Playtest Alternatives (Unique Horror System Game)

Started by steelsmiter, November 26, 2017, 12:31:49 PM

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So I have a discord devoted to the systems I either wrote, or hacked. I'm currently playtesting three of the systems and they're going alright, but in the horror game I'm running there is a distinct lack of detail that I find kind of annoying. This is partly an interest check to see if anyone's interested in the system.  The PDF is linked in my discord. Which can be reached by the link in the signature box. - Staff It's also partly to see if I can get a group of players to pay attention to details, and include some details in their posts.

  • I'm calling it "SCREAM!" because the first letters of all the attributes spell that word.
  • It's d10s vs. target numbers (because # successes is garbage)
  • Playing here has the advantage of being able to post content not permitted on other sites, like sex zombies* and the non-con that entails.
If there is interest, I have a few ideas for scenarios, but I'm also open to ideas people might suggest here

Current Ideas

  • Sex Zombies
  • Trump Zombies (not for the faint of heart, or for anyone who takes shit too seriously. If you come into this idea expecting to get offended, you probably will be. That said, it's less 'serious idea' more 'random thought'. If you respond to this idea in particular, please keep your responses contained to yes or no, because this isn't a thread for political discourse)
  • A sorority purchases their old house back after they sold it several years ago
  • A Wealthy character inherits an old summer camp in an Ozark town called Gopher Lake.
  • A reality TV show where a staffer gets jealous.
  • something else?

*I know zombies are overdone, it's just an example I thought of because of a Mandy Flores video.
I don't play in PMs
Who wants to join an incest registry?
Download RPGs I wrote on my Discord!
So anyway I guess I'm steelsmiter on fetlife now. Hit me up and tell me you're from E!