Insanity Islands (Universe)

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Insanity Islands

Insanity Islands is a steampunk fantasy roleplaying universe with near to minimal magic outside of supernatural occurances. The general areas for occupants allowed are as followed: Humans, Reptilians/Amphibians, Avians, Aquatics, Land-Born, and Canines, each with their own territories for islands as well as the mainland. (though the mainland is only divided between Land-Born, Humans, and Canines)However, an Aquatics home is the ocean or freshwater streams of the mainland, and due to a treaty between all of the races Aquatics own everything that they can reach and carry without leaving the water. Each grouping of islands has it's own set of dictum based on the government provided by the race itself, since the humans attempted to unite the entire world because of their power and ended up backfiring and driving them to live solely on the mainlands due to some burnt bridges to the three 'island' races. The 'United War' lasted for about three decades, finished when the generally neutral Avian and Aquatic races believed that a forced to be united nation was against the Island laws, and then with the Reptilians they drove the Humans back to the mainland. Unfortunately, this caused the human race to be bottled onto the mainland which gave way to allowing the Humans onto the Canine and Land-Born islands which gaurd the coast to the mainland.

Occupations and Lifestyles

-Main Occupations-

Slavery: Utilized mostly by the Humans and Reptilians, though the highest in demand for both genders is from the Avians and Aquatics being that the two races tend to have the most wanted Attributes while others are lacking in a certain area.

Non-Illegal Trade: Utilized by anyone who has a short ranged vessel, or a long ranged flying ship. This feild can range to even anyone on foot with a wagon or cart if the island is large enough or if they're on the mainland, and encompasses everything except for slavery.

Royalty: Suprisingly, only Humans have more than one Linear bloodline for royalty, being that two sparked the idea for the United War in the first place. You are born into this Occupation, you are banished from even managing to work independantly.

Guide: Survival guides, Urban guides, and others who are informants that would show you what they're talking about would count as guides. These are the ones who are able to craft Steampunk and teach Residual as well, besides being stationary vendors. Guides are also reffered to as 'Teachers' 'Mentors' and even 'Master' being that they tend to excell rather well in their proffession.

Combatant: This occupation covers survivalists, scouts, assassins, gaurdsmen, and any who are expected to get into some level of combat in their weekly life. These are the ones who excel in combat more than crafts or soclializing, and are better with a fist to the face of their opponent then making attempts to solve it peacefully, though certain kinds have been sprung up who have been able to do so in the middle of combat.



The world of Insanity Islands has, and never will be, given a proper name. The first civilization was more worried with surviving within the drastic changes in the world than giving a name to their home other than the initial area. Humans were the first to have been known to live on the surface of the planet, though Mythics (creatures that are said to be rare or legendary) could be contested to have been alive before the human beings even managed to live. With the planet's ecosystem in the early stages of chaos, the Mythics and Humans that lived on the surface began to effect one-another, though humans being partially altered to take on aspects and abilities of the Mythics in the area. With a sense of power through adaptability, the human half-breeds began to amass an army as the pure-blooded humans and mythics denied the half-breeds as their own kind, bringing cause to the Cataclysmic War.

-The Cataclysmic War-

For over 80 years, war between the pure and tainted raged on. For 80 years anyone who refused to fight or escape underground was slaughtered, though either option only slightly decreased the chance of death. For 80 years civilizations quickly attempted to amass power however they could, soon discovering the use of magic on both sides which is the only cause for the war itself to end. A group of pure and tainted breeds joined together, numbering only up to five members total, and sought to end the war however they could. Their leader was kind and compassionate, though would be more than willing to cause order through sheer force of power and will. His cause to end the war was because he was sick of the fighting, and the group followed his rational. At the climax of the war, the group of five was sought out by both sides and fought the two small armies set against them with bravery, might, and spells at their command. Unfortunately, the numbers amassed before the group overwhelmed them, but the leader decided not to let the war continue when he sought to end it. He spoke the Words of Destruction and sacrificed his own physical body to wipe out the armies around them, though the cataclysm which took hold mere seconds after the first spoken word was heard altered the face of the world. With almost an entire third of the continent destroyed and shifted into the ocean, the war ended and the leader of the group was named Cataclysm, though his remains were not found unlike those of his comrades.

-The Second Cataclysm-

Peace did not last long, as the first Cataclysm bolstered the effects of magic whilst altering territories and locations world-wide. With a new war raging for just under 70 years, the stories of the war before fell upon deaf ears. Though on the seventy-fifth year of the second war, another outburst of magic, this one double the strength of the Words of Destruction's power, wracked the entire continent and it's neighboring islands. With resources suddenly diminished, and all magic severely weakened, there was to not be another war, as the apparent Cataclysm was watching over the world with his intent of peace through fear imminent. There has not been another world war which has lasted more than 30 years since.

-The Blinded Eyes-

The world itself was created with an unknown purpose, and lived below a pair of moons which rotate around each other whilst orbiting the world itself. There is one that has been continuously scarred by the rays of the sun, and has turned to a soft off-white color, whilst the other has been shielded by the first and has stayed as a dark brown tint which blends into the night sky in the presence of it's brother moon. These two moons are called the Eyes of Elmaire, said to have been the one who set them upon the heavens when they would have otherwise crashed together into the world itself. It was with the settling of these two moons which brought about the stability in which the world has fallen into, save the citizens within who will never outgrow their restless nature.

-The United War-

Back before steampunk was fully infused into the life of a majority of the races, there was the United War which raged for years as each race was soon engulfed into the backlash between the Canines, Reptilians, and the Humans. It all sparked out from a pact between the Canines and Reptilians, which was then destroyed when both sides grew suspicious of a new technology that was being made. Unfortunately, the Humans were on the verge of creating that new technology and once they showed it the other two races erupted outwards in a war due to paranoia. The Humans recent ruler believed that they would be able to manage to solve it peacefully by spreading the technology outward, but was assassinated for an unkown reason. The assassination only caused the fires of war to burn through the mainland and near islands, with rumors of each race being subject to at least one rumor to where the assassin came from. On the last day of the ninth year it raged, the Avians and the Aquatics allied together and swept across the nations, the Land-Born creatures remaining neutral so their trades would remain safe amongst all of the Races. With the two skilled and multitude of races bearing down on the bickering three, smiting down the other two leaders to show the score was even for the rumors and that if another war was started that the two nations would smite down whoever began it again.

Since then, the three major land based races have survived indirectly through the Land-Born, with the Avians residing over ethical matters and the Aquatics dealing with whatever has gone down in the presence of surrounding water. The Land-Born have even made attempts to unite all six classes to races multiple times, but have ended due to unfortunate circumstances, or due to ignorance from one or two representatives.


Crystalpunk is much like Steampunk in the matter of technology's capabilities, though crystalpunk has two major differences that set it apart from it's counterpart. The first is the use of the compact energy source of crystals, though they tend to not be able to be used consistently with the same stable effects as some steampunk gear, crystals can be easily interchanged and replaced for different effects making them much more flexible than the steam power source. The second is that Crystalspunk gear doesn't require a complete level of logic to how they would work, except that two crystals of different families can cause an explosion and some crystals are unstable. Archaic weapons, Ballistics, Vehicles, and even replacement body parts can be infused with a crystal to give it power and animation, depending on the item and the crystal used. A less-important detail is that steampunk gear is heavier than crystalpunk gear.