - Purview


Clinch; Accuracy:, Damage: B, Speed: ; Piercing
Unarmed, Heavy; Accuracy:, Dmg B, Parry DV: , Speed
Unarmed, Light; Accuracy:, Dmg B, Parry DV: , Speed

Join Battle:
Soak: B/L
Health levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
Dodge DV: ; Parry DV:
Movement: ; Dash: ; Climb/Swim Speed:
Vertical Jump: ; Horizontal Jump:
Weight capacity:

Code (Mechanics) Select

[b]Legend: [/b]
[b]Legend points: [/b]
[b]Willpower: [/b]

[b]Experience (spent): [/b]
[b]Experience (unspent):[/b]
[b]Experience (total):[/b]


[i]Strength[/i]  #
[i]Dexterity[/i]  #
[i]Stamina[/i]  #[/td]
[td]     [/td]
[i]Charisma[/i]  #
[i]Manipulation[/i]  #
[i]Appearance[/i]  #[/td]
[td]     [/td]
[i]Perception[/i]  #
[i]Intelligence[/i]  #
[i]Wits[/i]  #[/td] [td]   [/td][/tr][/table]

[i]Academics[/i]  #
[i]Animal Ken[/i]  #
[i]Art[/i]  #
[i]Athletics[/i]  #
[i]Awareness[/i]  #
[i]Brawl[/i]  #
[i]Command[/i]  #
[i]Control[/i]  #[/td]
[td]    [/td]
[i]Craft[/i]  #
[i]Empathy[/i]  #
[i]Fortitude[/i]  #
[i]Integrity[/i]  #
[i]Investigation[/i]  #
[i]Larceny[/i]  #
[i]Marksmanship[/i]  #
[i]Medicine[/i]  #[/td]
[td]    [/td]
[i]Melee[/i]  #
[i]Occult[/i]  #
[i]Politics[/i]  #
[i]Presence[/i]  #
[i]Science[/i]  #
[i]Stealth[/i]  #
[i]Survival[/i]  #
[i]Thrown[/i]  #[/td][/tr][/table]

[i]Epic Attribute[/i]:  #
[list][li]Knack Name - Description[/li][/list]

[i]Purview[/i]:  #
[list][li] Boon Name - Description[/li][/list]


[list][li][i]Relic Name[/i] - Purview
[li][i]Relic Name[/i] - Purview


Clinch; Accuracy:, Damage: B, Speed: ; Piercing
Unarmed, Heavy; Accuracy:, Dmg B, Parry DV: , Speed
Unarmed, Light; Accuracy:, Dmg B, Parry DV: , Speed

[b]Join Battle[/b]:
[b]Soak[/b]: B/L
[b]Health levels[/b]: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
[b]Dodge DV[/b]: ; [b]Parry DV[/b]:
Movement: ; Dash: ; Climb/Swim Speed:
Vertical Jump: ; Horizontal Jump:
Weight capacity:

House Rules

House rules:
•   Legend: All characters start at Legend 2 and Legend cannot be bought with experience or bonus points. It is awarded by the Storyteller based on deeds done, missions completed etc.
•   Epic Attributes and Boons: At character creation, you cannot use bonus points to buy extra dots of Epic Attributes or additional Boons.
•   Specialties: Characters choose a number of specialties equal to their dots in the given Ability (i.e. Control 3 means you can choose Cars, Motorcycles and Planes for example)
•   Dots: Attributes and Abilities go up to 11; Hero Scions can only have up to 5 dots in them; Demigods up to 8 and Gods up to 11 (or their Legend, whichever is lower).
•   Birthrights: Birthrights may go up to 15 dots, but Hero Scions are still limited to 5 dots; Demigods may go up to 10 and Gods up to 15.
•   Epic Attributes: A character can only have an Epic Attribute equal their normal Attribute at any time; i.e. in order to buy Epic Stamina 6, a character needs to have Stamina at least 6.
•   Arete: A character with Arete in an ability favored by their divine parents pays three times the dot when buying more Arete for that ability. Moreover, if an ability you buy Arete for specifies specialties, Arete applies to all specialties.
•   Untouchable Opponent: This knack gives a bonus equal to 2x dots (and not successes) in Epic Dexterity to DV.
•   Resistance Rolls: All boons and knacks that directly target a creature or person may be resisted with an Integrity + Willpower + Legend roll unless otherwise stated.
•   Grappling: The controller of a grapple is at ½ of their normal DV.
•   Health Boxes: Epic Stamina dots provide additional health boxes equal to their successes, regardless of how many dots a Scion possesses.
•   Dying Boxes: All characters add their dots in Epic Stamina to their total number of dying boxes.
•   Virtues: At Hero, channeling a virtue enables you to add your dots in that virtue to your roll. At Demigod, it enables you to add dice equal to your virtue as if it were an epic attribute (i.e. a virtue score of 4 would yield 7 dice). At God, it enables you to add that number as automatic successes.
•   Tracking: All characters move at ½ their normal movement rate when tracking.
•   Weapon Speed: The minimum possible speed for all weapons is 4 ticks.
•   Subtracting from Rolls: Die subtractors from any source may only reduce a dice pool to a minimum of one die; every two dice subtracted past that point remove one automatic success. If the roll has no automatic successes to subtract, it automatically botches.
•   Losing Willpower: If a power requires more Willpower points to be lost than a target currently has, the difference is dealt as unsoakable bashing damage.
•   Taking a Hit: Characters may choose to take a hit meant for another persona at 0 DV once every 5 ticks.
•   Aggravated Soak: Every five dots of regular Stamina (rounded down) grants a Scion an additional points of aggravated soak.
•   Resisting Virtues: At Hero and Demigod level, Scions roll their Virtue dots in an attempt to resist them; at God level, they roll twice that number.
•   Godly Stunts: Stunt dice awarded to Scions of Legend 9 or higher count as automatic successes.
•   Multiple Actions: Scions taking simultaneous actions suffer a -4 dice penalty to each of them and roll each dice pool separately.


Generally, non-Specific and non-Pantheon Purviews are taken from here.

The Artistry Purview from here is available.


You can Emotion Purview here.

Itztli and Jotunblut

The Itztli and Jotunblut Purviews use the rules presented here.


New spells found here are also available to Magic Purview users.


These boons represent an alternate tree for the Mystery purview. They can be taken in addition to the default Mystery purview, but do not count as ranks taken when determining which rank you can buy. For instance, knowing Unnatural Insight (••) does not permit a Scion to take the White Wolf version of Mystery •••, he must already know the base Mystery to rank ••.

Uncanny Intuition (Mystery •)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: None
Every session, the Storyteller provides the Scion with a minor enlightenment. This usually takes the form of the ST pointing out an item of interest that pertains to current or recent events, but not in an obvious way. The GM chooses what he wants to reveal, and it can range from trivial to vital, as he or she sees fit. It must apply to a current or previous scene. If the game started and the ST has not yet provided such insight in the session, the player may request it, but may not demand a specific plot or topic for the insight to apply to.

Unnatural Insight (Mystery ••)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: None
The Scion’s intuition and eye for abnormal detail gives them a greater amount of information about any given situation. Whenever rolling Perception + Skill to notice something pertaining to that skill, the Scion gains bonus dice equal to his or her highest level Boon in this Purview.

For example, a Perception + Melee rolls might reveal to a normal Scion that his opponent is using a Shotokan Bo stance, but this Scion will come to a conclusion that his opponent studied under a teacher from the YMCA and never practiced against left-handed opponents. Perception + Investigation might tell other Scions that it was a Scion against a fire giant due to the burning smell, while this Scion gains mysterious insight that the Scion actually lit a Formorian on fire using the Fire Purview.

This does not include Join Battle rolls, rolls of reaction to the current events such as surprise, or Boon/Knack activations.

Drawing Conclusions (Mystery •••)
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
Cost: 1 legend
The Scion is capable of truly magnificent feats of insight. Upon entering a scene that is already in progress, he or she may take a Speed 3/DV -1 to attempt to conclude what has occured. Upon entering the scene, be it a combat already in progress, or a hopping club, the Scion spends a Legend point and makes a Perception + Awareness roll against the highest Legend of everyone previously in the scene. Success reveals to the Scion a brief, but detailed and accurate, replay of what has occurred for a number of minutes equal to the threshold successes prior to the Scions arrival.

Where a normal person would walk into a room full of giants standing around a phone and conclude they were waiting for a call from their evil Scion leader, this Scion would somehow conclude accurately that they just ordered a pizza and had argued over pepperoni versus sausage.

Postcognition (Mystery ••••)
Dice Pool: Perception + Investigation
Cost: 1 Willpower + ? Legend
The Fates themselves guide the Scion’s intuitive process, gifting him or her with true postcognition. Upon entering a site, the Scion can spend a Willpower point to relive something that occurred at the same site within one day per success on the activation roll. Use of this power costs one Legend per year in the past that the scene occurred, with a minimum of 1 Legend. If they do not specify an event, or try to see an event that did not happen, the GM should choose an appropriate alternative.

Connect the Dots (Mystery •••••)
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gifted with flashes of insight, the Scion may sense a particular target's connection to a specific targeted event, character, or object. Using this Boon costs a Willpower point and requires a number of successes on the activation roll equal to their Legend plus an amount based on the distance of the connection. The target must be within line of sight to attempt this.

For example, tracing Loki's connection to some mysteriously knowledgeable man met in a bar would have a difficulty of 12 (12+0) if Loki was the man, 13 if the man was one of Loki's Scions or servants ordered by Loki directly, 14 if it he was a servant of one of Loki's Scion given orders by his Scion who was given orders by Loki's Scion, 15 if that servant was given orders by the Scion without Loki's intervention but works with the overall plans given to the Scion by Loki, etc. Basically, every step of displacement increases the difficulty by 1.

Pull Back the Veil of the Unknown (Mystery ••••• •)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: 3 legend
Legends of some creatures and their weaknesses are well known by even the average mortal movie watcher. Those that study the occult may even be able to separate truth from fiction. But none are as capable of putting it all together as a Scion with this Boon. With the expenditure of a point of Willpower the player may ask for a specific statistic value or weakness of the target being. The storyteller must answer the question truthfully.

Unlocking the Greater Mysteries (Mystery ••••• ••)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: None
The Scion has now been gifted with some of the greatest mysteries of the worlds. Upon purchasing this level of Mystery, the Scion chooses a single Purview. From this point on all uses of that purview enjoy a number of bonus automatic successes to all rolls equal to the characters level of Mystery.

Mysteries of the World (Mystery ••••• •••)
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Cost: 1 legend / level of Mystery sent
The Scion's powers of mystery allow him or her to activate Mystery Boons through another, granting them the same insight as he or she is able to obtain. The god spends 1 Legend while watching his or her chosen target. The power is rolled as normal as if the target had attempted the roll, with all Willpower and Legend being provided by the god.

The god could for example lead a detective at a crime scene to the inspiration to track a minor immortal that is actually behind a murder – a feat that the mortal would never be able to figure out on his own. Or the god could even use this power to help guide his own Scion while watching his child via clairvoyance or some other means of sensing from a distance.

Distorting the Figures (Mystery ••••• ••••)
Dice Pool: Wits + Stealth
Cost: 1 Willpower and 10 or 20 Legend
The god has a great understanding of the workings of the world. He or she has learned much about unlocking the world’s secrets, and as a consequence he or she has also learned how to hide things from the Fate. For the cost of a Willpower point and 10 Legend, the god can hide a person, place, or object from fate. For 20 Legend they can hide a future event instead.

The target hidden from Fate gains a bonus to its defenses against any Fate-related Boon or power equal the result of the god’s Wits + Stealth roll. It automatically succeeds against Boons or powers which do not require activation rolls. Boons of equal or higher level only succeed if the user is of higher Legend than the hider. This Boon protects its target predominately from the powers of Prophecy, Magic, and Mystery. Other powers may apply at the Storyteller's direction. The Wyrd is not limited by this power however.

Failing to achieve the necessary number of successes means a Boon or power simply fails. For example, if someone was using Prophecy Purview to view the future, they would not detect anything but they would not know that they failed.

Raising the Monolith (Mystery ••••• •••••)
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics
Cost: 1 Willpower and 5+ Legend
The god has unlocked the greatest mysteries in existence. They may now look upon an object, person, or site and see much of its history. The god needs to roll Intelligence + Academics against a difficulty equal to the target's Legend + the number of boons from the Chaos purview the target has. Every threshold success is one significant event the god witnesses from the past of the target.

Activating this Boon costs 1 Willpower point and 5 Legend. This allows the god to see a number of events equal to the god’s Legend rating, but the god may increase this number by spending one additional Legend for one additional event witnessed. The god lives through the events as if he were that target, which makes this power somewhat risky if used on a very powerful or deranged target or on someone who has died violently or suffered great torture. The dangers are not to the god’s body, but rather to his mind. At the very least this should require an Intelligence + Integrity + Legend test against Perception + Awareness + Legend + Number of Chaos boons of the target. If the god fails this he should escape the visions, falling into a Virtue Extremity of the target’s greatest Virtue, and from now on, the god will suffer personality twitches, sometimes becoming the target in personality when faced with events similar to those experienced. The only known cure for this powerful affliction is Tranquility (Moon 8 ) or appropriate use of the Avatars.

Note: Every use of an Ultimate Attribute or Avatar Boon by or on the target is a greatly significant event in the stream of that person's fate, and always comes up in the stream. This understandably makes Gods very difficult to use this power on.


The Boons found under Prophecy here can be bought as an alternative for the normal Prophecy tree. They can be taken in addition to the default Prophecy purview, but do not count as ranks taken when determining which rank you can buy.

Sky and Thunder

Sky is separated into Sky (dealing with air and skies) and Thunder (dealing with lightning and storms). These Purviews are taken from here.


You can find Sound Purview here.


You can also use the Rus (the Slavic pantheon) and the Annuna (the Mesopotamian pantheon).

Interest check

Marie Reynolds - Pesedjet - Scion of Bastet
lockepicke - Dodakatheon - Scion of Dionysus
Arcannyx - Aesir - Scion of Loki (Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity, Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits; Artistry, Chaos, Darkness, Illusion, Jotunblut)
Phaia - Loa- Scion of Baron Samedi (Epic Charisma, Epic Intelligence, Epic Perception; Darkness, Death, Mystery, Psychopomp)
Angiejuusan - Amatsukami - Scion of Amatserasu (Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Epic Wits; Darkness, Emotion [Fear], Health, Sun, Tsukimo-Gami)
AndyZ - Scion of ?
Muse - Dodakatheon - Scion of Artemis
HairyHeretic - Tuatha De Dannan - Scion of Manannan mac Lir
VonDoom - Shen - Scion of Sun Wukong (Epic Intelligence, Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits; Death, Illusion, Magic, Psychopomp, Prophecy, Water)

Marie Reynolds

I would like to express interest in this game!


Expressing interest! Haven't hammered out a full idea yet.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Cataclysmic Archangel

Going to express interest also.  I have the 4 core books (Hero, Demi, God, and Ragnarok) but never once got a chance to play.  So I'd be relatively new to it all, but interested.

Have yet to put together any sort of character idea.  Just stating the interest, and will give it some thought.


very nice to see a new scion group...I have an idea based on a concept I never got to use...2 of them in fact.. One is a melee bunny with sword and fist and from the Loa. The other is a magician...stage magic and purview magic, granddaughter of a famous stage magican. She would be the daughter...well granddaughter actually of Bastet. Not sure which would work for ya?



I am so very happy Legend is only being increased when you say so-that's a rule even I use, it helps even things out so people don't start with super high Legend and then get a bunch of Epic Attributes and Boons while everyone else is struggling to bump up their Legend :P

Anyway, I'd be interested.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    My Avatars

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


*chuckles*  Very interested here, too.  It looks like the competition is hot allready. 

Now, what to play... 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Arcannyx on February 11, 2016, 12:29:45 PM
Going to express interest also.  I have the 4 core books (Hero, Demi, God, and Ragnarok) but never once got a chance to play.  So I'd be relatively new to it all, but interested.

Have yet to put together any sort of character idea.  Just stating the interest, and will give it some thought.

I wouldn't really count Ragnarok as "core", more like... a campaign book even though it does contain some rules (including Illusion and some knacks if I remember correctly?). Companion is kind of more core in a sense that it has a number of new knacks and introduces three new pantheons.

Quote from: Phaia on February 11, 2016, 05:46:37 PM
very nice to see a new scion group...I have an idea based on a concept I never got to use...2 of them in fact.. One is a melee bunny with sword and fist and from the Loa. The other is a magician...stage magic and purview magic, granddaughter of a famous stage magican. She would be the daughter...well granddaughter actually of Bastet. Not sure which would work for ya?


Use whichever one you prefer :) I'd probably go with magic because I personally prefer it, but pay me no heed, just choose what you'd rather play as. I do have one request -- please make the Scion a daughter of Bastet, not her granddaughter -- we're dealing with gods' children here and it's much simpler if everyone's a demi-god.

Quote from: Angiejuusan on February 11, 2016, 05:50:03 PM
I am so very happy Legend is only being increased when you say so-that's a rule even I use, it helps even things out so people don't start with super high Legend and then get a bunch of Epic Attributes and Boons while everyone else is struggling to bump up their Legend :P

Anyway, I'd be interested.
I agree there. Even though the writers seem to try and sell the idea that everyone can start at different Legend levels in the character creation section, the rules really work against that -- I mean, many knacks or boons work automatically if your Legend is lower than the target's. The balance is thrown out the window if you deal with Scions of different Legend. A Scion with Legend 4 and Epic Strength 3 + Epic Dexterity 3 will completely dominate a Scion with Legend 2 no matter what they do with their Epic Attributes or Boons simply because they can only have 1 dots in them, and not 3 like the Legend 4 guy.


Brainstorming characters now.

Ooh, I had a daughter of hermes as a minor character not long ago...  Wonder if she'll work. 

(Starting at legend two instead of three tends to make people pretty diverse.) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I've got quite a few house rules (many based on or taken from jsr), so I'll post them once I'm home so that you all know them before you build your characters' mechanics.

Cataclysmic Archangel

Quote from: Muse on February 12, 2016, 12:52:14 AM
*chuckles*  Very interested here, too.  It looks like the competition is hot allready. 

Yes, it sounds like there's quite a few interested parties.  Not sure the planned size for this, but since the learning curve is probably the highest for me, if there's a lot of people I'll probably duck back out if needed.  New system + large group tends to go badly for me.


Quote from: Arcannyx on February 11, 2016, 12:29:45 PM
Going to express interest also.  I have the 4 core books (Hero, Demi, God, and Ragnarok) but never once got a chance to play.  So I'd be relatively new to it all, but interested.

Have yet to put together any sort of character idea.  Just stating the interest, and will give it some thought.

Quote from: Arcannyx on February 12, 2016, 06:53:51 AM
Yes, it sounds like there's quite a few interested parties.  Not sure the planned size for this, but since the learning curve is probably the highest for me, if there's a lot of people I'll probably duck back out if needed.  New system + large group tends to go badly for me.

Arcannyx, no need to bow out with a bigger group. After all how can we corrupt... err teach you the fun of Scion without you being here!!


Cataclysmic Archangel

Quote from: Phaia on February 12, 2016, 07:02:13 AM
Arcannyx, no need to bow out with a bigger group. After all how can we corrupt... err teach you the fun of Scion without you being here!!


Well, when you put it that way...

actually, I never cracked open Ragnarok.  If Illusion is a knew power set there, I may have just had an interesting idea for a character.... I had thought up a mortal but couldn't reconcile it with a god yet, but that may have been what I needed.

Must research more.


  Okay so she's barely begun to be fleshed out. 

Yolanda "Yadi" Moreno

  Raaised in Monterey, Mexico, Yolanda's father was a north american deity no longer actve.  Fairly well of, Yolanda got Artemis's attention because of her tendecy to go hunting with her grandfather on vacations.
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Marie Reynolds

Well i am excited to see what comes of this.So ererruz any plot elements or themes we should focus on as we put characters together?


(Ragnarock also has the Ice purview.  That one is awesome.) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Cataclysmic Archangel

Quote from: Muse on February 12, 2016, 07:40:57 AM
(Ragnarock also has the Ice purview.  That one is awesome.)

Oh no.  Nah.  This will work.  Going with a Scion of Loki, who's a tattoo artist.  Image is everything.  Illusion is PERFECT.

I just have to decide what else to do with him.


@Arcannyx: I'm actually new to the system as well -- so you won't be the only one. I've played plenty of Exalted 2e and nWoD, and Scion is sort of the bastard child between them, but I've never actually played Scion.

@GM: I wasn't sure -- are we allowing content from any books besides Hero? Such as Ragnarok -- or if Demigod/God has any new Purviews?
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Cataclysmic Archangel

Quote from: lockepick on February 12, 2016, 07:57:33 AM
@Arcannyx: I'm actually new to the system as well -- so you won't be the only one. I've played plenty of Exalted 2e and nWoD, and Scion is sort of the bastard child between them, but I've never actually played Scion.

I haven't played WoD since they rebooted.  I'm old school, before Time of Judgement.

Similarly, I still own all of the 1E Exalted, but never touched 2E.


I'm going a little off the wall here-Scion of Amaterasu, but the idea is a "dark mentor" style-she shines a light on your failings so you can cast them off and become stronger. I know I'm dipping into Greek here, but "Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor."
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Angie, if that reminds me of another goddess, would the suggestion be welcome?
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    My Avatars

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Better be Amatsukami because I have my sights set on that pantheon.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


I'm interested. I put together a Tuatha scion a while back that I'd like to have a crack with. Makes a change from my usual Monkey Prince. :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Quote from: Angiejuusan on February 12, 2016, 11:59:37 AM
Better be Amatsukami because I have my sights set on that pantheon.

It wasn't, so I'll keep my mouth shut.
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    My Avatars

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.