Magic and Bimbos: Busty adventures

Started by Hazel, January 27, 2019, 09:42:07 PM

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Updated 12/05/24

First things first, welcome! Thank you for stopping in and giving the thread a look around. It's not as flashy as some others but it is straight to the point for things. If you see anything you like, but don't think we'd be a good pairing, please take the plot or idea for yourself. I won't be mad.  :-)

I want to put this here so you have to read it before the fun stuff and understand some important stuff. I have a mini me and health issues. Both of these take up quite a bit of time. My health stuff affects my head a bit so sometimes it's harder than others to really feel like my writing is good..

So long as I can I'll make an effort to reply, respond, or message. It can vary a lot honestly. Sometimes having back to back replies for a few days or a week. 

Now, with that all out of the way and if you're still here, onward to smut and story!

Writing expectations
I can play both dominate and submissive characters. Though I always play as dominate for my males and submissive for my ladies. Futa can be a switch or one or the other.

For writing quality and post length I'm really not that picky. I can easily do multiple paragraphs depending on the story and what scene we're doing. Generally I'm happy with any amount as long as I'm not getting one liners. I also understand where sometimes a paragraph or two is all that is needed for a post. Sometimes, given certain conditions,  that's all you really can do. Please don't be surprised or intimidated if I go off on a multi paragraph post in response to a post. Sometimes the story of scene hits real good and the muse just goes.

So, I'm very very open about the kinds of kinks and story elements we use. Generally I'm okay with anything but bathroom stuff (there's more but this is the important one).

Also, here is where you'll find the nsfw versions of the plots. Has all the fun stuff you'd expect plus it's where I keep the other plots that aren't favored by the muse for future musing. Keep in mind just because they're there doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in something that really gives them the ol' razzle dazzle that I didn't think of.

My more solo work, besides the writers cafe is done here. It can vary and I like to build various plots out that I usually can't. If you read through and find something you like or want to take the story in a more one on one way just let me know! Always happy to flesh out who the characters are.


pov special request

Just a little warning but this story is specifically for MC to be played out in first person. Not Ooc, with exceptions, only IC. Take it too far and I'll warn you. Keep going and it's over. I want this to be fun but mainly in the story. 

Who am i? Well, I'm the bimbo next door. The one with more ass and tits then brains. The one that bounces, shakes, and jiggles with every step she takes. I've airways known I've been into girls. Those long legs, soft skin, big supple breasts, and tight wet pussies are all I wanted. Until recently at least...

Scenario one 

When is seen the biggest cock and balls in my life. In the changing room. I don't know how I didn't notice her unabashedly showing it off. It shook me to the core. All the fairy of a woman with a cock! Soon I saw more and more of then around. I realized I was maybe not so into girls as I thought. 

My type? Fit women and goths. Day dreaming of them more often. Would they make fun of me? Swallow thier cum until I swelled with it? But most of all, I wanted to be dominated and used. Blowing them, titfucking, and sneaking under decks and counters. 

Imagining my friend growing one to help her drain it. Forcing me to blow her on the train. Thinking about that hot blonde force feeding me her cock. Waking up to lovers ready for me. Finding the one. Going home from the gym together.

Scenario two

I get caught walking home alone one night. Something, or someone, is watching me. Inevitably ending with me getting fucked. A horny dog? Insects looking for a nice warm hole on me to full with eggs? Forced to suck a monsters cock?

Teacher's Pet

Idea 1

MC is bored. Only 16-18 she's found her grades are slipping and not bothering to pay attention in school anymore. Her parents are worried. She's been partying and slipping in and out of an increasingly large amount of beds but finding herself unsatisfied. But when she ,purposely or not, falls face first into YC's lap during a class. What she feels there finally knows she must have. Even as she starts to grope the shape oblivious of YC.

YC has grown tired of MC. Such a bright one so full of potential gone to waste and falling off a good path. Deciding to use this moment to his advantage. MC will get what she wants, but not until she knows her place.

Idea 2
His eyes scanned the classroom like a hawk. There was a medley of students before him. Some were human and most others various mixing of some animal and human. It was like this for as long as anyone could remember.  He learned back in his chair as students brought up their work. Trying to keep his mind busy as he graded papers. Though they shared thebloos of humans they still had strong urges from their animalistic side. Deep urges.

This breeding cycle had been difficult for him. His wife, for whatever reason, no longer had interest in him. This left him pent up and aching for a hole to fill. His hands and a toy he bough insufficient to give him release. He needed someone to breed. Often and repeatedly.

Lost in his thoughts of finding a new breeder he barely noticed as one of his students came to the desk.  It wasn't until he felt her hand on his cock did it snap him from his daze. Feeling someone grope his cock was too much and already it was getting harder and longer. She barely noticed as he looked down with a grin at her while she felt up his growing cock.

Idea 1

Looking to play the student opposite the teacher. I'd just like to see this RP have a heavy theme of him dominating her. Fucking her when he chooses, making her dress to his tastes, making her do what he says when he tells her. All the while she grows to love it.

Idea 2

Same as the first but her teacher is in breeding cycle and needs to get off. Her falling into his lap makes him unable to resist breeding her over and over until the cycle ends. Maybe once he comes down from it a possible romance happens as he realizes she's quite sweet and just needed someone fucking her to behave and be her sweet self compared to before when she was being rebellious. Though he has to deal with the repercussions of fucking her despite having a wife and the student being so young and quite possibly pregnant now.

The Genie
Have you ever wanted wealth? To buy whatever you desire on a whim without ever having to worry? Have you ever wanted to be famous? Adored by millions and living in luxury because of it. Perhaps you want to be beautiful? To be wanted by everyone you see, to have a body of a goddess that would make the gods jealous. You can have that and so much more. All you need to do is ask. But be warned, everything has a price, and nothing is free.

This story would mostly be between a normal woman, and a free genie. He'll slowly turn her into a form more fitting to him, but only if she keeps wishing for things.  He can grant wishes of any sort, following the usual wishing rules and has to stay close to her or be called. The catch is though, that every time she makes a wish he can change her how he likes, or she has to do something for him. Could range from getting a much bustier chest and plumper ass to fucking in public or giving  a hand/blowjob at the table of a fancy restaurant. Anything he wishes could happen as easily as they could for her.

Bratting at the gym
A girl at the gym (YC) has had her eye on a fellow member (MC) for a few weeks. Catching him glancing at her occasionally but never staring like some other creeps. Fortunately she's been fascinated by both him and the prodigious bulge in his shorts. Taking every opportunity to make sure she works out in front of him while he's in the middle of his sets. Hoping he'd approach her but to no avail.

This leaves her with no other option but to come onto him one night when it's just the two of them there. Wanting to him to help her stretch one way or another. Though, unbeknownst to her, this is exactly what he wants. He just wants to see how she handles being told no and how far she'd push before she gets what's cumming for her.

The Home Wrecker
You're young, about to be engaged with a girlfriend who's leaving to her friends for plans and alone time. Then there's me, your hot 20 year old neighbor from across the yard who's been wanting to be with you ever since I moved from Russia. Despite this it's always infuriated me you've stopped my advances based off the fact of how goregous I am, most men would jump at the chance but you seem to be reserved. That's why, after you see me going into my house as you kiss your girlfriend off for the week I show up at your door, knocking lightly wearing some open toed sandal heels, a black tee with a matching lace bra and some black leggings and a black lace G-String.

I'd simply smile, waving slightly as you open the door. Showing my clevage off in the top I'm wearing as I bend my knee forward a bit to give you a better view. Hey there, do you think I could come in? Everyone's busy and there isn't much of anything to do today. I give you a dazzling smile as my plump lips tug up and my eyes look into your own.

More pictures

Abnormal Love
Abnormal Love Non-Con Exotic  A father sends his daughter a book while he is away. She reads the book and takes a demon into her body that takes form of a new appendage and cant control her urges to breed.

This is an old idea that me and my partner were doing together. Unfortunately he has not been on in a few years. I'm hoping that I can find someone to continue the story where we left off, or restart it fresh. I REALLY like this and would be very happy to see it going again. Update 07/31/20 Seriously would love to do this idea again. Even if it's not exactly like this. Would be happy to tinker it into something new completely.

The base of the story is my character gets sent a book from her father. She reads it and grows a dick. The tricky part is she has an older sister and younger sister she lives with and shes filled with an uncontrollable urge to breed them. Not only would she be fucking them, but her cock and cum are now extremely addictive making them slaves to her needs as she uses them and searches for a way to revert the spell. This would lead to her slowly expanding her harem from just her sisters to random woman. Fucking and breeding her way across the world. Though the more he does the more her cock corrupts her, until god herself tries to stop Mc only to be fucked and bred.

A man's dream come true
I'm struggling to put into words what I have in mind for this plot. I want it to be a plot of someone being forced from male to female. I want it to be a non con to dub con in hope they feel about it, if they know about it. That they struggle to come to terms with the change but, in the long run, is something they enjoy and won't want to change back by the end.

One idea is that it takes a womanizer and turns him into his type of woman to be for a month. This would be without his consent and everyone would want to take advantage of him. He struggle hard until something happens and he starts to like it.

Another idea is that they willingly take the pill but, due to an error or manufacturers defect, it causes an unwanted change on top of being turned female. Whether you're causes then to be permanently a woman from the star, having the need to breed and stay pregnant, turned into a bimbo, or have a craving for a specific act.

Mojave aint no place for a girl
Somewhere in the wastes, long after the bombs have fallen and the dust has settled, theirs people out there making a life for themselves. Surviving. Fighting. Trying to see the next day and the day after that by any means necessary. Whether by trade or by blood life is quick, fast, and brutal.

There's many tales that come from the Mojave. Of beasts and monsters that terrorize those that travel alone. Of the growing presence of legion that the NCR fail to beat back time and time again. Stretched well past what they can handle. And the people that are caught in the middle living and dying as they try to go about their lives.

In the small town of Good Springs a woman is sitting at the bar. Long ago realizing that the best way for her to survive is to find a man to take care of and all of his needs. The past man she had been with abused her and she ran. Leaving his safety to travel the wastes alone until she found another to take his spot. Alone and unsatisfied with it.

Ashley sighed and took a drink. Feeling the cold liquid as it fizzed the whole way down. Running a finger around the rim of her glass until she heard the door open. Casting a glance to the patron that walked in. An odd mark on his head as he looked around until his gaze on hers. She smiled and waved.

Was hoping to have a RP based in Fallout New Vegas. With the courier coming across a woman that would satisfy his needs while they traveled together. Based on a old mod he would find her in goodsprings and start the adventure there. Eventually finding her teddy and fighting off repeated attempts by the last man who she was with to retake her. Hoping this is a very smut based game.

Skyrim succubus
Due to some lore magic, the dragonborn is blessed with a succubus assistant!

One of then lizards
I've been really craving a story about an argonian. Not the lusty maid kind but one that has to live her day to day life saving with the racism of being seen as a lesser race. That all she is is either cheap labor or a cheap whore.

Retired Ideas

The babysitter
Ashley (YC) has been babysitting the children of Baxter (MC) for a few months now. The job pays little bit, for your age (18) but it's s better than nothing. Plus everyday you get to see Baxter. What had started out as an innocent crush had turned into a full blown lust for him. Toy now he's single, hadn't been seeing anyone, and has to be absolutely pent up from how his bulge seems to grow around you.

Baxter, on the other hand, knows he shouldn't think of you like he's been. Despite drowning himself in work to escape his wife leaving and how close his life is to crumbling down he finds himself attracted to her and imaging how she'd feel around him. His will, strong at first, has been growing weaker and weaker with how you seem to be dressing in more and more revealing clothing.

He knows he's better than this but can't help himself when you come onto him. Hesitant at first before becoming bold from your encouragement.

Trophy Wife on The Hunt
“Come on man, wake up! It’s your turn!”

Your friends yelled at you over the mic, which catches your attention abruptly.

“Uh, fireball?” You say without thinking.

“What?! Stupid bitch!” Your friend yells at you for probably giving him a fiery death.

You don’t respond, instead you look down between your skinny thighs where you’d usually find your massive, fat 18 year old cock, that put most elephants to shame, swaying freely.

But instead it’s my beautiful, married face, enthusiastically bobbing up and down, gagging on your gigantic fuckstick.

I had only been there for thirty minutes, and most of my ”Morning jogs ” took way longer than that, I had told my shrimp-dicked husband as I got dressed and prettied myself up, Heading  over to your places as your parents had headed to work.

While I’m making love to your unrealistically big slab of nerdy cockmeat I unclasp my bra and let my big tits free.

“Hellooo, are you gone again?” Your friends start nagging in the headset you’re wearing.

When you have everything you could ever want, you get bored. Evenings out with the husband get dull. Having friends over can only entertain you for so long. It doesn't help that your less than well endowed husband isn't the most satisfying person to spend the rest of your life with, but his money is endless and worth faking a few orgasms when he needs it. That's when the neighbor catches your eye somehow. How is up for discussion but it ends with her having lots of sex with a very unexpected partner who is shocked at the sudden turn of events in his life.

The dragon and his hoard of bimbos

There lives a dragon high in the mountains. One who's lived longer than our land has had a name and wealth well beyond belief. One who claims these mountains for himself and gives death to any who trespass. That is, my child, except for our little village.

That was the story going through the woman's head as she scrambled up the hillside. Rocks and pebbles clattering down the slope before her. They needed his help. The old dragon they'd known all thier lives. Who drifted lazily in the clouds and watched over them. That, despite his reputation, had allowed them to settle here. Growing into the bustling town.

Then the plague hit. So many left for fear, buildings empty and falling into ruin, people leaving in fear of what could happen if they stayed. All as he'd just watched. Uncaring to thier suffering. They sowed what they made.

But he was watching like he always did. Noticing the little woman climb well before she'd gotten this far. Curiosity having him take flight and start to circle closer and closer to her. Her village in shambles yet she climbed up to his roost. What had her more afraid if staying there than the dragon who'd eat her up?

Though, as her body became clearer and clearer, maybe he'd make a break of her in his roost yet.

Thinking for this story it could be more of a city building one. Where the dragon uses his vast wealth to help rebuild and cleanse the town but not without a price.

Maybe the first woman to go up is related to him? That her mother is the reason why they were never attacked and she is his daughter? With her being the main girl in his harem since, due to his genes in her, she's able to better take him?

A death claws mate
This would be about the story of an intelligent deathclaw taking a woman as his mate. That he wants to be surrounded in new experiences. This, of course, would mean he finds/forces a woman to hear him out and show her why it's worth having him along. Not only would she have a terrifying monster that towers over most humans in the wastes,  and make even the most heavily armed and armored people think, but also that she'd know eat it beans to be well and truly bred by a monster.

OR, we could have Samus Aran land in place of the Zetans. This would follow the same story beats but involve her being a lot more bratty and cocky due to her own cannon stuff.

Details: loved series and the setting. Have played 3, 4, 76, and new Vegas. I have the most experience in new Vegas but would be happy to play in other areas too or have them travel around. I have not seen the show though but will be correcting that soon.

Thinking for how they get by without him being attacked on sight is that she'd "own" him. Even though when no one else is around they're more equals when he isn't in rut or, Alternatively, he uses her as nothing but a toy for his needs and conversation otherwise.

Tales of The Woods
"In ancient times, long since lost to the ages, humans and monsters lived on the earth together. Though it was far from in harmony. Humans were seen as the lower of the beasts and monsters. Yielding to primitive states, where they cared little for anything but breeding and getting tier next meal, humans were hunted to be used as meat and stock for future generations of those that had taken them hostage.

They would steal females in the night, the stronger of them raiding towns in the day, to take them to their lairs or nests. Where ungodly things would happen. though man soon grew smart and started to venture into the forests and dark places of the world to strike back. A long and bloody time of turmoil for man and beast. Slowly and surely the horrors were beaten back into the woods. Staying in the darkest of thickets and only being able to prey on the woodland creatures there.

Though this time has long since past there are still whispers told around fires of strange things seen in the wild lands still laid unclaimed by man. Things not human nor of this world. That when the moon is full they come out of their holes and burrows once more to fund fresh food and unsuspecting humans unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

Suddenly a twig nearby snapped and sent one of the girls huddling around the camp into a fit. A chittering of laughter escaping the others as she looked around. A scowl on her face as she crossed her arms and slumped in frustration. "This isn't cool guys! I'm really freaked out! It's not helping it really is a full moon tonight."

The girl telling the calmed herself enough to talk, wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh c'mon! It isn't even that bad. It's not like that actually happened." A pair of them watched and whispered to each other as the drama unfolded. Twins that had come along for the trip and loved the woods and all it held. "What do you think?" The storyteller asked the last member of the group.

She stared into the fire, nonplussed by the story. "I. Uhmm." Taking a moment as all eyes fell on her, fire crackling as the wind stirred the hot night air. "Well, there's always a nit of truth to these old tales. Even if they are just that- Tales." As if on cue a howl would come from the darkness surrounding them. Close. the girls going wide eyed as more and more followed suit and became closer and closer.

This would be about a group of girls that, for one reason or another, find themselves lost in the forest being preyed on by what lurks in it. Being taken and dragged into the woods for whatever unsavory purpose the creature that finds them has in mind. Could see this as a good smutty play as they fight for survival and try to escape before they are all taken and lost to the darkness.

Kinks I have in mind for this are Monster/beasts, Size difference, Cock/stomach bulges, Cum play and inflation, Massive cocks, breeding, fast pregnancies(Think a few hours to a day), and non-con.

The bullies play things
In the quiet town of Clitown, on a sleepy little street, there lived a small family. A mother, two daughters, and her only son. The father having run off with some other women when she'd had her first born. They were Racheal, Elizabeth, Carrie, and John. All were happy, save for one. 

John was the most looked down upon. His grades were high but his social status low. People bullied him no matter where they were. Even at home he was pushed around by his own sisters and mother. Having neither the looks nor the charisma that they held even in a toe. Day in and day out, it was his own personal hell. That was until one bully found out about his home. 

He was strong and smart and got his own way. With a quick smile here and a laugh there, there was nothing he couldn't have. He was everything John wanted to be. But it was all for nothing when he made a slip, telling the his family of the bully and the bully of them. His sisters feigned helping him to talk to the bully but they didn't know they were in for a shock. This bully thought they were nothing more than holes. To suck, and blow, and take fat cock. 

This one is a very simple premise. Son is bullied at home and at school. Family finds out about the bully and tries to stop him, bully gets new places to cum and breed. I very much would like this to be very misogynistic. He is smart and clever and the attempts to stop him are met with rough handling and forced acts until they submit to him.
Cindy Personality: Nymphomanic, mean, bimbo brain
Hates: People staring at her breasts, big words, her brother, figs
Loves: Getting her breasts fucked,  being cheerleader, older guys, calling men daddy, wearing cum.

Personality: Mean, bitchy, ice queen.
Hates: Her brother, going outside, warm weather, messing up her makeup.
Loves: Getting her makeup messed up, ice-cream, drooling on cocks, cream pies 

Personality: Kind, caring,  motherly
Hates: Her son, cream pies, single dads
Loves: her daughters, anal, sitting by the pool, doggy style

Bump Post stuff
Empty as a bimbos head. Wanna fill it with something~?


indefinitely on hold

Welcome to the TTRPG section of my ideas stuff! This will be the place where I put all the ideas I have for games that are based on a system to progress the story. Please do keep in mind I'm still a bit new to this and finding my way. I'll be rolling up characters for plot and things so it easier to get everything started and rolling.

Will also be open to playing via discord for the ease of gathering materials and and the fact some games don't have bots that support them. I do prefer also to use mythweavers for character sheets since it's super light and easy to use and doesn't make my potato of a phone melt while supporting any sheets sheets for any system I can think of.

Small disclaimer: I do hope to play as more monster/beasts/futas against a party of heriones or fembois.

Systems I'll use
NOTE: I've ordered these from what I've had the most experience to the ones that I'm very nervous about getting into.

DnD 5e
Pathfinder 1e (This is the system I have the most materials for.)
Starfinder(Because using pathfinder stuff with it is fun.)
Starship troopers
13th age
Calll of cthulu
Aliens rpg
Gurps 4e

I also do prefer Discord since it makes it easier to keep track of ideas and the pictures and what not. (Plus the bots are nice too for dice rolling.)


The dragon and his hoard of bimbos
There lives a dragon high in the mountains. One who's lived longer than our land has had a name and wealth well beyond belief. One who claims these mountains for himself and gives death to any who trespass. That is, my child, except for our little village.

That was the story going through the woman's head as she scrambled up the hillside. Rocks and pebbles clattering down the slope before her. They needed his help. The old dragon they'd known all thier lives. Who drifted lazily in the clouds and watched over them. That, despite his reputation, had allowed them to settle here. Growing into the bustling town.

That was until the plague hit. So many left for fear, buildings empty and falling into ruin, people leaving in fear of what could happen if they stayed. All as he'd just watched. Uncaring to thier suffering. They sowed what they made.

But he was watching like he always did. Noticing the little woman climb well before she'd gotten this far. Curiosity having him take flight and start to circle closer and closer to her. Her village in shambles yet she climbed up to his roost. What had her more afraid if staying there than the dragon who'd eat her up? Though, as her body became clearer and clearer, maybe he'd make a break of her in his roost yet.

Thinking for this story it could be more of a city building one. Where the dragon uses his vast wealth to help rebuild and cleanse the town but not without a price.

Maybe the first woman to go up is related to him? That her mother is the reason why they were never attacked and she is his daughter? With her being the main girl in his harem since, due to his genes in her, she's able to better take him?

SCP: Boots and Blood
File #8429 Introductory material
Date - 06041990

The screen fills with static as the video player whirs and spins up. Snapping to an empty black screen before the film really beings to play. It shows a town in flames and people fleeing or watching from a distance as everything they love and have known is burned to the ground. In the fires and running through the streets in the distance are strange looking creatures. Someone in the room murmurs that it looks like an old dinosaur but they can't place the type. Every pair of eyes in the room is on the TV as the creatures start to close the distance. People beginning to scream as more and more spill out from the burning homes and surrounding forest.

The video cuts as one of the things slams into the person recording, flames spilling out from the sides of it as, in slow motion, the film is replayed again and again. "This was recovered after an incident in a little town too close to where it shouldn't have ever been. The animals running in the fire and town were the cause of the incident.

[/ spoiler]



Did lots of cleaning and spruced things up! Moved the 18+ material to another section and the scrubbed versions of stories here. Though if anyone wants to see the plots in all their glory they are all Here.

PLEASE NOTE Currently looking to play as a male character against a female character. Most of these listed here are just being clear of the plots that have been updated for the SFW parts of E. I, again, Am looking to play as a male person/monster/beast against a woman/women.

-Added "FemBoiiiis" For future RP. This is rather new, As a kink and section, So expect more on this in coming times. Exclusively For MxM plots and to be had with lots and lots of loving and romancing. (And loads of smut too.)

-"If you give a succubus a horse.." - A woman wakes up from a long sleep to find she seemingly is the only person alive. Finding a horse as a companion she also realizes she has developed a certain taste that only a big hung companion can give to her now.

-"Mans superior"- Breakups are hard right? So when MC goes to find a new pet to stave off loneliness, and because she don't need no man, she discovers someone even better for her.

-"A break in security"- Some vault comes under attack. MC, a 16 year old that is touring for a job, gets separated from her group and manages to go through the door into the wasteland. Though as she realizes the mistake too late someone is already watching her and making plans for the girl.

-"Teachers pet" - The world had shifted and now creatures live with and among humans. One teacher is finding it hard to keep things in his head when a student lands in his lap. He gives in to his urges and so begins the story.

-"The home wrecker"- A freshly moved neighbor has been trying to get her next door neighbors attention. Young, a model, and can't walk down the street without getting cat called; she doesn't understand why he refuses to fuck her behind his wife's back. Though this all changes when his wife goes on a vacation and she springs her plan into action.

Actually added stuff for this to be a thing! This section reflects changes made for the system game ideas.

-Added systems I have the materials for and have gone over and willing to use. (That I could find places that would host the sheets for at least.)
-Added multiple ideas in short form.
-Fleshed out "Day at the beach", "Skyrim: D20 edition", "A bull and his elves" for more building on it.
-"A bull and his elves"- A Minotaur starts to strike back against his elven slavers and starts to take the powerful of the elves into his harem after finding an artifact that allows him to bring them to their knees.
-Skyrim: D20 edition
                  -Added "If you give a vampire a new taste...". Serana runs away at a critical time and molag bal modifies the curse she has been given for a new fluid to intake.
                                  -Added Pathfinder character sheet for serana.
-Added more in depth story for "Fallout: d20 edition". Waking up on a shore, surrounded by the wreckage of your transport of the dead crew and unconscious survivors, all you can remember is that you were going somewhere outside the us and got attacked by something. Mirelurks close in as you realize the danger you're in.

-Added a section of short stories for the male characters and monsters I like to play. For a taste of how I write them. Can be found in my O/O due to them being very NSFW.
              -Added 'The Hunt"- A short romp of a Minotaur finding an female adventurer alone in his maze.



-Thread revamped again.

- Currently looking to play as males/futas. If you're looking for a dominant male/futa/ monster to play with, take a look and see if you like anything. More than happy to play with any Prompts you might have too.

If you'd want me to play as a female I'm being very, very selective on stories that I do. In the mood to post a very submissive female to some very dominating beasts/ Monsters. Definitely going into the more degrading aspects of my stories.

-New intro and some explaining on gender, dominance/submission, writing quality and quantity, and required kinks.

-New stories in the thread

    - "A man's dream come true" - Mem can change from male to female with a single pill! For some a dream come true, but for others they'll never know until it's too late.

    - "Abnormal Love" - A father sends his daughters an ancient book. Reading it causes one to grow a very masculine appendage and a new need for her sisters. Fighting the evil now inside her to save her sisters only to give in.

    - "Tales of the woods" - A group of woman camping in the woods are about to learn that the tales they're sharing are very much real. The forest coming alive and forcing them to either survive the night or be dragged into the dark by any sort of monster stalking them.

    - "Mojave aint no place for a woman" - Based in Fallout: New Vegas. A woman, with little to no skills in fighting, finds herself alone after escaping from her ex. Searching for a new man to protect her as she searches for her teddy and someone to protect her.

    - "A dragon and his hoard of bimbos" - an ancient being, tired of his golden hoard, grows bored as he watches a village turn to ruin. A woman, desperate to save her village, come the mountain to soak with the dragon. Both having what the other seeks.

    - "The bullies playthings" - A mother and her two daughters have to deal with the youngest sons bully. Though they have a lot more pleasant things for the bully despite what he does.

      - "One of those lizards" - A journey of an argonian away from her home swamps and her day to day struggles with racism, hate, and being seen as cheap labor or worse.

      - "Skyrim Succubus" - A succubus is the new companion to the dragonborn. Helping and keeping him safe on thier travels. Alternatively a story about a succubus trying to find a place she is welcomed despite her needs.

      - "A deathclaws mate" - A woman in her travels of the wastes finds, or is found by,  a super intelligent deathclaw. After some bargaining and a sticky mess they find traveling with each other is better than doing it alone.

Post bump edits

- Removed nearly all pictures used for inspiration of charecters in plots. Tired of the upkeep.

- Fixed some paragraphs spacing too because bad sentence separation bothers me.

- Added "SCP: Boots and blood" to the systems section. The world is full of vile creatures, cults, and things that would break any normal persons sanity to pieces. This is your war against them. (Could be idea for a group game too if enough interest is there.)

- Added "Bratting at the gym". Local gym bunny sees a very handsome and hung horseman at her gym. Attempting to gain his attention before going out of her way to come onto him with zero hesitancy.

- Added "The babysitter". A man, freshly divorced single parent, his a babysitter for child watching. The babysitter starts to want more than just to watch his son and starts coming onto the father. The father now having two people calling him daddy in a whirlwind romance that treats the boundaries of societal norms.

- Added "The Home wrecker". A woman has eyes for a married man. When his wife leaves on a weekend trip the friendly neighbor comes over to beg for some sugar.

-Added "Trophy Wife on The Hunt". Married life can be so dull. Doing the same thing every day in a loveless and sexless relationship. That is until you see some very bored men looking like they could stir your life up.

- Added "Stitch - Growing pains". Ever wondered what an aggregate take on stitch from 'lilo and stitch would be like? In, say, a very aggressive smutty way? This is the plot for you. 


Very much looking for someone to help with the "pov special request". Will do for any story whether it's archived or not or something you want to do!


-Did some cleaning up and general stuff as usual.

-Put some ideas in a new "Reitired stories" section for ones that have fallen out of favor.

- System based RPs are on hold.

Really really in the mood for some domination of MC's or some sort of romance. On one hand the need for a Rp where they get roughly used and abused for YC pleasure and learn to love it and, on the other hand, wanting a soft and cuddly romance between our characters. One where abuse and forcing them into doing what they are told is the normal or the softer side where the worst they get is a slap on the butt in bed.

Looking to play as a big titty bimbo with a fat ass. Or maybe a pair of twins, sisters, or best friends to better drain you? I'd love to play multiples in a story.

Or, perhaps, you'd like to play as them? Going on adventures, finding thier way through life, and that's when they are found. A big strong hulking brute lost from war or searching for mates. A beast stalking them through the forest and waiting for its time to strike. Maybe bored in suburbia and trying to get into the married neighbors pants or the women that wives teen thier husband's to stay away from.

Though if he just as happy to play the soft and delicate bimbos to your strong and keen monster or lack of morals~.

Post bump updates

  - Added "teachers pet" - A RP with heavy age gap and power dynamics. Typical teacher x student plot with a monster twist.

-  Added "The Genie" - What would you do with the power to make any wish you could? Beauty, power, helping others. Just remember everything has a price.

- Retired "bullies plaything".

-  Added "Pov special request" - basically been really really in the mood to play a story in first person. My partner could stay in third but I really want to do first.