Mad Interplanetary Female Scientist

Started by Kitteredge, March 18, 2017, 03:13:35 PM

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Hi all -- I'm looking for the right sort of partner who can help develop an idea and run off with me on it. A sub-GM type who is willing to throw in some new ideas but is able to grok the sensibility of the game below, discuss it, add to its creation, and hopefully run off together on it. I see this as something longer than a one-shot, though its longevity is in a 'we'll see' status. Gender of my writing partners never matters. I like character interiority, good description. Tending, as I've returned after a long absence, to go for longer posts (4-6 paragraphs) every two or three days or so.

Sketches of the game, below.


Interplanetary travel is as common as walking. But we're dealing with a backwater region of the galaxy. Sparsely populated. Bandits. Hermits. Cults, maybe. Undiscovered alien races.

Our 'heroine' is a pretty, young redhead scientist. She occupies some levels of a floating wrecked cruiser or space station. Her levels are protected by her invented robots and security systems. She makes money creating nano-pharmaceuticals and stuff for various unscrupulous figures. Maybe we can have a medium-sized planetary system or two that are in low-level conflict, or are trading with each other, i.e. a pioneer-level of peaceful economy nearby.

She is considered by those who know her to be sharp as a tack, a little weird, and harmless. There may be other scientists, or feudal corporate scions, who want her hand in marriage, or sign her to head their technology divisions, or whatever.

She is, however, pretty mad. We can discuss how, but I want this to be fairly off-beat rather than dark.

So... two things I want to include:

1. She has a massive automaton made out of translucent semi-hardened material. Whether it is a goo or pliant in other ways, of course she enjoys being fucked by it.

2. She has successfully cloned herself and will soon be hatching the incubating cocoon. Whether she wants to use her clone for menial tasks, or fuck with people, or lightly torture, or just fuck, can be discussed.

Alright. I want to play the mad scientist. My partner would play everyone else, but I am comfortable coming up with other characters and filling out the environment. We would co-GM, more or less.

Those are the parameters. I want some character depth, but I don't want it dark. I don't want it to be cartoonish, but I don't want 'hard science'. And I want it kinky and potentially pretty weird.

Looking for the right partner.


Still looking for someone who might be intrigued by this game. An alterna-idea is that my scientist has already cloned herself and we can each run individual characters with shared boffo GMing duties.

I also found these images that are certainly fucking strange, but may spark some ideas.



Again, I'm up for ideas. And, again, this should be story-based. I want to knit together a weird storyline for this weird secret universe. Tone is serio-comic. Ideas: we gin up an airborne virus that causes a planet's population to doff their clothes and have sex madly, whereupon we raid their treasury vaults. We brainwash the members of a remote monastery/mining colony to think a gross alien race are actually stunning models.


PM with any interest. Some slight changes, above.