Unpenned Pages • Aethyrium's Request Thread

Started by Aethyrium, December 17, 2020, 12:45:42 PM

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U n p e n n e d P a g e s

Aethyrium's 1x1 Ideas

S t a t u s • Selectively Seeking
S p e e d • 2+ Replies per week
W h e r e • Elliquiy Forum Threads
W h o • Any player, with any tag
Hello friends,

Thank you for peeking into my idea search thread. I have done a (mostly) reasonable job of outlining those things I like and dislike in my O/O thread, Among Dreams. I have spent most of my time on Elliquiy doing group games, but I have recently come to appreciate some smaller, more personal ideas that are more easily explored in this format. There is a nice list in my O/O thread where you can see what stories I have completed - and if you want more, you can always jump into my posting history; you can take a peek at some of the characters I have written over at Ink In Motion, my not-entirely-up-to-date character repository; or check out my Scrawled Parchments for a glimpse at some of my various ideas wildly different states of not-readiness. Beyond that, here are some things to know about me to help you gauge if you might be interested in going further:

My requests are split into three types - Long Story Requests, Short Story Requests, and One Shot Requests. This delineation is intended, primarily, to allow me to easily communicate at a glance how extensive / involved I expect an idea to be. The goal here is not to be limiting but rather be story-completion minded, and indicate a general feel for about how deep I expect a given idea to be. They're all malleable though, and if an idea ends up sparking something larger - or, there's a smaller part of something we'd like to focus on - that's excellent and we can do that.

In general I expect that most One Shot ideas are likely to concluded in a single scene. They're small ideas, or otherwise narrow in scope. They probably wrap up in about 2 pages, or up to around 50 posts. When it comes to Short Story ideas, I tend to think about them as expanded One Shots. They usually require some amount of progression to explore completely, and will require a small handful of scenes - something like a single chapter in a book. I would expect them to wrap up in less than 10 pages on average, or less than 200 posts. And then there's Long Story ideas, which are the more full blown and comprehensive, we might take this anywhere and they're likely to be very involved and be told over many chapters or arcs - the sky is the limit, so long as we can define it.

I tend toward plot-focused stories, but I am very open to smut-centric ideas provided they have a solid or otherwise intriguing foundation. While I am open to a myriad of story structure styles, I tend to default to a scene structure - that is, telling a collection of smaller narrative blocks that stacked together to form the larger whole. Regardless of the structure used for a story, I prefer that we form a general - or deeper - roadmap of what we're doing and where we're going. As mentioned before, I am story-completion minded, and in my experience having a solid beacon in the distance that we're always working toward keeps a story from meandering aimlessly into oblivion. These roadmaps should be loose enough to evolve with our ideas, but solid enough give us something we're always pulling toward. Before I jump into any story, I enjoy forming a reasonably solid foundation to work from - how detailed that is will, of course, vary from idea to idea. And as always, any idea or roadmap, should be malleable enough to incorporate everyone's ideas and adjust to our needs and wants.

I am looking for individuals with a strong grasp of writing fundamentals like spelling and grammar, but also the ability to be engaging and progress a story with each movement - too many things die, fifty posts deep in the same thirty minute span! Linger to enjoy it, but know when it's time to proceed. Quality over quantity is a good trade off as far as I'm concerned, and some scenes just don't have a lot to say. Conversely the opposite is true and some scenes crave a long post - thousands of words potentially - and you should be willing to write those too when a scene asks for it (but also have a good reason for it, excessive irrelevant exposition does both of us no good!).

Strong characters that are well developed is the best way to hook me, while the opposite is a quick way to drive me to cutting a story short. Characters that are all powerful, socially perfect, or any other form of absolute are unlikely to get far. Strengths should be balanced - and perhaps even exceeded - by weaknesses, a good and a bad, multi-dimensional. They should have a background that is believable for the setting and the story being written, and a personality that extends beyond a cookie-cutter dramatization of one or two key points.

I am happy to write F x M, F x F, and M x M, I am non-binary and trans friendly. I write anywhere along the spectrum of sexualities, including nonromantic and nonsexual. I have no preference as to what any player writes, so long as they can do it convincingly. Where and when required I am willing to write multiple characters - and often prefer doing so - and hope that you may be able and willing to do that same.

I am selective with my time, and rarely pick up anything I'm not interested in finishing out. If I turn down a story offer, please don't take it personally - it likely has nothing to do with you, and is merely a reflection of this selectiveness and my wanting to be certain we will be compatible and that the story presented will be engaging. This is a hobby I have had for a long time, and I know better to try and force compatibility where I don't feel it.

Finally, when it comes to smut, I approach it - usually - with a "it happens" mindset. These are adult stories, about adult people, and sex is likely to play a part in that. When I'm looking to write smut scenes, I can't say I have a particular ratio of story to smut. Instead I am looking for two things - is it a natural evolution of the narrative that grounds it, and will playing out that specific scene be engaging and add to the overall development of the greater story in someway. However that can change wildly between stories, and some premises just naturally lean more that direction, and that too is fine.

Please do not reply to this thread, and instead private message if you are interested.

I rate things with , the more, the better. Keep an eye out for , fire means craving!


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I added some clarification about what I'm looking for to the story The Unfortunate Opposition of Needs and Wants. I also added two new story ideas: The Rise and Fall of Legends, and Inheritance.

Moved the story Inheritance to the newly created taken plot section. Broke up the thread a little, with plans to do more sculpting in future updates. Added new story idea: An Intimate Finale.

Entire new (and far better) layout! Pruned ideas. Added Duality, a re-imagination of The Unfortunate Opposition of Needs and Wants. More ideas to be added soon, now that a layout I like has been established.

Added Sugar, Sugar, and The Fall of Ra Bin Su.

The Fall of Ba Rin Su was taken. Sugar, Sugar lowered to two 's from four.

Added The Age of Sin.

The Age of Sin was taken. Sugar, Sugar was removed.

Default story/smut ratio adjust from 80/20 to 65/35 as a general starting point.

Replaced story/smut ratio with a more accurate measuring stick.

Updated Status and Speed. Added Seven Years Later.

Seven Years Later was taken.

Added three stories: Twin Flames of the Leaf, Relocated Feelings, and Spy Game. Also made minor corrections in the first post, and updated Status.

Spy Game was taken.

Relocated Feelings was taken. Twin Flames of the Leaf lowered to one from four.

Adjusted story preferences section, and added thoughts about 'Long Story' requests and 'Short Story' requests.

Removed Twin Flames of the Leaf.