Where Are they..

Started by Mikayla, October 29, 2012, 06:29:15 PM

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"Where the hell is everyone..?"

Jordan didn't believe that saying at all. She believed that if people tell you the truth then you have no worries. Well not it this situation.

It is Halloween night. She is suspected by her parents to give out candy to the people that come by. She turns on her porch lights, taking a look around at fifteen until five.  Lisa and Don leave Jordan the seventeen home alone, not worried since they done this since she was thirteen, to go out for there Halloween dinner. Jordan says bye, seeing other houses with there lights out still. Jordan watches her parents drive away and shuts the door to go pour the candy into a bowl. She set down and waited for the door bell to ring. She watches the clock, ten after passes, twenty after passes, then an hour passes. Jordan is growing confused, usually by now there would be kids lined up for the candy. She stands up and opens the door looking out and seeing that nobody is out on the streets. It was like a Ghost town..
She also see's that all the lights on the porch of the houses was off and the inside lights was too. She grew more and more confused. She slammed the door and picked up the phone to call her friend Claire. She stood there, waiting on her to pick up but nothing. She then calls her mother, then father, then grandparents and other friends but still no answer. She is frustrated at this. She turns on the news, but the people wasn't in there.  There was nobody in any shows or movies. Jordan is panicking by now and runs outside, feeling the warm wind blowing harder and harder, never turning cold.. and nobody there. She turns to go into the house but then hears a voice in the distance. She turns and listens. "Hello..?" she called out in a shaky voice. They say something again and this time she runs to where the voice was coming up. It took her to the edge of the woods, listening closely but not hearing anything. Then after a moment she is snatched up and is taken somewhere she don't know. She cannot see or hear. Only smell.. an old smell..


Mainly everyone has gone missing on Halloween and Jordan is the only one around.. well she thought she was until she was kid napped. She wants answers and doesn't know if this person or thing is going to help or kill her. What is the fate of Halloween and the people.. What will happen to Jordan. (You make up what will happen and things.)


Add twists, action, suspense in this. I am open for all idea's.
Now lets get started...