Silvertail City: Furs, Weres, Neko's and More Welcome

Started by NosCorventius, July 08, 2010, 06:52:07 PM

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Silvertail City

SilverTail City used to be a sleepy little town, The Furs there made their livings for generations as loggers, miners, farmers, and four leg ranchers.  The closing of the silver mine and the building of the new Lionsgate University. The influx of college student brought rapid growth in some areas and the immediate decay of others. In the span of  just a couple of years the old main street and industrial area is almost abandoned, while a new more modern façade is slowly being seen along the east end of town as movie theaters, restaurants, and coffee shops moving in to cater to the younger crowd some of the old businesses still hold on to the old west side of town. Amongst them: The Iron Horse Stable and Grill, a restaurant and inn situated in what used to be the towns railroad depot ran by Cal Swift(Clydesdale Horse, former local track star) and The Burrow, a local pub whose clients are mostly ex-miners, lumberjacks, and bikers all of who drink and play under the watchful eye of Tom Knox(Badger, Ex-miner). A new player has entered into the area though. A bat by the name of Nos Corventius. In the months since his arrival he has bought up nearly the entire west end of town with few exceptions, promising of revitalizing the west side. His first step in doing so was to open up a new fetish/industrial club, called the Subterane, in a abandoned  underground speakeasy left over from the probation days. The club success and his continued plans to build do not sit well with many of towns folk but the officials cut Mr. Corventius a little bit of slack because of his continued impact of the towns economy. Only time will tell how thing will turn out for Silvertail City and its residents, new and old.……

So this is an idea I’ve been kicking around for awhile now. A city Rp which allows for both group and individual stories to occur in a single setting. A setting specifically designed for Furs, Weres, Nekos, and other Anthromorph characters. Now before we get down to character creation and modes of player interaction. let me give you my Basic Group RP Rules.

1. Like all my group Rps Characters are allowed to come and go as the game is open world. However if you drop out or leave during a scene where you are required then I will play you, as true to the character as I can, until either you return or can be dropped out of scene. If I do not hear from you for over a week, and you have not responded to a pm or given prior notice of absence, I will assume you have left the game and either kill off, retire your character, or take him/her/it over as a NPC.  My schedule can get a little frantic with caring for my wife and my work schedule but when ever possible I will try to give you all the same courtesy, as well. 

2. While there are some guidelines to creation of a Player Character (PC) (See Character Creation and Sheet below.) I will not limit you as far as class or history as long as you are following the basic guidelines. This is a city many types of people come through as long as it is appropriate to the time period and setting I will allow it. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of something, ask. Even if I have to tell you no, chances are we can put our heads together and find a solid compromise.

3. The OCC is for your benefit as much as it is mine. Use it for ideas and feedback. This is all about creating something everyone will enjoy. So if you have some crazy idea, let me hear it I might not use it but even if I don’t it might spark something else that is useable. Even though I am the GM, this is your world too. That being said please do not write in areas, locations, and non-player characters into the game without prior approval. It causes far to many headaches for me when you do.

Character Creation Rules and Character Sheet (CS)

Please fill out the following CS fully for each character you wish to play. As you build your characters please keep in mind a few things.

1. This is a modern setting all equipment, clothing, settings, etc. should reflect current tech levels.

2. There is no limits being set on class: you can be a tourist, a college kid , townperson, soldier, priest, pro-Dom, pro-slave, or any other class you want. I also am not going to limit your species options except for in a few areas.  These are:

a. Magic does not exist here; so no demons, vampires, ghosts, zombies, celestials or any other supernatural creature are allowed. Religion is fine, but a priest or believer and a cleric are two different things. Do not expect God/Gods to answer prayers or grant powers. Weres, by the way, are not magical by nature they are exotic hybrids, the result of Nekos and Furs crossbreeding. Some Furs may consider themselves superior but most have the tact not to.

b. Anthro Insects and Crustaceans do not exist. The mutations that allowed part of the animal world to become sentient did not work on exoskeletial creatures, partially due to the weight restriction of these species and partially because of the design of the brain involved.

c. Ferals, Pokeman, and Alien based characters are also not allowed. This is a alternate reality yes, but not that alternate. I will allow mythical creatures to some extent but these may require limitations before they are allowed, Be prepared to do some tweaking if you decide to play a dragon, unicorn, etc.

d. Non intelligent animals do still exist. Ferals and Fourlegs are often hunted for sport and/or food or kept as pets and livestock. While I am tolerant of almost every kink known to man and Fur, if you write a sex scene with one of these base animals I will not only throw you out of my game but I will have your post removed by a Mod as well. You have been warned. Also a Were is defined as: A creature who goes from Human or Neko to Fur; not from human, Neko, or Fur to Feral. You will not be approved with a character who's powers include this.

Physical Age:

-=Physical Appearance=-
Physical Description: 

Other Info:

That’s about it. Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to playing with you all.