Remnant [An Original RWBY-Fandom] Team 2 Open/Building [1/4] No Faunus for now.

Started by TheBlackThrone, March 29, 2018, 03:20:32 PM

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This role playing game will be an original take on the RWBY fandom series. While we won't be following the same story line, we will be making our own stories together. The game will be sandbox with a GM-guided plot. Other scenarios and story drama will be created by the players. You do not have to have watched RWBY to participate in this game. The recruitment thread can be viewed as the information thread, letting you know everything you need to know for this specific game. Bring an imagination and a willingness to interact and story-build with others.

The role play takes place in a fictional future-fantasy world with airships high-tech weaponry and a form of natural energy called Dust. The early history of Remnant has been long forgotten with recollections being passed down in the form of myths and legends. In the world of Remnant, all living creatures possess a soul, the physical manifestation of which is known as an Aura. An aura is a form of innate energy that bestows its possessor with certain abilities and powers. Semblances are unique expressions of this power, and are akin to a personal superpower unique to each character. Remnant is populated by two intelligent species – Humanity and the Faunus, a race of human-animal hybrids. All inhabitants of Remnant are beset by the Grimm, creatures of destruction who lack a soul. Huntsmen and Huntresses fight the Grimm and protect the peace of Remnant and its people.

The planet is called Remnant. On Remnant, there are four continents: Sanus, Solitas, Anima, and Menagerie. On those continents are four kingdoms: Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and Mistral. Vale and Vacuo are located on Sanus, Mistral on Anima, and Atlas on Solitas.

  • Sanus is the continent on which the Kingdom of Vale and Vacuo are located. Within Vale are several settlements including the main city of Vale, the island of Patch, as well as several coastal cities. The continent has a range of climates from verdant forests and mountains in Vale to barren deserts in Vacuo. The island of Vytal is located just to the north of the eastern end of Sanus.
    • Vale, the kingdom known to contain the City of Vale and several coastal cities as well as Patch a small island to the west. Beacon Academy one of the four main Huntsman Academies of Remnant is located in the City of Vale, while Signal Academy is located on the island of Patch. Other areas of interest include the Forever Fall Forest and the Emerald Forest. The island of Vytal is to the north of the kingdom.
    • Vacuo, a kingdom located to the west of Vale on the western end of the continent of Sanus. Vacuo’s government influence is marginal. The Huntsman Academy, Shade, is the only true source of law and order in the kingdom. Many years of unchecked human activity was what reduced Vacuo to a barren wasteland indistinguishable from the desert surrounding it. The rule in Vacuo is “anyone who is able to survive the harsh conditions of Vacuo is welcome to live amongst them.” This makes Vacuo one of the few kingdoms with less racial discrimination.
  • Solitas is the continent on which the Kingdom of Atlas is located. Within the kingdom is the City of Atlas, based around Atlas Academy as well as the City of Mantle, the former capital of the kingdom. Solitas’s cold climate makes it inhospitable to both Humans, Fauna, and Grimm.
    • Atlas, formerly known as Mantle, is a kingdom located in Solitas, the far northern continent of Remnant. The Huntsman Academy of Atlas is known as Atlas Academy. Unlike most kingdoms, Atlas’s government, military, and academy function as a single entity. It is the location of a Dust Company (opened to be claimed and named by a player), the largest supplier of Dust in the world. The kingdom is known for its innovations and far-reaching technological achievements such as the Cross Continental Transmit System (CCTS or CCT), a communication technology that instantaneously allows multimedia communication wirelessly over large distances (thus Cell Phones and the Internet). Atlas is also the primary producer of Dust. They are also known for military advancements such as Atlesian Knights and Paladins (giant battle robots) and their mighty air fleet. The robots are named after the military of Atlas, The Atlesian Military. The world’s strongest military power.
  • Anima is the continent on which the Kingdom of Mistral is located. Within Mistral are several settlements including the main city of Mistral, Wind Path, and Kuchinashi. Other small settlements exist located outside the kingdom. The continent is a host to a wide range of ecosystems, including swamplands and wind-carved cliffs. Also notable is a large body of water known as Lake Matsu, which is host to numerous floating islands held above the water surface by giant natural deposits of Gravity Dust. The floating islands of Lake Matsu are known to be a habitat for dangerous Grimm.
    • Mistral is one of the four kingdoms of Remnant. It is located on the far eastern continent of the world. Mistral is located on Anima, the second-largest landmass in Remnant. Mistral controls the most territory of all four kingdoms, encompassing a wide range of ecosystems and many diverse cultures. It is home to the Mistral Trade Route, a crossroad prevalent with not only honest merchants but dishonest ones smuggling Dust or Atlesian weaponry. Mistrals first inhabitants found shelter from the Grimm in the high cliffs and from there came to build towns and cities along the walls. The people of Mistral have built their culture and technology around the geography and natural resources of the continent. All of Mistral’s people are commonly linked by their respect for nature, particularly the sea and sky. There are two academies in Mistral: Haven Academy and Sanctum Academy.
  • Menagerie is a landmass in the southeast of Remnant where most of the Faunus population resides. Following the Great War, the Faunus were given Menagerie as a reward for their participation in conjunction with equal rights. While some humans saw these rewards as fair and just, many Faunus saw it as a slap in the face as Menagerie is two-thirds desert and uninhabitable due to dangerous wild life. Overtime, Humanity became adamant about Menagerie being the sole continent for Faunus and pushed for all Faunus to be forced there. This push received push-back, which resulted in the Faunus Rights Revolution. To this day, Faunus predominantly live on Menagerie and it is seen as a safe haven for their race. The population is gathered together where the land is habitable, making it crowded. The main city is Kuo Kuana. Although advanced enough in architecture and industry, Menagerie does not have a CCT tower to communicate with the rest of the world. A pro-Faunus/anti-Human terrorist group (can be named by a player) has an operating cell there.

The Great War
The Great War, a significant conflict that occurred between the Kingdoms of Vale and Vacuo on one side, and the Kingdoms of Mantle (what would become Atlas) and Mistral on the other. The war concludes 80 years before where our game begins. The Great War precedes the Faunus Rights Revolution.

In the century leading up to the Great War, there was high tension between the four kingdoms, mostly caused by Mistral, which had allied itself with Mantle. The two traded frequently with Mistral sending supplies and Mantle providing insight on how to settle the snowy northern region of Anima. After an incident with the Grimm, Mantle believed that if it took away its citizens’ rights to self-expression and controlled their emotion, then they would be safer from the Grimm. Rather than lose its alliance, Mistral complied with Mantle’s wishes to an extent. Art and freedom of self-expression was banned throughout Mistral except for within its central power. This led to Vale disliking Mistral and Mantle for the treatment of their own citizens, their use of slave labor, and their insistence that their way of life was superior.

Mistral and Vale both set their sights on settling the islands and peninsulas on the east coast of Sanus and despite how his citizens felt, the King of Vale chose to share the land with the Mistral settlers. The already high tensions resulted in a riot between two bands of settlers. It is unknown who attacked first, but it began the first battle of The Great War. Mantle quickly came to Mistral’s aid and the war was fought on both Sanus and Anima. Vacuo remained neutral until they were pressured to join in the conflict for if Vale fell, then there would be no one left to stop Mantle and Mistral from conquering them all. Vacuo rallied against Mantle and Mistral and pushed them out of Vacuoan territory and allied themselves with Vale.

The war lasted for ten years. Food and Dust rations were put into effect, development of technology accelerated, Humans and Faunus relations grew on the battlefield, and the Grimm attacks increased worldwide. Whenever the Grimm invaded the battlefield, the armies called for a temporary ceasefire long enough to eradicate the monsters. Many settlements were lost to the Grimm due to their best warriors being away to fight in the war, and most of those settlements were never reclaimed.

The Great War eventually came to an end during the Vacuo campaign. Mantle and Mistral targeted Vacuo hoping to cut off their enemy’s Dust supply by conquering Vacuo’s mines. The King of Vale arrived and personally led his army alongside Vacuo’s, thoroughly decimating the opposing forces. He was then nicknamed the Warrior King. Legend says he laid waste to countless men on his own. Historians believe that his feat was aided by Vacuo’s unusually violent weather patterns and Mantle’s inexperience in desert combat. Regardless, it was the deadliest battle of the entire war.

Following this battle, the four kingdoms gathered on neutral ground on the island of Vytal. It was there where they formed a treat and planned the future of Remnant. Although the kingdoms were ready to bow before the rule of Vale and its Warrior King, he decided against it. Instead, the leaders redistributed territories, abolished slavery, and restructured the governments. The Faunus were given equal rights and were gifted the continent of Menagerie.

It was Vale’s king, the Warrior King, who founded the Huntsman Academies in each of the four kingdoms: Beacon Academy in Vale; Shade Academy in Vacuo; Haven Academy in Mistral; and Atlas Academy in Mantle (which would become Atlas). He placed his most trusted followers in command of each academy. The intended purpose of the academies was to train Huntsmen and Huntresses, warriors whose sole purpose would be to fight the Grimm, and whose allegiance would not be tied to the kingdoms. Secretly, the academies were also given the task of safeguarding four relics. Some time after the end of the Great War, Mantle’s capital was moved to Atlas, and the government, military and academy were combined.

The Faunus Rights Revolution
The Faunus Rights Revolution was a revolution staged by the Faunus in retaliation against Humans trying to centralize their species in Menagerie. As a result of winning the war, Faunus are allowed to live within the four kingdoms. The cause of the war is attributed to the Humans’ attempts to confine Faunus to Menagerie and countermand the rights the Faunus earned in their participation in the Great War. In the Battle of Fort Castle, a battle during the third year of the war, and a turning point, the inexperienced Human commander General Lagune attempted to catch the enemy off-guard in a nocturnal attack. However, the Faunus were able to leverage their advantage of near-perfect night vision and soundly defeated the larger army.

Some time after the war, the pro-Faunus/anti-Human terrorist group (to be named by a player) was set up and intended to serve as a prospective symbol of peace and unity between the Humans and Faunus. However, the idea was evidently abandoned in the face of continuing discrimination, resulting in its reverse ideology.

Beacon Academy
Beacon Academy is an academy located in the Kingdom of Vale for training teams of Huntsmen and Huntresses to slay various monsters that plague Remnant. 80 years ago, Beacon Academy along with the other academies were founded by the Warrior King of Vale. Since its founding, Beacon Academy has trained generations of Huntsmen and Huntresses. In addition to its role of training future warriors, the academy plays an important role in worldwide security. The staff of the school are part of a clandestine group which actively work to protect the world from threats. Its Cross Continental Transmit tower, vital for long-distance communication across Remnant, is built in the center of the campus. One of the four relics is secretly housed in the school. In order to be accepted into Beacon, students typically go to combat schools such as Signal Academy in order to prepare for the academy’s rigorous entrance exam Some candidates may be invited to the school after showing exceptional skill. Some are even talented enough to pass the exams without transcripts. Students are generally admitted at around age 17. In the lead-up to the annual Vytal Festival, Beacon will participate in an exchange program with the academies of the three other kingdoms, Atlas, Shade, and Haven. Exchange students may participate in some activities such as sparring matches and attend events such as the Beacon Dance.

For males, the Beacon Academy uniform consists of black suits lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest and a white shirt with a red tie.

Females wear a red plaid skirt, stockings of various length, and a brown jacket with a tan vest and white shirt with a red ribbon tie at the collar.

Students are given the freedom to customize their attire. The dress code does not seem to be upheld very strictly as students are often seen in casual attire during classes, assemblies, and field trips. Students tend to avoid wearing their uniforms during combat practice.

Uniform Reference: Here

Atlas Academy
Atlas Academy is the Huntsman Academy of the Kingdom of Atlas. Unlike other kingdoms, the academy as an institution is not an entity separate from its government. Originally, Atlas was called “Alsius”, a combat school during the Kingdom of Mantle. The territory surrounding Alsius was used as a research and development facility during the Great War. Alsius was later reopened under the name Atlas Academy in order to house and give guidance to warriors after the conclusion of the Great War. Students enrolled in Atlas Academy are soldiers in the military and the best can be selected to join the military’s Special Operatives unit.

The dress code at Atlas consists of white long-sleeved shirts with gray pocket-vest jackets on top. These are accompanied by a pair of white dress gloves and a dark-gray tie. Male students wear long white trousers, while female students wear gray stockings and knee-high black boots.

Uniform Reference: Here

Haven Academy
Haven Academy is a Huntsman Academy within the Kingdom of Mistral. Students from Haven are able to participate in the Vytal Festival. Haven is also one of the schools possessing a relic. Haven’s school uniform consists of a black jacket with a light gray outline around the edges, a white undershirt and a white band around the student’s left arm.

The female outfit consists of a gray and black checkered skirt, whereas the male uniform has a pair of black trousers.

Uniform Reference: Here

Shade Academy
Shade Academy is a Huntsman Academy situated within the Kingdom of Vacuo. Students from Shade participate in the annual Vytal Festival combat tournament. Unique to the other four academies, Shade appears to lack a uniform.

Trainee/Combat Schools

Signal Academy
Signal Academy is a primary combat school located on the island of Patch just off the coast of Vale.

Sanctum Academy
Sanctum Academy is a primary combat school for trainee Huntsmen and Huntresses like Signal Academy. It is located in Mistral. Students from Signal as well as Sanctum can participate in the Mistral Region Tournament.

Our game begins 80 years after the Great War. If your character has any relatives who participated in the Great War, and if they are still alive, they are more than likely a great-great/great/grandparent. Students will be gathering at Beacon Academy, the main and starting setting of our story. This is the very beginning of this game and if you wind up being a long-term writer, this will be a fun part of the story to look back on. This is it everyone! The beginning! Your character’s story starts here. Woo!

Students gathering for Beacon Academy’s entrance exam can come from the combat schools listed above, direct invitation (especially if they’re someone of high status), or someone who was just scouted because a scout saw them expertly handle some Grimms. You can explain how they got to the Entrance Exam in their back story.

The Entrance Exam will decide the four-man teams. How player characters interact and work together during the entrance exam will determine if they will be teammates or not. So do not be surprised. Instead, be prepared.

RWBY was created, directed, written, and animated by Monyreak “Monty” Oum. He is also known for animating the popular Machinima series Red vs Blue in its eighth season. On February 1, 2015, he passed away at age 33 from an anaphylactic attack that resulted in him falling into a coma. As a tribute to Monty, we will be sticking to the naming convention he created because it is also a part of the story’s history.

The Great War provided an in-universe explanation for the “Color Naming Rule” of the RWBY universe. These guidelines are that all characters and team names in RWBY must have a name that is either a color, sounds like a color, means a color or is otherwise evocative of a color. These colors can also be in a foreign language, a season, or element that brings to mind said color. They can also be references to historical persons. Regardless how you name or theme your character, the color rule must apply.

Character Creation Rules

  • No God-Mode/Over-The-Top Character: You will be nerfed or the character will even be out-right rejected.
  • Manga/Digital Art Only: No real-life photography. Sorry.
  • One Character Only: Some people like to go character crazy, but for now, I am only allowing writers to have one character.
  • One Weapon with One Range Mode: Your weapon has two different modes. You should not have multiple weapons.
  • Pictures: You do not need to have a picture to be in this RP. However, if you use a picture, you either use the proper coding to scale it down or you hide it in a spoiler. No obnoxiously-large pictures.
  • Colors: If you decide to use colors avoid neon font colors. Neon font colors are not cool and people do not want to read them.
  • Faunus Limit Set to 5 Players. People love playing animal-people but not everyone can have a Faunus character. I am only granting these roles to people who submit a completed/approved CS for one. I will not grant this to WIPs. So first-come, first-serve.
  • Read the Character Sheet Guide. It will explain everything. I made it very simple. Please read it in order to get ideas for character creation and to help you when you are confused. The character sheet guide is in the coding. Also, be sure to get rid of useless text in the CS guide. Do not post your CS with sentences from the guide still present.

[float=right][img height=400(feel free to adjust)]<image link goes here>[/img][/float]
If you want to style your CS, feel free to use websites such as “” (Google it) and HMTL Color Codes (Google it).
[b]Name:[/b] The color can either be in their first or last name or both in their first and last name. It has to be one color. You cannot be Orange Red. Claim one color.
[b]Nickname(s):[/b] If your character has a nickname initially, then add it here. If he or she doesn't, then they will more than likely receive a couple in game.
[b]Age:[/b] At least 17-19 years old.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female.
[b]Race:[/b] Human or Faunus (What kind of Faunus?) No hybrid Faunus. You must be one animal. No mythological animals either.
[b]Nationality:[/b] What kingdom or continent do they hail from?
[b]Written Appearance:[/b] Hair color, eye color, height, weight, clothing style, tattoos…”silver eyes” are significant in the story. Silver-Eyed Warriors are a lineage group whose origins predates the establishment of both Huntsmen and Kingdoms. According to legend, those born with silver eyes are said to be destined to lead the life of a warrior. Silver eyes themselves are a very rare trait in the modern world. Therefore, not everyone in this game will be allowed to have them.
[b]Family:[/b] List your parents to even great-grandparents if there is a significance. Parents who are deceased mark as such. You can also list other player characters here if you are choosing to be related: sibling or cousin.
[b]Personality:[/b] A general run-down of your character’s personality. What do they like to do? How do they interact with others? What is their attitude during combat or competition? (Example questions to answer) What do they like and dislike. I normally make that a separate section but it’s not necessary if you can put it all in the personality.
[b]Background:[/b] Where do they hail from? Do they have important relatives? Do they have relatives who fought in the Great War? Do they know people who are part of the to-be-named terrorist group? How were they selected to attend Beacon? Did they go to a combat academy first? How did they get into the combat academy? Were they scouted? Is their family name important to the game’s history? Are they the heir or related to the Dust company? Are they the child of a distinguished Atlesian officer?
[b]Emblem:[/b] This is a symbol that represents your character. It is your character's personal emblem.
[b]Weapon:[/b] The weapons in RWBY appear as one weapon type but have a secondary function which is usually ranged. Such as Ruby wielding a Scythe that performs a second function as a sniper rifle. The weapons can transform into their secondary form. However you describe how they shift between forms (if they do). It is up to you. However, the weapons always perform 1 Melee action and 1 Range. Therefore, they will be 1 Melee Weapon that can convert into 1 Type of Ranged Weapon. I count dual weapons such as pistols, knives, or swords as one weapon. Give this weapon a “Name” and a detailed “Weapon Description.” This description is to include how it shifts from Mode A to Mode B, if it does. Some weapons can be fired without shifting. Instead of “bullets” your weapons will use “Dust.” Dust is a source of energy in Remnant. The physical properties of Dust make it incredibly useful for a variety of purposes, particularly in the weapons of many characters. Dust is to be a reference to the primordial state from which mankind was born. As a natural resource, it is sometimes poetically referred to as “Nature’s Wrath,” or prosaically as an energy propellant. Despite its widespread use and prevalence in society, humanity has yet to understand the origins or the implications of their involvement with Dust. Dust is a naturally-occurring crystallized energy propellant triggered by the Aura of Humans and Faunus. For unknown reasons, Dust does not function outside of the atmosphere of Remnant, precluding the possibility of space flight. Dust can be found in four basic types: Wind or Air; Fire or Burn; Water; and Lightning. A secondary form is created by combining Water and Air Dust to create Ice Dust. Steam Dust is created with Water and Fire Dusts. Gravity Dust is unique and can possibly be a fifth type. Earth Dust is another rare Dust type. There are many more types of dust to be discovered but you get the idea of their use. It’s energy and ammo for your weapons. They can come in power cells. It is found as either crystals or powder and is highly explosive. The powdered form is even more volatile than the crystal form. A mere sneeze can cause an explosion.
[b]Aura:[/b] An aura is a manifestation of one’s soul and can be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors such as experience, training, and innate skill. A person with a strong aura may radiate bright colors when using it. It is believed that anything with a soul has an aura, thus Grimms not having one. Skilled users of Aura can create their own barriers or even increase their own abilities in some specific way. Weapons and armor can also act as a conduit for aura, allowing for an even wider range of offensive and defensive capabilities. Unfortunately, the strength of an aura degrades with continual use. This limits the application of Aura in combat, thus over time, the aura will decay to the point where the user is weakened or even incapacitated. The aura is what protects all characters from injuries that would kill normal humans. Being cut by each other’s weapons, taking blows to vital areas and getting back up, it relies on the aura. Aura can be recharged and the time required to recharge is different between each person. Aura can be locked away within a warrior who isn’t aware he or she has one. It can, however, be unlocked by a knowledgeable aura user. Aura triggers the use of “Dust.” As mentioned, Aura can be used defensively such as to create barriers. Offensively to be used as concussive blasts of energy or solid constructs. It can be used to unlock someone else’s aura. Finally, it can be used to heal. Those with a strong enough aura can heal minor wounds with it. Everyone in the game, starting out, gets a [3 Aura Use] cap. This means in a story-combat or tournament situation, your character can only use their aura 3 times. A character with only 1 use left will feel exhausted. A character with 0 uses left will no longer be protected by the aura’s natural barrier and succumb to harm that will either cripple or incapacitate them. Choose a color for your aura. A character can recover aura uses either by the game naturally moving onto the next day or every 10th post in or out of combat or during a mission. To fill this section out you simply follow the example. Example: [Color] x 3 - Remember the explanation for aura. I basically told you what it does in this explanation. Do not create any new capabilities. It can only do what I explained.
[b]Semblance:[/b] The manifestation of one’s innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual with effects varying greatly from user to user. The nature of one’s semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character. A character’s semblance can be similar to the semblances of their parents or other family members. An example was, the Schnee family semblance allowed them to summon “glyphs” that performed various functions. Ruby had Super Speed. Nora Valkyrie could convert electricity in the environment to physical strength. Semblance is fueled by Aura. If your character does not have Aura, then they cannot use Semblance. If you run out of Aura uses, then you cannot use your semblance. Basically, Semblance is your character’s super power. Some semblances can be affected using “Dust.” Such as adding an elemental property to powers.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Describe your character's fighting style here. You can go online to the RWBY wikia and read the profiles of the characters to get an idea of their fighting style. This should help you get an idea for how your own character fights.
[b]Strengths:[/b] What is your character mostly good at? These don’t have to be solely combat-related. They can be talents or perks. Faunus characters automatically have night vision.
[b]Weakness:[/b] What does your character need to work on? Either combat or personality wise.
[b]Character Theme:[/b] You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
[b]Color Code:[/b] This will be the color that represents your character. Google “HTML Color Codes” to get the Hex Code and color sample. Remember no neon colors. Do not hurt our eyes. If you choose "White" do not use white. Just use an alternative to it.
[spoiler=Character Diary]Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.[/spoiler]


This section is for questions not answered in the information guide.


1. Activity: This game goes as fast as we make it. This will be a big game so if you don’t like big games, then turn away now. I would like for writers to be able to post as least once a week. During missions, each writer will be given 3 days to post. Therefore, if you are at the beginning or the end of the posting order, then you may be waiting quite the while, which can be a catch 22. Either you’ll be eager to post or not mind the wait. Again, it will depend on the activity of your fellow players. Players who are absent for 14 days without a warno will receive an activity check in a PM from me. Players who are absent for 30 days will be placed as inactive. They are welcome to reclaim their character whenever they feel like returning because this is a continual story after all.
2. Communication: I do not need to know your business. I just want to know how long you will be gone so I can accommodate. Also, please tell me if you lose interest in the game and are leaving. Do not just silently leave if you can help it.
3. What I Say Goes: My goal as the GM is to manage the game, which includes the story. I also will at times tell you “yay” or “nay” on some concept ideas if I feel you are going over-the-top or your concept could affect the game plot. Please be cooperative and comply. If not, then before you can cause any drama just be kind enough to leave the game.
4. No Hybrid Faunus: I wrote this before in the Character Creation section. No Hybrids and No Mythical Beasts.
5. No drama: Just don’t do it. Not even in PMs. Step away, take a break, and then come back. If I feel you are causing drama, then I will ask you to stop. If you continue, then I will ask you to leave. I haven’t had much of this lately so I’m confident that we won’t see this.
6. No Time: If you do not have time for this game, then do not join it. If you are going on vacation, go on vacation. You can join when you return. Do not join this game if you won't actively be here to write in it. I see this happen more than it should. Be courteous please.
7. Work out your issues: All combat should be discussed before anyone attempts to fight another character. This game does have PVP elements. No one will ever be forced into a PVP situation for the tournaments and Vytal Festival events will be optional. Even during the character creation process, please calmly work out any issues between each other.

Approved Characters/Taken Weapons/Taken Colors

Robin Cerise (Rabbit Faunus) - Composite Bow/Dual Linked Blades - #D51313
Masque Phlogiston (Cat Faunus) - Six-Shooter Revolver/Double-Bladed Dagger - #555555
Azuri Saphirum - Lance/Rocket - Navy
Auro Rencroft (Lizard Faunus) - Piston Gauntlet&Greaves/Ten Cylinder Gun - #FFD700
Lyn Starcaterus - Double-bladed Axe/Crossbow - #35BCF8



Character Thread

The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Hi there! I don't know anything about RWBY, but this game sounds interesting. I had a question about the weapons.

QuoteOne Weapon with One Range Mode: Your weapon has two different modes. You should not have multiple weapons.

What does this mean?


Quote from: Envious on March 29, 2018, 08:46:19 PM
Hi there! I don't know anything about RWBY, but this game sounds interesting. I had a question about the weapons.

What does this mean?
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


 Hehe okay this should be plenty of fun, though I do have one question. I know you said about going on vacation and such and I was wondering. I'm not going now but I'll be taking off for a good long one in about two and half months. So would I still be able to join in at the ground floor or what?
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!


Quote from: Sessha on March 30, 2018, 01:57:33 AM
Hehe okay this should be plenty of fun, though I do have one question. I know you said about going on vacation and such and I was wondering. I'm not going now but I'll be taking off for a good long one in about two and half months. So would I still be able to join in at the ground floor or what?

Yeah that's fine. Just remind me when you head out and I'll write a note next to your character's name so others will know about your absence as well.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


 Cool thank you. I have a character already drawn up if you want to see her?
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!


Quote from: Sessha on March 30, 2018, 02:22:11 AM
Cool thank you. I have a character already drawn up if you want to see her?

You can either post it here or send it to me in PM. Whatever feels comfortable for you.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I was looking at some artwork and I'm about to have a CS posted here in a few hours. Feel free to use it as a reference and a further visual aid for completing your own.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend

Moon Hound Hati

Currently abroad until Tuesday, but just posting interest.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on March 31, 2018, 08:02:13 AM
Currently abroad until Tuesday, but just posting interest.

Roger! Thank you for the interest and have a safe journey and return.  ;D
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



I updated the CS to include:



Fighting Style

Read the CS Guide (in the coding) to learn what those areas require.

My CS is getting pretty detailed so I'll need another day to finish it.  :-)

Just Family, Personality, Background, and Character Theme left to go!
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Name: Kakariki Honu
Nickname(s): Kari
Age: 19
Gender: Female.
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral, Anima
Written Appearance: At first glance, Kari is nothing special. Some would consider her tall at 5'11. Some would consider her thin at 150 lbs. All consider her strong. Her muscles are visible upon her slender frame, but not bulging. Upon closer inspection, those who care to look can see that her hands are well-worn. The skin is rough and covered in cuts and callouses. Her nails are kept short. There is nothing delicate or feminine about her hands. Her hair is a lush green and brings to mind the thick foliage of a forest canopy. It falls to her waist, but is usually pinned up in some way. She is pale skinned with a smattering of freckles that mostly missed her face - they primarily reside on the tops of her shoulders and biceps. Her eyes are silver and a mark of pride to her grandfather and grandmother. She goes for function over style and prefers simple and modest clothing.

Family: Kowhai (grandfather), Kikorangi (grandmother), Silfur (mother, deceased), Maota (father, deceased).

Personality: For better or for worse, Kari is known for her absolute fearlessness. It isn't exactly true - she has fears, but she is also willing to face those fears without hesitation or question. She's a realist with a fair, yet critical eye of her own abilities and that keeps her from getting into too much trouble. She's able to quickly adapt to new situations and keep her cool under tough circumstances. People see her as strong, independent, and responsible. She is kind, but she is also straightforward. She is a big believer in personal responsibility and can be snappy or condescending to people she believes are not pulling their weight. She is sometimes considered rude because of it, but not necessarily wrong. While Kari is not socially outgoing, she is able to hold a conversation with ease. She is great at small talk and likes to ask questions to get to know people better.

Kari likes trying new things, going on adventures, and completing difficult challenges. She does not like large crowds, timidness, romantic situations, or lack of imagination.

Background: Kakariki spent her early childhood in the Vale near the Emerald Forest in a small village. Her mother was a Huntress, one of many who helped defend their little home against the Grimm that lived nearby. Kari does not remember much about her. One day she left, as she often did, but never returned. The conclusion was inescapable and the villagers grieved with Maota and Kakariki - Silfur had been killed in action. The villagers moved on. Kari moved on. Maota did not. He continued to grieve for his wife. He would eventually move to Mistral where his parents were so that he had help in caring for Kari. One night, he died. Kari's grandparents, Kowhai and Kikorangi, said it was due to a broken heart. At this point, Kari was six years old.

Her grandparents always had a tale to tell about the love and devotion or strength and bravery of her parents and how they had cared for Kari. The validity of the tales was questionable at best, but Kari never thought twice about the fact that her grandparents had never met their daughter-in-law or that they had been estranged from their son for most of his adult life. The wild tales she was told encouraged and inspired her to want to become a Huntress. The broom often became a weapon to use against some foul creature that took the shape of the tree stump in the front of the house.

In most respects, Kari led a normal life and had a normal childhood. She never knew that her father was actually a smuggler that had fled the country. She never knew that her mother hadn't died, but had run away from the responsibility of marriage and parenting. She grew up happy under the care of her grandparents and when the opportunity to go to Sanctum Academy presented itself, her grandparents allowed it hoping that it would steer her down a more noble path than her father had gone down.

The Academy was a good fit. She excelled in combat and proved her worth in the field. It also prepared her for the entrance exam to Beacon Academy where it was clear that she was a contender with some serious skill.

Emblem: A green turtle

Weapon: Protector's Promise
Protector's Promise is a bladed shield used primarily for defense. It is engraved with a stylized turtle and decorated with green paint. Not only is she able to deflect physical attacks with her shield, it is fairly resistant to magical effects as well. It can absorb fire attacks and the elemental energy is stored in the front blade of her shield. In its ranged mode, Kari can project the front blade forward in an attempt to pierce the enemy. The blade is attached to a chain and it can be used like a whip to wrap around enemies and keep them shackled to her. The blade is also the focal point for absorbed fire energy or dust to imbue the weapon with elemental energy.

Aura: Green x3

Semblance: Kari is able to manipulate earth within a 8 yard radius around her. She can cause small tremors, lift the earth up roughly six feet, or cause the earth to cave in roughly six feet down. The earth manipulations can take a basic shape (pillars, semi-circles, rectangles). She can manipulate a maximum of 36 cubic feet at a single time.

Fighting Style: Kari's style is best described as an unrelenting force. What she lacks in speed she makes up for in endurance and does not fatigue easily. She has been known to outlast her opponents, wearing them down so they are not as quick or taunting them so they become sloppy. She's more interested in not losing than winning and is not known for fighting fair. She will make the environment work to her advantage and change it if it doesn't. She is not particularly fast or nimble, but she makes up for it with her wicked strength and ability to endure. She is extremely resilient and can take a hit like a champion. You do not want to be hit by her - it will hurt! She is a well respected combatant known for her adaptability and using the environment to her advantage.

Strengths: She is physically strong and incredibly resilient. She is quick to adapt. She is well trusted because of her honesty and well respected because of her combat ability. Her skill set lies primarily in keeping an enemy engaged on her while her team mates go in for the killing blow.

Weakness: In terms of speed and agility, she is barely above average which makes her look slow in comparison to her classmates. That's fine by her - she's more interested in tanking an opponent.

Character Theme:
Color Code: #088A08
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.


There's nothing wrong with silver eyes. I just said it is very rare and not everyone will have it so she will more than likely be the only character with them for the next "x" many players before I allow someone else to have them.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



I say the same about mine lol. It's nice to see writers taking their time and being very detailed.  ;D
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I finally got it posted.

Robin Cerise

Name: Robin Cerise
Nickname(s): Rob; More to possibly come
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Rabbit Faunus
Nationality: Menagerie
Written Appearance: Robin is a young Faunus man of a cream complexion. His hair is bladed in short brown downy layers with a texture similar to rabbit’s fur. One-foot-long ears extend from his head that he will often painfully roll down to his scalp when he is pretending to be a Human. He will then use a hairband to push his thick hair back, hiding the bumps of his ears. While he clearly has rabbit ears protruding from his head, Robin still retains Human ears. When he isn’t wearing the Beacon Academy uniform, Robin wears a grey, three-button vest with a hood over a sanguine-red dress shirt. The sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up his biceps. Around his neck is a black tie. His trousers are grey like his vest and sink into a pair of combat boots with steel-toe graft. A specialized black glove is worn on his right hand along with a cheap wristwatch, and a red specialized gauntlet is worn on his left hand. At his hip is a belt which contains compartments for carrying Dust along with three straps for carrying clips. Usually, slung across his torso and resting in the center of his back is his Heartseeker weapon.

The rabbit Faunus is 5’9” and he weighs 170 lbs. His body is a cut and slender build, his muscles not massive but lean and convenient for his body type and fighting style. His eyes are like amber beneath his dark brows. Before anyone asks, “No, he doesn’t have a fuzzy cotton tail.” His aura is red. [Reference: Appearance]

  • William Cerise (Father)
  • Artemis Cerise (Mother)
  • Odysseus Cerise (Brother)
  • Paris Cerise (Sister)
  • Apollo Cerise (Brother)
  • Rama Cerise (Sister)

Personality: Robin is very analyzing when he is on the battlefield. As an archer, he always seeking a weakness to exploit and a vantage point where he can do so from. Since graduating from Signal Academy, he has become very confident in his abilities as a potential Huntsmen to the point that he can be a little cocky. He is friendly if approached by strangers and very down-to-earth. While some may think he’s a tree-hugger for being Vegan, he doesn’t let other students pressure him to try things he doesn’t want to try or do things he doesn’t want to do.

His hobbies are mostly tinkering with his Heartseeker and creating new ways to project Dust from it. He can be found in the library researching such methods, and when he’s not being an engineer, he can be seen training. Robin will at times need to be pulled away from his routine. If any of the students want to go out on the town to see a movie or party, then he will join mostly as the DD. He developed a responsible attitude being the oldest of five siblings who he had to raise while his parents were gone. Similarly, he can come off as an older brother to other teammates, looking out for them.

Robin hopes to follow his parents so that he too can become a Huntsmen one day—one of legend!

Background: Robin was born to William and Artemis Cerise in Kuo Kuana, Menagerie. As a young Faunus, Robin always dreamed of leaving the continent. His parents often left Menagerie when called into service as Huntsmen, which often left Robin alone to take care of his younger brothers and sisters: Odysseus, Paris, Apollo, and Rama. Being the oldest drove him crazy, and one day, after his parents had left, Robin left Odysseus in charge to his younger brother’s disappointment. With a backpack and bow, Robin snuck aboard the next airship out of Menagerie having no idea where it would take him. The ship was headed to Vale and before Robin would reach his final destination, he was identified as a stowaway by one of the crew. He quickly abandoned ship on an island he learned later was called Patch. While on Patch, Robin travelled through forests—forests for the first time—but they weren’t green as the stories often described. These forests of Patch were gray.

The gray forest was where Robin first encountered students from Signal Academy. They were fighting a pack of Beowolves with weapons similar to what his mother and father used. Feeling they were in danger, with only a bow, Robin jumped into the fight and aided the students in killing the Grimm. When the battle was over, Robin was excited to meet the students. He felt as though he had made his first group of friends outside of Menagerie. The young Huntsmen, however, left Robin alone thanking him for his help and leaving with him mentions of a combat school for Huntsmen and Huntresses. Intrigued, Robin followed the students in secret back to the school. He was spotted by one of the instructors, Instructor Titian Leonidas. Titian had heard the students talking about them receiving help from a “Rabbit Boy.” As he asked more about Robin’s identity, he learned that the boy had ran away from home and was disappointed. Fearing that Titian would send him back, Robin begged to be allowed to stay and attend the school. Not desiring to leave the boy in the woods, Titian allowed Robin to stay until he could find a transport for him to return to Menagerie. While he was at the academy, Robin attended classes and remained elusive to Titian. He wanted to learn as much as he could!

Before long, Titian stopped seeking a vessel to send Robin home and allowed him to stay. He sent a letter to his family letting his parents know where he was, and his parents were furious. He had abandoned his brothers and sisters and ran away from home. His parents arrived to Signal and made an embarrassing display pulling him from class. It was Titian who vouched for Robin and convinced his parents to let the boy train. Robin prevailed at the school, learning with much trial and error how to craft his weapon, the Heartseeker. Upon graduation, Robin’s journey takes him to Beacon Academy where he is to take the rigorous entrance exam.

Robin's Emblem

The Heartseeker is the name of Robin’s bowblade. The bowblade has two forms. Form One is its standard bow form. The bow has a composite bow appearance and is capable of firing up to five arrows maximum simultaneously. The arrows aren’t always actually traditional arrows. Individually, they are lobbed using a combustion technique. Using his special glove, Robin pulls back on the heated bowstring while clutching a Dust shell between his fingers. Upon releasing the string, the friction of the string springing forward and dragging along the Dust shell causes the shell to heat up and the Dust to explode. The shell forces the explosion forward, and depending on which Dust type Robin is using Fire, Water, Wind, etc. The Dust will travel in a beam of that element. Heartseeker’s maximum range is 60 yards. When firing five arrows at once, Robin carries them in a prearranged clip. The arrows are condensed in the clip, giving the clip a rectangular appearance about the size of a small notebook. Robin will set the clip on the string, slipping his index and middle fingers into two rings for holding it. Pulling back on the rings causes the arrows to extend and they will rest against his well-guarded gauntlet. Upon releasing the bowstring, similar to how the arrows are individually fired, the friction causes these combustion. The arrows will fly out and shower either one or multiple enemies. Robin tends to only carry 3 clips maximum of the elements: Fire, Lightning, and Earth. His Earth clip is a combination of Lightning and Earth Dust to create an explosion.

Form Two are dual swords with the hot bowstring still attached to their pummels. Robin will perform melee with Heartseeker in this form. In Form Two, Robin can use the blades to pierce and drag an enemy toward him. He can also use the blade to pierce high ledges and pull himself to higher ground. He can whirl the blades dangerously, their maximum radius being 5 meters. The bowstring keeping them together is just as dangerous being hot enough to melt flesh if one isn’t careful. He can strangle Grimm with it or use it to melt certain forms of steel. The pummels of each sword are brought together and the bowstring goes taut, returning Heartseeker to Form One.

Heartseeker in Form Two, like Form One, can use Dust to enhance its abilities. For example, if Robin uses Wind Dust, then he can whirl his blade around like a helicopter creating a cyclone or even lifting himself into the air for a brief period.

Aura: Red x3
Semblance: Robin’s semblance is a form of kinetic energy absorption. He will absorb kinetic energy and use it to amplify his physical abilities. He can absorb this energy from moving objects. It is not the impact or the force of the object that is absorbed but the energy propelling the object to move. Therefore, Robin will attempt to block or deflect an enemy’s moves in order to sap them of kinetic energy. This can make an opponent feel lethargic overtime. The energy absorbed is not stored. Instead, it is converted into a biochemical energy that immediately strengthens Robin’s body, allowing him to strike harder and faster. The absorbed kinetic energy speeds his body up until his movements and strikes are a blur. He can even use the energy in a swift dash for a short duration. Robin’s Semblance, however, uses 1 Aura that will last two turns. If he uses it further, he will quickly exhaust his aura and himself, making him susceptible to lethal and crippling damage. When Robin uses his Semblance, his red aura crackles like lightning across his body. The strength of his strikes during his Semblance can become strong enough to juggle a car into the air before kicking it several feet away. To warm up his body, Robin will often jump rope with the bowstring of his Heartseeker.
Fighting Style: Robin’s fighting style employs a lot of agility, kicks, and reflexes. His fighting style is similar to Tae Kwon Do, Wing Chun, and Escrima. As a Rabbit Faunus, he is naturally very light and quick on his feet. His speed is his best defense mechanism second to his aura for he isn’t the sturdiest of fighters. He will use Heartseeker to take out enemies from a distance and kite them if they get too close (“kite” meaning to remain out of their reach while picking at them with his bow). If an enemy manages to get passed his Heartseeker in its bow form, he will switch to the weapon’s melee form. Using two swords joined by a hot wire, and a series of powerful kicks, Robin will go to town on an enemy. Robin’s legs and feet are his strongest personal weapon. His hands are often occupied with his blades, and so therefore, he will rapidly attempt to cripple his opponent’s defenses. With his Semblance, he can be one tough bunny.
  • Agile: Robin is very agile. He is able to sprint and change direction in an instant without pulling a muscle or spraining his muscles.
  • High Stamina: As long as he doesn’t waste his aura, Robin can use his natural speed longer than most individuals.
  • Acrobatic: Robin can flip through the air, turning and twisting his body to perform aerial stunts.
  • High Jumper: Robin naturally can jump higher than a Human and sometimes, other Faunus.
  • Strong Legs: His legs are the strongest part of his body. Have you seen him in shorts? *whistles*
  • Enhanced Hearing: Robin’s rabbit ears can pick up sounds far away. They are like natural detectors.
  • Vegan: Robin eats only a diet of fruits and veggies. Unlike Humans and other Faunus, his vegan diet is sufficient for him and he doesn’t suffer from weakness or lack of muscle growth due to no meat protein. Thus, he believes himself to be healthier than those who eat animal products. Typical, right?
  • Resilient: While he may not be sturdy, physically, he is resilient. He was born and raised in Menagerie and like other Faunus, has had to endure racism and violence every now and then.
  • Night Vision: As a Faunus, Robin can naturally see in the dark.

  • Low Defense: Robin doesn’t wear sturdy armor for he feels such heavy gear would weigh him down. He sacrifices defense for speed, making him highly susceptible to damage.
  • Lactose Intolerant: He avoids animal products, especially dairy. If Robin ever accidentally consumes dairy products, you may want to steer clear of him and any bathroom you intended on using. His episodes are horrible for not just him but everyone around him.
  • High Pitch Noises: Shrill noises such as alarms, screeching, or any high pitch sound will affect Robin’s sensitive ears to the point of disorientation or even cause him to faint.
  • Vegan: He refuses to eat animal products, which can make him very picky about food. It may also make survival harder than it needs to be.

Character Theme: Will post it if I ever find one.
Color Code: #D51313
Character Diary
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Molly Bai

Name: Mòlì Bai (Jasmine White)
Nickname(s): Molly
Age: 18
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral (Emmigrated to Vale)
Written Appearance: Molly has long white hair that she ties into a bun on either side of her head but allowing some of her hair to drop from her buns down to her waist. Her eyes are black which is in stark contrast to her pale skin. This is paired with her white cheongsam with black details along the hems of the outfit. Grey swirls dance up from the bottom of her dress upwards up to her thigh. Underneath that she wears a pair of black dangua trousers to complete her black and white theme.  Molly also wears a pair of long black gloves that act as her weapon as well as a white sash around her mid section that can unfurl to cover her entire body. Paired with her semblance this can become a great defensive equipment.

Molly stands at 4'11 and though she is small her build shows that she is an accomplished martial arts fighter.  Molly is toned from her years of physical fighting, however she is not nearly large enough to be landing powerful blows. Instead her physique indicates that she prefers to move around and strike when there is an opening. As such Molly is very lithe and agile.


  • Mudan Bai: Mother 
  • Lianhua Bai: Father
  • Chahua Bai: Grandmother
  • Meihua Bai: Grandfather (deceased)

Personality: When it comes to battle Molly is level headed and cool, able to keep her wits about her in the heat of battle. However outside of combat she is known to be fiery and prone to doing whatever she wanted.  She is not used to taking directions from anyone but herself and as such is often time a loner.  Though this would seem like Molly is prone to explosions, she is actually rather quiet.  Molly understands that her standoffish attitude would often cause conflicts, thus she has learned to keep her opinions to herself.   

Molly can often be found training to hone her abilities since her martial arts are her greatest strengths.  When she's not working out or practicing her strikes, she can be found in natural parts of Vale as Molly always had an unspoken love of all things untouched by humanity or grimm.  Even greater than her love for the outdoors is her adoration of wild flowers.  Molly keeps a vase of fresh flowers by her bed and tries to take trips to collect flowers every morning.  Molly also has a diary that she keeps under her pillow where she presses flowers.

Background: Molly's parents were hunters, her grandparents from both sides were hunters, and her great grandparents were hunters as well.  Following the expectations of her family, she too trained in the family style of fighting and took the first steps towards becoming a huntress to continue her family legacy.  More than that however, Molly grew up with the idea that huntsman did not interfere with politics or nationality, they were there to hunt grimm.  Thus the girl grew up without any political inclinations one way or the other.

Of course her strict training regiment with no room for errors led to her expressing herself in other ways.  She would have angry outbursts at her parents and would often times leave the house for hours at a time in order to enjoy the wildlife.  At her young age she just knew that she hated the idea of growing up with no freedom or choice in the matter.   However one day her grandfather was killed on a hunt as he defended a village from a rampaging Grimm and Molly understood why they fought.

Though her family was saddened at the lost of one of their own, they did not weep long for they had a saying, "No Huntsman dies in their bed." Nevertheless the townsfolk mourned him and gave him the greatest honors they could. And it was from this that Molly understood that to be a huntsman was not something that her family pressed on her, but it was a task that needed to be done for the good of all the innocent people trying to live a decent life.   Emboldened by her newfound purpose, Molly set out to Sanctum Academy having been sponsored by her Grandmother who was a staff member at the academy.  Once she graduated Molly set off for Vale where she sought to continue her learning.

Emblem: A white Jasmine flower with a black tiger on its hind legs in the center.
Weapon: Molly's weapon is known as the White Tiger.  When in their inert state, her weapons are indistinguishable from a fancy black glove which is pulled up to Molly's elbows and is indistinguishable from her sleeve. In their active mode, two white gauntlets envelop Molly's hands stylized after a tiger's claw.  The gauntlets can extend blades at all finger tips when Molly has need of them but she primarily uses these blades in order to easily scale obstacles or for maintaining her grip on an item. 

In White Tiger's second form, the gauntlets can be fired off from her hand and are connected by a wire which will reel either Molly towards her gauntlet or return her gauntlet to her. Molly is also capable of clenching the gauntlets and then detaching one of them, allowing her to wield the gauntlet like a flail.

In the Tiger's ranged form, the fingers of the gauntlet recede into the glove and two small nozzles appear over the fists.  Molly is able to fire inaccurate rapid fire shots from these nozzles.  There are slots towards her wrist where bullets are inserted along with Dust to enhance her combat capabilities.
Aura: Silver x3 (Technically her Aura is white but I'll be using Silver)
Semblance: Stasis: With a touch Molly can place an item/person into a stasis created by her Aura.  The stasis will halt all momentum but in the meantime the object cannot be moved, hurt, or affected in any way allow the object will regain momentum immediately after release.  The stasis maintains for up to 2 posts depending on the size of the object or creature. Medium to small objects are affected for the full 2 post duration whereas objects with lots of mass (a car, a Nevermore) are affected up to 1 post.  She is able to stop the stasis at any point thus is able to place an opponent into a stasis, move into position, release the stasis, and then strike.  When an object is affected by Molly's semblance they glow white.
Fighting Style: Molly prefers to keep a low stance and to fight with acrobatic kicks and quick jabs at an opponents opening.  She fights with her thumb curled up like her other fingers rather than to wrap it around her fist.  With this style she tends to strike with her palm at her opponents.   Of course her semblance makes her deceptively durable as she is able to utilize her sash as a defensive tool against enemies by opening her wide sash and then activating her semblance in order to create a protective barrier.   She is also at her most effective in short range as she is able to touch an opponent to place them in stasis before maneuvering around to strike with her White Tiger.

While at mid range she tends to either close the gap or if not she will extend White Tiger to its second form so that her flail can close the gap for her.  In this mode of fighting Molly has an extended reach of up to ten feet and will try to either utilize the claws on White Tiger to grasp the opponents and reel them closer or to use White Tiger as a grappling hook to launch herself into the air.


  • Nimble: Molly is nimble, she learned to bob and weave around an enemy's attack until she finds an opening to strike.
  • Discipline:Due to her training from a very young age it is very difficult to goad Molly out of a defensive position during combat.  Social situations however is a different story.
  • Synergy:Her Semblance works well with her fighting style. Allowing her to place an opponent in stasis, find an opening, and then releasing her stasis to strike.
  • Acrobatic:Molly is highly acrobatic, having trained with White Tiger to allow herself to effortlessly change direction midair with her grappling hook.

  • Range:Molly is an effective fighter up close but no so much far away. Her only way to reach an enemy from far away is if she can grapple to them or rely on her allies to bring them down.
  • Friendship:Molly is not used to having friends, having grown up learning to fight and be a huntress from the beginning.
  • Teamwork:Molly's powers can work against her allies if she freezes an enemy as her allies are attacking.  She is used to working the attacks out to suite her needs but not that of others.

Color Code: #797D7F
Character Diary
Day#1: I have been accepted into Vale.

Hi there! I'm excited about this RP. I'll throw in my character if allowed.



Weapon: White Tiger has three forms: gauntlets, flail, and then her gauntlets fire like a gun. Her weapon needs to encompass two weapons only not three different ones. If you do decide to give her a ranged ability, then you need to write how far it can reach or its maximum effective range.

Aura: The Aura is "Color (write your aura's color) x3" everyone can only use Aura 3 times before they are basically defeated.

Semblance: Since she uses her aura to cause the "Stasis" affect then her Semblance needs to be limited by her Aura uses. Her Stasis ability needs an a maximum duration. Since time cannot be measured in writing, we're going to use turns. A turn is when everyone in a posting order has posted. The maximum duration is in the case she leaves a person or Grimm in a stasis for longer than what would be a few seconds. It needs a maximum.

Fighting Style: Describe how she uses her sash as a defensive tool against enemies.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



Name: Masque Phlogiston (Name is up for interpretation, as Masque is both a shortened form of Masquerade--which is a very colorful event, and an outlet for emotions--but it can also be seen as a variation of the spelling of the word/item 'mask', which is often white (like the one he wears).)
Nickname(s): Lynx
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Cat)
Nationality: Mistral/Anima
Written Appearance: Brown haired with chocolate colored eyes to match, Masque stands at about 5'6 and weighs in somewhere around 180 pounds. He has a few tattoos on his body, including tear drops on his face underneath his eyes; three dots (forming a sort of sloppy triangle) on both palms; and a rather elaborate full back tattoo depicting the King and Queen of each suite on standard playing cards (but the usually 'alive' kings and queens are depicted as skeletons). This list of tats may expand, as Masque is an "ink addict" as the saying goes. His clothing style can vary depending on what the situation calls for. In less formal times, he usually wears light, athletic clothing with muted tones (grayscale), 'splattered' with colors (favored colors being 'warm' or autumnal colors; red, yellow, orange, and brown). However, when undertaking missions, he usually chooses to adorn dull, black leathers that help him with stealthing. Even when wearing his 'stealth' suit, his cat ears and tail remain firmly visible.
Family: Agilinde Phlogiston (Mother, died during childbirth), Robin Bruce (Alive, working with the Bandit Tribe), The Tribe as a whole, on a technical level. However, his relationship with his 'family' is complicated at best.
Personality:  Masque is a clever cat who delights in word games; both in winning them and in losing them. He likes to compete, whether it be with wits or brawn. He is a gracious loser (usually), and tries to be a good winner (though some times the thrill of victory leads to him to do stupid things, like grandstanding; a habit he is aware of and trying to break). He has a notorious weakness for salted, smoked meats, especially ones that are well-seasoned, and coffee (but never combining the two).

In battle, he tends to be highly aggressive on the offense, but can easily switch into a defensive mode where he focuses on evasion;he swaps back and forth very fluidly between the two, giving the impression that he is a born fighter.

Background: Born into a tribe of bandits in the Anima region, he grew up rough and tough, because he had to be; there was no room for weakness when you're surrounded by cutthroats. But strength comes in many forms. However, at the age of 15, he got into a heated argument with his father over what was right and what was wrong. A lot of shit went down that night, and it ended with Masque walking away from the tribe, and his father proclaiming his son dead and "the body unrecoverable". The teenager, far older mentally than he had any right to be, and already a skilled warrior, eventually was scouted out as having Huntsman potential. The Academy promised him a roof over his head, hot meals... maybe even a new 'family'. It was a very easy sell.

What was it that earned him a quick spot in a prestigious academy? Because when a duo of adult Huntsmen came to wipe out a Beowulf nest that had been harassing a village, they found the barely-alive Masque, and a dozen dead Beowulves.
Emblem: A bonfire with a sword stuck through the center of it; also known as the Phlogiston family crest.

Weapon: Perhaps due to his humble bandit origins, Masque does not use a transforming weapon, but instead carries two different ones. One is a simple six-shot revolver with a long barrel, good for short to medium range combat, while his second weapon is a thirteen inch long double-bladed dagger. The revolver is known as Oeil Mort ('Deadeye'), and the dagger is known as Misère (Misery). He is equally proficient with both weapons. He prefers to use gravity cartridges for the revolver, as they have that added 'oomph' that knocks people down... or up. However, he'll pretty much use any sort of cartridge that will slot into the revolver, as he is used to scrounging around for whatever is on hand; Bandits don't exactly get a life of luxury and beggars can't be choosers.

Aura: Gray x 3
Semblance: Ghost: By suppressing his own Aura and 'masking' his soul, he can render himself virtually invisible. As he is hiding himself on a spiritual level as well, even most Grimm will not recognize his presence, along with other humans and Faunus. Obviously, if somebody bumps into him, this will create a disruption of the sort of 'field' that covers him.  When he is 'Ghosted', he actually literally can not use his Aura, as the Semblance itself suppresses his soul; this makes it a dangerous ability to use, as while it leaves him practically invisible to most entities, it also leaves him absolutely vulnerable to inadvertent calamity; if he wants to manifest his Aura for any reason, he must necessarily 'de-ghost'.

"Ghosting" uses up a significant amount of his Aura, limiting the amount of times he can activate it, and for how long he can maintain it. He still needs to rely on stealth and subterfuge to avoid arousing attention, as he still has a scent and can still make noises that will alert people to the presence of an entity; it is also entirely possible that somebody can sense his presence through Magic, or the use of their own Semblance.
Fighting Style: Masque is a flexible fighter, and compensates for the lack of a dual-type weapon by being ambidexterous. He still has a preference for shooting with his left hand, and using the dagger with his right, but he can bring both weapons to bear as needed. In general, he prefers tactical fighting, hit-and-run, attacking from stealth, using 'dirty tricks' to gain an advantage, and generally is a 'dirty fighter'. He suffers at long range, but uses his cat-like reflexes, high stamina, and speed to close distances (or create distance, as needed).  However, in a tournament or duel or the like, he will abide by the rules that are set.
Strengths:  Night Vision (Faunus), foraging in the wilderness (both herbs for traditional home remedies and poultices, and food for eating), homeopathic healer (for those who can't heal using aura, or who might be afflicted with a poison, which Aura seems incapable of curing). Possesses a tail that gives him greater balance, and claws that can flick out of both his hands and feet, making him great at climbing certain surfaces (obviously, it's easier to climb a tree like a cat, and a sheer concrete wall is not something his claws can help him with). These claws also give him a natural weapon that make fisticuffs with him a little more dangerous. Likes to ride motorcycles and is actually good at it.
Weakness: Masque is a lone wolf, and often has difficulties with socializing (yet is a good team player, from his time among bandits, who necessarily had to work together). He can be quite demanding, often requiring others to prove themselves before he'll give them any degree of respect; even common courtesy seems to be beneath him (Unless he is interacting with someone he views as superior to him). His past as a bandit may not obviously be known, but if it were, there'd likely be shade thrown on him (and the teachers at the Academy have probably looked into his past and realized his bandit tribe association). He doesn't handle Faunus discrimination very well, often becoming verbally violent in his responses (and while he is not affiliated with the Unnamed Terrorist Group, he'd probably be a good candidate for recruiting). Has anger management issues, and probably a few other psychological issues making him "damaged goods". Death-seeker tendencies.
Character Theme: Color Code: #555555 (a gray instead of white).
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

Regarding Semblance: I realize this might be overpowered, and I tried to compensate for its power by giving him a vulnerability when using it. If it needs further tweaking, I am open to suggestions; and if it just needs to be thrown out, I do have a few other ideas I can work with.
Regarding the use of the Branwen name, I am uncertain if that bandit tribe actually exists in your AU or not. It can easily be swapped out for something different.  His real, birth name should be read as Masque Phlogiston, with the Tribe name added to the end to show his association with the tribe.
His Death-seeker tendencies are meant to be a character arc that can pretty much go one of two ways: his team can basically rehabilitate him and restore his respect for his own life, or it can be reinforced to the point he ends up being a martyr (with or without a cause).
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



Name: I don't want you to use the actual name of the tribe because if you use that then I might as well be using White Fang and not allowing writers to pick their own original names for such things.

Actually, you know what? You can use Branwen. I'm not expecting anyone else to use it.

Semblance: I will allow him to go invisible, but not to the point he doesn't exist anymore. It is fine if his skill is like Ren's where he goes undetected by Grimm (completely undetected to Grimm is fine) or even other characters "visually," but he will be detected by the senses for those characters who can actually hear or smell him, or have some sort of aura detecting ability. This ability will need to be limited by Aura Uses since maintaining and invisible form for a duration should be draining. The semblance limited this way makes him still have a natural advantage to some but not so much against others who have those special abilities to detect him.

Color: [color=#(put the code here)][b]code here[/b][/color] That should help display the color better.
333333 (This color is so close to "black" in appearance lol that you might as well just use black)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


@TBT edited the name, removed references to the Branwen tribe and have left it un-named (but unless you have plans for it, I might make it the Bruce tribe, and change his father to actually being the chief of it; thoughts?), changed color to 555555, which is a lighter gray but shouldn't be too hard on the eyes (if it is, let me know).

Edit: Also added some more words to his Semblance to emphasize that it's not perfect, and that it sucks up Aura. And we made our edits 66 seconds apart, so... eh? Didn't catch your part about keeping the Branwen name until I made this post.

Second edit: After thinking about it, I'm going to keep it as Phlogiston. Basically, it's his way of disowning and separating himself from his father, and naming conventions are a little wonky on Remnant anyways. Phlogiston is also fairly fitting, as it has a certain explosive connotation to it that I feel fits the character.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



He's good to go. I'll add him to the approved list.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



  • Removed ranged form from gauntlets.
  • Stasis duration changed to 2 posts for medium, 1 post for large objects with lots of mass.
  • Explained how sash can be opened up to form a barrier when used in tandem with semblance.
  • Clarified Aura color



Weapon: You didn't change anything. You just reworded it. You have a weapon that acts as 1) claws, 2) flail, and 3) pistols. That is three weapons. You can only have two. 1 Melee and 1 Ranged.

Semblance: If you say small to medium, then as you did with those objects or beings of great mass, give an example mostly of what would be medium at maximum. So we know if anyone or anything exceeds that medium size, mass, weight, then we know they are no longer in the medium category.

Fighting Style: She is basically using her sash as she would her aura. Everyone's aura can naturally project a barrier to defend against damage. While there is nothing wrong with the sash thing, it just seems somewhat unnecessary if she can already make a barrier with her aura.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Azuri Saphirum
Name: Azuri Saphirum
Nickname(s): The Sky Princess, Witch Rider
Age: 17
Gender: Female.
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral
Written Appearance: Long, azure blue hair that comes all the way down to her thighs, along with golden eyes and a fair complexion. Azuri's body is one honed by very intensive physical training, leaning herself down while sculpting and toning her muscles to create a form that is slender yet cut, especially in her powerful legs. While her thighs maintain a bit of womanly suppleness, this trait is absent almost everywhere else on her body, her chest in particular being completely flat, with no cleavage to speak of.

Family: Mother - Lapis Saphirum
Father - Inigo Saphirum

Personality: Azuri is a well meaning, but very reserved individual. Having been shackled with an "elite" and unapproachable air since her days in combat school, she's used to being the center of people's gazes and attention, but not so much actually making friends. This is further hindered by her unintentionally stoic and intimidating demeanor, which along with her social awkwardness can cause her to give off harsher signals than she intends, making it hard to forge relationships despite her desire to do so. For those who can see past her eccentricities she is a kindhearted person by nature, and surprisingly easy to tease and mess with. However while she does her best to be polite and kind, she also possesses a rather large ego, something that tends to manifest in ways she's not always conciously aware of. Years of being told she's the best have lead her to naturally believe she is, in fact, the best, not realizing she may have just been a big fish in a small pond, and thus sometimes tends to try and impose her views or opinions on others, believing them to carry more weight, or that she's just genuinely correct despite her relative inexperience. While she doesn't like how her reputation makes it harder to make genuine friends, she admittedly does enjoy being looked up to or desired as something unobtainable, partially due to her own insecurities about her body and status, leaving her generally conflicted on the matter. While most of her time is spent training, sometimes to an almost obsessive degree, she also enjoys playing sports and using her Broomstick to go sight seeing, enjoying the solitude and connection to nature. She also enjoys cooking and food in general, though often doubles her training after particularly decadent meals to maintain her figure.

Background: Azuri is the first and so far only daughter of the Saphirum family. During the great war her grandfather had served and died fighting for Mistral, and while he wasn't anyone of great importance, he was decorated enough that his family was well taken care of after his passing. Today her parents run a decently successful workshop that forge and run maintenance on dust powered machines and weapons. While they don't even hold a candle to the works produced in Atlas, they are sturdy and dependable and turn a tidy profit for the family never the less. In fact Azuri's weapon was hand forged for her by her father, a gift for getting accepted into Sanctum Academy, though it has been rumored that he took notes from smuggled Atlesian schematics to create it.

Most of Azuri's childhood was pretty normal, at least until she entered her kingdom's local combat school. She had always been an athletically geared kid, but it was at Sanctum that her talent at fighting was discovered, Azuri quickly shooting up to the top of her class. Her eccentric fighting style made her incredibly difficult to contend with during duels and sparring matches, and soon people began to see her as the strongest fighter in the entire school, christening her the "Sky Princess" due to her dynamic acrobatic techniques. Of course a more experienced fighter would have been able to see the flaws and drawbacks in her particular "hit and run" method of fighting, but to young students who were just learning to wrap their heads around conventional combat styles? She looked like an absolute genius, the rarest of prodigies, and she ended up graduating from Sanctum with 42 mock battle victories and zero losses.

It was this impressive record that saw her receiving offers from all four major academies to enroll on full scholarships. However, instead of attending Haven Academy in her home kingdom of Mistral, Azuri ended up travelling abroad to apply for Beacon Academy. Over her time at Sanctum Azuri had becomes both revered and feared by her peers, and in addition to the incredible pressure it put on her, it also made it almost impossible to really connect with anyone there, most people seeing her more for her reputation than for who she really was. As such she chose Beacon out of a desire for a fresh start.


Weapon: A rocket propelled lance that Azuri refers to as her "Broomstick". A small engine lined throughout the haft of the spear converts Dust into fuel for the rocket booster mounted on the back. This provides enough push to propel both the lance and it's user forward at great speeds, adding significantly more force and penetration to it's blows. This same mechanism also allows the the lance to be used a makeshift transportation device, Azuri literally flying on it as if it were a witch's broom stick. While the lance technically doesn't have a proper "ranged mode" as other weapons do, it is possible to use it's rocket boost to physically launch it at enemies like a javelin. While this method is technically less precise than guiding the lance's path by hand, and doing so leaves the wielder unarmed, the decrease in weight and increase in aerodynamics by not having to bear the wielder's form causes the lance to fly significantly faster than when conventionally wielded, giving this technique a fair trade off in that regard.

Aura: Blue x 3

Semblance: Aeration- An acute form of air magic that allows Azuri to "infuse" air into any object she directly touches. While at first this semblance doesn't appear flashy or particularly devastating, with creative application it actually provides a wide range of utilities. For example by touching a person she is able to infuse air directly into their blood and lungs, removing the need to physically breath, which helps in any situations that would make breathing difficult, such as high altitudes or while underwater. She can also use this power to infuse pure oxygen directly into her weapon's rocket thruster, amplifying the combustion reaction and improving the rocket's output and efficiency, allowing her to use less Dust when using the weapon over extended periods. As her scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills improve over time Azuri is naturally able to deduce other applications for this technique, broadening her arsenal.

Fighting Style: Azuri's takes full advantage of the high velocity and impact provided by her rocket lance to create a style focusing on mobility and overwhelming single strike attacks. Essentially her main strategy is to use her speed and flight capabilities to outmaneuver an opponent until she can open them up for a single powerful, piercing strike with her lance, preferring to end fights in as few hits as possible. To accomplish this Azuri dedicates most of her style not to different methods of attacking, but instead maneuvering, using her body to manipulate and redirect her lance around and gain superior positioning. This creates an almost dance-like style where Azuri twists and spins around her spear, using her body's momentum and the spear's centrifugal force to move around the air gracefully (movements that are sometimes teased as looking "stripper-like" by others), typically trying to position herself in the air above her opponent so she can then slam down at them at terminal velocity, making the best of her mass and weight to further increase the force of her strikes. It is a tricky style to fight against since she goes out of her way to avoid trading blows or close fighting that most conventional styles employ, enemies having to go out of their way to try and close the distance and pin her down. Because her style requires constant grip, unhindered mobility, and aerodynamic positioning she tries not to wear thick or baggy clothing when fighting, preferring skin tight, unrestricted outfits or just as little clothing as possible.
Example of what her style would look like

Strengths: Combat wise her biggest strength is her maneuverability and speed, as well as her potential to end fights quickly with only a few big strikes, forcing enemies to be extra cautious when fighting her to avoid making fatal errors. Her intensive combat training also makes her a good dancer and athlete in general, tending to adapt well to any physical activity due to her extensive endurance, flexibility and coordination. She's also a rather gifted cook.

Weakness: Her biggest weakness is extended direct combat. Her need to stay lightweight and nimble means her body is very slender, not having the physical durability that bulkier warriors have. Her focus on a "hit and run" strategy means she's not very experienced engaging in close quarters, and is significantly less proficient in this area, leading her to get easily stressed and anxious if an opponent sticks too closely to her in battle. For this same reason she isn't good in tight, confined spaces either, which can also be exploited when fighting her. Mentally one of her weaknesses is her pride/arrogance. While she doesn't outwardly brag or boast all that much, years of being proclaimed as a prodigy have left her with an unavoidably inflated ego, and she tends to overestimate herself in ways that can be subtly dangerous. Also while her slender, even androgynous figure is partly intentional to help with her fighting style, she does get self conscious about her body not being very shapely or "womanly", feeling that it makes her unattractive.

Character Theme: Come Down
Color Code: Navy.
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Moon Hound Hati

Seeing the influx of male faunuses (fauni?) I might have to scrap the horned lizard faunus concept I had in mind (based on this pic) in favor of a human male. To keep things varied and slots open for female faunus(es)/fauni.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.



Picture: I know that this wasn't a written rule, but I am asking. Could you change the pic for this character to be less erotic? Only because I don't want this game coming off as a smut-only game. The pic was just changing the mood a little of what I'm hoping for. I have no issues with adult scenes happening in the story, but this game won't be 90% about it, and I don't want that kind of attention brought to it.

Background: You have another prospective writer who has a character attending Sanctum Academy. While you are saying your characer was revered as "the strongest in the entire school," have you asked Envious if she was okay with it? Your characters probably will be coming from the same graduating class so it may be good to discuss for relation-building.

Aeration: So is this more like increasing the blood-oxygen concentration? Molecular wise? Or is this outright inflation? I am going to be limiting everyone to Aura uses whenever they decide to use their Semblance. This way they aren't spamming their abilities too much without suffering any consequences. As they train and advance through the story, then they will gain more aura uses to spend.


Name: What is her last name, or, why doesn't she have one?

Nickname: Kira or Kari?

Semblance: If you're making her a tank, then you might want a weapon/weapon(s) more suitable for a tank. I feel you changed your original idea because I read your earlier WIP and I don't remember it going down this path. Maybe I'm wrong. But for an idea since you are going along with the tank or strong/resilient character as you described, then make her Semblance something to do with toughness.

Color: Can you put the color code between the [color=#six digit code][b]#six digit code[/b][/color]?

Background: Your character and pdragon's character will be coming from Sanctum Academy. I suggested you guys discuss each other's backgrounds because pdragon is desiring for his character to have a pretty big title.

@Moon Hound Hati

I prefer people to play what they want and not worry about the GM admin stuff. Because what matters in the end is if the writer is happy with his or her creation that is what determines longevity.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



Well her appearance is a pretty significant part of her character, and references to it are woven throughout a large portion of her character sheet, so finding a completely different pic of her would require a good deal of rewriting as well. I can crop the image so that it shows off a smaller portion of her body, but as far as completely changing it I'm afraid I can't. I spent too much time choosing it and then completely editing the entire color palette to just throw away all that work, especially since I don't really agree that one scantily clad character would somehow throw off the tone of the entire game in the first place.

As far as her background I don't really care if she's established as being the absolute strongest or anything like that. The main idea was that she basically came up with a weird, gimmicky fighting style and rode that too success because most of the other students were still learning basic combat skills.

As for her semblance it's kind of neither. She's using "magic" to manifest the air directly into whatever she's touching. So while it could be used to achieve either of the effects you listed, it isn't necessarily limited by the mechanics of how those things scientifically work, because again it is an innately supernatural ability. Also the character sheet specifically stated that there wouldn't be a limit on usage for their semblance, specifically mentioning that it didn't work like how auras do. That's part of why I opted for a "utility" semblance rather than something more innately combat orientated.

"If you run out of Aura uses, then you cannot use your semblance. However, Semblance does not have a limited number of uses like the aura does."
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread



I saw how over-powered some Semblances can be without it, and I am therefore limiting them. Also, a pic isn't required.
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Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I was watching a TV show with a character named Kira  :P You'd think I'd know the name of my own character, but you'd be wrong!

You are right - as the character sheets rolled in, I decided to change the direction of the character. I want to find a cool shield as a weapon now =]

I'll make some edits!

I'm on a break of a four hour professional development seminar, so I'll have plenty of time to think. Pdragon, I haven't read your profile yet, but how do you feel about our characters being friends? Rivals?

I can also change my characters age to put her in a different graduating class. Dunno how long training academy is.


I went and edited her pic a bit, hopefully downplaying the perceived sluttiness.

As far as limiting semblances I can understand wanting to put in limits for ones that are overpowered, however as far as balancing goes applying the exact same limit across the board doesn't actually fix the problem. Typically the trade off for limiting uses for a power is that stronger powers have less uses than ones that are more mundane, that way a stronger power is offset by it's limited usability, while a weaker power gains a benefit from being able to be used more often, thus balancing the two out so they become closer to equal in practice. If all powers are reduced to 3 uses regardless of how powerful they are then there's still no actual downside to taking as overpowered an ability as possible, since taking a weaker power comes with literally no upsides at all. Having a strong ability that can only be used 3 times isn't actually a limitation when everyone else is working with that same restriction, it just resets it back to neutral.

Essentially her Aeration semblance is more of a passive buff than anything. It's basically used to justify her using her weapon for extended periods without using up a lot of resources, as well as providing a situational benefit as far as breathing goes. It's not something that can do a whole lot of damage on it's own, and in fact it's ability to be "spammed", i.e. constantly used in conjunction with her weapon, is the only thing that gives it any practicality at all. Limiting it to three uses would hinder it to the point of nullifying any benefit she might get from other characters having their stronger abilities limited, so in that regards that attempt to make things "fair" is just a complete net loss for her.


I don't necessarily see them as being friends, since they both kind of have less than stellar personalities in that regard, and her inability to make friends in Sanctum is an early sticking point for my character, but I could see them working well as partners. Like perhaps they ended up getting paired together a lot during drills since their styles complement each other? With Kari being the highly defensive tank and Azuri handling the flanking. I could see it being a thing where they were both really professional and worked well together on the battlefield, but never really connected outside of it. Perhaps that can change now that they're both Sanctum graduates going to Beacon? They're both foreigners in a new place and thus they gravitate towards each other due to the familiarity.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread



There are natural advantages and disadvantages in the game. Some players will best others. It is the nature of the beast. In PVP, it will be primarily the skill of the writers and not the 3 use limit that determines win or lose. However, with everyone equally being limited it puts them on an equal playing field as far as power use frequency. If they want to spam their 3 uses at the beginning of a fight and take that risk, they can. However, if their opponent manages to cleverly counter them, then that spammer is screwed. Again, strategy will be the main determinant.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


But that's the thing, it doesn't put them on an even playing field when the actual magnitude of their powers is on a completely different level. That's like giving someone a gun with three bullets versus someone with a knife. Yeah in a normal scenario you could argue that with only three bullets the guy with a gun could be more balanced because their superior weapon has limited uses compared to their opponent, but if the person with a knife is only allowed to try and stab the guy three times as well then there's a very obvious winner there. The ammunition is the only thing keeping the gun from being completely overpowered in this situation, but if you impose a similar limit on the person with a knife then the limitation doesn't actually help. Strategy plays a key role, but if you're only allowed to swing your knife three times then that drastically changes your strategy in a way that removes a lot of the advantages of taking a knife in the first place.

And honestly I don't mind there being a limit on usage just in general, but if your specific reasoning for doing so was because you were worried that some specific semblances would be too overpowered then again that's actually not helping as much as you'd think. If the playing field is still even then the overpowered ability is still overpowered. If the number of uses is equal no matter what then it doesn't matter if the number of times is 3 or 100, because that stronger ability will still be over powered relative to everything else around it. A gun you can only shoot three times is still head and shoulders above a knife you can only swing three times.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


You are welcome to tweak your character so that she adapts to the changes made to the game.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


If there's still room, I'm absolutely interested.

By sheer coincidence, the character idea I've had for a RWBY rp for a while seems a bit similar to Opaq's (Both use "Bai" for the color reference, my character's name being "Baijiu", both use gauntlet-based weapons, and if memory serves, I think both reference White Tiger with the names of their gauntlets), so I think I'll have to come up with something a little more distinct.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Name: Umbra Sorrel
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Deer Faunus
Nationality: Menagerie

Written Appearance: Umbra has pale blonde hair, parted by a pair of asymmetrical dark antlers. She has pale skin, and delicate features, giving her a an almost doll-like appearance, very much evoking the image of a prim and proper young lady, even a princes. Her hair is worn in one long braid in the back, with an additional braid on each side towards the front. her eyes are a vibrant pink. Neither especially tall nor short, she has a soft, delicate appearance which belies her athletic form and warrior's training.

Family: Unknown

Personality: The words "every rose has it's thorn" would be quite apropos when talking about Umbra. Social, but withdrawn. Kind, but mistrusting. She initially seems the epitome of refined elegance, mature beyond her years. Yet, beneath that, she's holding a lot back. Every smile, while charming, is painted on. Her composure, while well practiced, is a mere facade. The question that remains, however, is what lies beneath.

Background:The Sorrell family was once a very prominent family among faunus. They held a position of respect and influence in Menagerie in the years following the great war. In the ensuing decades, however, their influence waned in the face of accusations of terrorist involvement. By Umbra's time, the family is only spoken of in murmurs and whispers, and very little is known about their recent activities.

The heiress to a family fallen from grace, little is publicly known of Umbra's earliest years. She began to make a name for herself in Menagerie for her natural gift for the family's unique semblance. This gift allowed her to be instrumental in helping to overcome a food shortage Menagerie was facing, as a result of a growing population combined with a lack of viable farmland. This managed to attract the attention of a number of combat schools, and she soon found herself enrolled in Sanctum.

Once enrolled, she met expectations and proved herself an astute student. She made many friends, though none that she could be described as being particularly close to. She made a positive impression on her teachers, being consistently polite and respectful. However, she always avoided any conversation regarding her family or her parents.

When it came time to move on to the next step of her education, she opted to move to Vale and apply to Beacon, and gave them very little reason to reject her.


Weapon: Sombre Reverie
Melee Form: A naginata posessing a long black shaft with a branching gold flowery design on it. The tsuba is circular in shape, with the inside being made to resemble the outline of flower petals blossoming outward from the core of the weapon. Shortly behind the tsuba is what appears to be a muzzle brake. There are several gold slots along the shaft, as well as a black and gold trigger mechanism and grip for the weapon's ranged mode, which also contains the switch that changes the weapon's form. It also appears to be segmented at certain points in the design, though they connect almost seamlessly in this mode.

Ranged Form: In this form, the blade section folds under the shaft, serving as a bayonet for close ranged defense, the shaft now ending with the muzzle brake. The other end folds in on itself as well, to create a more comfortable stock for Umbra to brace against her sholder. From the various gold slots along the shaft, lenses extend to act as a scope. The end result is a high powered rifle, with considerable effective range, accuracy and stopping power, but a slow rate of fire. In this form, the weapon has limited melee capabilities thanks to the bayonet, but lacks in melee attack range and versatility of attack options compared to the dedicated melee mode.

The ranged form is capable of utilizing armor piercing rounds for raw stopping power, or dust cartridges for added effects.

Aura: Black x3

Semblance: Botanomancy: Umbra's semblance runs in her family. Every member of the Sorrel possesses the ability to manipulate plant life. This generally comes in one of two variations. They can either manipulate existing plant matter, or cause new plantlife to rapidly grow, assuming there is viable soil nearby. Umbra tends to put her own personalized spin on the technique, often focusing on very flowery (literally and metaphorically) techniques, and having a particular fondness for utilizing black roses.

Fighting Style: Umbra's fighting style appears highly refined at first, with sweeping, elegant naginata techniques, and precise rifle shots. She focuses mostly on range and versatility, keeping her opponent at a distance until she finds an opening to strike. Once she spots an opening she can exploit, she hits it with everything she can, often seeking to overwhelm her foe with a sudden offensive burst. She'll often use her semblance to try and create an opening if none present themselves naturally.

Patient: Umbra displays considerable patience both in and out of battle, and none would accuse her of being too hasty.
Graceful: Umbra possesses a natural grace to her movements and her speech, her words often sounding almost musical. She's also proven to be a gifted dancer.
Botany: Perhaps as an extension of her semblance, Umbra has a gift for botany, and knows her way around plants of all sorts.
Composure: Exceedingly calm, even under fire, it's difficult to break the cervine woman's composure.
Night Vision: As a faunus, she naturally sees better in the dark than humans.

Distant: While not anti-social, and in fact quite friendly and conversational, she always seems to be holding something back, and that can make getting close to others' difficult.
Broken Mask: While it's extremely difficult to crack her composure, if anyone is ever able to manage it, it will likely not be pretty for anyone involved.
Mistrustful of Humans: The last thing Umbra would ever be is rude, but underneath the civility, she has trouble truly trusting humans.

Character Theme:
Color Code: #636363
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.



I don't see any issues with the CS so she's good to go. That's 3/5 Faunuses left. Also, we have double-bladed naginata (pending, Envious did say she may change her weapon or just include a shield I believe) and now a single-bladed naginata. That's it. Unless someone wants to try a triple/quadruple bladed naginata lol. But the naginata weapon I feel is officially exhausted so I will be accepting no more.

pdragon and Enivious both have characters who attended Sanctum. They will be good to build possible relations with.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I am officially changing to a bladed shield. This is a random image online I'm using for a reference.

Weapon: Protector's Promise

I'm not normally so slow on cranking out posts/profiles. It's been a rough week! I'll be done soon.

Again, if anyone from Sanctum wants to be buddies, I'm down =]


It's been a long time coming, but I think I'm done. I tweaked her personality - she's going to be more social than originally planned. Changed her weapon. Added a semblance.


Quote from: Envious on April 06, 2018, 10:20:53 PM
It's been a long time coming, but I think I'm done. I tweaked her personality - she's going to be more social than originally planned. Changed her weapon. Added a semblance.

She looks great! I'm glad you were able to settle on a concept that worked out for you. She is approved, and I'll add her to the OP when I get online.

I'm going to give recruitment another week. If we can get two teams starting out, then that would be great. If not, then this group will be fine for Chapter One.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I guess I could throw my hat in....but like Sessha I'm going to be taking a long break in June and the first two weeks of July......
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


Quote from: pendarious on April 07, 2018, 02:01:31 AM
I guess I could throw my hat in....but like Sessha I'm going to be taking a long break in June and the first two weeks of July......

Hm... I mean, we can always summarize what your character will do before you leave on vacation. That way, there's some explanation at least. I feel the game won't move incredibly fast so even if you did go on vacation you won't miss too much.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


that seems fair to me. I have a character already but I'm going to have to re-work him a bit a to make him fit in this games he's gonna be up in a day or two.
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND



Sorry about the delay on adding your character to the current roster. She's up there now and I'll get her pic up there too.

As for new folks, a pic is not required. If you couldn't find a pic for your character, I would have just posted their emblem up.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


is this game still seeking, and if so is there a general thing it's looking for, player/character wise?


Quote from: Changingsaint on April 08, 2018, 10:25:44 AM
is this game still seeking, and if so is there a general thing it's looking for, player/character wise?

Game is still accepting. Nothing we're looking for specifically.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



Was wondering if Azuri was accepted or not. I altered her pic and opted not to change her semblance. And since no one from Sanctum has objected to her high standing that covers all the points you brought up earlier.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread



Yes, she's accepted. Just remember that all Semblances are limited to 3 uses now. As the game moves on and the character's train and grow, I will be increasing the uses.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


While we wait for other characters to come on board, do we have an OOC chat to play in?


I've been trying to hold off, but Throne's games usually hook me. Are there any faunus spots open? If not, it's cool. But more importantly, would my guy be able to directly use Dust for his attacks in lieu of actually having a weapon? Since he would in essence be his own weapon as long as he has Dust to utilize.

His version of the Long Range/Melee Range would be the ability to switch his Dust attacks between projectiles(lightning blasts, fire balls, etc..) and simply using it to enhance his martial arts at close range, like a flaming kick.


@Juggtacular: I could be wrong, but it seems as if 2 slots are open for Faunus. There may have been privately sent profiles that were accepted, but considering TheBlackThrone just updated the character list today, it does not seem likely.


Quote from: Envious on April 08, 2018, 12:33:09 PM
While we wait for other characters to come on board, do we have an OOC chat to play in?

I'll put one up tomorrow (my tomorrow). I was planning to put all the threads up once we had at least 8 people but I can do it sooner if people want to play in the OOC.

Quote from: Juggtacular on April 08, 2018, 12:44:32 PM
I've been trying to hold off, but Throne's games usually hook me. Are there any faunus spots open? If not, it's cool. But more importantly, would my guy be able to directly use Dust for his attacks in lieu of actually having a weapon? Since he would in essence be his own weapon as long as he has Dust to utilize.

His version of the Long Range/Melee Range would be the ability to switch his Dust attacks between projectiles(lightning blasts, fire balls, etc..) and simply using it to enhance his martial arts at close range, like a flaming kick.

I don't see why not since its an aura that allows one to use Dust, but I don't know how he'd be able to use it without blowing his hands and feet off. The Semblance can only be used 3 times, so if you're relying on the Semblance to protect yourself from the Dust explosion, you'll go through those uses real quick. It may be best to just use an actual weapon.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


As an idea, maybe he could use some kind of like... gauntlets or something, which could be toggled between close range and long range attacks. At a distance they could shoot elemental blasts, and close range they'd just enhance the martial arts techniques.

Not sure if you'd be allowed to add something like boots or something for kick attacks, or if you'd have to go for more of a western boxing punch focused style.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Hazel Rainart, a member of Salem's inner circle(shown in the latest season) is able to use Raw Dust crystals to power his attacks, and is capable of shooting out pure electricity or fire(as the crystals he used were lightning and flame) as well as discharging it upon impact. My character would do something similar, although technology would be involved that allowed his body to convert and channel raw dust. Possibly some cybernetic something or other so he wouldn't need to use his Semblance like Hazel does.


Ah shit, I'm behind, I don't think I've seen Hazel fight yet. I really need to catch up, that sounds badass.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Quote from: Florence on April 09, 2018, 03:14:38 AM
Ah shit, I'm behind, I don't think I've seen Hazel fight yet. I really need to catch up, that sounds badass.

What's the last fight you saw? And yes, it was amazing.


Hey I'm interested in this, are there still open spots to play and/or spots for more Faunnus?


Quote from: Juggtacular on April 09, 2018, 03:20:52 AM
What's the last fight you saw? And yes, it was amazing.

I don't even remember, lol. I was watching this last season with my gf and a friend and then... we just kinda stopped watching it.

I think I'll see if my gf wants to marathon it with me some time. If not, I'll just catch up on my own.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


You owe it to yourself to finish out the latest season. They end up revealing so much backstory and plot and mysteries that have been rolling around since Season 1.


Quote from: Juggtacular on April 09, 2018, 02:37:53 AM
Hazel Rainart, a member of Salem's inner circle(shown in the latest season) is able to use Raw Dust crystals to power his attacks, and is capable of shooting out pure electricity or fire(as the crystals he used were lightning and flame) as well as discharging it upon impact. My character would do something similar, although technology would be involved that allowed his body to convert and channel raw dust. Possibly some cybernetic something or other so he wouldn't need to use his Semblance like Hazel does.

Don't do cybernetics unless he's going to be an actual machine like Penny. The main issue with making a cyborg is even if he doesn't need to use his Semblance, he still has one. All living beings who aren't Grimm have an Aura and therefore, have a Semblance. If I allowed a character who could cheat the game's system into the game, then it wouldn't be fair to everyone else because everyone is already on a 3 use limit. So making a cyborg, who not only cheats the game's system, and the fact he would be a Faunus also is just no.

Quote from: Silk on April 09, 2018, 03:22:26 AM
Hey I'm interested in this, are there still open spots to play and/or spots for more Faunnus?

The front page is up-to-date. There are only two Faunus slots left and they are first-come, first-serve whoever gets a completed/approved CS to me first will get the slot. There are two faunus slots left but 3 spots over all left to complete the second team. I really don't have a character limit, but I will limit characters if I don't get enough to make a full team. I want to avoid having 1-3 characters floating around in the game without a complete team. So I will only accept 4 characters at a time.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Well I best hurry up and get my sheet in then! :)


OOC is up. I will create the character thread once we get the starting 8 players. It seems like we have them already. We just need some CSes to start rolling in.


Also, always refer to the OP for Links to important pages.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Name: Minxi Jasper (Goes by the name Minxi Chalcedony)

Nickname(s): (None yet)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Faunus (Mouse)

Nationality: Menagerie

Written Appearance:Minxi has a lithe and slender build that compliments her less than average height, often being the shortest person in the area by several inches. Her dull gray hair matches the fine fur that goes down her tail, Her eyes speak of a lost spark, often appearing as a vacant purple that can appear as grey under some light.   

Minxi often favours shorts or leggings under a knee legnth dress with high shoulders. Occasionally she wears a jacket over this when the weather is getting especially cold.

Family: Talya Jasper (Mother-Deceased) Odo Jasper (Father-alive) Cid Jasper (Grandfather-deceased)

Personality: Minxi is relatively reclusive and meek compared to the majority of her peers, often dubious of their intentions, especially when regarding other Faunus. While never outright hostile to others she can sometimes come across as confrontational if the right buttons are pressed. This however is normally a defensive reflex given her families notoriety, something that seems to follow her around despite her attempts to distance herself from such things.

Despite this however, Minxi is very quick to warm to people who act selflessly or in assistance of others when they don't appear to benefit from the action. While far from being a glutton Minxi is known to have a chronic sweet tooth and will often bear anybodies company or situation on the promise of candy.

One of the quickest ways to get Minxi to anger is to comment on her parents, in particularly her mother who she was greatly fond of, who was plastered with the name terrorist for trying to convince her father and grandfather against their actions and ended up dying in the crossfire

Background: Minxi, much to her chargrin comes from a fairly notorious family, this is due to a event that happened six years ago where her father was found out to be a member of the "Shadow Talon" terrorist cell at the behest of her grandfather, the events caused by this act were shown around the world on television where a great many people lost their lives, including Minxi's mother who in her attempts to try and sway her husband off his current course, was caught in the crossfire. Minxi was powerless as she watched on from the broadcast.

After those events her family was forever burdened with the name of being terrorists. Much to Minxi's anger as her mother was wrongfully charged while the true instigators in her father and grandfather for away free. Although her family and friends used the event to flock to the Shadow Talons banner, Minxi was overcome with grief and refused to have any part of it, instead she began to plot a means to escape from her heritage and forsook her family name taking on her mothers maiden name of Chalcedony, soon she found her opportunity and applied for beacon academy, after a few tests from a scout sent to visit her, she was accepted into the prestigious academy, it is now here she hopes that she might be able to return a little honour back to her mothers name. Despite regular attempts from friends from her past seeking her to reconsider her stance and work with Shadow talon against the human blight.


Weapon: Minxi's weapons take the shape of nine specially crafted throwing knives tailored to also be used as regular daggers in close combat.

Aura: Purple x 3

Semblance: Minxi's semblance allows her to imprint a portion of her aura into any item's she is currently holding (typically three of her knives, one in each hand one in her tail but given enough time she can imprint in other objects) with each imprinting she is then able to teleport to their location or vice versa once before she needs to use her semblance to imprint again.

(Disclaimer: Because of the three throwing knives combat style, she is able to teleport to each knife once in each use of her semblance allowing for up to three jumps)

Fighting Style: Minxi's combat style is reliant on high maneuverability,  and fast precise strikes at vital locations to bring down her enemies, in a phrase, she is the death of a thousand tiny cuts. Her primary weapons of throwing knives are subsequently held one in each hand, and a third wrapped in her tail.

Strengths: Minxi's build and fighting style promote a fast fight or flight mentality, due to this her speed and agility are her strongest assets, in addition due to her lithe build she is light on her feet and proficient at stealth and scouting.

Weakness: In contrast to her impressive speed, Minxi has very little strength to speak of, this means that she has to travel light has little power behind her strikes forcing her to aim for critical locations to do damage and get encumbered easily. She is also a meek individual and not prone to trusting others due to her history.

Character Theme:
Color Code: #6c3483

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.


I just have to say, great theme choice.

"Don't Speak Her Name" is probably my favorite song in that soundtrack, right next to "Id (Purpose)".

I feel like our character would definitely play off each other in some interesting ways given their histories and personalities, particularly in relationship to the pro-faunus terrorist group.

I think I was kind of vague regarding her feelings towards them on Umbra's sheet, and that's kind of intentional. Suffice it to say, her feelings are complicated.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


I'd imagine the cat and the mouse would have... interesting interactions.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Quote from: Florence on April 09, 2018, 08:31:05 PM
I just have to say, great theme choice.

"Don't Speak Her Name" is probably my favorite song in that soundtrack, right next to "Id (Purpose)".

I feel like our character would definitely play off each other in some interesting ways given their histories and personalities, particularly in relationship to the pro-faunus terrorist group.

I think I was kind of vague regarding her feelings towards them on Umbra's sheet, and that's kind of intentional. Suffice it to say, her feelings are complicated.

Yeah, admittedly it was even due to the song somewhat that helped me come up with the backstory and her sensitive subject regarding her mums involvement with the terrorist group. Out of everyone so far Umbral is probably the most likely out of all the characters to recodnize Minxi and her family as being implicit with their operations, and Minxi will probably know that as well creating a very interesting dynamic there. :)

Quote from: TheHangedMan on April 09, 2018, 08:52:33 PM
I'd imagine the cat and the mouse would have... interesting interactions.

That alone will be an interesting interaction, let alone when we factor in that the cat is a bit of a Shadow Talon sympathiser while Minxi was unwillingly implicit with them and by extention wants nothing to do with it. :)

In both cases, can see a lot of initial animosity between the characters which will make for some fun RP. :)


Gonna get my character written up tonight. Just been working OT so I've mostly been sleeping.


Quote from: Silk on April 10, 2018, 03:06:50 AM
That alone will be an interesting interaction, let alone when we factor in that the cat is a bit of a Shadow Talon sympathiser while Minxi was unwillingly implicit with them and by extention wants nothing to do with it. :)

In both cases, can see a lot of initial animosity between the characters which will make for some fun RP. :)
Same.  I can see 'cat and mouse' puns coming into play as well.  ;D
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



I'm almost done. I only have to finish his story, but it's almost 6:30am and I go to work at 1:30pm until 12am. So if I don't finish it when I wake up, I'll finish it when I get home from work. Only because I don't like doing WIP's. Also Throne, I was going to use Silver for his color, but if that's not a good one due to Masque using gray, should I change it? (His name at the moment is Silva and it is used a lot so I don't want to get it out only to have to change every mention of his name lol)


Silva Rencroft

Nickname(s): Tiny, Ace of Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race:  Monitor Lizard Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Written Appearance: Silva is massive to begin with. He stands at 6'8, which means he towers over most people he meets and has to look down at them. He is not only tall, he is also muscular, weighing in at an amazing 340lbs and has a very evenly toned build from a lifetime of training.  His skin is a dusky shade of caramel brown, and he has shoulder-length dreadlocks that he tends to keep tied up in a ponytail, or braided behind him.

As a lizard Faunus, silvery scales are noticeable in groupings and patterns across Silva's body. Due to his dark skin, they are highly noticeable. Like most carnivorous Faunus, he possesses fangs, claws, and talons in place of normal teeth and nails. He doesn't show it off much, but he has a forked tongue as well.

Silva also has a fully controllable tail just above his butt. He can and does wrap it around his waist like a belt so it doesn't drag, but he can also use it as a personal stool. It measures 1 meter(3 feet) in length. His eyes are strangely enough silver. Not gray, but actually silver. It's something that's always fascinated him and usually others as well, even as a Faunus.

Auron Rencroft - Great Grandfather
Bezelle Rencroft - Great Grandmother
Kellen Rencroft - Grandfather
Mirinia Rencroft - Grandmother
Braun Rencroft - Father
Tyani Rencroft - Mother
Kai Rencroft - Younger Sister(Twin)
Klyne Rencroft - Younger Brother(Twin)

Personality: Despite his incredibly dominating and intimidating presence, Silva is a rather well-natured individual. He tends to try and keep a smile on his, and other peoples faces. Through comedy, or simply being a good friend; it doesn't matter to him. He just likes to make people happy. He's a massive flirt, and loves the opposite sex perhaps a bit too much, but at least he's honest.

Aside from trying to keep people smiling, Silva will actively go out of his way to help someone if he can. Whether it's giving them the shirt off his back or saving them from a bad spot. It's just in his blood. During combat, a different side of Silva comes out. He is focused, analytical, and streamlined. While victory is his top priority, he won't compromise himself, his team, or innocents to achieve it.

To do so would disrespect what it means to be a Huntsman. When he's not flirting with the prettiest girl in the room or telling a joke, Silva is probably training or eating. On the chance he's not doing those, he's probably out and about doing just enough to have fun but not get into serious trouble. The reason being that as an Heir, he tends to get busy with family stuff or business lessons or meeting potential buyers, etc... His parents are serious about him taking over, so much of his time is spent becoming a better family head and businessman; as a result he likes to relax when he can.

Background: Silva's story truly begins over eighty years ago. His Great-Grandfather Auron Rencroft was partners and best friends with the man who would become known as the King of Vale. They grew up together, Human and Faunus, with no issues and only friendship and respect between them. When the war started,  Auron and the Vale King, along with the rest of their team, led Vale into battle. WIth courage, strength, and overwhelming force, they routed the enemy forces.

Due to his instrumental aid in the war effort, Auron was granted a royal title and a large swath of land in any Kingdom created after the conflict. It was not only a kindness from the King but a showing that Faunus were to be treated equally to Humans after the war was over.  He chose a promising spot in Atlas that would in a few years become of major importance not only to the Rencroft family but to all of Remnant as well. In a short time, incredibly vast deposits of Dust were found all over the Rencroft territory; one of the largest vein deposits ever seen. There was so much that the only thing they could do was mine it.

In no time, "Rencroft Dust Works" was created in it's first iteration. Over the years, as royalty faded away and was replaced by modern governments and ways of life, the Dust Works transformed from a simple mining company to what would become an advanced technological marvel and the biggest Dust producer on all of Remnant. Despite the hardships that came with being Faunus, the Rencrofts became too important to slight, as they had a monopoly on Dust, and high-end technology that made them just as formidable as any of the highly advanced companies and entities within Atlas.

To this day, there's a 9 out of 10 chance that any Dust products you use will have the "RDW" logo on it. Eighteen years ago, the current head of the Dust Works, Braun Rencroft and his wife Tyani had a son. Silva was the first born of the newest generation of Rencroft, so he became the Heir to the company and the Rencroft name. Due to him inheriting everything and being such a high profile target, from childhood Silva was put through intense training. Not only his family members, but the best Huntsmen and Huntresses were brought in over the course of his life to train and tutor him.

He was a natural talent, and seemed to excel in everything he put his heart into. He even killed his first Grimm before he was thirteen. When he was old enough, he moved to the Island of Patch when he enrolled in Signal Academy with recommendations from instructors who'd seen him in action. Once there, he quickly became a dominating force, and his name was known all over the Island as the best student there. He excelled in his studies, and was a natural-born fighter who simply put his training and instincts where they were needed most in combat.

This resulted in him graduating with an undefeated record, and still holding several records at the school even now a few years later. His biggest accomplishment is winning the Mistral Regional Tournament all four years he was there. Once he graduated Signal, he could've gone to school anywhere in the world. And despite Atlas being his home, he and his parents decided he would go to Beacon. While true Atlas was the home of the Rencroft's, Vale had always been a friend to them due to the ties to the King.

However, the main reason was that Atlas students are little more than Cadet's-in-training, and are almost always beholden to join the military. Silva's talent would mean that he would definitely be fast-tracked into the Atlesian Army, and a military life was not what any of them wanted. Instead, he went to Beacon, where his skills could be honed to the utmost and then he could choose where to go with his life. Now he's headed to Beacon, prepared to take the entrance exam and see what this next stage of his life will bring him.

Emblem: Silva's Emblem

Weapon: Brute Rhapsody - Silva's weapon exists as a pair of Gauntlets and Greaves collectively known as Brute Rhapsody. When not in use, they appear to be wristbands and ankle bracelets. Both gauntlets seem rather simple, with only basic designs and patterns on them. They are fingerless to allow Silva to still use his claws during combat.

Around the wrist of each gauntlet is a 10-cylinder chamber, with each cylinder being capable of holding a different color of Dust. The chamber is connected to a firing mechanism and a barrel that extends to fire the shot, then collapses back into the gauntlet when not in use. The main feature to notice is the large circle on the back of each gauntlet that glows with the color of the current Dust being used(Red for fire dust, Yellow for lightning, etc...). The greaves are designed almost exactly the same, except obviously made to cover Silva's feet instead. All total, he can fire off 40 shots(10 from each limb) before needing to reload his Dust cells.

Like most weapons, Brute Rhapsody has two modes of attack. In melee range, Silva's already prodigious strength and speed are enhanced, allowing him to make full use of his animalistic fighting style. At a distance, utilizing the Dust Chambers on each arm and leg, he can fire off elemental attacks by throwing punches and kicks. However, each piece possesses a manual trigger so he can simply aim and shoot.

Aura: [Silver] x 3

Semblance: Apex - Lizards are extremely powerful creatures, and Silva's brand of Faunus is no exception. His Semblance allows him to fully tap into the primal nature of his blood, turning him into an Apex Predator. During the effects of "Apex", Silva's adrenaline and endorphins spike to extremely high levels according to medical professionals. This forces a sort of temporary evolution within Silva, letting him use all of the strength and power that the brain usually limits so you don't injure yourself moving around. This means his physical abilities are heightened a great deal. Speed, strength, durability, agility; even thought processes are enhanced to allow him to react faster and think clearer.

He becomes like a force of nature as long as his Aura lasts. It also has the added effect of enhancing all of his reptilian traits. His claws and fangs grow longer, his tail grows spikes, his scales increase to form a natural armor, and he appears to be a human/lizard hybrid instead of simply a Faunus. Some people have said he reminds them of a Grimm in this form.

Fighting Style: Silva has a unique combination that many people don't. He's a freak of nature. He is not only very large, but he is naturally strong and fast; and both traits have been trained constantly throughout his life. Also compared with his reptilian physiology, he has devised a way of fighting that can surprise most. He likes to use his tail or Brute Rhapsody to launch himself toward his enemy at high speeds, and can maneuver quite well between his weapon, claws, and using his tail as a rudder to make minor adjustments as he goes.

Once he closes the distance, he attacks like a wild animal, coming at you from seemingly random angles with punches, kicks, grabs and open claw swipes. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Capoeira with how fluidly and quickly he changes attack, position, and direction during fights. 

He won't even hesitate to bite if he sees an opportunity. He also tends to use his tail as a club, unfolding it at the last second and swinging the thick, heavy appendage at high speeds. He can even use it as a third arm to catch enemies off guard. Due to his powerful aura, as well as naturally tough body, he absorbs attacks just as well as he can dodge them(when he bothers), although he tends to take a few hits to figure out his opponents moves and to give himself extra chances to attack(simply by wading through damage and going on the offensive anyway). At range, he is capable of rapidly switching between different types of Dust to pepper his opponent with a wide range of attacks from fireballs to lightning blasts. However, he truly is most comfortable right up in someone's face.

Powerful - Silva's size isn't just for show. Between his height, weight, and Faunus genes, he is an incredibly tough and strong freak of nature. Far more so than most. He tends to use his speed to rush down his foes, and his power to just outmuscle enemies for the most part. And he can last damn long in a fight.
Skilled - Due to his heritage, desire to become a Huntsman, as well as the constant threat of danger due to his families name and position, Silva has been put through rigorous training since his youth to make him highly proficient in combat.
Wall-Crawler - Like many lizards, Silva can stick to most vertical surfaces using the nearly invisible pads on his hands and feet.
Regeneration - As a lizard Faunus, Silva can with enough time heal from a number of injuries. He can even regrow a torn off limb or his tail with enough time(although it will take quite some time)
Predatory Tactician - Silva naturally thinks about things like how to debilitate his opponent while minimizing damage to himself and his team. How to demoralize an enemy unit so they make costly mistakes. On the battlefield, he's like a predator hunting down prey.
Thermal Vision - Like many lizards and reptiles, Silva can see the world around him in thermals, meaning the hotter something is, the brighter it glows, while the colder it is, the harder it is to see. Hot objects are white/red/yellow/orange, while colder objects are green/purple/blue.
Night Vision - Like all Faunus, he can see in the dark as well as he can in the daytime.
Chef - Silva has always had an incredibly large appetite. Eventually, he learned how to cook just so he could sustain himself. He got pretty damn good at it after a while, too.
Silver Tongue - As the first son and heir of the Rencroft Dust Works, Silva also has a keen mind for business and deals. He is a very persuasive individual and on top of being naturally likable and trustworthy, he has a way of explaining himself in a way that helps people see his own point of view.

Animal Brain - Using Apex runs a risk, and a dangerous one at that. Due to him becoming more like wild beast while using his Semblance, he tends to get a bit more ruthless and savage; more instinctual. Should he be injured or enraged sufficiently while using Apex, there is a chance he could lose himself to the Reptile half of his brain, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to tell between friend or foe. Should he regress he will be a raging monster until someone stops him.

Arrogance - While he has trained himself to not act this way and knows the trouble it could bring...Silva can't help getting cocky sometimes. He's never faced a true challenge and has excelled at everything he's tried his hand at. It's hard for him to understand being humbled(at the moment)

Hunger - Perhaps due to his massive size and how many energy he has to burn to move his huge frame around, Silva has to eat a lot. He scarfs down several thousand calories per day and his performance can be very noticeably impacted if he hasn't had enough in his belly today.

Sensory Overload - Like most Faunus, Silva's senses are enhanced. Particularly his sense of smell, and his ability to use thermal vision. Both of these are sensitive to the point that strong enough smells, or a bright enough light/flash/etc... can incapacitate Silva and make him worthless until he can think straight again. A strong enough shock can even knock him unconscious. In his Apex form, an overload could also lead to him going berserk.

Character Theme: You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
Color Code: #708090

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

I think he's done. I'm about to leave for work so if(probably when) he needs edits, I won't be able to make them until tonight. But I hope I did okay with him.


I had a busy day today. I will give you my comments tomorrow. However, I do not want people using gray or any shades of gray. There are too many people in this game who wanted gray and I made some change it. I will no longer be accepting 50 shades of gray. So, the aura can be silver. But the color code cannot be.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Quote from: Juggtacular on April 11, 2018, 11:50:26 AM
Silva Rencroft

Nickname(s): Tiny, Ace of Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race:  Monitor Lizard Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Written Appearance: Silva is massive to begin with. He stands at 6'8, which means he towers over most people he meets and has to look down at them. He is not only tall, he is also muscular, weighing in at an amazing 340lbs and has a very evenly toned build from a lifetime of training.  His skin is a dusky shade of caramel brown, and he has shoulder-length dreadlocks that he tends to keep tied up in a ponytail, or braided behind him.

As a lizard Faunus, silvery scales are noticeable in groupings and patterns across Silva's body. Due to his dark skin, they are highly noticeable. Like most carnivorous Faunus, he possesses fangs, claws, and talons in place of normal teeth and nails. He doesn't show it off much, but he has a forked tongue as well.

Silva also has a fully controllable tail just above his butt. He can and does wrap it around his waist like a belt so it doesn't drag, but he can also use it as a personal stool. It measures 1 meter(3 feet) in length. His eyes are strangely enough silver. Not gray, but actually silver. It's something that's always fascinated him and usually others as well, even as a Faunus.

Auron Rencroft - Great Grandfather
Bezelle Rencroft - Great Grandmother
Kellen Rencroft - Grandfather
Mirinia Rencroft - Grandmother
Braun Rencroft - Father
Tyani Rencroft - Mother
Kai Rencroft - Younger Sister(Twin)
Klyne Rencroft - Younger Brother(Twin)

Personality: Despite his incredibly dominating and intimidating presence, Silva is a rather well-natured individual. He tends to try and keep a smile on his, and other peoples faces. Through comedy, or simply being a good friend; it doesn't matter to him. He just likes to make people happy. He's a massive flirt, and loves the opposite sex perhaps a bit too much, but at least he's honest.

Aside from trying to keep people smiling, Silva will actively go out of his way to help someone if he can. Whether it's giving them the shirt off his back or saving them from a bad spot. It's just in his blood. During combat, a different side of Silva comes out. He is focused, analytical, and streamlined. While victory is his top priority, he won't compromise himself, his team, or innocents to achieve it.

To do so would disrespect what it means to be a Huntsman. When he's not flirting with the prettiest girl in the room or telling a joke, Silva is probably training or eating. On the chance he's not doing those, he's probably out and about doing just enough to have fun but not get into serious trouble. The reason being that as an Heir, he tends to get busy with family stuff or business lessons or meeting potential buyers, etc... His parents are serious about him taking over, so much of his time is spent becoming a better family head and businessman; as a result he likes to relax when he can.

Background: Silva's story truly begins over eighty years ago. His Great-Grandfather Auron Rencroft was partners and best friends with the man who would become known as the King of Vale. They grew up together, Human and Faunus, with no issues and only friendship and respect between them. When the war started,  Auron and the Vale King, along with the rest of their team, led Vale into battle. WIth courage, strength, and overwhelming force, they routed the enemy forces.

Due to his instrumental aid in the war effort, Auron was granted a royal title and a large swath of land in any Kingdom created after the conflict. It was not only a kindness from the King but a showing that Faunus were to be treated equally to Humans after the war was over.  He chose a promising spot in Atlas that would in a few years become of major importance not only to the Rencroft family but to all of Remnant as well. In a short time, incredibly vast deposits of Dust were found all over the Rencroft territory; one of the largest vein deposits ever seen. There was so much that the only thing they could do was mine it.

In no time, "Rencroft Dust Works" was created in it's first iteration. Over the years, as royalty faded away and was replaced by modern governments and ways of life, the Dust Works transformed from a simple mining company to what would become an advanced technological marvel and the biggest Dust producer on all of Remnant. Despite the hardships that came with being Faunus, the Rencrofts became too important to slight, as they had a monopoly on Dust, and high-end technology that made them just as formidable as any of the highly advanced companies and entities within Atlas.

To this day, there's a 9 out of 10 chance that any Dust products you use will have the "RDW" logo on it. Eighteen years ago, the current head of the Dust Works, Braun Rencroft and his wife Tyani had a son. Silva was the first born of the newest generation of Rencroft, so he became the Heir to the company and the Rencroft name. Due to him inheriting everything and being such a high profile target, from childhood Silva was put through intense training. Not only his family members, but the best Huntsmen and Huntresses were brought in over the course of his life to train and tutor him.

He was a natural talent, and seemed to excel in everything he put his heart into. He even killed his first Grimm before he was thirteen. When he was old enough, he moved to the Island of Patch when he enrolled in Signal Academy with recommendations from instructors who'd seen him in action. Once there, he quickly became a dominating force, and his name was known all over the Island as the best student there. He excelled in his studies, and was a natural-born fighter who simply put his training and instincts where they were needed most in combat.

This resulted in him graduating with an undefeated record, and still holding several records at the school even now a few years later. His biggest accomplishment is winning the Mistral Regional Tournament all four years he was there. Once he graduated Signal, he could've gone to school anywhere in the world. And despite Atlas being his home, he and his parents decided he would go to Beacon. While true Atlas was the home of the Rencroft's, Vale had always been a friend to them due to the ties to the King.

However, the main reason was that Atlas students are little more than Cadet's-in-training, and are almost always beholden to join the military. Silva's talent would mean that he would definitely be fast-tracked into the Atlesian Army, and a military life was not what any of them wanted. Instead, he went to Beacon, where his skills could be honed to the utmost and then he could choose where to go with his life. Now he's headed to Beacon, prepared to take the entrance exam and see what this next stage of his life will bring him.

Emblem: Silva's Emblem

Weapon: Brute Rhapsody - Silva's weapon exists as a pair of Gauntlets and Greaves collectively known as Brute Rhapsody. When not in use, they appear to be wristbands and ankle bracelets. Both gauntlets seem rather simple, with only basic designs and patterns on them. They are fingerless to allow Silva to still use his claws during combat.

Around the wrist of each gauntlet is a 10-cylinder chamber, with each cylinder being capable of holding a different color of Dust. The chamber is connected to a firing mechanism and a barrel that extends to fire the shot, then collapses back into the gauntlet when not in use. The main feature to notice is the large circle on the back of each gauntlet that glows with the color of the current Dust being used(Red for fire dust, Yellow for lightning, etc...). The greaves are designed almost exactly the same, except obviously made to cover Silva's feet instead. All total, he can fire off 40 shots(10 from each limb) before needing to reload his Dust cells.

Like most weapons, Brute Rhapsody has two modes of attack. In melee range, Silva's already prodigious strength and speed are enhanced, allowing him to make full use of his animalistic fighting style. At a distance, utilizing the Dust Chambers on each arm and leg, he can fire off elemental attacks by throwing punches and kicks. However, each piece possesses a manual trigger so he can simply aim and shoot.

Aura: [Silver] x 3

Semblance: Apex - Lizards are extremely powerful creatures, and Silva's brand of Faunus is no exception. His Semblance allows him to fully tap into the primal nature of his blood, turning him into an Apex Predator. During the effects of "Apex", Silva's adrenaline and endorphins spike to extremely high levels according to medical professionals. This forces a sort of temporary evolution within Silva, letting him use all of the strength and power that the brain usually limits so you don't injure yourself moving around. This means his physical abilities are heightened a great deal. Speed, strength, durability, agility; even thought processes are enhanced to allow him to react faster and think clearer.

He becomes like a force of nature as long as his Aura lasts. It also has the added effect of enhancing all of his reptilian traits. His claws and fangs grow longer, his tail grows spikes, his scales increase to form a natural armor, and he appears to be a human/lizard hybrid instead of simply a Faunus. Some people have said he reminds them of a Grimm in this form.

Fighting Style: Silva has a unique combination that many people don't. He's a freak of nature. He is not only very large, but he is naturally strong and fast; and both traits have been trained constantly throughout his life. Also compared with his reptilian physiology, he has devised a way of fighting that can surprise most. He likes to use his tail or Brute Rhapsody to launch himself toward his enemy at high speeds, and can maneuver quite well between his weapon, claws, and using his tail as a rudder to make minor adjustments as he goes.

Once he closes the distance, he attacks like a wild animal, coming at you from seemingly random angles with punches, kicks, grabs and open claw swipes. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Capoeira with how fluidly and quickly he changes attack, position, and direction during fights. 

He won't even hesitate to bite if he sees an opportunity. He also tends to use his tail as a club, unfolding it at the last second and swinging the thick, heavy appendage at high speeds. He can even use it as a third arm to catch enemies off guard. Due to his powerful aura, as well as naturally tough body, he absorbs attacks just as well as he can dodge them(when he bothers), although he tends to take a few hits to figure out his opponents moves and to give himself extra chances to attack(simply by wading through damage and going on the offensive anyway). At range, he is capable of rapidly switching between different types of Dust to pepper his opponent with a wide range of attacks from fireballs to lightning blasts. However, he truly is most comfortable right up in someone's face.

Powerful - Silva's size isn't just for show. Between his height, weight, and Faunus genes, he is an incredibly tough and strong freak of nature. Far more so than most. He tends to use his speed to rush down his foes, and his power to just outmuscle enemies for the most part. And he can last damn long in a fight.
Skilled - Due to his heritage, desire to become a Huntsman, as well as the constant threat of danger due to his families name and position, Silva has been put through rigorous training since his youth to make him highly proficient in combat.
Wall-Crawler - Like many lizards, Silva can stick to most vertical surfaces using the nearly invisible pads on his hands and feet.
Regeneration - As a lizard Faunus, Silva can with enough time heal from a number of injuries. He can even regrow a torn off limb or his tail with enough time(although it will take quite some time)
Predatory Tactician - Silva naturally thinks about things like how to debilitate his opponent while minimizing damage to himself and his team. How to demoralize an enemy unit so they make costly mistakes. On the battlefield, he's like a predator hunting down prey.
Thermal Vision - Like many lizards and reptiles, Silva can see the world around him in thermals, meaning the hotter something is, the brighter it glows, while the colder it is, the harder it is to see. Hot objects are white/red/yellow/orange, while colder objects are green/purple/blue.
Night Vision - Like all Faunus, he can see in the dark as well as he can in the daytime.
Chef - Silva has always had an incredibly large appetite. Eventually, he learned how to cook just so he could sustain himself. He got pretty damn good at it after a while, too.
Silver Tongue - As the first son and heir of the Rencroft Dust Works, Silva also has a keen mind for business and deals. He is a very persuasive individual and on top of being naturally likable and trustworthy, he has a way of explaining himself in a way that helps people see his own point of view.

Animal Brain - Using Apex runs a risk, and a dangerous one at that. Due to him becoming more like wild beast while using his Semblance, he tends to get a bit more ruthless and savage; more instinctual. Should he be injured or enraged sufficiently while using Apex, there is a chance he could lose himself to the Reptile half of his brain, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to tell between friend or foe. Should he regress he will be a raging monster until someone stops him.

Arrogance - While he has trained himself to not act this way and knows the trouble it could bring...Silva can't help getting cocky sometimes. He's never faced a true challenge and has excelled at everything he's tried his hand at. It's hard for him to understand being humbled(at the moment)

Hunger - Perhaps due to his massive size and how many energy he has to burn to move his huge frame around, Silva has to eat a lot. He scarfs down several thousand calories per day and his performance can be very noticeably impacted if he hasn't had enough in his belly today.

Sensory Overload - Like most Faunus, Silva's senses are enhanced. Particularly his sense of smell, and his ability to use thermal vision. Both of these are sensitive to the point that strong enough smells, or a bright enough light/flash/etc... can incapacitate Silva and make him worthless until he can think straight again. A strong enough shock can even knock him unconscious. In his Apex form, an overload could also lead to him going berserk.

Character Theme: You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
Color Code: #708090

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

I think he's done. I'm about to leave for work so if(probably when) he needs edits, I won't be able to make them until tonight. But I hope I did okay with him.

The main thing that I can see that may be an issue is that there is a inherent limit on the amount of silver-eyed players that throne wanted, on top of the issues with grey colour in general it might be easier to go with a different color?


Quote from: Juggtacular on April 11, 2018, 11:50:26 AM
Silva Rencroft

Nickname(s): Tiny, Ace of Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race:  Monitor Lizard Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Written Appearance: Silva is massive to begin with. He stands at 6'8, which means he towers over most people he meets and has to look down at them. He is not only tall, he is also muscular, weighing in at an amazing 340lbs and has a very evenly toned build from a lifetime of training.  His skin is a dusky shade of caramel brown, and he has shoulder-length dreadlocks that he tends to keep tied up in a ponytail, or braided behind him.

As a lizard Faunus, silvery scales are noticeable in groupings and patterns across Silva's body. Due to his dark skin, they are highly noticeable. Like most carnivorous Faunus, he possesses fangs, claws, and talons in place of normal teeth and nails. He doesn't show it off much, but he has a forked tongue as well.

Silva also has a fully controllable tail just above his butt. He can and does wrap it around his waist like a belt so it doesn't drag, but he can also use it as a personal stool. It measures 1 meter(3 feet) in length. His eyes are strangely enough silver. Not gray, but actually silver. It's something that's always fascinated him and usually others as well, even as a Faunus. (The only character in the game who has silver eyes has already been identified. I won't be allowing anyone else to have silver eyes.)

Auron Rencroft - Great Grandfather
Bezelle Rencroft - Great Grandmother
Kellen Rencroft - Grandfather
Mirinia Rencroft - Grandmother
Braun Rencroft - Father
Tyani Rencroft - Mother
Kai Rencroft - Younger Sister(Twin)
Klyne Rencroft - Younger Brother(Twin)

Personality: Despite his incredibly dominating and intimidating presence, Silva is a rather well-natured individual. He tends to try and keep a smile on his, and other peoples faces. Through comedy, or simply being a good friend; it doesn't matter to him. He just likes to make people happy. He's a massive flirt, and loves the opposite sex perhaps a bit too much, but at least he's honest.

Aside from trying to keep people smiling, Silva will actively go out of his way to help someone if he can. Whether it's giving them the shirt off his back or saving them from a bad spot. It's just in his blood. During combat, a different side of Silva comes out. He is focused, analytical, and streamlined. While victory is his top priority, he won't compromise himself, his team, or innocents to achieve it.

To do so would disrespect what it means to be a Huntsman. When he's not flirting with the prettiest girl in the room or telling a joke, Silva is probably training or eating. On the chance he's not doing those, he's probably out and about doing just enough to have fun but not get into serious trouble. The reason being that as an Heir, he tends to get busy with family stuff or business lessons or meeting potential buyers, etc... His parents are serious about him taking over, so much of his time is spent becoming a better family head and businessman; as a result he likes to relax when he can.

Background: Silva's story truly begins over eighty years ago. His Great-Grandfather Auron Rencroft was partners and best friends with the man who would become known as the King of Vale. They grew up together, Human and Faunus, with no issues and only friendship and respect between them. When the war started,  Auron and the Vale King, along with the rest of their team, led Vale into battle. WIth courage, strength, and overwhelming force, they routed the enemy forces.

Due to his instrumental aid in the war effort, Auron was granted a royal title and a large swath of land in any Kingdom created after the conflict. It was not only a kindness from the King but a showing that Faunus were to be treated equally to Humans after the war was over.  He chose a promising spot in Atlas that would in a few years become of major importance not only to the Rencroft family but to all of Remnant as well. In a short time, incredibly vast deposits of Dust were found all over the Rencroft territory; one of the largest vein deposits ever seen. There was so much that the only thing they could do was mine it.

In no time, "Rencroft Dust Works" was created in it's first iteration. Over the years, as royalty faded away and was replaced by modern governments and ways of life, the Dust Works transformed from a simple mining company to what would become an advanced technological marvel and the biggest Dust producer on all of Remnant. Despite the hardships that came with being Faunus, the Rencrofts became too important to slight, as they had a monopoly on Dust, and high-end technology that made them just as formidable as any of the highly advanced companies and entities within Atlas. (They won't be more technologically advanced than the Atlesian military; instead, I imagine them working close with the Atlesian military seeing as the military will more than likely be their number one consumer and would have enough projects going on that the Dust can go into. Now if you mean technology other than weapons or anything used in defense, then sure. But advanced weaponry, defensive systems, and experiments, the Atlesian military is number one in this game.)

To this day, there's a 9 out of 10 chance that any Dust products you use will have the "RDW" logo on it. Eighteen years ago, the current head of the Dust Works, Braun Rencroft and his wife Tyani had a son. Silva was the first born of the newest generation of Rencroft, so he became the Heir to the company and the Rencroft name. Due to him inheriting everything and being such a high profile target, from childhood Silva was put through intense training. Not only his family members, but the best Huntsmen and Huntresses were brought in over the course of his life to train and tutor him.

He was a natural talent, and seemed to excel in everything he put his heart into. He even killed his first Grimm before he was thirteen. When he was old enough, he moved to the Island of Patch when he enrolled in Signal Academy with recommendations from instructors who'd seen him in action. Once there, he quickly became a dominating force, and his name was known all over the Island as the best student there. He excelled in his studies, and was a natural-born fighter who simply put his training and instincts where they were needed most in combat.

This resulted in him graduating with an undefeated record, and still holding several records at the school even now a few years later. His biggest accomplishment is winning the Mistral Regional Tournament all four years he was there. Once he graduated Signal, he could've gone to school anywhere in the world. And despite Atlas being his home, he and his parents decided he would go to Beacon. While true Atlas was the home of the Rencroft's, Vale had always been a friend to them due to the ties to the King.

However, the main reason was that Atlas students are little more than Cadet's-in-training, and are almost always beholden to join the military. Silva's talent would mean that he would definitely be fast-tracked into the Atlesian Army, and a military life was not what any of them wanted. Instead, he went to Beacon, where his skills could be honed to the utmost and then he could choose where to go with his life. Now he's headed to Beacon, prepared to take the entrance exam and see what this next stage of his life will bring him.

Emblem: Silva's Emblem

Weapon: Brute Rhapsody - Silva's weapon exists as a pair of Gauntlets and Greaves collectively known as Brute Rhapsody. When not in use, they appear to be wristbands and ankle bracelets. Both gauntlets seem rather simple, with only basic designs and patterns on them. They are fingerless to allow Silva to still use his claws during combat.

Around the wrist of each gauntlet is a 10-cylinder chamber, with each cylinder being capable of holding a different color of Dust. The chamber is connected to a firing mechanism and a barrel that extends to fire the shot, then collapses back into the gauntlet when not in use. The main feature to notice is the large circle on the back of each gauntlet that glows with the color of the current Dust being used(Red for fire dust, Yellow for lightning, etc...). The greaves are designed almost exactly the same, except obviously made to cover Silva's feet instead. All total, he can fire off 40 shots(10 from each limb) before needing to reload his Dust cells.

Like most weapons, Brute Rhapsody has two modes of attack. In melee range, Silva's already prodigious strength and speed are enhanced, allowing him to make full use of his animalistic fighting style. (How are they enhanced?)At a distance, utilizing the Dust Chambers on each arm and leg, he can fire off elemental attacks by throwing punches and kicks. However, each piece possesses a manual trigger so he can simply aim and shoot.

Aura: [Silver] x 3

Semblance: Apex - Lizards are extremely powerful creatures, and Silva's brand of Faunus is no exception. His Semblance allows him to fully tap into the primal nature of his blood, turning him into an Apex Predator. During the effects of "Apex", Silva's adrenaline and endorphins spike to extremely high levels according to medical professionals. This forces a sort of temporary evolution within Silva, letting him use all of the strength and power that the brain usually limits so you don't injure yourself moving around. This means his physical abilities are heightened a great deal. Speed, strength, durability, agility; even thought processes are enhanced to allow him to react faster and think clearer.

He becomes like a force of nature as long as his Aura lasts. It also has the added effect of enhancing all of his reptilian traits. His claws and fangs grow longer, his tail grows spikes, his scales increase to form a natural armor, and he appears to be a human/lizard hybrid instead of simply a Faunus. Some people have said he reminds them of a Grimm in this form. (Just know he can only use this 3 times and there needs to be a duration that he can be transformed.)

Fighting Style: Silva has a unique combination that many people don't. He's a freak of nature. He is not only very large, but he is naturally strong and fast; and both traits have been trained constantly throughout his life. Also compared with his reptilian physiology, he has devised a way of fighting that can surprise most. He likes to use his tail or Brute Rhapsody to launch himself toward his enemy at high speeds, and can maneuver quite well between his weapon, claws, and using his tail as a rudder to make minor adjustments as he goes.

Once he closes the distance, he attacks like a wild animal, coming at you from seemingly random angles with punches, kicks, grabs and open claw swipes. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Capoeira with how fluidly and quickly he changes attack, position, and direction during fights. 

He won't even hesitate to bite if he sees an opportunity. He also tends to use his tail as a club, unfolding it at the last second and swinging the thick, heavy appendage at high speeds. He can even use it as a third arm to catch enemies off guard. Due to his powerful aura, as well as naturally tough body, he absorbs attacks just as well as he can dodge them(when he bothers), although he tends to take a few hits to figure out his opponents moves and to give himself extra chances to attack(simply by wading through damage and going on the offensive anyway). At range, he is capable of rapidly switching between different types of Dust to pepper his opponent with a wide range of attacks from fireballs to lightning blasts. However, he truly is most comfortable right up in someone's face.

Powerful - Silva's size isn't just for show. Between his height, weight, and Faunus genes, he is an incredibly tough and strong freak of nature. Far more so than most. He tends to use his speed to rush down his foes, and his power to just outmuscle enemies for the most part. And he can last damn long in a fight.
Skilled - Due to his heritage, desire to become a Huntsman, as well as the constant threat of danger due to his families name and position, Silva has been put through rigorous training since his youth to make him highly proficient in combat.
Wall-Crawler - Like many lizards, Silva can stick to most vertical surfaces using the nearly invisible pads on his hands and feet.
Regeneration - As a lizard Faunus, Silva can with enough time heal from a number of injuries. He can even regrow a torn off limb or his tail with enough time(although it will take quite some time)
Predatory Tactician - Silva naturally thinks about things like how to debilitate his opponent while minimizing damage to himself and his team. How to demoralize an enemy unit so they make costly mistakes. On the battlefield, he's like a predator hunting down prey.
Thermal Vision - Like many lizards and reptiles, Silva can see the world around him in thermals, meaning the hotter something is, the brighter it glows, while the colder it is, the harder it is to see. Hot objects are white/red/yellow/orange, while colder objects are green/purple/blue.
Night Vision - Like all Faunus, he can see in the dark as well as he can in the daytime.
Chef - Silva has always had an incredibly large appetite. Eventually, he learned how to cook just so he could sustain himself. He got pretty damn good at it after a while, too.
Silver Tongue - As the first son and heir of the Rencroft Dust Works, Silva also has a keen mind for business and deals. He is a very persuasive individual and on top of being naturally likable and trustworthy, he has a way of explaining himself in a way that helps people see his own point of view.

Animal Brain - Using Apex runs a risk, and a dangerous one at that. Due to him becoming more like wild beast while using his Semblance, he tends to get a bit more ruthless and savage; more instinctual. Should he be injured or enraged sufficiently while using Apex, there is a chance he could lose himself to the Reptile half of his brain, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to tell between friend or foe. Should he regress he will be a raging monster until someone stops him.

Arrogance - While he has trained himself to not act this way and knows the trouble it could bring...Silva can't help getting cocky sometimes. He's never faced a true challenge and has excelled at everything he's tried his hand at. It's hard for him to understand being humbled(at the moment)

Hunger - Perhaps due to his massive size and how many energy he has to burn to move his huge frame around, Silva has to eat a lot. He scarfs down several thousand calories per day and his performance can be very noticeably impacted if he hasn't had enough in his belly today.

Sensory Overload - Like most Faunus, Silva's senses are enhanced. Particularly his sense of smell, and his ability to use thermal vision. Both of these are sensitive to the point that strong enough smells, or a bright enough light/flash/etc... can incapacitate Silva and make him worthless until he can think straight again. A strong enough shock can even knock him unconscious. In his Apex form, an overload could also lead to him going berserk.

Character Theme: You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
Color Code: #708090

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

I think he's done. I'm about to leave for work so if(probably when) he needs edits, I won't be able to make them until tonight. But I hope I did okay with him.

I made my comments in bold.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Auro Rencroft

Nickname(s): Tiny, Ace of Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race:  Monitor Lizard Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Written Appearance: Auro[pronounced Oh-Row] is massive to begin with. He stands at 6'8, which means he towers over most people he meets and has to look down at them. He is not only tall, he is also muscular, weighing in at an amazing 340lbs and has a very evenly toned build from a lifetime of training.  His skin is a dusky shade of caramel brown, and he has shoulder-length dreadlocks that he tends to keep tied up in a ponytail, or braided behind him.

As a lizard Faunus, gold scales are noticeable in groupings and patterns across Auro's body. Due to his dark skin, they are highly noticeable and contrast with it in such a way that it's visibly pleasing. Like most carnivorous Faunus, he possesses fangs, claws, and talons in place of normal teeth and nails. He doesn't show it off much, but he has a forked tongue as well.

Auro also has a fully controllable tail just above his butt. He can and does wrap it around his waist like a belt so it doesn't drag, but he can also use it as a personal stool. It measures 1 meter(3 feet) in length. His eyes are slitted like a reptile, and a vibrant shade of gold. He tends to dress fashion forward, although everything he wears has his own personal style. Namely, a way to have his chest or arms out, and room for his tail. And regardless of what he wears, it tends to be flowing so he can easily move in it.

Auron Rencroft - Great Grandfather
Bezelle Rencroft - Great Grandmother
Kellen Rencroft - Grandfather
Mirinia Rencroft - Grandmother
Braun Rencroft - Father
Tyani Rencroft - Mother
Kai Rencroft - Younger Sister(Twin)
Klyne Rencroft - Younger Brother(Twin)

Personality: Despite his incredibly dominating and intimidating presence, Auro is a rather well-natured individual. He tends to try and keep a smile on his, and other peoples faces. Through comedy, or simply being a good friend; it doesn't matter to him. He just likes to make people happy. He's a massive flirt, and loves the opposite sex perhaps a bit too much, but at least he's honest.

Aside from trying to keep people smiling, Auro will actively go out of his way to help someone if he can. Whether it's giving them the shirt off his back or saving them from a bad spot. It's just in his blood. During combat, a different side of him comes out. He is focused, analytical, and streamlined. While victory is his top priority, he won't compromise himself, his team, or innocents to achieve it.

To do so would disrespect what it means to be a Huntsman. When he's not flirting with the prettiest girl in the room or telling a joke, Auro is probably training or eating. On the chance he's not doing those, he's probably out and about doing just enough to have fun but not get into serious trouble. The reason being that as an Heir, he tends to get busy with family stuff or business lessons or meeting potential buyers, etc... His parents are serious about him taking over, so much of his time is spent becoming a better family head and businessman; as a result, he likes to relax when he can.

Background: Auro's story truly begins over eighty years ago. His Great-Grandfather Auron Rencroft was partners and best friends with the man who would become known as the King of Vale. They grew up together, Human and Faunus, with no issues and only friendship and respect between them. When the war started,  Auron and the Vale King, along with the rest of their team, led Vale into battle. WIth courage, strength, and overwhelming force, they routed the enemy forces.

Due to his instrumental aid in the war effort, Auron was granted a royal title and a large swath of land in any Kingdom created after the conflict. It was not only a kindness from the King but a showing that Faunus were to be treated equally to Humans after the war was over.  He chose a promising spot in Atlas that would in a few years become of major importance not only to the Rencroft family but to all of Remnant as well. In a short time, incredibly vast deposits of Dust were found all over the Rencroft territory; one of the largest vein deposits ever seen. There was so much that the only thing they could do was mine it.

In no time, "Rencroft Dust Works" was created in it's first iteration. Over the years, as royalty faded away and was replaced by modern governments and ways of life, the Dust Works transformed from a simple mining company to what would become an advanced technological marvel and the biggest Dust producer on all of Remnant. Despite the hardships that came with being Faunus, the Rencrofts became too important to slight, as they had a monopoly on Dust, and high-end technology to protect themselves and their products from a partnership with the Atlesian military.

To this day, there's a 9 out of 10 chance that any Dust products you use will have the "RDW" logo on it. Eighteen years ago, the current head of the Dust Works, Braun Rencroft and his wife Tyani had a son. He was the first born of the newest generation of Rencroft, so he became the Heir to the company and the Rencroft name. The boy was named Auro, in honor of Auron, the surprisingly still living Patriarch of the Rencroft family.  Due to him inheriting everything and being such a high profile target, from childhood Auro was put through intense training. Not only his family members, but the best Huntsmen and Huntresses were brought in over the course of his life to train and tutor him.

He was a natural talent, and seemed to excel in everything he put his heart into. He even killed his first Grimm before he was thirteen. When he was old enough, he moved to the Island of Patch when he enrolled in Signal Academy with recommendations from instructors who'd seen him in action. Once there, he quickly became a dominating force, and his name was known all over the Island as the best student there. He excelled in his studies, and was a natural-born fighter who simply put his training and instincts where they were needed most in combat.

This resulted in him graduating with an undefeated record, and still holding several records at the school even now a few years later. His biggest accomplishment is winning the Mistral Regional Tournament all four years he was there. Once he graduated Signal, he could've gone to school anywhere in the world. And despite Atlas being his home, he and his parents decided he would go to Beacon. While true Atlas was the home of the Rencroft's, Vale had always been a friend to them due to the ties to the King.

However, the main reason was that Atlas students are little more than Cadet's-in-training, and are almost always beholden to join the military. Auro's talent would mean that he would definitely be fast-tracked into the Atlesian Army, and a military life was not what any of them wanted. Instead, he went to Beacon, where his skills could be honed to the utmost and then he could choose where to go with his life. Now he's headed to Beacon, prepared to take the entrance exam and see what this next stage of his life will bring him.

Emblem: Auro's Emblem

Weapon: Brute Rhapsody - Auro's weapon exists as a pair of Gauntlets and Greaves collectively known as Brute Rhapsody. When not in use, they appear to be wristbands and ankle bracelets. In use however, the gauntlets extend all the way up to Auro's elbow, while the greaves stop at his knees.  They are fingerless and toeless to allow Auro to still use his claws during combat.

Around the wrist of each gauntlet is a 10-cylinder chamber, with each cylinder being capable of holding a different color of Dust. The chamber is connected to a firing mechanism and a barrel that extends to fire the shot, then collapses back into the gauntlet when not in use. The main feature to notice is the large circle on the back of each gauntlet that glows with the color of the current Dust being used(Red for fire dust, Yellow for lightning, etc...). The greaves are designed almost exactly the same, except obviously made to cover his feet instead. All total, he can fire off 40 shots(10 from each limb) before needing to reload his Dust cells.

Like most weapons, Brute Rhapsody has two modes of attack. In melee range, Auro's already prodigious strength and speed are enhanced through the use of micro-pistons extending from the backs of his weapons. The pistons fire in time with the impact of his blows, increasing the force generated by a great deal.  At a distance, utilizing the Dust Chambers on each arm and leg, he can fire off elemental attacks by throwing punches and kicks. However, each piece possesses a manual trigger so he can simply aim and shoot if he needs increased accuracy.

Aura: [Gold] x 3

Semblance: Apex - Lizards are extremely powerful creatures, and Auro's brand of Faunus is no exception. His Semblance allows him to fully tap into the primal nature of his blood, turning him into an Apex Predator. During the effects of "Apex", Auro's adrenaline and endorphins spike to extremely high levels according to medical professionals. This forces a sort of temporary evolution within Auro, letting him use all of the strength and power that the brain usually limits so you don't injure yourself moving around. This means his physical abilities are heightened a great deal. Speed, strength, durability, agility; even thought processes are enhanced to allow him to react faster and think clearer.

He becomes like a force of nature as long as his Aura lasts. It also has the added effect of enhancing all of his reptilian traits. His claws and fangs grow longer, his tail grows spikes, his scales increase to form a natural armor, and he appears to be a human/lizard hybrid instead of simply a Faunus. Some people have said he reminds them of a Grimm in this form. [The duration of each transformation lasts 2 turns]

Fighting Style: Aura has a unique combination that many people don't. He's a freak of nature. He is not only very large, but he is naturally strong and fast; and both traits have been trained constantly throughout his life. Also compared with his reptilian physiology, he has devised a way of fighting that can surprise most. He likes to use his tail or Brute Rhapsody to launch himself toward his enemy at high speeds, and can maneuver quite well between his weapon, claws, and using his tail as a rudder to make minor adjustments as he goes.

Once he closes the distance, he attacks like a wild animal, coming at you from seemingly random angles with punches, kicks, grabs and open claw swipes. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Capoeira with how fluidly and quickly he changes attack, position, and direction during fights. 

He won't even hesitate to bite if he sees an opportunity. He also tends to use his tail as a club, unfolding it at the last second and swinging the thick, heavy appendage at high speeds. He can even use it as a third arm to catch enemies off guard. Due to his powerful aura, as well as naturally tough body, he absorbs attacks just as well as he can dodge them(when he bothers), although he tends to take a few hits to figure out his opponents moves and to give himself extra chances to attack(simply by wading through damage and going on the offensive anyway). At range, he is capable of rapidly switching between different types of Dust to pepper his opponent with a wide range of attacks from fireballs to lightning blasts. However, he truly is most comfortable right up in someone's face.

Powerful - Auro's size isn't just for show. Between his height, weight, and Faunus genes, he is an incredibly tough and strong freak of nature. Far more so than most. He tends to use his speed to rush down his foes, and his power to just outmuscle enemies for the most part. And he can last damn long in a fight.
Skilled - Due to his heritage, desire to become a Huntsman, as well as the constant threat of danger due to his families name and position, Auro has been put through rigorous training since his youth to make him highly proficient in combat.
Wall-Crawler - Like many lizards, Auro can stick to most vertical surfaces using the nearly invisible pads on his hands and feet.
Regeneration - As a lizard Faunus, Auro can with enough time heal from a number of injuries. He can even regrow a torn off limb or his tail with enough time(although it will take quite some time)
Predatory Tactician - Auro naturally thinks about things like how to debilitate his opponent while minimizing damage to himself and his team. How to demoralize an enemy unit so they make costly mistakes. On the battlefield, he's like a predator hunting down prey.
Thermal Vision - Like many lizards and reptiles, Auro can see the world around him in thermals, meaning the hotter something is, the brighter it glows, while the colder it is, the harder it is to see. Hot objects are white/red/yellow/orange, while colder objects are green/purple/blue.
Night Vision - Like all Faunus, he can see in the dark as well as he can in the daytime.
Chef - Auro has always had an incredibly large appetite. Eventually, he learned how to cook just so he could sustain himself. He got pretty damn good at it after a while, too.
Silver Tongue - As the first son and heir of the Rencroft Dust Works, Auro also has a keen mind for business and deals. He is a very persuasive individual and on top of being naturally likable and trustworthy, he has a way of explaining himself in a way that helps people see his own point of view.

Animal Brain - Using Apex runs a risk, and a dangerous one at that. Due to him becoming more like wild beast while using his Semblance, he tends to get a bit more ruthless and savage; more instinctual. Should he be injured or enraged sufficiently while using Apex, there is a chance he could lose himself to the Reptile half of his brain, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to tell between friend or foe. Should he regress he will be a raging monster until someone stops him.

Arrogance - While he has trained himself to not act this way and knows the trouble it could bring...Auro can't help getting cocky sometimes. He's never faced a true challenge and has excelled at everything he's tried his hand at. It's hard for him to understand being humbled(at the moment)

Hunger - Perhaps due to his massive size and how many energy he has to burn to move his huge frame around, Auro has to eat a lot. He scarfs down several thousand calories per day and his performance can be very noticeably impacted if he hasn't had enough in his belly today.

Sensory Overload - Like most Faunus, Auro's senses are enhanced. Particularly his sense of smell, and his ability to use thermal vision. Both of these are sensitive to the point that strong enough smells, or a bright enough light/flash/etc... can incapacitate Auro and make him worthless until he can think straight again. A strong enough shock can even knock him unconscious. In his Apex form, an overload could also lead to him going berserk.

Character Theme: You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
Color Code: #FFD700

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

1. Silver eyes have been removed. When you said not everyone in the game would be allowed to have them, I figured there would be at least 2 for an 8 person game. But just 1 is cool.

2. Explained that the RDW has a partnership of sorts with the Atlesian military. Essentially them getting first dibs on the Dust and the Dust-related tech advancements that the RDW brings to the table means the RDW gets access to military grade hardware and tech to use for their own security and other purposes.

3. Explained that his gauntlets and greaves both have miniature pistons that fire off when he lands hits, increasing the damage and force output. Like Big O's elbow piston(I linked a video for an example)

4. Yes, Semblance use = Aura bars left. I'm not sure what a good time frame would be. 3-5 minutes?

5. I changed his name to Auro(several languages use that spelling or similar for Gold, which will also be his color. Easy to read in darker variants and no one has anything near it.


Quote from: Juggtacular on April 13, 2018, 04:05:00 AM

1. Silver eyes have been removed. When you said not everyone in the game would be allowed to have them, I figured there would be at least 2 for an 8 person game. But just 1 is cool.

2. Explained that the RDW has a partnership of sorts with the Atlesian military. Essentially them getting first dibs on the Dust and the Dust-related tech advancements that the RDW brings to the table means the RDW gets access to military grade hardware and tech to use for their own security and other purposes. (They only get access to what the Atlesian Commander allows them to get access to. They won't have access to everything.)

3. Explained that his gauntlets and greaves both have miniature pistons that fire off when he lands hits, increasing the damage and force output. Like Big O's elbow piston(I linked a video for an example)

4. Yes, Semblance use = Aura bars left. I'm not sure what a good time frame would be. 3-5 minutes? (Time cannot be properly measured in writing so I've suggested people use turns. Turns are the duration of one round in a posting order.)

5. I changed his name to Auro(several languages use that spelling or similar for Gold, which will also be his color. Easy to read in darker variants and no one has anything near it.

I made my comments in bold. I'm reading over it again and I'll edit this when I'm done.

As soon as you put a duration on his Semblance, then the CS will be good to go.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


We need one more person! I wanna get started. xD


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on April 13, 2018, 01:42:44 PM
I made my comments in bold. I'm reading over it again and I'll edit this when I'm done.

As soon as you put a duration on his Semblance, then the CS will be good to go.

Thats fine. I figured it was one of those "you get what I say you get, but I'll give you a fair bit" from both sides so theres a happy medium.

I can get a lot out per post. Would 2 turns per use work?



That seems fine. I'll add him to the approved list the next chance I get.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Looking for one more player to complete a possible second team. If I get two completed teams, the game will remain open to receive more players. I will just be accepting four at a time so that another team can be created. When Chapter One in our Volume One series is finished. Any players who join after Chapter One will be automatically paired together since they will have 'hypothetically" completed the Entrance Exam.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



I am interested! but I'm not sure what's a good matchh; I have at least two ideas: an orphan raised by faunus on menagerie; or a martial artist from Mistral


Quote from: Snake on April 16, 2018, 01:46:10 PM
I am interested! but I'm not sure what's a good matchh; I have at least two ideas: an orphan raised by faunus on menagerie; or a martial artist from Mistral

You could go with an orphan martial artist raised by faunus from Menagerie on Mistral.  XD


complicated but I like it.

question are there any limitations on what a semblance can do (and what about being magically imbued to change forms like Raven and QRow can?)


Quote from: Snake on April 16, 2018, 06:13:07 PM
complicated but I like it.

question are there any limitations on what a semblance can do (and what about being magically imbued to change forms like Raven and QRow can?)

No magic. It hasn't been explained enough. The limit of a semblance is it is one "superpower" and not god-modey.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Also Ozpin's magic seems to be given directly to him by the Gods and he might possibly be the Vale King or some other extremely powerful servant of theirs.

As for the Semblances, like Throne said you only get 1 and it cant be too OP, but aside from that theyre almost infinitely varied.

Pyrra Nikos - Magnetism
Glenda Goodwitch - Telekinesis
Nora Valkyrie - Converts electricity into superhuman strength
Blake Belladona - Elemental Clones
Jean Arc - Aura Amplification(his or others)
Qrow - Misfortune
Hazel Reinart - Can completely ignore pain

And sooooo many more.


btw are we going to cameo the canon chars?

And I have one so far but I'm not sure about her. Here's what I got so far.

Syra Shiran
Name: Syra Shiran
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral
Written Appearance: Long, straight warm black hair; Blurpe-colored eyes; lithe-muscular yet busty build; 5'10" ~156 lbs.
Family: Mirukon Hatake (Father), Renka Shiran (Mother)
Personality: Spunky, self-assured almost arrogant Syra has always had strong conviction in what she does or could do. This gives her a strong sense of self-reliance and upmost confidence. However, she is also somewhat amoral; believing everything can possibly be a tool for success- even her own body. Syra enjoys being sarcastic and flirtatious; but is quite intelligent and able to think on her feet.
She likes to play games (Particularly ones that make her think), steal things (but from friends she'll return them probably without them noticing), Syra also enjoys physical combat training and being active. She interacts with others with a sort of witty playfulness. Her attitude toward combat is that "You do what you have to do. there is no room for hesitation." Competition is something else; she likes to test herself (and cheat if she can get away with it.)
However, this amorality so gives her a skewed sense of ethics, which leads her to be a kleptomanic.
Background: Syra is from Mistral; her great grandfather fought and died in the great war. Her father is a powerful corporate CEO with ties to the underworld and her mother is a high-ranking Mistral military officer. Syra may've known some people of the terrorist group but she doesn't linger on them and has no problem stomping them if she has to. She attends beacon through a combination of her parents influence and her own martial skill at taking down Grimm. Basically she was given a recommendation but was also scouted by the academy.
She did attend a combat academy before going to beacon though; polishing and perfecting her martial arts skills as well as her use of weaponry. Her Great-Grandfather is remembered as a hero of the Great war, giving her mother's side of the family great prestige, a legacy they all try to live up by becoming either miitary or huntresses.
Emblem: This is a symbol that represents your character. It is your character's personal emblem.
Weapon: Mode A is a set of both bracers and greaves affixed to her forearms and shins. They have built in neural sensors that allow for them to be exposed and retracted based on what she wants or converted to Mode B. The blade on her right bracer is about the length of a standard longsword while the ones on her legs are about the length of a shortsword. Mode B uses dust to cause various elemental effects on her weapons or be released in a powerful beam from the port built into her left bracer, which extends to cover her hand and fingers like a fingerless glove to contain the firing lens for her beam. (it's use automatically ejects the dust cartriage and requires her to load another into the back of the gauntlet, it can hold up to three)
Aura: Syra's aura is an inky darkness. Her most common use is to utilize her weapons (which requires a miniscule amount of aura that it never causes her to feel drained thanks to training with them since she was a kid); she has a strong aura that allows her to form the standard aura barrier that takes the form of a flowing shield of shadows.
Semblance: Short-range teleportation (generally it's a line of sight ability)
Fighting Style: Syra fights with speed and acrobatics. She prefers to strike with precision than power; using a very flexible style of blade use and various kick-based attacks.
Strengths: Syra has talents more suited a thief or assassin than a huntress. She has excellent hand-eye coordination and an intuitive sense of how aware others are of her.  Syra is reliable to her friends and team-mates...if they can see past her inability to resist a chance to swipe small items or loose change.
Weakness: Her Kleptomania, Sometimes her sarcasm becomes a problem; in combat she can take a few hits but isn't particularly tough nor physically strong.
Character Theme: You can put a spoiler to a theme song here. You do not have to have one.
Color Code: This will be the color that represents your character. Google “HTML Color Codes” to get the Hex Code and color sample. Remember no neon colors. Do not hurt our eyes. If you choose "White" do not use white. Just use an alternative to it.
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.


If you read what's in the Character Sheet code, then you are literally going by what it is telling you to do. Some of the sections you filled out incorrectly because in the code it will only say to fill it out "this way." For example, the aura section. I explain what the aura can do, but to properly fill out that section, all you have to do is put the Color of the Aura x3. There are other CSes in this thread you can reference in order to learn how to properly fill it out. Reference only and try not to copy the ideas of the other writers.

Also because it wouldn't be fair to pdragon, her pic will either need to be changed or cropped to be less smut-y. While this is an adult game and can potentially have adult elements in it, it is not dominantly or even mostly smut. I don't want to draw that kind of attention to this game when the story will be the centerpiece.

Lastly, Silk's character uses teleportation. While, I don't have an issue with the Semblance as long as you specify how it is used differently, if she has an issue with someone presenting a similar ability, then yeah...but we'll see what she has to say about it.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


My bad. I copy/pasted it to word to fill out when I'm offline I must've missed that. The pic isn't that smutty. The character concept I use for her shows alot of skin usually and this the best I could find without black angel wings. XD


Ummm, what's the point of "not wanting to draw that kind of attention to the game" when he's literally the last person signing up? All the attention the game is gonna get has already been drawn to it.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


While I don't mind the notion of someone sharing teleportation in of itself, I would at least kind of appreciate it if there was a solid difference between them, I mean mine has a bit more utility to it, but I've inherently put a few stipulations on how it works. (Since she can only teleport to where her knives, or the object she's imprinted on is.) I suppose if we make it a notion of since my character is a bit more based at keeping her distance while Snakes is more getting up close we could work the stipulations around that?


I just tell you guys the requirements to get into the game. It is up to you whether you want to abide by those requirements or not. If you don't want to abide by the GM's requirements, then just don't apply to the game. Majority of the people have met those requirements, and so if there are a few exceptions, then I am not one bit concerned.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


We got our last person for these two groups. He will be posting his CS here soon. I will get to work on the Character Thread and IC as well as finishing up these Character Avatars. I am no longer top-side and back downrange so be patient with me lol. It shouldn't take any more than a day to get all of that up, so be prepared to finally get into the game. :)

The entire NPC Beacon Faculty will be introduced.

Any future players can still join, they just must understand that I will be taking four players at a time for a potential team.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Name: Akumo Isevard
Nickname(s): Aki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral
Written Appearance: Lean and toned build, Wine-Red Hair, Pinkish-Red Eyes, 6,3", 190lbs, Main Outfit, Tattoo of his emblem over his chest in Black
Hekon Isevard; Father Diseased
Jubilas Isevard; Mother Diseased
Amol Isevard; Grandmother Diseased
Titaou Isebard; Grandfather Alive
Personality: Always trying to support a level head in both communication and combat scenarios, Akumo is very hard to off balance. Practicing patience and paced thinking, he is quite a calm personality that can be quite soothing or menacing to specific people. Always trying to understand friend and foe alike. He doesn't try to show his feelings when he is upset or frustrated, but people who show blatant disregard for the well being of someone else will cause an obvious tell which is the clenching of the right fist and the narrowing of his eyes. He enjoys sitting in the background of conversation in groups, and will often be the listener in teamwork situations. Leadership roles were never his thing, but he also strides in independence.
Background: Hailing from the Cliff-side settlements of Anima, Akumo's family are a lineage of soldiers, not remarkable in the eyes of history, but their actions proved louder than written word in the eyes of their companions. The family were notorious in their usage of large and heavy weapons, not only to intimidate but designed in ways that caught the enemy off-guard. When it came to Akumo's parents, the Segment Rocket Great-sword and the Rocket Gauntlets were his mother and father's trade. However, after the conception and birth of Akumo, the wars took them from him, and time took his grandmother. Leaving just his veteran grandfather to raise him. When he was strong enough, Akumo took his father's weapon, and burried his mother's gauntlets away. He built his strength trying to use the unruly weapon. There was some indeed close calls with falling off the cliff due to the weapons nature. But his body grew into using the weapon. Becoming toned and lean. Eventually Akumo began to guard his town, the weapon was powerful against large Grim, which caught the attention of a scout making their way through, seeing a chance for a powerful soldier if they could refine the raw determination into power.
Emblem: Wings of Remembrance
Weapon: Titanus, a rather large and imposing Greatsword that looks far too heavy for the average soldier, and indeed it has slow and powerful strikes that are devestating, but looks very easy to dodge. But that is the point of the weapon, it's far more deadly then what it appears to be. The blade is segmented, and the blade can become propelled by dust through vents in these segments making this slow looking weapon become neck breaking fast, lodging or cleaving itself hilt deep into the floor or walls. But this is only a prelude to the weapons ranged ability, through the squeeze of a trigger on the blade's hilt, the sword splits all the way down in segments and becomes a long rocket chain blade, that has a massive reach and powerful swings which are great for large monsters or far away targets. The weapon is powered mainly from a crystal residing in the metal just above the hilt and uses vents along each segment of the blade to control the direction of where the blade is going, and to return it back into it's greatsword form. While great against large Grim and slower targets, the weapon lacks effectiveness in it's ranged form with faster and smaller targets, and in greatsword form, if the element of surprise is lost with the surprise rocket cleave attack, it leaves wide open moments that can be taken advantage of.
Aura: Red [Locked Currently]
Semblance: Beserker Rage, Acting like a slow charge and fire, Akumo once able to access his aura will find that during fights, over time he will feel a growing 'surge' in his chest, and will continue to grow the longer he fights until it reaches it's 'maximum' level and at that point Akumo can unleash it with his emotions, causing a firing of bright red fiery aura that radiates off of him, his muscles will become slightly larger and more defined, his eyes glow and his hair looks to be on fire with red flames. But it's not just a visual change, but a physical one. His strength has doubled, along with his reaction time and speed, making him a monster on the battlefield. At some point the aura will begin to fade until he is set back to zero, which can be exhausting to adjust back to your normal level, and from there the charge will continue back up for a set number of 2 more times.
Fighting Style: Akumo knows his weapon will appear to make him look like a intimidating target which he uses to his advantage, while trying his best not to telegraph his attacks, he will go for large advancing cleaving swings aimed to decapitate or disable limbs, for smarter targets he will try to catch them off guard with his weapons sudden rocket propelled blasts to smash the flat of the weapon against them or devastating cleaves. He uses the weapon itself as a shield due to it's size when he knows he can't avoid an attack, but will also use the rocket propelled varient to get himself into different positions by sinking the blade into a wall or ceiling and then pulling himself up or around by holding onto the sword as it goes back into sword mode.
Strengths: Akumo is incredibly physically strong, not only to wield his weapon as well as he does without it's rocket propelled traits, but to physically pick up or stop heavy objects with his hands, and take heavy blows without being sent flying.
Weakness: Akumo is not suited for fast paced scenarios, if his opponent has a speed advantage, or currently having an aura, he is at a disadvantage immediately.
Character Theme:
Color Code: #C70039
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.


Well I'm withdrawing the previous applicant and using a different one.

Name: Jason Sabreheim
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral
Written Appearance: Jason's a big guy; standing about 6'4" and weighs around 210 lbs with a muscular build. HIs hair is short, straight and a chestnut brown color. His facial features are somewhat angular but sharp and well-defined with a sort of rugged handsomeness. He generally sports a 5 o'clock shadow in terms of facial hair. Set off by his steel-blue colored eyes.
Overall he generally likes to wear dark colors and light clothing unless temperatures demand more. His favorite outfit would be a black sleeveless shirt with a matching duster with fingerless gloves over his torso and simplistic black or blue jeans with high boots fastened with buckles with stylized dragon talons extending off the toe for better grip while running.
Family: Jason was orphaned by a strong storm that capsize the ship he and his parents were aboard. He only survived by virtue of being on the top deck and was thrown off during the listing. He drifted in a dinghy that'd broken free and half paddled, half drifted to the island of Menagerie.
Father- Alexander Sabreheim (Deceased)
Mother- Maria Sabreheim (Deceased)
Older Sister- Lilith "Lily" Sabreheim (Alive and is currently in Atlas when story starts, working with the military's R&D)
Grand-father: Anthony Astrilyn (Mother's father; the rest of his family is unknown to him; but it's somewhat large but more or less estranged fom immediate family)

Personality: He'd call himself  "A ghost"; the type of person that nobody really notices is there unless they speak up or do something. Which is fine with him, he thinks more people are idiots with a few exceptions, stemming from an opinion that individual people are smart, witty and overall decent folk; but as whole people are idiots. He can be blunt and tactless, but honest; as he sees no reason to lie for the most part. Jason considers himself a good "sounding board" for people as he can patiently listen and engage with people in an effort to help them feel better or understand something.

As for what Jason likes... he likes women (obviously) but is the type to rarely feel good/worthwhile enough to say anything about it. Outside of that; he likes survivalist stuff and seeing new things if that's all possible. As for Disikes: he hates elitists with a flaming passion and anyone who thinks their wealth makes them above others. He can't stand spicy food either (overly sensitive to it)

Background: Jason hails from a small town in Mistral where his father was a well-respected stonemason and blacksmith, while his mother operated a small family shop to sell the wares his father made and also to arrange masonry jobs. His older sister was always the type who wanted to see the world and left home almost as soon as she turned 18 (she is 6 years older than him). His background is pretty average though, all things considered; no big tragedies, grimm attacks or other events.

So the trip to Menagerie was a surprise; his father had been commissioned to design and build something. The building was just a normal watchtower and an attached warehouse; it was nothing particularly special. He and his mother going with since his mother wanted to see it herself and handle the business dealings while Jason was supposed to help his old man out with the work itself. However, during the night while his parents were resting; a strong storm rolled in which caused the sea to become angry and choppy which would ultimately fling Jason from the top deck and into the drink. He doesn't recall much detail other than the sensation of something purposefully hitting the ship's hull underwater from a violent and sudden jerk of the ship.

He clung to a lifeboat that'd been dislodged and tried to help others that ended up in the sea; but was pushed away from it by the wave action and currents. Washing up sometime around midday on Menagerie, where he stayed for about a year until he sorted through the event and shook off the shock of it all. He returned to Mistral and applied for one of the combat academies after learning what likely struck the ship was some sort of Grimm. He went from there to Beacon after completing the training requirements

Emblem: Dragon wings partially furled around a downward pointing sword
Weapon: Nodachi (It's about 5 long and affixed to his back using a strong, disengagable magnet; it has no special form or decoration, and Magnum revolver that fires dust-empowered bullets, powered by a crystal in the handle; usually powered by a fire crystal or a water crystal; imparting the proper elemental damage. It's a standard 6-shot revolver that'd been modified to use dust/crystals to power itself
Aura: Maroon X3
Semblance: Hydrokinesis (A specialized version of telekinesis, focusing on manipulating/controlling water. He can only manipulate what exists already; in a dry area it takes more time to use; but in a humid one it's far easier)
Fighting Style: A mix of both swordsmanship "gun-fu" of sorts. a Self-taught freeform style to allow for maximum in-combat flexibility
Strengths: Jason's a natural survivalist; knowing much about living off the land away from civilization. He's quite well-educated as well in the fields of biology, history and tradecraft. He's also a decent cook/chef and practices landscape painting when he can. In combat; he's very physically strong and tough (even without his aura; he can still take a beating)
Weakness: Spicy food (He can't stand it); tends to stay quiet in social situations when around people he doesn't know or large groups. Suffers headaches from using his semblance since he just recently unlocked it. Becomes easily frustrated by logic games/riddles. 
Character Theme: Click here for Theme
Color Code:
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.



Background: His father was required to design and build "something." Is this going to remain a secret or did you have an idea what that something is?

Weapon: Describe all you can about this weapon as well as how it fires as a magnum. How many rounds total can it carry? What are the common dusts it uses? What is the maximum length of the nodachi? What does it look like if it has a special appearance?

Aura: One color only x3.

Semblance: Does he create this water out of thin air or does he manipulate water already in existence?

@Everyone Else

Be sure to see the links on the front page. I have placed the Character Thread link there so move your CSes there only if you have been approved by me.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


The IC is up. Refer to the links section. If you haven't been bookmarking the threads, then please do so. Majority of GM announcements will be happening in the OOC thread.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


There we go. fixed


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Quote from: Snake on April 19, 2018, 12:58:40 PM
Well I'm withdrawing the previous applicant and using a different one.

Name: Jason Sabreheim
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Mistral
Written Appearance: Jason's a big guy; standing about 6'4" and weighs around 210 lbs with a muscular build. HIs hair is short, straight and a chestnut brown color. His facial features are somewhat angular but sharp and well-defined with a sort of rugged handsomeness. He generally sports a 5 o'clock shadow in terms of facial hair. Set off by his steel-blue colored eyes.
Overall he generally likes to wear dark colors and light clothing unless temperatures demand more. His favorite outfit would be a black sleeveless shirt with a matching duster with fingerless gloves over his torso and simplistic black or blue jeans with high boots fastened with buckles with stylized dragon talons extending off the toe for better grip while running.
Family: Jason was orphaned by a strong storm that capsize the ship he and his parents were aboard. He only survived by virtue of being on the top deck and was thrown off during the listing. He drifted in a dinghy that'd broken free and half paddled, half drifted to the island of Menagerie.
Father- Alexander Sabreheim (Deceased)
Mother- Maria Sabreheim (Deceased)
Older Sister- Lilith "Lily" Sabreheim (Alive and is currently in Atlas when story starts, working with the military's R&D)
Grand-father: Anthony Astrilyn (Mother's father; the rest of his family is unknown to him; but it's somewhat large but more or less estranged fom immediate family)

Personality: He'd call himself  "A ghost"; the type of person that nobody really notices is there unless they speak up or do something. Which is fine with him, he thinks more people are idiots with a few exceptions, stemming from an opinion that individual people are smart, witty and overall decent folk; but as whole people are idiots. He can be blunt and tactless, but honest; as he sees no reason to lie for the most part. Jason considers himself a good "sounding board" for people as he can patiently listen and engage with people in an effort to help them feel better or understand something.

As for what Jason likes... he likes women (obviously) but is the type to rarely feel good/worthwhile enough to say anything about it. Outside of that; he likes survivalist stuff and seeing new things if that's all possible. As for Disikes: he hates elitists with a flaming passion and anyone who thinks their wealth makes them above others. He can't stand spicy food either (overly sensitive to it)

Background: Jason hails from a small town in Mistral where his father was a well-respected stonemason and blacksmith, while his mother operated a small family shop to sell the wares his father made and also to arrange masonry jobs. His older sister was always the type who wanted to see the world and left home almost as soon as she turned 18 (she is 6 years older than him). His background is pretty average though, all things considered; no big tragedies, grimm attacks or other events.

So the trip to Menagerie was a surprise; his father had been commissioned to design and build something. The building was just a normal watchtower and an attached warehouse; it was nothing particularly special. He and his mother going with since his mother wanted to see it herself and handle the business dealings while Jason was supposed to help his old man out with the work itself. However, during the night while his parents were resting; a strong storm rolled in which caused the sea to become angry and choppy which would ultimately fling Jason from the top deck and into the drink. He doesn't recall much detail other than the sensation of something purposefully hitting the ship's hull underwater from a violent and sudden jerk of the ship.

He clung to a lifeboat that'd been dislodged and tried to help others that ended up in the sea; but was pushed away from it by the wave action and currents. Washing up sometime around midday on Menagerie, where he stayed for about a year until he sorted through the event and shook off the shock of it all. He returned to Mistral and applied for one of the combat academies after learning what likely struck the ship was some sort of Grimm. He went from there to Beacon after completing the training requirements

Emblem: Dragon wings partially furled around a downward pointing sword
Weapon: Nodachi (It's about 5 long and affixed to hide back using a strong, disengagable magnet; it has no special form), and Magnum revolver that fires dust-empowered bullets, powered by a crystal in the handle; usually powered by a fire crystal or a water crystal; imparting the proper elemental damage. It's a standard 6-shot revolver that'd been modified to use dust/crystals to power itself
Aura: Maroon x 3
Semblance: Hydrokinesis (A specialized version of telekinesis, focusing on manipulating/controlling water. He can only manipulate what exists already; in a dry area it takes more time to use; but in a humid one it's far easier)
Fighting Style: A mix of both swordsmanship "gun-fu" of sorts. a Self-taught freeform style to allow for maximum in-combat flexibility
Strengths: Jason's a natural survivalist; knowing much about living off the land away from civilization. He's quite well-educated as well in the fields of biology, history and tradecraft. He's also a decent cook/chef and practices landscape painting when he can. In combat; he's very physically strong and tough (even without his aura; he can still take a beating)
Weakness: Spicy food (He can't stand it); tends to stay quiet in social situations when around people he doesn't know or large groups. Suffers headaches from using his semblance since he just recently unlocked it. Becomes easily frustrated by logic games/riddles. 
Character Theme: Click here for Theme
Color Code:
Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

If you make that correction that I highlighted in "red", then his CS will be good to go.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


if it's the notion of what color it is, I've changed it. ifnot then I'm not sure waht I'm missig. o.O


Quote from: Snake on April 21, 2018, 04:54:16 PM
if it's the notion of what color it is, I've changed it. ifnot then I'm not sure waht I'm missig. o.O

"Teal x3" is all Aura needs to say.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


oh it was a literal correction. not me impinging on another's color choice. *derp'd*


I'm going to post a clarification. This game is still accepting and is not closed to new players. Players can still join Chapter One. However, if this game gets three players at this point and not four, then they could potentially not be a formed team yet. Again, however, if any of the new players that join and get approved now happen to make eye-contact with other characters during the Entrance Exam, then they won't have to worry about the team-less-ness. My goal though is to make sure a team is formed for how ever many players choose to join this game.  :-)

This game receives a lot of interest, but not many people finish their CSes. If you plan to join this game, please make an effort to finish the CS so you can join up.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


I really love the concept of RWBY's world, and I think this RP could be a lot of fun! It's been a little bit of time since it was clarified that characters are still being accepted, but if it is still open then I'd like to throw my hat into the ring, even if it involves waiting to see if other folks show interest.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Name: Lyn Starcaterus
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Solitas, on the edges of civilization

Written Appearance: While Lyn is of middling height for a man of his young age, the unassuming stature belies a brawny build. Lyn stands just under six feet tall with a muscular frame that suggests he’s seen a lifetime of outdoors activity. He is typically garbed in rather rustic attire, with a practical tunic and a fur cape, which leaves him looking quite out of place in the hustle and bustle of modern society.

Lyn has pale blue eyes and a face that carries an air of optimism. His blonde hair is long and unkempt, falling into a wild mane that completes his altogether rugged appearance. He would have ended up looking like a relic of a bygone age were it not for his obvious youthfulness.

Family: Lise (Sister), Vand (Brother, missing, presumed deceased), Sife (Mother), Himmel (Father, deceased), Fray (Grandmother), Mader (Great-grandfather, deceased)

Personality: If Lyn could use four words to describe himself, he would say “rough and tumble.” If he could continue further, he might mention that he’s not very good at counting.

While it becomes quite apparent while interacting with him that Lyn is hardly the brightest young man to walk Remnant. He can be a bit oblivious to the world around him, foolhardy, and downright bull-headed from time to time. He has a tendency to look for direct solutions to problems, even if they aren't the best solutions. In fact, Lyn sometimes demonstrates that he has a bit of a temper. He’s quick to get frustrated when he’s out of his depth, or when he feels slighted.

However, interacting further with him reveals that, beyond his rugged and stubborn exterior, he has a keen intuition all his own. He is a friendly, kind-hearted person, with his own form of wisdom born from his uncommon upbringing. While he is boisterous and exuberant, he is also empathetic and loyal. If the off-putting exterior of a fool can be passed, Lyn proves to be a stalwart friend. And one with quite the abundant sense of humor, at that. What’s better than a good laugh, after all?

More important than any of that, however, is that Lyn loves to fight. Sparring, wrestling, tussling, and even actual blood-and-thunder battles. The flow of adrenaline when skill is pitted against skill in the noblest sport fills the young warrior with elation. While he is normally full of vim, vigor, and boisterous spirit, it will increase tenfold in the heat of battle. He will roar, rollick, and holler with glee, and perhaps a touch of rage.

Beyond brawling, he enjoys the wilderness. He has spent much of his life roughing it in the wilds, and has come to appreciate all of its many aspects. Animals, crisp air, open skies, and freedom from crowds. What’s not to like?

Background: Lyn traces his path back to Solitas, where he was born and raised on the outskirts of civilization. His father passed to illness when he was very young, leaving Lyn with his mother, older brother and sister, and grandmother. The family mostly kept to themselves out in the wilderness, away from the more advanced cities of Atlas. This provided Lyn an opportunity to become acquainted with the ways of the wild, growing to be a good hand at survival, at least for a youth.

While he was never told the reason for his family’s relative seclusion, Lyn personally suspected that it had to do with his great-grandfather, Mader, who served as an officer for Mantle in the Great War. From what Lyn could learn, Mader’s command was disgracefully obliterated in the campaign in Vacuo, despite the family’s history of military excellence. The failure wiped away the family’s reputation and prompted them to decide to live on their own.

Lyn’s older brother, Vand, took it upon himself to attempt to clear the family’s name and restore their prestige. He took up the family’s axe and set out to become a noble Huntsman. He was accepted into the Atlas Academy, despite the ill mark on his family name. He proved to be a successful hunter, graduating and going on to what he hoped would be greatness. An unfortunate fate awaited him, however, as he soon went missing. All that was recovered of him was the axe, returned to his family, and he was presumed slain by the Grimms he hunted.

By the time he neared adulthood, Lyn decided to follow in his brother’s footsteps. Armed with his family’s axe, he set off to find his calling as a Huntsman, desiring to vanquish powerful foes and protect those who needed it, and perhaps clear his family’s honor in the process. His first destination was to make his way to Sanus, where his name wouldn’t carry quite the same stigma, or so he hoped.

Of course, given his lack of experience with more civilized locales, he had a rough time of it…

Fortunately, his roaming caught the attention of particularly interested persons. It was not everyday that such a promising young man left a trail of Grimm bodies in the wake of his seemingly aimless wandering. It didn’t take much to convince Lyn to undergo some preliminary tests to prove his suitability as a prospective Huntsman to attend Beacon. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Emblem: The Starcaterus emblem is known as the Cleave of the Mountain. It is a double-bladed axe with golden blades facing towards the ground, its haft pierced by two red thorns.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Weapon: The Mountain King

The Mountain King’s primary form is that of a giant, brutal, double-bladed axe. The haft alone is about eight feet long, providing it ample reach, but leaving the weapon overwhelmingly heavy. Each blade is practically a guillotine in its own right at two feet long, and the weapon is capped by a nasty spike. The axe has clearly seen some use, looking old and worn, but just as menacing as ever.

A lever on the axe’s haft slides the blades up and to the side, forming the bowstave of an oversized repeating crossbow. The weapon is still incredibly heavy, but the projectiles, powered by Lightning dust, pack a wallop and a half and can be fired quickly. Though the secondary form is just as powerful as the massive axe it originates from, the simplicity of the transformation suggests that it is, indeed, an old weapon. The only perceptible change when it switches forms is the blades fanning out to the sides to create a smooth arc to fire bolts from, leaving the haft just as long as before.

Aura: Sky Blue x3

Semblance: Calm Before the Storm: Lyn is able to exhibit his aura by slowly building up static electricity over an extended period, particularly when he is moving on the ground. The electricity visibly crackles upon his body as it reaches a fever pitch, serving as a protective barrier against harm when in this state. He can choose to sacrifice the barrier by releasing it in a singular explosion with a short range, delivered by touching his opponent with a finger. The static explosion is indiscriminate in its destruction, and can severely harm Lyn, as well.

Fighting Style: Lyn primarily relies on strength and brute force when fighting, whirling his axe in broad, cleaving strikes that, while slower than the weapons of most Huntsmen, are still surprisingly swift. Though he prefers direct power, that is not to say he is lacking in agility. He moves and dodges around his axe, as if the weapon were the center of the combined unit rather than the wielder. He even goes so far as to use the axe as an aid to perform acrobatic feats, flinging its weight to-and-fro like a counterbalance. In a pinch, or even just for the hell of it, Lyn won’t shy away from throwing punches and kicks into the mix, to supplement his weapon’s slow speed.

When he finds himself getting into the heat of battle, and feels adrenaline flowing hot within his veins, Lyn sometimes flies into a frenzy. His fighting style stays much the same, but takes on a decidedly savage air. He won’t be afraid to stoop low and use his hands to aid in moving along the ground. His attacks grow more aggressive and he fights with reckless abandon, holding less concern for his own safety. Fortunately, both in and out of his incensed condition, Lyn is naturally quite durable.


  • Overwhelming Force: Lyn is strong. Very strong. His build allows him to swing for the fences and smash through his opponents’ defense with sheer might.
  • Rugged and Tough: Lyn is naturally fairly sturdy, only aided by an active and outdoorsy life.
  • Survivalist: Lyn is well-acquainted with the wilderness, due to his upbringing, and can survive comfortably in most environments.
  • Animal Affinity: Lyn is fond of critters of all shapes and sizes, and most seem to be fond of him. Nevermind that he’s been bitten a few times. That won’t dissuade him.
  • Loyal: Lyn considers his loyalty one of his greatest strengths. When his friendship is won, it isn’t soon lost.
  • Wise: Despite whatever shortcomings he may have, Lyn has his share of empathy and intuition, and then some. He often has valuable insight, though it’s usually simple and straightforward.
  • Carry a Tune: Lyn’s most surprising skill is that he actually has a very nice singing voice. He explains that he spent much of his time in the woods singing to himself, and therefore had plenty of practice.


  • Fool: While some of the claims about Lyn’s intelligence are grossly exaggerated, it’s true that he can be a bit dense from time to time. His education was not as comprehensive as most prospective hunters, and it often shows.
  • Stubborn: Lyn can be incredibly stubborn, to his detriment, especially when he feels slighted.
  • Temper, Temper: Lyn has a fairly short temper and, while he does not always express his anger explosively, he has been known to get rather upset. He’s often put himself in hot water by getting mad at the wrong time or at the wrong person.
  • Rustic: Lyn is fairly inexperienced with the ways of the more urban world, and it is hard to miss as he 'Oh's and 'Ah's at trivial wonders. His manners could certainly use some work, to say the least.
  • Archaic Weapon: The age of his axe has its downsides. The transformation between its forms is more sluggish than more modern weapons, and it is far less compact.
  • Slow: While Lyn himself is not a particularly slothful person, having to use an old, unwieldy weapon like his axe keeps him held back. While swinging it is still hardly glacial, it is much slower than most weapons used by other hunters. Most maneuvers take a bit more time to accomplish than his peers while wielding such a behemoth of a weapon.

Character Theme:

Color Code: Sky Blue #35BCF8

Character Diary
Any relations you create with other characters go here. You can also keep a summary of storyline events that your character was involved in here.

Hopefully everything checks out nicely! Let me know if I need to fix anything up, and all of that.


The CS looks good. I only request you state how long the axe actually is for reach purposes, and he's good to go. :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Edited my post with precise details on how long the haft and blades are! Hopefully that clears it up.


Looks good. Approved! It's late here, so I'll work on adding him to the list tomorrow. You are free to move his CS to the character thread, post in the OOC , and the IC.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



Um, um.
So I've been kinda stalking this thread for a week and I can't take it anymore, I'd really like to join. Dx

If it's cool, I can submit a sheet sometime today?

I also take it the thread title is stating that the 4th team has one member so far, is that right? I couldn't tell if there's one spot LEFT or if there was only one person on the team so far, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted it!


Hey Mouse. :) Currently we have 2 full teams and 1 person in forming a third, with you as well means we will need 2 more to fill the third team. :)


Quote from: supermouse on May 05, 2018, 08:04:21 AM
Um, um.
So I've been kinda stalking this thread for a week and I can't take it anymore, I'd really like to join. Dx

If it's cool, I can submit a sheet sometime today?

I also take it the thread title is stating that the 4th team has one member so far, is that right? I couldn't tell if there's one spot LEFT or if there was only one person on the team so far, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted it!

Submit away.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Name: Quinten Whitaker
Nickname(s): Quin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Vacuo
Written Appearance: Quin lets his brown hair grow past his honey brown eyes, is above average in height standing at six feet tall, and weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. Despite living in the harsh desert of Vacuo he has maintained a fair complexion due to his chosen weapon's practicality. While living in the desert his clothing was light and breezy. He purchased a heavier wardrobe for going to Beacon, a light dress shirt, sweater, and jacket being his usual outfit for the colder climate.

Family: Lorance Whitaker - Father
Cynthia Whitaker - Mother
Dolan Whitaker - Brother
Silas Whitaker  - Brother
Solis Whitaker - Brother
Nolan Whitaker - Brother
Personality: Quin tends to make others angry with his straightforward speech. He can be quite blunt and gets to the point of sarcastic. He also doesn't get angry or frustrated in situations where others might. Over the years he has shown tremendous patience, whether it's waiting for a situation to arise, or using his unique perspective to coach his older brother's.

On the flip side of his personality and speech, it becomes rather difficult to know what he's really thinking as others have to work out if he's being sarcastic or straightforward. One example of this is that he readily smiles, an expression that makes him seem arrogant or smug, but he is the type of man that would stop and chat with a janitor like they were equals.

Background: True to his name's origin Quinten is the 5th son of Lorance, a once great Vacuo huntsman, and the grandson of a long passed soldier in the Great War who did not the strength of Lorance. Growing up in the harsh desert was made no easier by his family. Lorance raised his boys with the Vacuo motto "anyone who is able to survive the harsh conditions of Vacuo is welcome to live among them" to which he interpreted to mean that his sons had to be strong and had each trained in a style that suited them.

Once they were relatively skilled he would test his sons by bringing them out to an abandoned settlement and drawing weak grim. This spartan training worked until he brought out his fourth son, Nolan, and the settlement had been worse off than he realized. From Nolan's recounting their father had slain the massive scorpion grim at the cost of his life, though his body was never recovered and neither beast nor Huntsman was seen again.

Determined to keep the tradition going, and against their Mother's wishes, Quin's elder brothers brought him out to an abandoned settlement and tested his mettle. He proved to be almost disturbingly calm and made good use of his skills as a fighter, even using his semblance to inform his brother's that a group of grim had taken notice of them and giving them the chance to safely retreat.

Getting into the first combat academy was expected and easy. One brother entered after another every year, with Quin at the tail end of the pack. His family name became known for above average fighters, though they all had a cold attitude or fiery tempers except for himself. It was how, along with his particular weapon, he separated himself from his brothers. That was also the reason Beacon felt more comfortable accepting him, the calmest and most patient of the Whitaker's, after rejecting his elder brothers.

Their Mother's influence on her sons has been relatively small, she relates most to Quin as he is the most like her, and has a very hands-off parenting style. She has been the main support for the family after her husbands passing as even before she married she had been involved in the dust trade and made good enough money to support five growing boys.


Weapon: Umbral Manifestation

Carry Mode: It is simply a heavy metal umbrella which covers a large area and carrying it around in the desert in this mode enabled him to preserve his fair complexion over the years. In this mode, the spear tip can still be seen and the umbrella itself is durable, though it wouldn't stand up to a grim in its passive form.

Melee Combat: The metal folds in half toward the tip of the spear, giving each thrust additional weight, and the rotating movements he likes to use between attacks let it build up considerable momentum. While fighting Grim his preferred method of combat is powerful deep stabs with the spear tip to weaken and aims for the head for finishing blows. He also mixes in heavy bludgeoning blows to keep his attack pattern unpredictable.

Ranged Mode:The ranged mode of the umbrella has the metal shifting higher and forming six barrels by which it spews out rapid shots with the use of fire dust. This is his preferred method of dealing with large groups of small grim, spending dust to save his endurance for larger threats.

Aura: Teal x3

Semblance: Audio Loud consistent sounds, like music or prolonged battle, provide him sonar-like ability to sense his surroundings. It makes him immune to ambush and with training, it can give him forewarning of incoming ranged attacks. The unfortunate side effect is that using it also means everyone knows right where he is at all times.

Fighting Style: Quin is adept at martial arts and mixes them strategically into his weapon attacks, along with moves that most would consider deceitful at best and dirty at worst. One of his favorite combos is to spin Umbral twice, make an bludgeoning attack from above, retract before hitting an opponents guard, thrust the spear tip forward to bring the guard up again. The attack will be aimed wide so he can use the thrust to carry him forward, grasp his opponents face, take them off their feet with the momentum, and slam their heads into the ground. Manipulating his opponent and attacking in unexpected ways is his preferred method, though he will readily fall into rapid thrusts or just the spinning bludgeoning blows if his opponent is too clever to be fooled.

  • Adapting - He has been exposed to a multitude of volatile personalities and dangerous situations and has always taken them in stride.
  • Stamina - He has been running and fighting in the desert on little water for years and trained his body for combat of attrition.
  • Loyalty - To those that deserve it.
  • Ruthless - He will not hesitate to kill an enemy or to preserve his life.
  • Patience and Calm - Busy streets, bloody battles, screaming children, foul-mouthed aggressors, he will remain composed.
  • Survival - Put him anywhere in the world and he would muddle through it with a whistle and a smile.


  • Cold - He has discovered that he hates the colder Vale climate and his wardrobe reflects his propensity for getting a chill.
  • Carbonation - The first time he drank a soda his eldest brother tickled him and the burning in his nose turned him off carbonation forever.
  • Speed - Though his dexterity is high and he masks his lack of speed with the spinning movement of his weapon he is not particularly quick on his feet.
  • Unseasoned Food - In Vacou dried meats with heavy spices and salt are common, and the relatively unseasoned food in Vale is so bland he can barely eat it.
  • "He'll be fine." - Though he will help if he deems it a life or death situation he has the parental instincts of a bird who would kick it's young out of the nest to see if it can fly.
  • Forgetful of Grudges - Even if someone did manage to get under his skin or slight him somehow he would probably just forget it within a month, especially if he already enacted vengeance.

Character Theme:
Color Code: #39BAD4
Character Diary

Character Notes: Whitaker means "white field".


This will be potentially third person for team 3. I will look at this profile when I get a moment. Just providing a heads up for delay.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


What's the duration of his Semblance ability? Time is not measured in writing so I have everyone measure duration in turns. A turn is one complete rotation in a posting order or cycle. Unless it is meant to only activate for one turn, which would be long enough to perform whatever action he needs to perform within the post.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend



There are no passives here. Everything has a cost and for him,currently, it is 3 uses.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Really... I hadn't seen a no passives rule anywhere.

So here's what we're gonna do. Instead of telling me what I can't do, tell me what I can do. You, GM, tell me the player, how long you think is fair.

Trust me, it will be a time saver for both of us.


We're still accepting people. The chapter isn't even mid-way finished. Come to this game with positivity and creativity. If you come with drama, I will not accept you. It is in the rules. "What I Say Goes" is also in the rules. If you are wanting to join this game, then by doing so, you are agreeing to follow the rules.

We have a third team that is near complete. It could use three interesting characters and writers.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


Chapter One Recruiting

We are still in Chapter One. All that has happened was Azuri, Lyn, Robin, and Masque (Team One) had finished dispatching two Death Stalkers. Auro (Team 2) was separated from his team after they dispatched a King Taijitu. The characters are trying to complete the Beacon Academy Entrance Exam. We are so far still in Day One, but it will be night soon.

Team 2 could use three more participants. It is assumed that there are several huntsmen/huntresses in the exam, and so your characters easily finding and appearing at the current group’s camp won’t be an issue. This game has some great writers who have brought some believable character personalities to the game. They are dedicated and patient. We move the game along as we need to. If you think you’ll like this kind of story, then please do join and feel free to contribute to what we have. Look forward to seeing new recruits. :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend