The Story Lottery - Information and Participant Profiles

Started by Britwitch, January 22, 2023, 01:28:46 PM

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What is The Story Lottery...?

A fun new way to challenge yourself and meet new writers in the process.

Every few months (or so) you can sign up to be paired up at random with another member of E who shares certain writing qualities with you. These include genre preferences, posting speed and so on.

You will also be given 4 or 5 prompts that you can use to help inspire your story if you want to. These might be images, quotes or maybe even the odd music clip now and then.

How does it work...?

  • First thing you need to do is create a profile post for yourself here in the Participants thread using the code lower down in this post to share the information we need to match you up with a writing partner.
  • Next, between the 25th and 30th of the month (or thereabouts), sign up in the current Monthly Sign Up thread by posting a link back to the profile post you made in this thread.
  • Once we have all the participants we will announce the partnerships during the first week of the following month.
  • Then...? Well, then it's up to you and your partner to go start your story over in the One Shot Forum. We'll then link to it in the monthly Feedback thread so people can go read your story and give you some encouragement or help you brainstorm if you get stuck. ;D
  • It’s entirely up to you and your chosen partner whether you opt to brainstorm a little first or…just pick a genre/theme, nominate one of you to start writing and see where the words take you!

Why do I have to create a profile post...?

Even though this is a lottery and you have no idea who you'll end up writing with, we want to give your writing partnership a fighting chance :D so we will use in the information in your profile post to make sure we give you a partner who likes the same sorts of things as you and whose posting frequency is close to your own.

Do I need to create a new profile post if I've taken part in the Lottery before..?

Yes! We're starting with a clean slate so everyone needs to create a new profile plus it means we have the most up to date version ready for us to use when the time comes to pair people up.

Why do I need to include story tags and what does each tag mean...?

To help us make sure you get the kind of story you're looking for, we need to make sure you include the correct story tags in your participant profile.
You'll find definitions for each of them under the spoiler and you can list all of them or only one or two but please only include ones you're actually prepared to write.

What do the tags mean...?
[NA] : Non-adult, no sexual scenes or ones that fade to black.

[L-H] : Light consensual sexual scenes, between humans or near-humans

[L-E] : Light consensual sexual scenes, between non-humans

[BON] : Bondage and light S&M

[BON-E] : Bondage and light S&M involving non-human encounters

[NC-H] : Non-consensual involving humans or near-humans

[NC-E] : Non-consensual involving non-human creatures

[EX] : Gore, bestiality, snuff, mutilation, very heavy S&M

[UN] : If you are undecided or unsure which direction the story will go

How are people paired up...?

It's important to remember that this is a lottery, not a match making exercise. Your profile will be used to make sure you and your lottery partner have enough in common to give you a fair shot at writing together but the rest is up to chance and the two of you. The idea behind this is to give people a chance to write with people they might not write with ordinarily - be they new members or members who aren't as active in the social areas or whatever the case may be. So with that in mind, names are drawn at random and, having checked the profiles have enough in common, the pair is made. We would hope that you give one another and your ideas a fair chance before deciding it won't work out.

What if you can't find me a partner...?

To the best of our ability, we will match people up with a different partner each month based on interests and participant numbers etc. - but in the event a suitable partner cannot be found, participants will be encouraged to try to write solo pieces using the prompts as inspiration either in the Monthly Feedback thread or in one of Elliquiy's solo writing forums - such as the Storyteller's Café or the Storytelling Forum.

Do we have to make it a One Shot...?

To start out, yes. Given that you'll be writing with someone new there is always the chance that the partnership (or the story) won't work out and the One Shot forum is designed for trying out new things.
Obviously, if you click with the person you're matched with and the story between you really takes off then you can ask any member of Staff to move it to the appropriate forum based on the content.

Can I have more than one Story Lottery partner/partnership at a time...?

Yes, yes you most certainly can and in your profile post you can list the number of stories you’d like to take on at any one time, up to a maximum of 5.
The first time you participate you will only be given one partner but then you can always sign up to be given a second (and maybe third) partner when the next month rolls around.

Do I have to take part every month...?

No you don't. You only sign up for those months you want to take part in. That might be every month or it might be once every few months. It's entirely up to you.

How can I tell people about the Story Lottery...?

I was hoping you’d ask that ;D you can use the participation badge in your signature or E thread location of choice, linking it back to this thread.


I still have questions...

That’s not a problem, just PM Britwitch and she can help you.

I am ready to get started!

Fabulous news!
Just copy the code below and add your profile post to this thread. ;D

[b]Preferred story tags: [/b][NA], [L-H], [BON], [EX] etc.
[b]Preferred pairings:[/b] M-F, F-F, M-M etc. as well as highlighting your preferred gender to write in each pairing. (E.g. M-[b]F[/b])
[b]Preferred genres:[/b] Romance, horror, sci-fi, historical etc.
[b]Preferred content:[/b] Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way.
[b]Maximum number of stories:[/b] 1-5
[b]Typical post length:[/b] 100-200 words, 500+ words, 1000+ words
[b]Typical posting rate:[/b] Slow (once a week or less)/Moderate (every other day or so)/Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Name: Lilias
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [BON-H], [BON-E], [EX] (for non-sexual violence)
Preferred pairings: M/F, M/F/M, F/F. I write female leads and any gender of NPCs.
Preferred genres: Fantasy (especially urban), historical, paranormal romance, horror, sci-fi
Preferred content: Flexible either way
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 300-400 words, more if I'm given enough to work with.
Typical posting rate: 1-2 posts/week
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Dec 12) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2025 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Name: Thete
Preferred story tags: [L-H][L-E][BON][BON-E][NC-H][NC-E][EX]
Preferred pairings: M/F, M/M. I play Males or characters that identify as male.
Preferred genres: Do like a bit of romance with my plots, modern, sci-fi, apocalyptic, supernatural.
Preferred content: Preference for plot over smut.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: I don't pad posts, so likely under 500, but could be more.
Typical posting rate: Slooooooooow.

They/Them pronouns


Name: Wick3d
Preferred story tags: [L-H][L-E][BON][BON-E][NC-H][NC-E][EX][UN]
Preferred pairings: M-F.  I play Feales that identitify as female, and prefer to write with masculine male characters.
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, dub-con, comedy
Preferred content: Smut heavy
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: Anything under 1,000 words normally, though it can be more or less.
Typical posting rate: I can do anything from multiple posts per day to a post every other day.
Response time: About a week
Availability for rp: I am not looking for new rp partners.
O's & O's~
My Plots ~ Updated 1/10/2023


Name: shengami
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [EX]<-(violence only)
Preferred pairings: M-F, M-TransF (M is my preferred role)
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, Punk (steam, cyber, or magic), dystopic, dark fantasy, sword and sorcery
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500+ words or 1000+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate really.

Prior Lottery games
The Very Modern Model of a Model Modern Student - [NC-H] [Tags: Non-con, interracial, blackmail, rough sex, strong language, FMMM]
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not really...
My General LFGs
My Worlds
My Poetry Thread


Name: LocusVonErich
Preferred Story Tags: [BON][UN][EX]
Preferred Pairings:M-F
Preferred Genres: Romance, Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Fantasy, Noir
Preferred Content: Flexible Either Way
Maximum Number of Stories: 1-2
Typical Word Count: 200-400 words
Typical Posting Rate: Moderate to Rapid

Callie Del Noire

Name: Callie Del Noire
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M- F/TG , F- F/TG M-TG. ([/b]E.g. M-F)
Preferred genres: Romance, Modern, Fantasy, sci-fi, Bio/Cyber/Deisel/Steampunk. Gender bending/swap (as the changed one)
Preferred content: Flexible.
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 100-500+ words,
Typical posting rate: Rapid (capable of multiple posts per day)


Name: Lady Lunarius
Preferred story tags: [NA] [L-H] [L-E] [BON] [BON-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M
Preferred genres: Open for Discussion.
Preferred content: Flexible
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: Varies
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week or less) to Moderate


Name: ToWriterAndWander
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E] [BON]
Preferred pairings: M-F, I play Males Only
Preferred genres: Romance, Modern, Slice of Life,
Preferred content: Smut heavy or higher mix
Maximum number of stories: 1-5
Typical post length: 2 - 4+ Paragraphs
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate


Name: Praxis
Preferred story tags: [L-H] [L-E] [BON] [BON-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F - I prefer to write the Male
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, modern, doomed to fail romance, low-fantasy, super heroes, slice of life, Firefly/Serenity, military, fan fic nonsense for particular IPs (shoot me a message and we will figure out what we both are fans off), frontloaded smut in relation to plot, or backloaded smut in relation to plot
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: I don't get too bent about this sort of thing.  Long, short, there's a time and place for everything. Just keep the channels of communication open.
Typical posting rate:  1 to 3 times per week - some days I can bang out multiple posts


Name: Levi
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON],
Preferred pairings: M/F, F/M, M/M
Preferred genres: Romance, Fantasy, Sci fi, steampunk, historical
Preferred content: 50/50
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 100-200 words
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week or less)
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Name: ajtrue
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E] Usually human or humanoid
Preferred pairings: Storyline & Partner preference / M-F, F-F, M-M
Preferred genres: Pretty much anything. =] (I'm not a gamer so I don't know those worlds =])   
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1 for the moment =]
Typical post length: 500 - 1000+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate though can be Rapid if my partner is online as well and we get on a role.


Name: Wolfling72
Preferred story tags: [NA] | [LH] | [BON] | [EX] | [UN]
Preferred pairings: F/F | M/M | M/F
Preferred genres: Urban Fantasy | Cyberpunk | Dystopian worlds | Romance (if it WORKS) | Sci -Fi | Superheroes
Preferred content: I prefer Story Heavy.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: Varies by post though I average about 500 words or thereabouts, depending.
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate | About twice a week
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Name: ani2
Preferred story tags: [NC-H]
Preferred pairings: F-M F-F F-NB
Preferred genres: Fantasy, sci-fi, or modern fantasy
Preferred content: Smut heavy
Maximum number of stories: 5
Typical post length: Post length varies, but I usually don't write more than 2 paragraphs
Typical posting rate: Moderate to Rapid


Name: Viper
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M
Preferred genres: Romance, action, sci-fi, tragedy, high fantasy, dark fantasy, open to much more.
Preferred content: Plot/Smut 70/30 I prefer compelling stories. If a one-shot smut I prefer a defined beginning and end with 10/90 Plot/Smut (just enough to justify why they are copulating)
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500 is usually my minimum. I average around 800 words. I will match my partners style.
Typical posting rate: Slow. I will commit to a minimum of 1 post per week. I can write 3+ per week depending on life.

For Managers of the Lottery
For the purpose of the "Challenge" I will attempt a sexually dominant role if I am asked to, but require grace in my inexperience in this regard. This is not to be confused with my incapability to write dominant characters in personality, mannerisms, actions, etc. Just wanted to provide additional insight to assist you in decisions on partnership. And thank you for this interesting prompt!


Name: Rustic
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], Maybe depending on scenario: [NC-H] & [EX]
Preferred pairings: M-F
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, fantasy, modern (craving), modern fantasy, ect... (most anything, except maybe some period pieces)
Preferred content: Flexible either way. If smut-based need at least a bit of story, if story, need at least good romance and some smut.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 300-600 words (I match my partner a bit, depends on what I'm given to work with)
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week), sometimes medium, depending on things


Name: midnight
Preferred story tags: just about anything from non-adult [NA] to extreme [EX].
Preferred pairings: M-F ( can write either side of the pair) and F-F
Preferred genres: From mundane, slice of life settings, to fantasy and science fiction. Regarding the latter, I have a slight preference for darker themes. So dark, gothic fantasy and horror science fiction, but it really depends on what is pursued in that form of writing. This perspective is by no means mandatory.
Preferred content: I can handle anything from narrative driven pieces with very little to no erotic elements all the way to fetishistic and kink-heavy writing. I'd say I'm very flexible either way, depending on what my partner wants. For M-F stories in particular I can write with little to no erotica requirement, especially in the male perspective. In such stories I usually write calm, assertive and somewhat aloof men that take lead as they try to come out of a situation or particular problem and protect the woman with whom they share the story. For writing with erotic elements I prefer depicting powerful men that are nonetheless dominated by their partner. There is no elegant way to say this, so just know that if I write a female in a M-F pairing, she is typically a cock-craving whore. The situation is more nuanced for F-F writing. Again, I can cover a broad spectrum with the added mention that in this case my approach can be far more fetishistic and focused on complex, sensual elements. Even in a story that is not focused on erotic content, my character is likely going to be sexualized and explored as such. Writing powerful women who end up dominated and submissive is one of my passions and a possibility if it happens to be interesting for my partner as well.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: Varies a fair bit. I can certainly write ~1000+ words when setting up a backstory, a particular scene or when I need to move the story forward. When characters interact heavily I tend to write less, mainly so as to give my partner's character a chance to understand what is happening and react accordingly. I'm comfortable with the same kind of approach from my partner. I struggle if my character has to catch up with too many events that happened to them in a single post, especially if the nature of said events is complex.
Typical posting rate: Depends on many factors, but typically moderate is to be expected for longer posts, so maybe once every few days. For shorter posts and assuming I'm not very tired in the evenings, you can expect a post per day. If our schedules align, I can in principle write multiple times a day during the weekend. However, I am very laid back and patient. I am very happy to adapt to a slower pace of writing if required from my partner.
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


Name: Kelindel
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [L-E], [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, I play Male characters in general.
Preferred genres: Romance, Sci-fi, modern, fantasy, super heroes, horror, historical, cyberpunk
Preferred content: 50/50 mix, though smut heavy is fine too
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 2-4 paragraphs in general
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate, can be Rapid if we are both online and on a roll.


Name: Yukina
Preferred story tags: [L-H&E] [BON-H&E] [EX]
Preferred pairings: F-F, F-Nb, F-TransF, TransF-TransF (I play those who are sapphic in general with the position depending on the character)
Preferred genres: Romance, sci-fi, historical, comedy, fantasy, super-heroes
Preferred content: I prefer story heavy plots with the heaviness of the smut being appropriate to the plot. Mostly, I like cute romances, but I also am quite down for those romances to be sheltered in bizarre concepts (One of my latest pitches for example was a woman finding herself trapped in a trope over-dosed visual novel). Basically, I can be realistic, but I will definitely dive into off-the-wall concepts that are both horrifying and humorous. However, non-con situations are an absolute no past light dub-con (aka it can be awkward or plot-required, but there must mostly be consent).
Maximum number of stories: 5
Typical post length: 3-5+ paragraphs typically, though it depends on the moment and what I got to work with
Typical posting rate: Moderate-Rapid depending life stuff


Name: persephone325 (Sephie, if you prefer)
Preferred story tags: NA, EX (for violence)
Preferred pairings: M/F, F/F (Non-sexual pairing) - I currently only write female characters.
Preferred genres: Horror, fantasy, a slice of life, super-heroes, darker themes, romance, modern, supernatural
Preferred content: Story ONLY at the moment. If I mesh well with my partner, I can maybe be convinced to delve into some sexual aspects. (This is due to a personal confidence issue right now.)
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: Multi-paragraph; around 300-1000 if I had to guess.
Typical posting rate: Slow, unless the muse is inspired. I'm dusting off my writing skills, so please be patient with me! <3

For the Story Lottery organizers - if my lottery entry is too restrictive, please let me know and you don't have to pair me with anyone. Just don't want to make things difficult for you guys and potentially have a disappointed partner. <3
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Name: Envious
Preferred story tags: Any
Preferred pairings: Any
Preferred genres: Fantasy, Survival, Dystopian, Science Fiction
Preferred content: Flexible
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow


Name: Dragonsen
Preferred story tags: [BON], [BON-E], [NC-H], [NC-E], [EX], [ANY]
Preferred pairings: M-F with me as M preferred but can write F if needed. I prefer to play the dominant but not necessary.
Preferred genres: I write in all genres
Preferred Content: I can do smut heavy or more story-based equally. My main character is usually a dominant male. I can be persuaded to write submissive and/or female, but I can't guarantee the quality will be as high.
Maximum number of stories: 2
Typical post length: Min of 3 paragraphs, at least 300 words, up to 500 with the exceptions of dialogue posts. Can do longer, but usually only as intro posts as I have to assume a lot about what other characters are doing to post more than just filler.
Typical posting rate: Slow (once a week) on average. At the start, I can post usually once a day but as time goes on, real life intrudes and I have to slow down again. However, if I am truly invested in the story, I usually post more often. I do communicate with partners about posting delays.
Knowledge is the gathering of useless information - Arthvr Dragonsen
Discord: arthvrdragonsen
My Ons & Offs - My Plot Requests - My E AppKnown Absences - Story Lottery Profile - Stories


Name: Haloriel
Preferred story tags: [L-H&E] [BON-E]
Preferred pairings: M-F, M-M - All of my characters are masculine and queer in some fashion. Generally dominant/top or switch.
Preferred genres: Romance - Fantasy only. I require some measure of magic in stories.
Preferred content: Equal smut and story, slightly leaning towards more plot, but I will only write a story for keen emotional impact, without sex, or where sex is implied.
Maximum number of stories: Seeking just one.
Typical post length: 500+ words, usually.
Typical posting rate: Usually slow to moderate, but I am capable of multiple posts per day if this is requested in advance. O:)


Name: Chewy
Preferred story tags: NA, L-H, BON, NC, EX(for themes non-sexually related generally) (human-looking bodies but other species like vampires, elves, wolves, etc… are welcome)
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, I play females only and i prefer my females to be submissive
Preferred genres: Romance, fantasy(high & low), lite-fandom, historical (ancient, medieval and Victorian preferred), original, some modern, mythology, biblical, dark romance, psychological, original and adventure
Preferred content: Prefer story heavy or equal parts or somewhere between
Maximum number of stories: 1-3
Typical post length: Lowest 3 - 4 paragraphs and can do upwards of 8+ paragraphs depending on muse and time and what the post calls for
Typical posting rate: Moderate - depending on availability for the week, exhaustion level and muse. Usually a few times a week though on average


Preferred story tags: [L-H] to [BON-H]
Preferred pairings: Two player M/F M/F/M F/M/F  I play only heterosexual males with hetero or bisexual females.  My characters are typically dominant (little d) or equal basis
Preferred content:  Smut and Story both, with the relative balance flexible depending on agreed-upon story content and partner preference
Preferred genres: Romance, Fantasy, Historical, Alternate History, Strange New Worlds, Space Operas, WWII, Contemporary, Humor, Horse Operas, Westward US expansion, Pirates, Time Travel, and selective Supernatural
Maximum number of stories: 1 new per month
Typical post length: 200+ words 500+ or 1000+ words depending on partner
Typical posting rate: Response Time: 7 days +/-  4, depending on partner, story and RL