Paying The Rent

Started by traci80, June 15, 2010, 02:27:09 PM

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A 22yo female finds herself living in a trailer park after all her girl friends have long since moved on to college. She is paying the rent with a part-time job as a waitress. She is always on the verge of being fired from taking too many days off from work. She also works the streets for extra money and is a very small time drug dealer. But the idea of expanding comes to her one day seeing the 16yo younger brother of one of her old friends skateboard past her at a bus stop. The kid had a school full of potential customers. It would also be fun to corrupt him. And he sure is cute.

I can play either character. The could also be M/M.


I'd be interested in playing the 16 y/o character.


Hi traci, i like this idea. I'd love to play a curious and naive 16yo for you to corrupt. I've got some ideas, PM me and we could work it out.